#include "lm/model.hh" #include "lm/blank.hh" #include "lm/lm_exception.hh" #include "lm/search_hashed.hh" #include "lm/search_trie.hh" #include "lm/read_arpa.hh" #include "util/have.hh" #include "util/murmur_hash.hh" #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <numeric> #include <cmath> #include <limits> namespace lm { namespace ngram { namespace detail { template <class Search, class VocabularyT> const ModelType GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::kModelType = Search::kModelType; template <class Search, class VocabularyT> uint64_t GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::Size(const std::vector<uint64_t> &counts, const Config &config) { return VocabularyT::Size(counts[0], config) + Search::Size(counts, config); } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> void GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::SetupMemory(void *base, const std::vector<uint64_t> &counts, const Config &config) { size_t goal_size = util::CheckOverflow(Size(counts, config)); uint8_t *start = static_cast<uint8_t*>(base); size_t allocated = VocabularyT::Size(counts[0], config); vocab_.SetupMemory(start, allocated, counts[0], config); start += allocated; start = search_.SetupMemory(start, counts, config); if (static_cast<std::size_t>(start - static_cast<uint8_t*>(base)) != goal_size) UTIL_THROW(FormatLoadException, "The data structures took " << (start - static_cast<uint8_t*>(base)) << " but Size says they should take " << goal_size); } namespace { void ComplainAboutARPA(const Config &config, ModelType model_type) { if (config.write_mmap || !config.messages) return; if (config.arpa_complain == Config::ALL) { *config.messages << "Loading the LM will be faster if you build a binary file." << std::endl; } else if (config.arpa_complain == Config::EXPENSIVE && (model_type == TRIE || model_type == QUANT_TRIE || model_type == ARRAY_TRIE || model_type == QUANT_ARRAY_TRIE)) { *config.messages << "Building " << kModelNames[model_type] << " from ARPA is expensive. Save time by building a binary format." << std::endl; } } void CheckCounts(const std::vector<uint64_t> &counts) { UTIL_THROW_IF(counts.size() > KENLM_MAX_ORDER, FormatLoadException, "This model has order " << counts.size() << " but KenLM was compiled to support up to " << KENLM_MAX_ORDER << ". " << KENLM_ORDER_MESSAGE); if (sizeof(uint64_t) > sizeof(std::size_t)) { for (std::vector<uint64_t>::const_iterator i = counts.begin(); i != counts.end(); ++i) { UTIL_THROW_IF(*i > static_cast<uint64_t>(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()), util::OverflowException, "This model has " << *i << " " << (i - counts.begin() + 1) << "-grams which is too many for 32-bit machines."); } } } } // namespace template <class Search, class VocabularyT> GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::GenericModel(const char *file, const Config &init_config) : backing_(init_config) { util::scoped_fd fd(util::OpenReadOrThrow(file)); if (IsBinaryFormat(fd.get())) { Parameters parameters; int fd_shallow = fd.release(); backing_.InitializeBinary(fd_shallow, kModelType, kVersion, parameters); CheckCounts(parameters.counts); Config new_config(init_config); new_config.probing_multiplier = parameters.fixed.probing_multiplier; Search::UpdateConfigFromBinary(backing_, parameters.counts, VocabularyT::Size(parameters.counts[0], new_config), new_config); UTIL_THROW_IF(new_config.enumerate_vocab && !parameters.fixed.has_vocabulary, FormatLoadException, "The decoder requested all the vocabulary strings, but this binary file does not have them. You may need to rebuild the binary file with an updated version of build_binary."); SetupMemory(backing_.LoadBinary(Size(parameters.counts, new_config)), parameters.counts, new_config); vocab_.LoadedBinary(parameters.fixed.has_vocabulary, fd_shallow, new_config.enumerate_vocab, backing_.VocabStringReadingOffset()); } else { ComplainAboutARPA(init_config, kModelType); InitializeFromARPA(fd.release(), file, init_config); } // g++ prints warnings unless these are fully initialized. State begin_sentence = State(); begin_sentence.length = 1; begin_sentence.words[0] = vocab_.BeginSentence(); typename Search::Node ignored_node; bool ignored_independent_left; uint64_t ignored_extend_left; begin_sentence.backoff[0] = search_.LookupUnigram(begin_sentence.words[0], ignored_node, ignored_independent_left, ignored_extend_left).Backoff(); State null_context = State(); null_context.length = 0; P::Init(begin_sentence, null_context, vocab_, search_.Order()); } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> void GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::InitializeFromARPA(int fd, const char *file, const Config &config) { // Backing file is the ARPA. util::FilePiece f(fd, file, config.ProgressMessages()); try { std::vector<uint64_t> counts; // File counts do not include pruned trigrams that extend to quadgrams etc. These will be fixed by search_. ReadARPACounts(f, counts); CheckCounts(counts); if (counts.size() < 2) UTIL_THROW(FormatLoadException, "This ngram implementation assumes at least a bigram model."); if (config.probing_multiplier <= 1.0) UTIL_THROW(ConfigException, "probing multiplier must be > 1.0"); std::size_t vocab_size = util::CheckOverflow(VocabularyT::Size(counts[0], config)); // Setup the binary file for writing the vocab lookup table. The search_ is responsible for growing the binary file to its needs. vocab_.SetupMemory(backing_.SetupJustVocab(vocab_size, counts.size()), vocab_size, counts[0], config); if (config.write_mmap && config.include_vocab) { WriteWordsWrapper wrap(config.enumerate_vocab); vocab_.ConfigureEnumerate(&wrap, counts[0]); search_.InitializeFromARPA(file, f, counts, config, vocab_, backing_); void *vocab_rebase, *search_rebase; backing_.WriteVocabWords(wrap.Buffer(), vocab_rebase, search_rebase); // Due to writing at the end of file, mmap may have relocated data. So remap. vocab_.Relocate(vocab_rebase); search_.SetupMemory(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(search_rebase), counts, config); } else { vocab_.ConfigureEnumerate(config.enumerate_vocab, counts[0]); search_.InitializeFromARPA(file, f, counts, config, vocab_, backing_); } if (!vocab_.SawUnk()) { assert(config.unknown_missing != THROW_UP); // Default probabilities for unknown. search_.UnknownUnigram().backoff = 0.0; search_.UnknownUnigram().prob = config.unknown_missing_logprob; } backing_.FinishFile(config, kModelType, kVersion, counts); } catch (util::Exception &e) { e << " Byte: " << f.Offset(); throw; } } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> FullScoreReturn GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::FullScore(const State &in_state, const WordIndex new_word, State &out_state) const { FullScoreReturn ret = ScoreExceptBackoff(in_state.words, in_state.words + in_state.length, new_word, out_state); for (const float *i = in_state.backoff + ret.ngram_length - 1; i < in_state.backoff + in_state.length; ++i) { ret.prob += *i; } return ret; } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> FullScoreReturn GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::FullScoreForgotState(const WordIndex *context_rbegin, const WordIndex *context_rend, const WordIndex new_word, State &out_state) const { context_rend = std::min(context_rend, context_rbegin + P::Order() - 1); FullScoreReturn ret = ScoreExceptBackoff(context_rbegin, context_rend, new_word, out_state); // Add the backoff weights for n-grams of order start to (context_rend - context_rbegin). unsigned char start = ret.ngram_length; if (context_rend - context_rbegin < static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(start)) return ret; bool independent_left; uint64_t extend_left; typename Search::Node node; if (start <= 1) { ret.prob += search_.LookupUnigram(*context_rbegin, node, independent_left, extend_left).Backoff(); start = 2; } else if (!search_.FastMakeNode(context_rbegin, context_rbegin + start - 1, node)) { return ret; } // i is the order of the backoff we're looking for. unsigned char order_minus_2 = start - 2; for (const WordIndex *i = context_rbegin + start - 1; i < context_rend; ++i, ++order_minus_2) { typename Search::MiddlePointer p(search_.LookupMiddle(order_minus_2, *i, node, independent_left, extend_left)); if (!p.Found()) break; ret.prob += p.Backoff(); } return ret; } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> void GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::GetState(const WordIndex *context_rbegin, const WordIndex *context_rend, State &out_state) const { // Generate a state from context. context_rend = std::min(context_rend, context_rbegin + P::Order() - 1); if (context_rend == context_rbegin) { out_state.length = 0; return; } typename Search::Node node; bool independent_left; uint64_t extend_left; out_state.backoff[0] = search_.LookupUnigram(*context_rbegin, node, independent_left, extend_left).Backoff(); out_state.length = HasExtension(out_state.backoff[0]) ? 1 : 0; float *backoff_out = out_state.backoff + 1; unsigned char order_minus_2 = 0; for (const WordIndex *i = context_rbegin + 1; i < context_rend; ++i, ++backoff_out, ++order_minus_2) { typename Search::MiddlePointer p(search_.LookupMiddle(order_minus_2, *i, node, independent_left, extend_left)); if (!p.Found()) { std::copy(context_rbegin, context_rbegin + out_state.length, out_state.words); return; } *backoff_out = p.Backoff(); if (HasExtension(*backoff_out)) out_state.length = i - context_rbegin + 1; } std::copy(context_rbegin, context_rbegin + out_state.length, out_state.words); } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> FullScoreReturn GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::ExtendLeft( const WordIndex *add_rbegin, const WordIndex *add_rend, const float *backoff_in, uint64_t extend_pointer, unsigned char extend_length, float *backoff_out, unsigned char &next_use) const { FullScoreReturn ret; typename Search::Node node; if (extend_length == 1) { typename Search::UnigramPointer ptr(search_.LookupUnigram(static_cast<WordIndex>(extend_pointer), node, ret.independent_left, ret.extend_left)); ret.rest = ptr.Rest(); ret.prob = ptr.Prob(); assert(!ret.independent_left); } else { typename Search::MiddlePointer ptr(search_.Unpack(extend_pointer, extend_length, node)); ret.rest = ptr.Rest(); ret.prob = ptr.Prob(); ret.extend_left = extend_pointer; // If this function is called, then it does depend on left words. ret.independent_left = false; } float subtract_me = ret.rest; ret.ngram_length = extend_length; next_use = extend_length; ResumeScore(add_rbegin, add_rend, extend_length - 1, node, backoff_out, next_use, ret); next_use -= extend_length; // Charge backoffs. for (const float *b = backoff_in + ret.ngram_length - extend_length; b < backoff_in + (add_rend - add_rbegin); ++b) ret.prob += *b; ret.prob -= subtract_me; ret.rest -= subtract_me; return ret; } namespace { // Do a paraonoid copy of history, assuming new_word has already been copied // (hence the -1). out_state.length could be zero so I avoided using // std::copy. void CopyRemainingHistory(const WordIndex *from, State &out_state) { WordIndex *out = out_state.words + 1; const WordIndex *in_end = from + static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(out_state.length) - 1; for (const WordIndex *in = from; in < in_end; ++in, ++out) *out = *in; } } // namespace /* Ugly optimized function. Produce a score excluding backoff. * The search goes in increasing order of ngram length. * Context goes backward, so context_begin is the word immediately preceeding * new_word. */ template <class Search, class VocabularyT> FullScoreReturn GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::ScoreExceptBackoff( const WordIndex *const context_rbegin, const WordIndex *const context_rend, const WordIndex new_word, State &out_state) const { assert(new_word < vocab_.Bound()); FullScoreReturn ret; // ret.ngram_length contains the last known non-blank ngram length. ret.ngram_length = 1; typename Search::Node node; typename Search::UnigramPointer uni(search_.LookupUnigram(new_word, node, ret.independent_left, ret.extend_left)); out_state.backoff[0] = uni.Backoff(); ret.prob = uni.Prob(); ret.rest = uni.Rest(); // This is the length of the context that should be used for continuation to the right. out_state.length = HasExtension(out_state.backoff[0]) ? 