#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; my @ORIG_ARGV=@ARGV; use Cwd qw(getcwd); my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR, "$SCRIPT_DIR/../environment"; } # Skip local config (used for distributing jobs) if we're running in local-only mode use LocalConfig; use Getopt::Long; use IPC::Open2; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; my $QSUB_CMD = qsub_args(mert_memory()); my $VEST_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/../vest"; require "$VEST_DIR/libcall.pl"; # Default settings my $srcFile; my $refFiles; my $bin_dir = $SCRIPT_DIR; die "Bin directory $bin_dir missing/inaccessible" unless -d $bin_dir; my $FAST_SCORE="$bin_dir/../mteval/fast_score"; die "Can't execute $FAST_SCORE" unless -x $FAST_SCORE; my $MAPINPUT = "$bin_dir/mr_pro_generate_mapper_input.pl"; my $MAPPER = "$bin_dir/mr_pro_map"; my $REDUCER = "$bin_dir/mr_pro_reduce"; my $parallelize = "$VEST_DIR/parallelize.pl"; my $libcall = "$VEST_DIR/libcall.pl"; my $sentserver = "$VEST_DIR/sentserver"; my $sentclient = "$VEST_DIR/sentclient"; my $LocalConfig = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../environment/LocalConfig.pm"; my $SCORER = $FAST_SCORE; die "Can't find $MAPPER" unless -x $MAPPER; my $cdec = "$bin_dir/../decoder/cdec"; die "Can't find decoder in $cdec" unless -x $cdec; die "Can't find $parallelize" unless -x $parallelize; die "Can't find $libcall" unless -e $libcall; my $decoder = $cdec; my $lines_per_mapper = 30; my $iteration = 1; my $run_local = 0; my $best_weights; my $psi = 1; my $max_iterations = 30; my $decode_nodes = 15; # number of decode nodes my $pmem = "4g"; my $disable_clean = 0; my %seen_weights; my $help = 0; my $epsilon = 0.0001; my $dryrun = 0; my $last_score = -10000000; my $metric = "ibm_bleu"; my $dir; my $iniFile; my $weights; my $use_make; # use make to parallelize my $usefork; my $initial_weights; my $pass_suffix = ''; my $cpbin=1; # regularization strength my $tune_regularizer = 0; my $reg = 10; my $reg_previous = 0; # Process command-line options Getopt::Long::Configure("no_auto_abbrev"); if (GetOptions( "decode-nodes=i" => \$decode_nodes, "dont-clean" => \$disable_clean, "pass-suffix=s" => \$pass_suffix, "use-fork" => \$usefork, "dry-run" => \$dryrun, "epsilon=s" => \$epsilon, "interpolate-with-weights=f" => \$psi, "help" => \$help, "weights=s" => \$initial_weights, "tune-regularizer" => \$tune_regularizer, "reg=f" => \$reg, "reg-previous=f" => \$reg_previous, "local" => \$run_local, "use-make=i" => \$use_make, "max-iterations=i" => \$max_iterations, "pmem=s" => \$pmem, "cpbin!" => \$cpbin, "ref-files=s" => \$refFiles, "metric=s" => \$metric, "source-file=s" => \$srcFile, "workdir=s" => \$dir, ) == 0 || @ARGV!=1 || $help) { print_help(); exit; } die "--tune-regularizer is no longer supported with --reg-previous and --reg. Please tune manually.\n" if $tune_regularizer; if ($usefork) { $usefork = "--use-fork"; } else { $usefork = ''; } if ($metric =~ /^(combi|ter)$/i) { $lines_per_mapper = 5; } ($iniFile) = @ARGV; sub write_config; sub enseg; sub print_help; my $nodelist; my $host =check_output("hostname"); chomp $host; my $bleu; my $interval_count = 0; my $logfile; my $projected_score; # used in sorting scores my $DIR_FLAG = '-r'; if ($metric =~ /^ter$|^aer$/i) { $DIR_FLAG = ''; } my $refs_comma_sep = get_comma_sep_refs('r',$refFiles); unless ($dir){ $dir = "protrain"; } unless ($dir =~ /^\//){ # convert relative path to absolute path my $basedir = check_output("pwd"); chomp $basedir; $dir = "$basedir/$dir"; } # Initializations and helper functions srand; my @childpids = (); my @cleanupcmds = (); sub cleanup { print STDERR "Cleanup...