#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use File::Copy; my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path cwd /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; } use Getopt::Long "GetOptions"; my $GZIP = 'gzip'; my $ZCAT = 'gunzip -c'; my $SED = 'sed -e'; my $BASE_PHRASE_MAX_SIZE = 10; my $COMPLETE_CACHE = 1; my $ITEMS_IN_MEMORY = 10000000; # cache size in extractors my $NUM_TOPICS = 50; my $NUM_TOPICS_COARSE; my $NUM_TOPICS_FINE = $NUM_TOPICS; my $NUM_SAMPLES = 1000; my $CONTEXT_SIZE = 1; my $BIDIR = 0; my $TOPICS_CONFIG = "pyp-topics.conf"; my $LANGUAGE = "target"; my $LABEL_THRESHOLD = 0; my $MODEL = "pyp"; my $NUM_ITERS = 100; my $PR_SCALE_P = 0; my $PR_SCALE_C = 0; my $PR_FLAGS = ""; my $EXTOOLS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../extools"; die "Can't find extools: $EXTOOLS" unless -e $EXTOOLS && -d $EXTOOLS; my $PYPTOOLS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../pyp-topics/src"; die "Can't find pyp-topics: $PYPTOOLS" unless -e $PYPTOOLS && -d $PYPTOOLS; my $PYPSCRIPTS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../pyp-topics/scripts"; die "Can't find pyp-topics: $PYPSCRIPTS" unless -e $PYPSCRIPTS && -d $PYPSCRIPTS; my $PRTOOLS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../posterior-regularisation"; die "Can't find posterior-regularisation: $PRTOOLS" unless -e $PRTOOLS && -d $PRTOOLS; my $REDUCER = "$EXTOOLS/mr_stripe_rule_reduce"; my $C2D = "$PYPSCRIPTS/contexts2documents.py"; my $S2L = "$PYPSCRIPTS/spans2labels.py"; my $PYP_TOPICS_TRAIN="$PYPTOOLS/pyp-contexts-train"; my $PREM_TRAIN="$PRTOOLS/prjava/train-PR-cluster.sh"; my $SORT_KEYS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/scripts/sort-by-key.sh"; my $PATCH_CORPUS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/scripts/patch-corpus.pl"; my $EXTRACTOR = "$EXTOOLS/extractor"; my $TOPIC_TRAIN = "$PYPTOOLS/pyp-contexts-train"; assert_exec($PATCH_CORPUS, $SORT_KEYS, $REDUCER, $EXTRACTOR, $PYP_TOPICS_TRAIN, $S2L, $C2D, $TOPIC_TRAIN); my $BACKOFF_GRAMMAR; my $DEFAULT_CAT; my $HIER_CAT; my %FREQ_HIER = (); my $TAGGED_CORPUS; my $NAME_SHORTCUT; my $OUTPUT = './giwork'; usage() unless &GetOptions('base_phrase_max_size=i' => \$BASE_PHRASE_MAX_SIZE, 'backoff_grammar' => \$BACKOFF_GRAMMAR, 'output=s' => \$OUTPUT, 'model=s' => \$MODEL, 'topics=i' => \$NUM_TOPICS_FINE, 'coarse_topics=i' => \$NUM_TOPICS_COARSE, 'trg_context=i' => \$CONTEXT_SIZE, 'samples=i' => \$NUM_SAMPLES, 'label_threshold=f' => \$LABEL_THRESHOLD, 'use_default_cat' => \$DEFAULT_CAT, 'topics-config=s' => \$TOPICS_CONFIG, 'iterations=i' => \$NUM_ITERS, 'pr-scale-phrase=f' => \$PR_SCALE_P, 'pr-scale-context=f' => \$PR_SCALE_C, 'pr-flags=s' => \$PR_FLAGS, 'tagged_corpus=s' => \$TAGGED_CORPUS, 'language=s' => \$LANGUAGE, 'get_name_only' => \$NAME_SHORTCUT, ); if ($NAME_SHORTCUT) { $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_FINE; print STDERR labeled_dir(); exit 0; } usage() unless scalar @ARGV == 1; my $CORPUS = $ARGV[0]; open F, "<$CORPUS" or die "Can't read $CORPUS: $!"; close F; $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_FINE; $HIER_CAT = ( $NUM_TOPICS_COARSE ? 