#coding:utf8 import os import gzip import cdec import unittest from nose.tools import assert_almost_equals, assert_equal weights = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../tests/system_tests/australia/weights' ref_weights = {'WordPenalty': -2.844814, 'LanguageModel': 1.0, 'PhraseModel_0': -1.066893, 'PhraseModel_1': -0.752247, 'PhraseModel_2': -0.589793, 'PassThrough': -20.0, 'Glue': 0} grammar_file = os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/../../tests/system_tests/australia/australia.scfg.gz' input_sentence = u'澳洲 是 与 北韩 有 邦交 的 少数 国家 之一 。' ref_output_sentence = u'australia is have diplomatic relations with north korea one of the few countries .' ref_f_tree = u'(S (S (S (S (X 澳洲 是)) (X (X 与 北韩) 有 邦交)) (X 的 少数 国家 之一)) (X 。))' ref_e_tree = u'(S (S (S (S (X australia is)) (X have diplomatic relations (X with north korea))) (X one of the few countries)) (X .))' ref_fvector = {'PhraseModel_2': 7.082652, 'Glue': 3.0, 'PhraseModel_0': 2.014353, 'PhraseModel_1': 8.591477} def assert_fvector_equal(vec, ref): vecd = dict(vec) assert_equal(set(vecd.keys()), set(ref.keys())) for k, v in ref.items(): assert_almost_equals(vec[k], v, 6) class TestDecoder(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.decoder = cdec.Decoder(formalism='scfg') self.decoder.read_weights(weights) with gzip.open(grammar_file) as f: self.grammar = f.read() def test_weights(self): assert_fvector_equal(self.decoder.weights, ref_weights) def test_translate(self): forest = self.decoder.translate(input_sentence, grammar=self.grammar) assert_equal(forest.viterbi(), ref_output_sentence) f_tree, e_tree = forest.viterbi_trees() assert_equal(f_tree, ref_f_tree) assert_equal(e_tree, ref_e_tree) assert_fvector_equal(forest.viterbi_features(), ref_fvector)