\n"; for my $pid (@childpids){ unchecked_call("kill $pid"); } for my $cmd (@cleanupcmds){ unchecked_call("$cmd"); } exit 1; }; # Always call cleanup, no matter how we exit *CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub{ cleanup(); }; $SIG{INT} = "cleanup"; $SIG{TERM} = "cleanup"; $SIG{HUP} = "cleanup"; my $decoderBase = check_output("basename $decoder"); chomp $decoderBase; my $newIniFile = "$dir/$decoderBase.ini"; my $inputFileName = "$dir/input"; my $user = $ENV{"USER"}; # process ini file -e $iniFile || die "Error: could not open $iniFile for reading\n"; open(INI, $iniFile); use File::Basename qw(basename); #pass bindir, refs to vars holding bin sub modbin { local $_; my $bindir=shift; check_call("mkdir -p $bindir"); -d $bindir || die "couldn't make bindir $bindir"; for (@_) { my $src=$$_; $$_="$bindir/".basename($src); check_call("cp -p $src $$_"); } } sub dirsize { opendir ISEMPTY,$_[0]; return scalar(readdir(ISEMPTY))-1; } my @allweights; if ($dryrun){ write_config(*STDERR); exit 0; } else { if (-e $dir && dirsize($dir)>1 && -e "$dir/hgs" ){ # allow preexisting logfile, binaries, but not dist-pro.pl outputs die "ERROR: working dir $dir already exists\n\n"; } else { -e $dir || mkdir $dir; mkdir "$dir/hgs"; modbin("$dir/bin",\$LocalConfig,\$cdec,\$SCORER,\$MAPINPUT,\$MAPPER,\$REDUCER,\$parallelize,\$sentserver,\$sentclient,\$libcall) if $cpbin; mkdir "$dir/scripts"; my $cmdfile="$dir/rerun-pro.sh"; open CMD,'>',$cmdfile; print CMD "cd ",&getcwd,"\n"; # print CMD &escaped_cmdline,"\n"; #buggy - last arg is quoted. my $cline=&cmdline."\n"; print CMD $cline; close CMD; print STDERR $cline; chmod(0755,$cmdfile); check_call("cp $initial_weights $dir/weights.0"); die "Can't find weights.0" unless (-e "$dir/weights.0"); } write_config(*STDERR); } # Generate initial files and values check_call("cp $iniFile $newIniFile"); $iniFile = $newIniFile; my $newsrc = "$dir/dev.input"; enseg($srcFile, $newsrc); $srcFile = $newsrc; my $devSize = 0; open F, "<$srcFile" or die "Can't read $srcFile: $!"; while() { $devSize++; } close F; unless($best_weights){ $best_weights = $weights; } unless($projected_score){ $projected_score = 0.0; } $seen_weights{$weights} = 1; my $random_seed = int(time / 1000); my $lastWeightsFile; my $lastPScore = 0; # main optimization loop while (1){ print STDERR "\n\nITERATION $iteration\n==========\n"; if ($iteration > $max_iterations){ print STDERR "\nREACHED STOPPING CRITERION: Maximum iterations\n"; last; } # iteration-specific files my $runFile="$dir/run.raw.$iteration"; my $onebestFile="$dir/1best.$iteration"; my $logdir="$dir/logs.$iteration"; my $decoderLog="$logdir/decoder.sentserver.log.$iteration"; my $scorerLog="$logdir/scorer.log.$iteration"; check_call("mkdir -p $logdir"); #decode print STDERR "RUNNING DECODER AT "; print STDERR unchecked_output("date"); my $im1 = $iteration - 1; my $weightsFile="$dir/weights.$im1"; push @allweights, "-w $dir/weights.$im1"; `rm -f $dir/hgs/*.gz`; my $decoder_cmd = "$decoder -c $iniFile --weights$pass_suffix $weightsFile -O $dir/hgs"; my $pcmd; if ($run_local) { $pcmd = "cat $srcFile |"; } elsif ($use_make) { # TODO: Throw error when decode_nodes is specified along with use_make $pcmd = "cat $srcFile | $parallelize --use-fork -p $pmem -e $logdir -j $use_make --"; } else { $pcmd = "cat $srcFile | $parallelize $usefork -p $pmem -e $logdir -j $decode_nodes --"; } my $cmd = "$pcmd $decoder_cmd 2> $decoderLog 1> $runFile"; print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$cmd\n"; check_bash_call($cmd); my $num_hgs; my $num_topbest; my $retries = 0; while($retries < 5) { $num_hgs = check_output("ls $dir/hgs/*.gz | wc -l"); $num_topbest = check_output("wc -l < $runFile"); print STDERR "NUMBER OF HGs: $num_hgs\n"; print STDERR "NUMBER OF TOP-BEST HYPs: $num_topbest\n"; if($devSize == $num_hgs && $devSize == $num_topbest) { last; } else { print STDERR "Incorrect number of hypergraphs or topbest. Waiting for distributed filesystem and retrying...