from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp.vector cimport vector from utils cimport * cimport decoder cdef char* as_str(data, char* error_msg='Cannot convert type %s to str'): cdef bytes ret if isinstance(data, unicode): ret = data.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(data, str): ret = data else: raise TypeError(error_msg.format(type(data))) return ret include "vectors.pxi" include "grammar.pxi" include "hypergraph.pxi" include "lattice.pxi" include "mteval.pxi" SetSilent(True) decoder.register_feature_functions() class InvalidConfig(Exception): pass class ParseFailed(Exception): pass def set_silent(yn): SetSilent(yn) def _make_config(config): for key, value in config.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): for name, info in value.items(): yield key, '%s %s' % (name, info) elif isinstance(value, list): for name in value: yield key, name else: yield key, str(value) cdef class Decoder: cdef decoder.Decoder* dec cdef DenseVector weights def __cinit__(self, config_str=None, **config): """ Configuration can be given as a string: Decoder('formalism = scfg') or using keyword arguments: Decoder(formalism='scfg') """ if config_str is None: formalism = config.get('formalism', None) if formalism not in ('scfg', 'fst', 'lextrans', 'pb', 'csplit', 'tagger', 'lexalign'): raise InvalidConfig('formalism "%s" unknown' % formalism) config_str = '\n'.join('%s = %s' % kv for kv in _make_config(config)) cdef istringstream* config_stream = new istringstream(config_str) self.dec = new decoder.Decoder(config_stream) del config_stream self.weights = DenseVector.__new__(DenseVector) self.weights.vector = &self.dec.CurrentWeightVector() self.weights.owned = True def __dealloc__(self): del self.dec property weights: def __get__(self): return self.weights def __set__(self, weights): if isinstance(weights, DenseVector): self.weights.vector[0] = ( weights).vector[0] elif isinstance(weights, SparseVector): self.weights.vector.clear() (( weights).vector[0]).init_vector(self.weights.vector) elif isinstance(weights, dict): self.weights.vector.clear() for fname, fval in weights.items(): self.weights[fname] = fval else: raise TypeError('cannot initialize weights with %s' % type(weights)) property formalism: def __get__(self): cdef variables_map* conf = &self.dec.GetConf() return str(conf[0]['formalism'].as_str().c_str()) def read_weights(self, weights): with open(weights) as fp: for line in fp: if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue fname, value = line.split() self.weights[fname.strip()] = float(value) def translate(self, sentence, grammar=None): cdef bytes input_str if isinstance(sentence, unicode) or isinstance(sentence, str): input_str = as_str(sentence.strip()) elif isinstance(sentence, Lattice): input_str = str(sentence) # PLF format else: raise TypeError('Cannot translate input type %s' % type(sentence)) if grammar: if isinstance(grammar, str) or isinstance(grammar, unicode): self.dec.AddSupplementalGrammarFromString(string(as_str(grammar))) else: self.dec.AddSupplementalGrammar(TextGrammar(grammar).grammar[0]) cdef decoder.BasicObserver observer = decoder.BasicObserver() self.dec.Decode(string(input_str), &observer) if observer.hypergraph == NULL: raise ParseFailed() cdef Hypergraph hg = Hypergraph() hg.hg = new hypergraph.Hypergraph(observer.hypergraph[0]) return hg