import bjam import re import types # Decorator the specifies bjam-side prototype for a Python function def bjam_signature(s): def wrap(f): f.bjam_signature = s return f return wrap def metatarget(f): f.bjam_signature = (["name"], ["sources", "*"], ["requirements", "*"], ["default_build", "*"], ["usage_requirements", "*"]) return f class cached(object): def __init__(self, function): self.function = function self.cache = {} def __call__(self, *args): try: return self.cache[args] except KeyError: v = self.function(*args) self.cache[args] = v return v def __get__(self, instance, type): return types.MethodType(self, instance, type) def unquote(s): if s and s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"': return s[1:-1] else: return s _extract_jamfile_and_rule = re.compile("(Jamfile<.*>)%(.*)") def qualify_jam_action(action_name, context_module): if action_name.startswith("###"): # Callable exported from Python. Don't touch return action_name elif _extract_jamfile_and_rule.match(action_name): # Rule is already in indirect format return action_name else: ix = action_name.find('.') if ix != -1 and action_name[:ix] == context_module: return context_module + '%' + action_name[ix+1:] return context_module + '%' + action_name def set_jam_action(name, *args): m = _extract_jamfile_and_rule.match(name) if m: args = ("set-update-action-in-module",, + args else: args = ("set-update-action", name) + args return*args) def call_jam_function(name, *args): m = _extract_jamfile_and_rule.match(name) if m: args = ("call-in-module",, + args return*args) else: return*((name,) + args)) __value_id = 0 __python_to_jam = {} __jam_to_python = {} def value_to_jam(value, methods=False): """Makes a token to refer to a Python value inside Jam language code. The token is merely a string that can be passed around in Jam code and eventually passed back. For example, we might want to pass PropertySet instance to a tag function and it might eventually call back to virtual_target.add_suffix_and_prefix, passing the same instance. For values that are classes, we'll also make class methods callable from Jam. Note that this is necessary to make a bit more of existing Jamfiles work. This trick should not be used to much, or else the performance benefits of Python port will be eaten. """ global __value_id r = __python_to_jam.get(value, None) if r: return r exported_name = '###_' + str(__value_id) __value_id = __value_id + 1 __python_to_jam[value] = exported_name __jam_to_python[exported_name] = value if methods and type(value) == types.InstanceType: for field_name in dir(value): field = getattr(value, field_name) if callable(field) and not field_name.startswith("__"): bjam.import_rule("", exported_name + "." + field_name, field) return exported_name def record_jam_to_value_mapping(jam_value, python_value): __jam_to_python[jam_value] = python_value def jam_to_value_maybe(jam_value): if type(jam_value) == type(""): return __jam_to_python.get(jam_value, jam_value) else: return jam_value def stem(filename): i = filename.find('.') if i != -1: return filename[0:i] else: return filename