#include <sstream> #include <iostream> #include <set> #include "contexts_corpus.hh" #include "gzstream.hh" #include "contexts_lexer.h" #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp> using namespace std; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ContextsCorpus ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void read_callback(const ContextsLexer::PhraseContextsType& new_contexts, void* extra) { assert(new_contexts.contexts.size() == new_contexts.counts.size()); boost::tuple<ContextsCorpus*, BackoffGenerator*, map<string,int>* >* extra_pair = static_cast< boost::tuple<ContextsCorpus*, BackoffGenerator*, map<string,int>* >* >(extra); ContextsCorpus* corpus_ptr = extra_pair->get<0>(); BackoffGenerator* backoff_gen = extra_pair->get<1>(); //map<string,int>* counts = extra_pair->get<2>(); Document* doc(new Document()); //cout << "READ: " << new_contexts.phrase << "\t"; for (int i=0; i < (int)new_contexts.counts.size(); ++i) { int cache_word_count = corpus_ptr->m_dict.max(); //string context_str = corpus_ptr->m_dict.toString(new_contexts.contexts[i]); int context_index = new_contexts.counts.at(i).first; string context_str = corpus_ptr->m_dict.toString(new_contexts.contexts[context_index]); // filter out singleton contexts //if (!counts->empty()) { // map<string,int>::const_iterator find_it = counts->find(context_str); // if (find_it == counts->end() || find_it->second < 2) // continue; //} WordID id = corpus_ptr->m_dict.Convert(context_str); if (cache_word_count != corpus_ptr->m_dict.max()) { corpus_ptr->m_backoff->terms_at_level(0)++; corpus_ptr->m_num_types++; } //int count = new_contexts.counts[i]; int count = new_contexts.counts.at(i).second; for (int j=0; j<count; ++j) doc->push_back(id); corpus_ptr->m_num_terms += count; // generate the backoff map if (backoff_gen) { int order = 1; WordID backoff_id = id; //ContextsLexer::Context backedoff_context = new_contexts.contexts[i]; ContextsLexer::Context backedoff_context = new_contexts.contexts[context_index]; while (true) { if (!corpus_ptr->m_backoff->has_backoff(backoff_id)) { //cerr << "Backing off from " << corpus_ptr->m_dict.Convert(backoff_id) << " to "; backedoff_context = (*backoff_gen)(backedoff_context); if (backedoff_context.empty()) { //cerr << "Nothing." << endl; (*corpus_ptr->m_backoff)[backoff_id] = -1; break; } if (++order > corpus_ptr->m_backoff->order()) corpus_ptr->m_backoff->order(order); int cache_word_count = corpus_ptr->m_dict.max(); int new_backoff_id = corpus_ptr->m_dict.Convert(backedoff_context); if (cache_word_count != corpus_ptr->m_dict.max()) corpus_ptr->m_backoff->terms_at_level(order-1)++; //cerr << corpus_ptr->m_dict.Convert(new_backoff_id) << " ." << endl; backoff_id = ((*corpus_ptr->m_backoff)[backoff_id] = new_backoff_id); } else break; } } //cout << context_str << " (" << id << ") ||| C=" << count << " ||| "; } //cout << endl; //if (!doc->empty()) { corpus_ptr->m_documents.push_back(doc); corpus_ptr->m_keys.push_back(new_contexts.phrase); //} } void filter_callback(const ContextsLexer::PhraseContextsType& new_contexts, void* extra) { assert(new_contexts.contexts.size() == new_contexts.counts.size()); map<string,int>* context_counts = (static_cast<map<string,int>*>(extra)); for (int i=0; i < (int)new_contexts.counts.size(); ++i) { int context_index = new_contexts.counts.at(i).first; int count = new_contexts.counts.at(i).second; //int count = new_contexts.counts[i]; pair<map<string,int>::iterator,bool> result = context_counts->insert(make_pair(Dict::toString(new_contexts.contexts[context_index]),count)); //= context_counts->insert(make_pair(Dict::toString(new_contexts.contexts[i]),count)); if (!result.second) result.first->second += count; } } unsigned ContextsCorpus::read_contexts(const string &filename, BackoffGenerator* backoff_gen_ptr, bool /*filter_singeltons*/) { map<string,int> counts; //if (filter_singeltons) { // cerr << "--- Filtering singleton contexts ---" << endl; igzstream in(filename.c_str()); ContextsLexer::ReadContexts(&in, filter_callback, &counts); } m_num_terms = 0; m_num_types = 0; igzstream in(filename.c_str()); boost::tuple<ContextsCorpus*, BackoffGenerator*, map<string,int>* > extra_pair(this,backoff_gen_ptr,&counts); ContextsLexer::ReadContexts(&in, read_callback, &extra_pair); //m_num_types = m_dict.max(); cerr << "Read backoff with order " << m_backoff->order() << "\n"; for (int o=0; o<m_backoff->order(); o++) cerr << " Terms at " << o << " = " << m_backoff->terms_at_level(o) << endl; //cerr << endl; int i=0; double av_freq=0; for (map<string,int>::const_iterator it=counts.begin(); it != counts.end(); ++it, ++i) { WordID id = m_dict.Convert(it->first); m_context_counts[id] = it->second; av_freq += it->second; } cerr << " Average term frequency = " << av_freq / (double) i << endl; return m_documents.size(); }