# defines bilexical dictionaries in C, with some convenience methods # for reading arrays directly as globs directly from disk. # Adam Lopez from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, realloc, free from libc.string cimport memset, strcpy cdef struct _node: _node* smaller _node* bigger int key int val cdef _node* new_node(int key): cdef _node* n n = <_node*> malloc(sizeof(_node)) n.smaller = NULL n.bigger = NULL n.key = key n.val = 0 return n cdef del_node(_node* n): if n.smaller != NULL: del_node(n.smaller) if n.bigger != NULL: del_node(n.bigger) free(n) cdef int* get_val(_node* n, int key): if key == n.key: return &n.val elif key < n.key: if n.smaller == NULL: n.smaller = new_node(key) return &(n.smaller.val) return get_val(n.smaller, key) else: if n.bigger == NULL: n.bigger = new_node(key) return &(n.bigger.val) return get_val(n.bigger, key) cdef int NULL_WORD = 0 cdef class BiLex: cdef FloatList col1, col2 cdef IntList f_index, e_index cdef Vocabulary f_voc, e_voc def __cinit__(self, from_text=None, from_data=False, from_binary=None, earray=None, fsarray=None, alignment=None, mmaped=False): self.f_voc = Vocabulary() self.e_voc = Vocabulary() self.e_index = IntList() self.f_index = IntList() self.col1 = FloatList() self.col2 = FloatList() if from_binary: if mmaped: self.read_mmaped(MemoryMap(from_binary)) else: self.read_binary(from_binary) elif from_data: self.compute_from_data(fsarray, earray, alignment) else: self.read_text(from_text) cdef compute_from_data(self, SuffixArray fsa, DataArray eda, Alignment aa): cdef int sent_id, num_links, l, i, j, f_i, e_j, I, J, V_E, V_F, num_pairs cdef int *fsent, *esent, *alignment, *links, *ealigned, *faligned cdef _node** dict cdef int *fmargin, *emargin, *count self.f_voc.extend(fsa.darray.voc) self.e_voc.extend(eda.voc) assert(self.f_voc['NULL'] == self.e_voc['NULL'] == NULL_WORD) num_pairs = 0 V_E = len(eda.voc) V_F = len(fsa.darray.voc) fmargin = malloc(V_F*sizeof(int)) emargin = malloc(V_E*sizeof(int)) memset(fmargin, 0, V_F*sizeof(int)) memset(emargin, 0, V_E*sizeof(int)) dict = <_node**> malloc(V_F*sizeof(_node*)) memset(dict, 0, V_F*sizeof(_node*)) num_sents = len(fsa.darray.sent_index) for sent_id from 0 <= sent_id < num_sents-1: fsent = fsa.darray.data.arr + fsa.darray.sent_index.arr[sent_id] I = fsa.darray.sent_index.arr[sent_id+1] - fsa.darray.sent_index.arr[sent_id] - 1 faligned = malloc(I*sizeof(int)) memset(faligned, 0, I*sizeof(int)) esent = eda.data.arr + eda.sent_index.arr[sent_id] J = eda.sent_index.arr[sent_id+1] - eda.sent_index.arr[sent_id] - 1 ealigned = malloc(J*sizeof(int)) memset(ealigned, 0, J*sizeof(int)) links = aa._get_sent_links(sent_id, &num_links) for l from 0 <= l < num_links: i = links[l*2] j = links[l*2+1] if i >= I or j >= J: raise Exception("%d-%d out of bounds (I=%d,J=%d) in line %d\n" % (i,j,I,J,sent_id+1)) f_i = fsent[i] e_j = esent[j] fmargin[f_i] = fmargin[f_i]+1 emargin[e_j] = emargin[e_j]+1 if dict[f_i] == NULL: dict[f_i] = new_node(e_j) dict[f_i].val = 1 num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 else: count = get_val(dict[f_i], e_j) if count[0] == 0: num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 count[0] = count[0] + 1 # add count faligned[i] = 1 ealigned[j] = 1 for i from 0 <= i < I: if faligned[i] == 0: f_i = fsent[i] fmargin[f_i] = fmargin[f_i] + 1 emargin[NULL_WORD] = emargin[NULL_WORD] + 1 if dict[f_i] == NULL: dict[f_i] = new_node(NULL_WORD) dict[f_i].val = 1 num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 else: count = get_val(dict[f_i], NULL_WORD) if count[0] == 0: num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 count[0] = count[0] + 1 for j from 0 <= j < J: if ealigned[j] == 0: e_j = esent[j] fmargin[NULL_WORD] = fmargin[NULL_WORD] + 1 emargin[e_j] = emargin[e_j] + 1 if dict[NULL_WORD] == NULL: dict[NULL_WORD] = new_node(e_j) dict[NULL_WORD].val = 1 num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 else: count = get_val(dict[NULL_WORD], e_j) if count[0] == 0: num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 count[0] = count[0] + 1 free(links) free(faligned) free(ealigned) self.f_index = IntList(initial_len=V_F) self.e_index = IntList(initial_len=num_pairs) self.col1 = FloatList(initial_len=num_pairs) self.col2 = FloatList(initial_len=num_pairs) num_pairs = 0 for i from 0 <= i < V_F: #self.f_index[i] = num_pairs self.f_index.set(i, num_pairs) if dict[i] != NULL: self._add_node(dict[i], &num_pairs, float(fmargin[i]), emargin) del_node(dict[i]) free(fmargin) free(emargin) free(dict) return