1 : 0; // We'll write the word anyway since it will probably be used and does no harm being there. out_state.words[0] = new_word; if (context_rbegin == context_rend) return ret; ResumeScore(context_rbegin, context_rend, 0, node, out_state.backoff + 1, out_state.length, ret); CopyRemainingHistory(context_rbegin, out_state); return ret; } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> void GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::ResumeScore(const WordIndex *hist_iter, const WordIndex *const context_rend, unsigned char order_minus_2, typename Search::Node &node, float *backoff_out, unsigned char &next_use, FullScoreReturn &ret) const { for (; ; ++order_minus_2, ++hist_iter, ++backoff_out) { if (hist_iter == context_rend) return; if (ret.independent_left) return; if (order_minus_2 == P::Order() - 2) break; typename Search::MiddlePointer pointer(search_.LookupMiddle(order_minus_2, *hist_iter, node, ret.independent_left, ret.extend_left)); if (!pointer.Found()) return; *backoff_out = pointer.Backoff(); ret.prob = pointer.Prob(); ret.rest = pointer.Rest(); ret.ngram_length = order_minus_2 + 2; if (HasExtension(*backoff_out)) { next_use = ret.ngram_length; } } ret.independent_left = true; typename Search::LongestPointer longest(search_.LookupLongest(*hist_iter, node)); if (longest.Found()) { ret.prob = longest.Prob(); ret.rest = ret.prob; // There is no blank in longest_. ret.ngram_length = P::Order(); } } template <class Search, class VocabularyT> float GenericModel<Search, VocabularyT>::InternalUnRest(const uint64_t *pointers_begin, const uint64_t *pointers_end, unsigned char first_length) const { float ret; typename Search::Node node; if (first_length == 1) { if (pointers_begin >= pointers_end) return 0.0; bool independent_left; uint64_t extend_left; typename Search::UnigramPointer ptr(search_.LookupUnigram(static_cast<WordIndex>(*pointers_begin), node, independent_left, extend_left)); ret = ptr.Prob() - ptr.Rest(); ++first_length; ++pointers_begin; } else { ret = 0.0; } for (const uint64_t *i = pointers_begin; i < pointers_end; ++i, ++first_length) { typename Search::MiddlePointer ptr(search_.Unpack(*i, first_length, node)); ret += ptr.Prob() - ptr.Rest(); } return ret; } template class GenericModel<HashedSearch<BackoffValue>, ProbingVocabulary>; template class GenericModel<HashedSearch<RestValue>, ProbingVocabulary>; template class GenericModel<trie::TrieSearch<DontQuantize, trie::DontBhiksha>, SortedVocabulary>; template class GenericModel<trie::TrieSearch<DontQuantize, trie::ArrayBhiksha>, SortedVocabulary>; template class GenericModel<trie::TrieSearch<SeparatelyQuantize, trie::DontBhiksha>, SortedVocabulary>; template class GenericModel<trie::TrieSearch<SeparatelyQuantize, trie::ArrayBhiksha>, SortedVocabulary>; } // namespace detail base::Model *LoadVirtual(const char *file_name, const Config &config, ModelType model_type) { RecognizeBinary(file_name, model_type); switch (model_type) { case PROBING: return new ProbingModel(file_name, config); case REST_PROBING: return new RestProbingModel(file_name, config); case TRIE: return new TrieModel(file_name, config); case QUANT_TRIE: return new QuantTrieModel(file_name, config); case ARRAY_TRIE: return new ArrayTrieModel(file_name, config); case QUANT_ARRAY_TRIE: return new QuantArrayTrieModel(file_name, config); default: UTIL_THROW(FormatLoadException, "Confused by model type " << model_type); } } } // namespace ngram } // namespace lm