# Copyright (C) 2003 Doug Gregor. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and # distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in # all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied # warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. # This module defines rules to apply an XSLT stylesheet to an XML file using the # xsltproc driver, part of libxslt. # # Note: except for 'init', this modules does not provide any rules for end # users. import feature ; import regex ; import sequence ; import common ; import os ; import modules ; import path ; import errors ; feature.feature xsl:param : : free ; feature.feature xsl:path : : free ; feature.feature catalog : : free ; # Initialize xsltproc support. The parameters are: # xsltproc: The xsltproc executable # rule init ( xsltproc ? ) { if $(xsltproc) { modify-config ; .xsltproc = $(xsltproc) ; check-xsltproc ; } } rule freeze-config ( ) { if ! $(.config-frozen) { .config-frozen = true ; .xsltproc ?= [ modules.peek : XSLTPROC ] ; .xsltproc ?= xsltproc ; check-xsltproc ; .is-cygwin = [ .is-cygwin $(.xsltproc) ] ; } } rule modify-config { if $(.config-frozen) { errors.user-error "xsltproc: Cannot change xsltproc command after it has been used." ; } } rule check-xsltproc ( ) { if $(.xsltproc) { local status = [ SHELL "\"$(.xsltproc)\" -V" : no-output : exit-status ] ; if $(status[2]) != "0" { errors.user-error "xsltproc: Could not run \"$(.xsltproc)\" -V." ; } } } # Returns a non-empty string if a cygwin xsltproc binary was specified. rule is-cygwin ( ) { freeze-config ; return $(.is-cygwin) ; } rule .is-cygwin ( xsltproc ) { if [ os.on-windows ] { local file = [ path.make [ modules.binding $(__name__) ] ] ; local dir = [ path.native [ path.join [ path.parent $(file) ] xsltproc ] ] ; if [ os.name ] = CYGWIN { dir = $(dir:W) ; } local command = "\"$(xsltproc)\" \"$(dir)\\test.xsl\" \"$(dir)\\test.xml\" 2>&1" ; local status = [ SHELL $(command) : no-output : exit-status ] ; if $(status[2]) != "0" { return true ; } } } rule compute-xslt-flags ( target : properties * ) { local flags ; # Raw flags. flags += [ feature.get-values : $(properties) ] ; # Translate into command line flags. for local param in [ feature.get-values : $(properties) ] { local namevalue = [ regex.split $(param) "=" ] ; flags += --stringparam $(namevalue[1]) \"$(namevalue[2])\" ; } # Translate . for local path in [ feature.get-values : $(properties) ] { flags += --path \"$(path:G=)\" ; } # Take care of implicit dependencies. local other-deps ; for local dep in [ feature.get-values : $(properties) ] { other-deps += [ $(dep:G=).creating-subvariant ] ; } local implicit-target-directories ; for local dep in [ sequence.unique $(other-deps) ] { implicit-target-directories += [ $(dep).all-target-directories ] ; } for local dir in $(implicit-target-directories) { flags += --path \"$(dir:T)\" ; } return $(flags) ; } local rule .xsltproc ( target : source stylesheet : properties * : dirname ? : action ) { freeze-config ; STYLESHEET on $(target) = $(stylesheet) ; FLAGS on $(target) += [ compute-xslt-flags $(target) : $(properties) ] ; NAME on $(target) = $(.xsltproc) ; for local catalog in [ feature.get-values : $(properties) ] { CATALOG = [ common.variable-setting-command XML_CATALOG_FILES : $(catalog:T) ] ; } if [ os.on-windows ] && ! [ is-cygwin ] { action = $(action).windows ; } $(action) $(target) : $(source) ; } rule xslt ( target : source stylesheet : properties * ) { return [ .xsltproc $(target) : $(source) $(stylesheet) : $(properties) : : xslt-xsltproc ] ; } rule xslt-dir ( target : source stylesheet : properties * : dirname ) { return [ .xsltproc $(target) : $(source) $(stylesheet) : $(properties) : $(dirname) : xslt-xsltproc-dir ] ; } actions xslt-xsltproc.windows { $(CATALOG) "$(NAME:E=xsltproc)" $(FLAGS) --xinclude -o "$(<)" "$(STYLESHEET:W)" "$(>:W)" } actions xslt-xsltproc bind STYLESHEET { $(CATALOG) "$(NAME:E=xsltproc)" $(FLAGS) --xinclude -o "$(<)" "$(STYLESHEET:T)" "$(>:T)" } actions xslt-xsltproc-dir.windows bind STYLESHEET { $(CATALOG) "$(NAME:E=xsltproc)" $(FLAGS) --xinclude -o "$(<:D)/" "$(STYLESHEET:W)" "$(>:W)" } actions xslt-xsltproc-dir bind STYLESHEET { $(CATALOG) "$(NAME:E=xsltproc)" $(FLAGS) --xinclude -o "$(<:D)/" "$(STYLESHEET:T)" "$(>:T)" }