@ECHO OFF REM ~ Copyright 2002-2007 Rene Rivera. REM ~ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. REM ~ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) setlocal goto Start :Set_Error color 00 goto :eof :Clear_Error ver >nul goto :eof :Error_Print REM Output an error message and set the errorlevel to indicate failure. setlocal ECHO ### ECHO ### %1 ECHO ### ECHO ### You can specify the toolset as the argument, i.e.: ECHO ### .\build.bat msvc ECHO ### ECHO ### Toolsets supported by this script are: borland, como, gcc, gcc-nocygwin, ECHO ### intel-win32, metrowerks, mingw, msvc, vc7, vc8, vc9, vc10 ECHO ### call :Set_Error endlocal goto :eof :Test_Path REM Tests for the given file(executable) presence in the directories in the PATH REM environment variable. Additionaly sets FOUND_PATH to the path of the REM found file. call :Clear_Error setlocal set test=%~$PATH:1 endlocal if not errorlevel 1 set FOUND_PATH=%~dp$PATH:1 goto :eof :Test_Option REM Tests whether the given string is in the form of an option: "--*" call :Clear_Error setlocal set test=%1 if not defined test ( call :Set_Error goto Test_Option_End ) set test=###%test%### set test=%test:"###=% set test=%test:###"=% set test=%test:###=% if not "-" == "%test:~1,1%" call :Set_Error :Test_Option_End endlocal goto :eof :Test_Empty REM Tests whether the given string is not empty call :Clear_Error setlocal set test=%1 if not defined test ( call :Clear_Error goto Test_Empty_End ) set test=###%test%### set test=%test:"###=% set test=%test:###"=% set test=%test:###=% if not "" == "%test%" call :Set_Error :Test_Empty_End endlocal goto :eof :Call_If_Exists if EXIST %1 call %* goto :eof :Guess_Toolset REM Try and guess the toolset to bootstrap the build with... REM Sets BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET to the first found toolset. REM May also set BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT to the REM location of the found toolset. call :Clear_Error call :Test_Empty %ProgramFiles% if not errorlevel 1 set ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%VS100COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc10" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\VCVARSALL.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc10" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%VS90COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc9" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\VCVARSALL.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc9" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%VS80COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc8" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCVARSALL.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc8" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%VS71COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc7" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS71COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC7\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" ( REM %VCINSTALLDIR% is also set for VC9 (and probably VC8) set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc7" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VCINSTALLDIR%\VC7\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\bin\VCVARS32.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc7" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\VC7\bin\VCVARS32.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=vc7" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\VC7\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%MSVCDir%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=msvc" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%MSVCDir%\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin\VCVARS32.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=msvc" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual C++\VC98\bin\VCVARS32.BAT" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=msvc" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual C++\VC98\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path cl.exe if not errorlevel 1 ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=msvc" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%FOUND_PATH%..\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path vcvars32.bat if not errorlevel 1 ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=msvc" call "%FOUND_PATH%VCVARS32.BAT" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%MSVCDir%\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "C:\Borland\BCC55\Bin\bcc32.exe" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=borland" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=C:\Borland\BCC55\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path bcc32.exe if not errorlevel 1 ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=borland" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%FOUND_PATH%..\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path icl.exe if not errorlevel 1 ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=intel-win32" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%FOUND_PATH%..\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=mingw" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=C:\MinGW\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if NOT "_%CWFolder%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=metrowerks" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%CWFolder%\" goto :eof ) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path mwcc.exe if not errorlevel 1 ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=metrowerks" set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%FOUND_PATH%..\..\" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Error_Print "Could not find a suitable toolset." goto :eof :Guess_Yacc REM Tries to find bison or yacc in common places so we can build the grammar. call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path yacc.exe if not errorlevel 1 ( set "YACC=yacc -d" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Path bison.exe if not errorlevel 1 ( set "YACC=bison -d --yacc" goto :eof) call :Clear_Error if EXIST "C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\bison.exe" ( set "YACC=C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\bison.exe" -d --yacc goto :eof) call :Clear_Error call :Error_Print "Could not find Yacc to build the Jam grammar." goto :eof :Start set BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET= set BOOST_JAM_ARGS= REM If no arguments guess the toolset; REM or if first argument is an option guess the toolset; REM otherwise the argument is the toolset to use. call :Clear_Error call :Test_Empty %1 if not errorlevel 1 ( call :Guess_Toolset if not errorlevel 1 ( goto Setup_Toolset ) else ( goto Finish ) ) call :Clear_Error call :Test_Option %1 if not errorlevel 1 ( call :Guess_Toolset if not errorlevel 1 ( goto Setup_Toolset ) else ( goto Finish ) ) call :Clear_Error set BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET=%1 shift goto Setup_Toolset :Setup_Toolset REM Setup the toolset command and options. This bit of code REM needs to be flexible enough to handle both when REM the toolset was guessed at and found, or when the toolset REM was indicated in the command arguments. REM NOTE: The strange multiple "if ?? == _toolset_" tests are that way REM because in BAT variables are subsituted only once during a single REM command. A complete "if ... ( commands ) else ( commands )" REM is a single command, even though it's in multiple lines here. :Setup_Args call :Clear_Error call :Test_Empty %1 if not errorlevel 1 goto Config_Toolset call :Clear_Error call :Test_Option %1 if errorlevel 1 ( set BOOST_JAM_ARGS=%BOOST_JAM_ARGS% %1 shift goto Setup_Args ) :Config_Toolset if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_metrowerks_" goto Skip_METROWERKS if NOT "_%CWFolder%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%CWFolder%\" ) set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%Other Metrowerks Tools\Command Line Tools;%PATH%" set "BOOST_JAM_CC=mwcc -runtime ss -cwd include -DNT -lkernel32.lib -ladvapi32.lib -luser32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=-o bootstrap\jam0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=-o bootstrap\mkjambase0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=-o bootstrap\yyacc0.exe" set "_known_=1" :Skip_METROWERKS if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_msvc_" goto Skip_MSVC if NOT "_%MSVCDir%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%MSVCDir%\" ) call :Call_If_Exists "%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin\VCVARS32.BAT" if not "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin;%PATH%" ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=cl /nologo /GZ /Zi /MLd /Fobootstrap/ /Fdbootstrap/ -DNT -DYYDEBUG kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=/Febootstrap\jam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=/Febootstrap\mkjambase0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=/Febootstrap\yyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_MSVC if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_vc7_" goto Skip_VC7 if NOT "_%VS71COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS71COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC7\" ) if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" call :Call_If_Exists "%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin\VCVARS32.BAT" if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin;%PATH%" ) ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=cl /nologo /GZ /Zi /MLd /Fobootstrap/ /Fdbootstrap/ -DNT -DYYDEBUG kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=/Febootstrap\jam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=/Febootstrap\mkjambase0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=/Febootstrap\yyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_VC7 if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_vc8_" goto Skip_VC8 if NOT "_%VS80COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS80COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\" ) if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" call :Call_If_Exists "%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%VCVARSALL.BAT" %BOOST_JAM_ARGS% if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin;%PATH%" ) ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=cl /nologo /RTC1 /Zi /MTd /Fobootstrap/ /Fdbootstrap/ -DNT -DYYDEBUG -wd4996 kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=/Febootstrap\jam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=/Febootstrap\mkjambase0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=/Febootstrap\yyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_VC8 if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_vc9_" goto Skip_VC9 if NOT "_%VS90COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\" ) if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" call :Call_If_Exists "%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%VCVARSALL.BAT" %BOOST_JAM_ARGS% if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin;%PATH%" ) ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=cl /nologo /RTC1 /Zi /MTd /Fobootstrap/ /Fdbootstrap/ -DNT -DYYDEBUG -wd4996 kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=/Febootstrap\jam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=/Febootstrap\mkjambase0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=/Febootstrap\yyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_VC9 if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_vc10_" goto Skip_VC10 if NOT "_%VS100COMNTOOLS%_" == "__" ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%VS100COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\" ) if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" call :Call_If_Exists "%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%VCVARSALL.BAT" %BOOST_JAM_ARGS% if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( if "_%VCINSTALLDIR%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin;%PATH%" ) ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=cl /nologo /RTC1 /Zi /MTd /Fobootstrap/ /Fdbootstrap/ -DNT -DYYDEBUG -wd4996 kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=/Febootstrap\jam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=/Febootstrap\mkjambase0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=/Febootstrap\yyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_VC10 if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_borland_" goto Skip_BORLAND if "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( call :Test_Path bcc32.exe ) if "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( if not errorlevel 1 ( set "BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT=%FOUND_PATH%..