\chapter{Posterior Regularization} Posterior regularization is an alternative way of clustering the phrases. Unlike a Baysian approach where intuitions about the data are expressed through the priors, posterior regularization imposes constraints on posterior distributions of the data. In this chapter , we will introduce a basic clustering model with EM and look at shortcomings of the basic model. This will motivate us for more complicated posterior regularized models. \section{Phrase Clustering Model} As a brief recap, the clustering problem we are working with is to label phrases with $K$ induced categories, where $K$ is picked manually. Phrases are obtained from bi-text data. We also look at context words before and after phrases as cues for clustering. The relationship between phrases, contexts and categories are represented with a generative model shown in Figure \ref{fig:EM}: a phrase picks a category and then that category generates the contex for the phrase. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=3.5in]{EMdigram} \caption{Basic Phrase Clustering Model} \label{fig:EM} \end{figure} The joint probability of a category $z$ and a context $\textbf{c}$ given a phrase $\textbf{p}$ is \[ P(z,\textbf{c}|\textbf{p})=P(z|\textbf{p})P(\textbf{c}|z). \] $P(z|\textbf{p})$ is distribution of categories given a phrase. This can be learned from data. $P(\textbf{c}|z)$ is distribution of context given a category. Since a context usually contains multiple slots for words, we further decompose this distribution into independent distributions at each slot. For example, suppose a context consists of two positions before and after the phrase. Denote these words as $c_{-2},c_{-1},c_1,c_2$. Use $P_{-2},P_{-1},P_1,P_2$ to denote distributions of words at each position, $P(\textbf{c}|z)$ is decomposed as \[ P(\textbf{c}|z)=P_{-2}(c_{-2}|z)P_{-1} (c_{-1}|z)P_1(c_1|z)P_2(c_2|z). \] The posterior probability of a category given a phrase and a context can be computed by normalizing the joint probability: \[ P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c})=\frac{P(z,\textbf{c}|\textbf{p})} {\sum_{i=1,K}P(i,\textbf{c}|\textbf{p})}. \] With the mechanisms to compute the posterior probabilities, we can apply EM to learn all the probabilities. \section{Sparsity Constraints} A common linguistic intuition we have about the phrase clustering problem is that a phrase should be put into very few categories, e.g. a verb phrase is unlikely to be used as a noun phrase. In other words, the categorization of a phrase should be sparse. The generative model we proposed above with EM allows a phrase to be labelled with many tags. As we observed from the output, EM is using more categories than we wanted for each phrase. Posterior regularization provides a way to enforce sparsity \citep{ganchev:penn:2009}. The constraint we use here is called $l_1/ l_\infty$ regularization. In a more mathematical formulation, for each phrase $\textbf{p}$, we want the quantity \[\sum_{z=1}^K \max_i P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i) \] to be small, where $\textbf{c}_i$ is the context appeared around the $i$th occurrence of phrase $\textbf{p}$ throughout the data. This quantity roughly equals the number of categories phrase $\textbf{p}$ uses. It is minimized to $1$ if and only if the posterior distributions $P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i)$ are the same for all occurrences of $\textbf{p}$. That is , $\forall i,j$, $P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i)=P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_j)$.