\n"; sleep(3); } $retries++; } die "Dev set contains $devSize sentences, but we don't have topbest and hypergraphs for all these! Decoder failure? Check $decoderLog\n" if ($devSize != $num_hgs || $devSize != $num_topbest); my $dec_score = check_output("cat $runFile | $SCORER $refs_comma_sep -l $metric"); chomp $dec_score; print STDERR "DECODER SCORE: $dec_score\n"; # save space check_call("gzip -f $runFile"); check_call("gzip -f $decoderLog"); # run optimizer print STDERR "RUNNING OPTIMIZER AT "; print STDERR unchecked_output("date"); print STDERR " - GENERATE TRAINING EXEMPLARS\n"; my $mergeLog="$logdir/prune-merge.log.$iteration"; my $score = 0; my $icc = 0; my $inweights="$dir/weights.$im1"; $cmd="$MAPINPUT $dir/hgs > $dir/agenda.$im1"; print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$cmd\n"; check_call($cmd); check_call("mkdir -p $dir/splag.$im1"); $cmd="split -a 3 -l $lines_per_mapper $dir/agenda.$im1 $dir/splag.$im1/mapinput."; print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$cmd\n"; check_call($cmd); opendir(DIR, "$dir/splag.$im1") or die "Can't open directory: $!"; my @shards = grep { /^mapinput\./ } readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; die "No shards!" unless scalar @shards > 0; my $joblist = ""; my $nmappers = 0; @cleanupcmds = (); my %o2i = (); my $first_shard = 1; my $mkfile; # only used with makefiles my $mkfilename; if ($use_make) { $mkfilename = "$dir/splag.$im1/domap.mk"; open $mkfile, ">$mkfilename" or die "Couldn't write $mkfilename: $!"; print $mkfile "all: $dir/splag.$im1/map.done\n\n"; } my @mkouts = (); # only used with makefiles my @mapoutputs = (); for my $shard (@shards) { my $mapoutput = $shard; my $client_name = $shard; $client_name =~ s/mapinput.//; $client_name = "pro.$client_name"; $mapoutput =~ s/mapinput/mapoutput/; push @mapoutputs, "$dir/splag.$im1/$mapoutput"; $o2i{"$dir/splag.$im1/$mapoutput"} = "$dir/splag.$im1/$shard"; my $script = "$MAPPER -s $srcFile -l $metric $refs_comma_sep -w $inweights -K $dir/kbest < $dir/splag.$im1/$shard > $dir/splag.$im1/$mapoutput"; if ($run_local) { print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$script\n"; check_bash_call($script); } elsif ($use_make) { my $script_file = "$dir/scripts/map.$shard"; open F, ">$script_file" or die "Can't write $script_file: $!"; print F "#!/bin/bash\n"; print F "$script\n"; close F; my $output = "$dir/splag.$im1/$mapoutput"; push @mkouts, $output; chmod(0755, $script_file) or die "Can't chmod $script_file: $!"; if ($first_shard) { print STDERR "$script\n"; $first_shard=0; } print $mkfile "$output: $dir/splag.$im1/$shard\n\t$script_file\n\n"; } else { my $script_file = "$dir/scripts/map.$shard"; open F, ">$script_file" or die "Can't write $script_file: $!"; print F "$script\n"; close F; if ($first_shard) { print STDERR "$script\n"; $first_shard=0; } $nmappers++; my $qcmd = "$QSUB_CMD -N $client_name -o /dev/null -e $logdir/$client_name.ER $script_file"; my $jobid = check_output("$qcmd"); chomp $jobid; $jobid =~ s/^(\d+)(.*?)$/\1/g; $jobid =~ s/^Your job (\d+) .