#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "filelib.h" #include "weights.h" #include "sparse_vector.h" #include "optimize.h" using namespace std; namespace po = boost::program_options; // since this is a ranking model, there should be equal numbers of // positive and negative examples so the bias should be 0 static const double MAX_BIAS = 1e-10; void InitCommandLine(int argc, char** argv, po::variables_map* conf) { po::options_description opts("Configuration options"); opts.add_options() ("weights,w", po::value(), "Weights from previous iteration (used as initialization and interpolation") ("interpolation,p",po::value()->default_value(0.9), "Output weights are p*w + (1-p)*w_prev") ("memory_buffers,m",po::value()->default_value(200), "Number of memory buffers (LBFGS)") ("sigma_squared,s",po::value()->default_value(1.0), "Sigma squared for Gaussian prior") ("testset,t",po::value(), "Optional held-out test set to tune regularizer") ("help,h", "Help"); po::options_description dcmdline_options; dcmdline_options.add(opts); po::store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, dcmdline_options), *conf); if (conf->count("help")) { cerr << dcmdline_options << endl; exit(1); } } void ParseSparseVector(string& line, size_t cur, SparseVector* out) { SparseVector& x = *out; size_t last_start = cur; size_t last_comma = string::npos; while(cur <= line.size()) { if (line[cur] == ' ' || cur == line.size()) { if (!(cur > last_start && last_comma != string::npos && cur > last_comma)) { cerr << "[ERROR] " << line << endl << " position = " << cur << endl; exit(1); } const int fid = FD::Convert(line.substr(last_start, last_comma - last_start)); if (cur < line.size()) line[cur] = 0; const double val = strtod(&line[last_comma + 1], NULL); x.set_value(fid, val); last_comma = string::npos; last_start = cur+1; } else { if (line[cur] == '=') last_comma = cur; } ++cur; } } void ReadCorpus(istream* pin, vector > >* corpus) { istream& in = *pin; corpus->clear(); bool flag = false; int lc = 0; string line; SparseVector x; while(getline(in, line)) { ++lc; if (lc % 1000 == 0) { cerr << '.'; flag = true; } if (lc % 40000 == 0) { cerr << " [" << lc << "]\n"; flag = false; } if (line.empty()) continue; const size_t ks = line.find("\t"); assert(string::npos != ks); assert(ks == 1); const bool y = line[0] == '1'; x.clear(); ParseSparseVector(line, ks + 1, &x); corpus->push_back(make_pair(y, x)); } if (flag) cerr << endl; } void GradAdd(const SparseVector& v, const double scale, vector* acc) { for (SparseVector::const_iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) { (*acc)[it->first] += it->second * scale; } } double TrainingInference(const vector& x, const vector > >& corpus, vector* g = NULL) { if (g) fill(g->begin(), g->end(), 0.0); double cll = 0; for (int i = 0; i < corpus.size(); ++i) { const double dotprod = corpus[i].second.dot(x) + x[0]; // x[0] is bias double lp_false = dotprod; double lp_true = -dotprod; if (0 < lp_true) { lp_true += log1p(exp(-lp_true)); lp_false = log1p(exp(lp_false)); } else { lp_true = log1p(exp(lp_true)); lp_false += log1p(exp(-lp_false)); } lp_true*=-1; lp_false*=-1; if (corpus[i].first) { // true label cll -= lp_true; if (g) { // g -= corpus[i].second * exp(lp_false); GradAdd(corpus[i].second, -exp(lp_false), g); (*g)[0] -= exp(lp_false); // bias } } else { // false label cll -= lp_false; if (g) { // g += corpus[i].second * exp(lp_true); GradAdd(corpus[i].second, exp(lp_true), g); (*g)[0] += exp(lp_true); // bias } } } return cll; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { po::variables_map conf; InitCommandLine(argc, argv, &conf); string line; vector > > training, testing; SparseVector old_weights; const double psi = conf["interpolation"].as(); if (psi < 0.0 || psi > 1.0) { cerr << "Invalid interpolation weight: " << psi << endl; } if (conf.count("weights")) { Weights w; w.InitFromFile(conf["weights"].as()); w.InitSparseVector(&old_weights); } ReadCorpus(&cin, &training); if (conf.count("testset")) { ReadFile rf(conf["testset"].as()); ReadCorpus(rf.stream(), &testing); } cerr << "Number of features: " << FD::NumFeats() << endl; vector x(FD::NumFeats(), 0.0); // x[0] is bias for (SparseVector::const_iterator it = old_weights.begin(); it != old_weights.end(); ++it) x[it->first] = it->second; vector vg(FD::NumFeats(), 0.0); bool converged = false; LBFGSOptimizer opt(FD::NumFeats(), conf["memory_buffers"].as()); while(!converged) { double cll = TrainingInference(x, training, &vg); double ppl = cll / log(2); ppl /= training.size(); ppl = pow(2.0, ppl); double tppl = 0.0; // evaluate optional held-out test set if (testing.size()) { tppl = TrainingInference(x, testing) / log(2); tppl /= testing.size(); tppl = pow(2.0, tppl); } // handle regularizer #if 1 const double sigsq = conf["sigma_squared"].as(); double norm = 0; for (int i = 1; i < x.size(); ++i) { const double mean_i = 0.0; const double param = (x[i] - mean_i); norm += param * param; vg[i] += param / sigsq; } const double reg = norm / (2.0 * sigsq); #else double reg = 0; #endif cll += reg; cerr << cll << " (REG=" << reg << ")\tPPL=" << ppl << "\t TEST_PPL=" << tppl << "\t"; try { vector old_x = x; do { opt.Optimize(cll, vg, &x); converged = opt.HasConverged(); } while (!converged && x == old_x); } catch (...) { cerr << "Exception caught, assuming convergence is close enough...\n"; converged = true; } if (fabs(x[0]) > MAX_BIAS) { cerr << "Biased model learned. Are your training instances wrong?\n"; cerr << " BIAS: " << x[0] << endl; } } Weights w; if (conf.count("weights")) { for (int i = 1; i < x.size(); ++i) x[i] = (x[i] * psi) + old_weights.get(i) * (1.0 - psi); } w.InitFromVector(x); w.WriteToFile("-"); return 0; }