\" ) ) if not "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%Bin;%PATH%" ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=bcc32 -WC -w- -q -I%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%Include -L%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%Lib /DNT -nbootstrap" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=-ejam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=-emkjambasejam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=-eyyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_BORLAND if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_como_" goto Skip_COMO set "BOOST_JAM_CC=como -DNT" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=-o bootstrap\jam0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=-o bootstrap\mkjambase0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=-o bootstrap\yyacc0.exe" set "_known_=1" :Skip_COMO if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_gcc_" goto Skip_GCC set "BOOST_JAM_CC=gcc -DNT" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=-o bootstrap\jam0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=-o bootstrap\mkjambase0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=-o bootstrap\yyacc0.exe" set "_known_=1" :Skip_GCC if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_gcc-nocygwin_" goto Skip_GCC_NOCYGWIN set "BOOST_JAM_CC=gcc -DNT -mno-cygwin" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=-o bootstrap\jam0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=-o bootstrap\mkjambase0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=-o bootstrap\yyacc0.exe" set "_known_=1" :Skip_GCC_NOCYGWIN if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_intel-win32_" goto Skip_INTEL_WIN32 set "BOOST_JAM_CC=icl -DNT /nologo kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=/Febootstrap\jam0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=/Febootstrap\mkjambase0" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=/Febootstrap\yyacc0" set "_known_=1" :Skip_INTEL_WIN32 if NOT "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%_" == "_mingw_" goto Skip_MINGW if not "_%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%_" == "__" ( set "PATH=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT%bin;%PATH%" ) set "BOOST_JAM_CC=gcc -DNT" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM=-o bootstrap\jam0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE=-o bootstrap\mkjambase0.exe" set "BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC=-o bootstrap\yyacc0.exe" set "_known_=1" :Skip_MINGW call :Clear_Error if "_%_known_%_" == "__" ( call :Error_Print "Unknown toolset: %BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%" ) if errorlevel 1 goto Finish echo ### echo ### Using '%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET%' toolset. echo ### set YYACC_SOURCES=yyacc.c set MKJAMBASE_SOURCES=mkjambase.c set BJAM_SOURCES= set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% command.c compile.c debug.c execnt.c expand.c filent.c glob.c hash.c set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% hdrmacro.c headers.c jam.c jambase.c jamgram.c lists.c make.c make1.c set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% newstr.c option.c output.c parse.c pathunix.c regexp.c set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% rules.c scan.c search.c subst.c timestamp.c variable.c modules.c set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% strings.c filesys.c builtins.c md5.c pwd.c class.c w32_getreg.c native.c set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% modules/set.c modules/path.c modules/regex.c set BJAM_SOURCES=%BJAM_SOURCES% modules/property-set.c modules/sequence.c modules/order.c set BJAM_UPDATE= :Check_Update call :Test_Empty %1 if not errorlevel 1 goto Check_Update_End call :Clear_Error setlocal set test=%1 set test=###%test%### set test=%test:"###=% set test=%test:###"=% set test=%test:###=% if "%test%" == "--update" set BJAM_UPDATE=update endlocal shift if not "_%BJAM_UPDATE%_" == "_update_" goto Check_Update :Check_Update_End if "_%BJAM_UPDATE%_" == "_update_" ( if not exist ".\bootstrap\jam0.exe" ( set BJAM_UPDATE= ) ) @echo ON @if "_%BJAM_UPDATE%_" == "_update_" goto Skip_Bootstrap if exist bootstrap rd /S /Q bootstrap md bootstrap @if not exist jamgram.y goto Bootstrap_GrammarPrep @if not exist jamgramtab.h goto Bootstrap_GrammarPrep @goto Skip_GrammarPrep :Bootstrap_GrammarPrep %BOOST_JAM_CC% %BOOST_JAM_OPT_YYACC% %YYACC_SOURCES% @if not exist ".\bootstrap\yyacc0.exe" goto Skip_GrammarPrep .\bootstrap\yyacc0 jamgram.y jamgramtab.h jamgram.yy :Skip_GrammarPrep @if not exist jamgram.c goto Bootstrap_GrammarBuild @if not exist jamgram.h goto Bootstrap_GrammarBuild @goto Skip_GrammarBuild :Bootstrap_GrammarBuild @echo OFF if "_%YACC%_" == "__" ( call :Guess_Yacc ) if errorlevel 1 goto Finish @echo ON %YACC% jamgram.y @if errorlevel 1 goto Finish del /f jamgram.c rename y.tab.c jamgram.c del /f jamgram.h rename y.tab.h jamgram.h :Skip_GrammarBuild @echo ON @if exist jambase.c goto Skip_Jambase %BOOST_JAM_CC% %BOOST_JAM_OPT_MKJAMBASE% %MKJAMBASE_SOURCES% @if not exist ".\bootstrap\mkjambase0.exe" goto Skip_Jambase .\bootstrap\mkjambase0 jambase.c Jambase :Skip_Jambase %BOOST_JAM_CC% %BOOST_JAM_OPT_JAM% %BJAM_SOURCES% :Skip_Bootstrap @if not exist ".\bootstrap\jam0.exe" goto Skip_Jam @if "_%BJAM_UPDATE%_" == "_update_" goto Skip_Clean .\bootstrap\jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET% "--toolset-root=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT% " clean :Skip_Clean @set args=%* @echo OFF :Set_Args setlocal call :Test_Empty %args% if not errorlevel 1 goto Set_Args_End set test=###%args:~0,2%### set test=%test:"###=% set test=%test:###"=% set test=%test:###=% set test=%test:~0,1% if "-" == "%test%" goto Set_Args_End endlocal set args=%args:~1% goto Set_Args :Set_Args_End @echo ON .\bootstrap\jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET% "--toolset-root=%BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT% " %args% :Skip_Jam :Finish