*$/\1/; push(@cleanupcmds, "qdel $jobid 2> /dev/null"); print STDERR " $jobid"; if ($joblist == "") { $joblist = $jobid; } else {$joblist = $joblist . "\|" . $jobid; } } } my @dev_outs = (); my @devtest_outs = (); if ($tune_regularizer) { for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @mapoutputs; $i++) { if ($i % 3 == 1) { push @devtest_outs, $mapoutputs[$i]; } else { push @dev_outs, $mapoutputs[$i]; } } if (scalar @devtest_outs == 0) { die "Not enough training instances for regularization tuning! Rerun without --tune-regularizer\n"; } } else { @dev_outs = @mapoutputs; } if ($run_local) { print STDERR "\nCompleted extraction of training exemplars.\n"; } elsif ($use_make) { print $mkfile "$dir/splag.$im1/map.done: @mkouts\n\ttouch $dir/splag.$im1/map.done\n\n"; close $mkfile; my $mcmd = "make -j $use_make -f $mkfilename"; print STDERR "\nExecuting: $mcmd\n"; check_call($mcmd); } else { print STDERR "\nLaunched $nmappers mappers.\n"; sleep 8; print STDERR "Waiting for mappers to complete...\n"; while ($nmappers > 0) { sleep 5; my @livejobs = grep(/$joblist/, split(/\n/, unchecked_output("qstat | grep -v ' C '"))); $nmappers = scalar @livejobs; } print STDERR "All mappers complete.\n"; } my $tol = 0; my $til = 0; my $dev_test_file = "$dir/splag.$im1/devtest.gz"; if ($tune_regularizer) { my $cmd = "cat @devtest_outs | gzip > $dev_test_file"; check_bash_call($cmd); die "Can't find file $dev_test_file" unless -f $dev_test_file; } #print STDERR "MO: @mapoutputs\n"; for my $mo (@mapoutputs) { #my $olines = get_lines($mo); #my $ilines = get_lines($o2i{$mo}); #die "$mo: no training instances generated!" if $olines == 0; } print STDERR "\nRUNNING CLASSIFIER (REDUCER)\n"; print STDERR unchecked_output("date"); $cmd="cat @dev_outs | $REDUCER -w $dir/weights.$im1 -C $reg -y $reg_previous --interpolate_with_weights $psi"; if ($tune_regularizer) { $cmd .= " -T -t $dev_test_file"; } $cmd .= " > $dir/weights.$iteration"; print STDERR "COMMAND:\n$cmd\n"; check_bash_call($cmd); $lastWeightsFile = "$dir/weights.$iteration"; if ($tune_regularizer) { open W, "<$lastWeightsFile" or die "Can't read $lastWeightsFile: $!"; my $line = ; close W; my ($sharp, $label, $nreg) = split /\s|=/, $line; print STDERR "REGULARIZATION STRENGTH ($label) IS $nreg\n"; $reg = $nreg; # only tune regularizer on first iteration? $tune_regularizer = 0; } $lastPScore = $score; $iteration++; print STDERR "\n==========\n"; } print STDERR "\nFINAL WEIGHTS: $lastWeightsFile\n(Use -w with the decoder)\n\n"; print STDOUT "$lastWeightsFile\n"; exit 0; sub get_lines { my $fn = shift @_; open FL, "<$fn" or die "Couldn't read $fn: $!"; my $lc = 0; while() { $lc++; } return $lc; } sub get_comma_sep_refs { my ($r,$p) = @_; my $o = check_output("echo $p"); chomp $o; my @files = split /\s+/, $o; return "-$r " . join(" -$r ", @files); } sub read_weights_file { my ($file) = @_; open F, "<$file" or die "Couldn't read $file: $!"; my @r = (); my $pm = -1; while() { next if /^#/; next if /^\s*$/; chomp; if (/^(.+)\s+(.+)$/) { my $m = $1; my $w = $2; die "Weights out of order: $m <= $pm" unless $m > $pm; push @r, $w; } else { warn "Unexpected feature name in weight file: $_"; } } close F; return join ' ', @r; } # subs sub write_config { my $fh = shift; my $cleanup = "yes"; if ($disable_clean) {$cleanup = "no";} print $fh "\n"; print $fh "DECODER: $decoder\n"; print $fh "INI FILE: $iniFile\n"; print $fh "WORKING DIR: $dir\n"; print $fh "SOURCE (DEV): $srcFile\n"; print $fh "REFS (DEV): $refFiles\n"; print $fh "EVAL METRIC: $metric\n"; print $fh "MAX ITERATIONS: $max_iterations\n"; print $fh "DECODE NODES: $decode_nodes\n"; print $fh "HEAD NODE: $host\n"; print $fh "PMEM (DECODING): $pmem\n"; print $fh "CLEANUP: $cleanup\n"; } sub update_weights_file { my ($neww, $rfn, $rpts) = @_; my @feats = @$rfn; my @pts = @$rpts; my $num_feats = scalar @feats; my $num_pts = scalar @pts; die "$num_feats (num_feats) != $num_pts (num_pts)" unless $num_feats == $num_pts; open G, ">$neww" or die; for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_feats; $i++) { my $f = $feats[$i]; my $lambda = $pts[$i]; print G "$f $lambda\n"; } close G; } sub enseg { my $src = shift; my $newsrc = shift; open(SRC, $src); open(NEWSRC, ">$newsrc"); my $i=0; while (my $line=){ chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^\s* tags, you must include a zero-based id attribute"; } } else { print NEWSRC "$line\n"; } $i++; } close SRC; close NEWSRC; die "Empty dev set!" if ($i == 0); } sub print_help { my $executable = check_output("basename $0"); chomp $executable; print << "Help"; Usage: $executable [options] $executable [options] Runs a complete MERT optimization and test set decoding, using the decoder configuration in ini file. Note that many of the options have default values that are inferred automatically based on certain conventions. For details, refer to descriptions of the options --decoder, --weights, and --workdir. Required: --ref-files Dev set ref files. This option takes only a single string argument. To use multiple files (including file globbing), this argument should be quoted. --source-file Dev set source file. --weights Initial weights file (use empty file to start from 0) General options: --local Run the decoder and optimizer locally with a single thread. --decode-nodes Number of decoder processes to run in parallel. [default=15] --help Print this message and exit. --max-iterations Maximum number of iterations to run. If not specified, defaults to 10. --metric Metric to optimize. Example values: IBM_BLEU, NIST_BLEU, Koehn_BLEU, TER, Combi --pass-suffix If the decoder is doing multi-pass decoding, the pass suffix "2", "3", etc., is used to control what iteration of weights is set. --pmem Amount of physical memory requested for parallel decoding jobs. --use-make Use make -j to run the optimizer commands (useful on large shared-memory machines where qsub is unavailable). --workdir Directory for intermediate and output files. If not specified, the name is derived from the ini filename. Assuming that the ini filename begins with the decoder name and ends with ini, the default name of the working directory is inferred from the middle part of the filename. E.g. an ini file named decoder.foo.ini would have a default working directory name foo. Regularization options: --interpolate-with-weights [deprecated] At each iteration the resulting weights are interpolated with the weights from the previous iteration, with this factor. --tune-regularizer Hold out one third of the tuning data and used this to tune the regularization parameter. [this doesn't work well] --reg l2 regularization strength --reg-previous l2 penalty for moving away from the weights from the previous iteration. Help } sub convert { my ($str) = @_; my @ps = split /;/, $str; my %dict = (); for my $p (@ps) { my ($k, $v) = split /=/, $p; $dict{$k} = $v; } return %dict; } sub cmdline { return join ' ',($0,@ORIG_ARGV); } #buggy: last arg gets quoted sometimes? my $is_shell_special=qr{[ \t\n\\><|&;"'`~*?{}$!()]}; my $shell_escape_in_quote=qr{[\\"\$`!]}; sub escape_shell { my ($arg)=@_; return undef unless defined $arg; if ($arg =~ /$is_shell_special/) { $arg =~ s/($shell_escape_in_quote)/\\$1/g; return "\"$arg\""; } return $arg; } sub escaped_shell_args { return map {local $_=$_;chomp;escape_shell($_)} @_; } sub escaped_shell_args_str { return join ' ',&escaped_shell_args(@_); } sub escaped_cmdline { return "$0 ".&escaped_shell_args_str(@ORIG_ARGV); }