# Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Dave Abrahams # Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera # Copyright 2002, 2003 Vladimir Prus # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) import errors ; import modules ; ################################################################################ # # Private implementation details. # ################################################################################ # Rule added as a replacement for the regular Jam = operator but which does not # ignore trailing empty string elements. # local rule exact-equal-test ( lhs * : rhs * ) { local lhs_extended = $(lhs) xxx ; local rhs_extended = $(rhs) xxx ; if $(lhs_extended) = $(rhs_extended) { return true ; } } # Two lists are considered set-equal if they contain the same elements, ignoring # duplicates and ordering. # local rule set-equal-test ( set1 * : set2 * ) { if ( $(set1) in $(set2) ) && ( $(set2) in $(set1) ) { return true ; } } ################################################################################ # # Public interface. # ################################################################################ # Assert the equality of A and B, ignoring trailing empty string elements. # rule equal ( a * : b * ) { if $(a) != $(b) { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: \"$(a)\" "==" \"$(b)\" (ignoring trailing empty strings) ; } } # Assert that the result of calling RULE-NAME on the given arguments has a false # logical value (is either an empty list or all empty strings). # rule false ( rule-name args * : * ) { local result ; module [ CALLER_MODULE ] { modules.poke assert : result : [ $(1) : $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ; } if $(result) { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Expected false result from "[" $(rule-name) [ errors.lol->list $(args) : $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] "]" : Got: "[" \"$(result)\" "]" ; } } # Assert that ELEMENT is present in LIST. # rule "in" ( element : list * ) { if ! $(element) in $(list) { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Expected \"$(element)\" in "[" \"$(list)\" "]" ; } } # Assert the inequality of A and B, ignoring trailing empty string elements. # rule not-equal ( a * : b * ) { if $(a) = $(b) { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: \"$(a)\" "!=" \"$(b)\" (ignoring trailing empty strings) ; } } # Assert that ELEMENT is not present in LIST. # rule not-in ( element : list * ) { if $(element) in $(list) { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Did not expect \"$(element)\" in "[" \"$(list)\" "]" ; } } # Assert the inequality of A and B as sets. # rule not-set-equal ( a * : b * ) { if [ set-equal-test $(a) : $(b) ] { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Expected "[" \"$(a)\" "]" and "[" \"$(b)\" "]" to not be equal as sets ; } } # Assert that A and B are not exactly equal, not ignoring trailing empty string # elements. # rule not-exact-equal ( a * : b * ) { if [ exact-equal-test $(a) : $(b) ] { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: \"$(a)\" "!=" \"$(b)\" ; } } # Assert that EXPECTED is the result of calling RULE-NAME with the given # arguments. # rule result ( expected * : rule-name args * : * ) { local result ; module [ CALLER_MODULE ] { modules.poke assert : result : [ $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ; } if ! [ exact-equal-test $(result) : $(expected) ] { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: "[" $(rule-name) [ errors.lol->list $(args) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] "]" : Expected: "[" \"$(expected)\" "]" : Got: "[" \"$(result)\" "]" ; } } # Assert that EXPECTED is set-equal (i.e. duplicates and ordering are ignored) # to the result of calling RULE-NAME with the given arguments. Note that rules # called this way may accept at most 8 parameters. # rule result-set-equal ( expected * : rule-name args * : * ) { local result ; module [ CALLER_MODULE ] { modules.poke assert : result : [ $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ; } if ! [ set-equal-test $(result) : $(expected) ] { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: "[" $(rule-name) [ errors.lol->list $(args) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] "]" : Expected: "[" \"$(expected)\" "]" : Got: "[" \"$(result)\" "]" ; } } # Assert the equality of A and B as sets. # rule set-equal ( a * : b * ) { if ! [ set-equal-test $(a) : $(b) ] { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Expected "[" \"$(a)\" "]" and "[" \"$(b)\" "]" to be equal as sets ; } } # Assert that the result of calling RULE-NAME on the given arguments has a true # logical value (is neither an empty list nor all empty strings). # rule true ( rule-name args * : * ) { local result ; module [ CALLER_MODULE ] { modules.poke assert : result : [ $(1) : $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] ; } if ! $(result) { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Expected true result from "[" $(rule-name) [ errors.lol->list $(args) : $(2) : $(3) : $(4) : $(5) : $(6) : $(7) : $(8) : $(9) ] "]" ; } } # Assert the exact equality of A and B, not ignoring trailing empty string # elements. # rule exact-equal ( a * : b * ) { if ! [ exact-equal-test $(a) : $(b) ] { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: \"$(a)\" "==" \"$(b)\" ; } } # Assert that the given variable is not an empty list. # rule variable-not-empty ( name ) { local value = [ modules.peek [ CALLER_MODULE ] : $(name) ] ; if ! $(value)-is-not-empty { errors.error-skip-frames 3 assertion failure: Expected variable \"$(name)\" not to be an empty list ; } } rule __test__ ( ) { # Helper rule used to avoid test duplication related to different list # equality test rules. # local rule run-equality-test ( equality-assert : ignore-trailing-empty-strings ? ) { local not-equality-assert = not-$(equality-assert) ; # When the given equality test is expected to ignore trailing empty # strings some of the test results should be inverted. local not-equality-assert-i = not-$(equality-assert) ; if $(ignore-trailing-empty-strings) { not-equality-assert-i = $(equality-assert) ; } $(equality-assert) : ; $(equality-assert) "" "" : "" "" ; $(not-equality-assert-i) : "" "" ; $(equality-assert) x : x ; $(not-equality-assert) : x ; $(not-equality-assert) "" : x ; $(not-equality-assert) "" "" : x ; $(not-equality-assert-i) x : x "" ; $(equality-assert) x "" : x "" ; $(not-equality-assert) x : "" x ; $(equality-assert) "" x : "" x ; $(equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 1 2 3 ; $(not-equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 3 2 1 ; $(not-equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 1 5 3 ; $(not-equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 1 "" 3 ; $(not-equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 1 1 2 3 ; $(not-equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 1 2 2 3 ; $(not-equality-assert) 1 2 3 : 5 6 7 ; # Extra variables used here just to make sure Boost Jam or Boost Build # do not handle lists with empty strings differently depending on # whether they are literals or stored in variables. local empty = ; local empty-strings = "" "" ; local x-empty-strings = x "" "" ; local empty-strings-x = "" "" x ; $(equality-assert) : $(empty) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) "" : $(empty) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) "" "" : $(empty) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) : $(empty-strings) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) "" : $(empty-strings) ; $(equality-assert) "" "" : $(empty-strings) ; $(equality-assert) $(empty) : $(empty) ; $(equality-assert) $(empty-strings) : $(empty-strings) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) $(empty) : $(empty-strings) ; $(equality-assert) $(x-empty-strings) : $(x-empty-strings) ; $(equality-assert) $(empty-strings-x) : $(empty-strings-x) ; $(not-equality-assert) $(empty-strings-x) : $(x-empty-strings) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) x : $(x-empty-strings) ; $(not-equality-assert) x : $(empty-strings-x) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) x : $(x-empty-strings) ; $(not-equality-assert-i) x "" : $(x-empty-strings) ; $(equality-assert) x "" "" : $(x-empty-strings) ; $(not-equality-assert) x : $(empty-strings-x) ; $(not-equality-assert) "" x : $(empty-strings-x) ; $(equality-assert) "" "" x : $(empty-strings-x) ; } # --------------- # Equality tests. # --------------- run-equality-test equal : ignore-trailing-empty-strings ; run-equality-test exact-equal ; # ------------------------- # assert.set-equal() tests. # ------------------------- set-equal : ; not-set-equal "" "" : ; set-equal "" "" : "" ; set-equal "" "" : "" "" ; set-equal a b c : a b c ; set-equal a b c : b c a ; set-equal a b c a : a b c ; set-equal a b c : a b c a ; not-set-equal a b c : a b c d ; not-set-equal a b c d : a b c ; }