cdef _add_node(self, _node* n, int* num_pairs, float fmargin, int* emargin): cdef int loc if n.smaller != NULL: self._add_node(n.smaller, num_pairs, fmargin, emargin) loc = num_pairs[0] self.e_index.set(loc, n.key) self.col1.set(loc, float(n.val)/fmargin) self.col2.set(loc, float(n.val)/float(emargin[n.key])) num_pairs[0] = loc + 1 if n.bigger != NULL: self._add_node(n.bigger, num_pairs, fmargin, emargin) def write_binary(self, bytes filename): cdef FILE* f f = fopen(filename, "w") self.f_index.write_handle(f) self.e_index.write_handle(f) self.col1.write_handle(f) self.col2.write_handle(f) self.f_voc.write_handle(f) self.e_voc.write_handle(f) fclose(f) def read_binary(self, bytes filename): cdef FILE* f f = fopen(filename, "r") self.f_index.read_handle(f) self.e_index.read_handle(f) self.col1.read_handle(f) self.col2.read_handle(f) self.f_voc.read_handle(f) self.e_voc.read_handle(f) fclose(f) def read_mmaped(self, MemoryMap buf): self.f_index.read_mmaped(buf) self.e_index.read_mmaped(buf) self.col1.read_mmaped(buf) self.col2.read_mmaped(buf) self.f_voc.read_mmaped(buf) self.e_voc.read_mmaped(buf) def get_e_id(self, eword): return self.e_voc[eword] def get_f_id(self, fword): return self.f_voc[fword] def read_text(self, bytes filename): cdef i, j, w, e_id, f_id, n_f, n_e, N cdef IntList fcount fcount = IntList() with gzip_or_text(filename) as f: # first loop merely establishes size of array objects for line in f: (fword, eword, score1, score2) = line.split() f_id = self.get_f_id(fword) e_id = self.get_e_id(eword) while f_id >= len(fcount): fcount.append(0) fcount.arr[f_id] = fcount.arr[f_id] + 1 # Allocate space for dictionary in arrays N = 0 n_f = len(fcount) self.f_index = IntList(initial_len=n_f+1) for i from 0 <= i < n_f: self.f_index.arr[i] = N N = N + fcount.arr[i] fcount.arr[i] = 0 self.f_index.arr[n_f] = N self.e_index = IntList(initial_len=N) self.col1 = FloatList(initial_len=N) self.col2 = FloatList(initial_len=N) # Re-read file, placing words into buckets f.seek(0) for line in f: (fword, eword, score1, score2) = line.split() f_id = self.get_f_id(fword) e_id = self.get_e_id(eword) index = self.f_index.arr[f_id] + fcount.arr[f_id] fcount.arr[f_id] = fcount.arr[f_id] + 1 self.e_index.arr[index] = int(e_id) self.col1[index] = float(score1) self.col2[index] = float(score2) # Sort buckets by eword for b from 0 <= b < n_f: i = self.f_index.arr[b] j = self.f_index.arr[b+1] self.qsort(i, j) cdef swap(self, int i, int j): cdef int itmp cdef float ftmp if i == j: return itmp = self.e_index.arr[i] self.e_index.arr[i] = self.e_index.arr[j] self.e_index.arr[j] = itmp ftmp = self.col1.arr[i] self.col1.arr[i] = self.col1.arr[j] self.col1.arr[j] = ftmp ftmp = self.col2.arr[i] self.col2.arr[i] = self.col2.arr[j] self.col2.arr[j] = ftmp cdef qsort(self, int i, int j): cdef int pval, p if i > j: raise Exception("Sort error in CLex") if i == j: #empty interval return if i == j-1: # singleton interval return p = (i+j)/2 pval = self.e_index.arr[p] self.swap(i, p) p = i for k from i+1 <= k < j: if pval >= self.e_index.arr[k]: self.swap(p+1, k) self.swap(p, p+1) p = p + 1 self.qsort(i, p) self.qsort(p+1, j) def write_enhanced(self, bytes filename): with open(filename, "w") as f: for i in self.f_index: f.write("%d " % i) f.write("\n") for i, s1, s2 in zip(self.e_index, self.col1, self.col2): f.write("%d %f %f " % (i, s1, s2)) f.write("\n") for i, w in enumerate(self.f_voc.id2word): f.write("%d %s " % (i, w)) f.write("\n") for i, w in enumerate(self.f_voc.id2word): f.write("%d %s " % (i, w)) f.write("\n") def get_score(self, fword, eword, col): cdef e_id, f_id, low, high, midpoint, val f_id = self.f_voc.get(fword, None) e_id = self.e_voc.get(eword, None) if f_id is None or e_id is None: return None low = self.f_index.arr[f_id] high = self.f_index.arr[f_id+1] while high - low > 0: midpoint = (low+high)/2 val = self.e_index.arr[midpoint] if val == e_id: if col == 0: return self.col1.arr[midpoint] if col == 1: return self.col2.arr[midpoint] if val > e_id: high = midpoint if val < e_id: low = midpoint + 1 return None def write_text(self, bytes filename): """Note: does not guarantee writing the dictionary in the original order""" cdef i, N, e_id, f_id with open(filename, "w") as f: N = len(self.e_index) f_id = 0 for i from 0 <= i < N: while self.f_index.arr[f_id+1] == i: f_id = f_id + 1 e_id = self.e_index.arr[i] score1 = self.col1.arr[i] score2 = self.col2.arr[i] f.write("%s %s %.6f %.6f\n" % (self.f_voc.id2word[f_id], self.e_voc.id2word[e_id], score1, score2))