1 : 0 ); print STDERR " Output: $OUTPUT\n"; my $DATA_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/corpora'; my $LEX_NAME = 'corpus.f_e_a.lex'; my $CORPUS_LEX = $DATA_DIR . '/' . $LEX_NAME; # corpus used to extract rules my $CORPUS_CLUSTER = $DATA_DIR . '/corpus.f_e_a.cluster'; # corpus used for clustering (often identical) my $CONTEXT_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . context_dir(); my $CLUSTER_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . cluster_dir(); my $LABELED_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . labeled_dir(); my $CLUSTER_DIR_C; my $CLUSTER_DIR_F; my $LABELED_DIR_C; my $LABELED_DIR_F; if($HIER_CAT) { $CLUSTER_DIR_F = $CLUSTER_DIR; $LABELED_DIR_F = $LABELED_DIR; $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_COARSE; $CLUSTER_DIR_C = $OUTPUT . '/' . cluster_dir(); $LABELED_DIR_C = $OUTPUT . '/' . labeled_dir(); $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_FINE; } my $GRAMMAR_DIR = $OUTPUT . '/' . grammar_dir(); print STDERR " Context: $CONTEXT_DIR\n Cluster: $CLUSTER_DIR\n Labeled: $LABELED_DIR\n Grammar: $GRAMMAR_DIR\n"; safemkdir($OUTPUT) or die "Couldn't create output directory $OUTPUT: $!"; safemkdir($DATA_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $DATA_DIR: $!"; safemkdir($CONTEXT_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $CONTEXT_DIR: $!"; safemkdir($CLUSTER_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $CLUSTER_DIR: $!"; if($HIER_CAT) { safemkdir($CLUSTER_DIR_C) or die "Couldn't create output directory $CLUSTER_DIR_C: $!"; safemkdir($LABELED_DIR_C) or die "Couldn't create output directory $LABELED_DIR_C: $!"; } safemkdir($LABELED_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $LABELED_DIR: $!"; safemkdir($GRAMMAR_DIR) or die "Couldn't create output directory $GRAMMAR_DIR: $!"; if(-e $TOPICS_CONFIG) { copy($TOPICS_CONFIG, $CLUSTER_DIR) or die "Copy failed: $!"; } setup_data(); extract_context(); if (lc($MODEL) eq "pyp") { if($HIER_CAT) { $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_COARSE; $CLUSTER_DIR = $CLUSTER_DIR_C; topic_train(); $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_FINE; $CLUSTER_DIR = $CLUSTER_DIR_F; topic_train(); } else { topic_train(); } } elsif (lc($MODEL) eq "prem") { prem_train(); } else { die "Unsupported model type: $MODEL. Must be one of PYP or PREM.\n"; } if($HIER_CAT) { $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_COARSE; $CLUSTER_DIR = $CLUSTER_DIR_C; $LABELED_DIR = $LABELED_DIR_C; label_spans_with_topics(); $NUM_TOPICS = $NUM_TOPICS_FINE; $CLUSTER_DIR = $CLUSTER_DIR_F; $LABELED_DIR = $LABELED_DIR_F; label_spans_with_topics(); extract_freqs(); } else { label_spans_with_topics(); } my $res; if ($BIDIR) { $res = grammar_extract_bidir(); } else { $res = grammar_extract(); } print STDERR "\n!!!COMPLETE!!!\n"; print STDERR "GRAMMAR: $res\nYou should probably run: $SCRIPT_DIR/evaluation-pipeline.pl LANGPAIR giwork/ct1s0.L10.PYP.t4.s20.grammar/grammar.gz -f FEAT1 -f FEAT2\n\n"; exit 0; sub setup_data { print STDERR "\n!!!PREPARE CORPORA!!!\n"; if (-f $CORPUS_LEX && $CORPUS_CLUSTER) { print STDERR "$CORPUS_LEX and $CORPUS_CLUSTER exist, reusing...\n"; return; } copy($CORPUS, $CORPUS_LEX); if ($TAGGED_CORPUS) { die "Can't find $TAGGED_CORPUS" unless -f $TAGGED_CORPUS; my $cmd="$PATCH_CORPUS $TAGGED_CORPUS $CORPUS_LEX > $CORPUS_CLUSTER"; safesystem($cmd) or die "Failed to extract contexts."; } else { symlink($LEX_NAME, $CORPUS_CLUSTER); } } sub context_dir { return "ct${CONTEXT_SIZE}s0.L$BASE_PHRASE_MAX_SIZE.l$LANGUAGE"; } sub cluster_dir { if (lc($MODEL) eq "pyp") { return context_dir() . ".PYP.t$NUM_TOPICS.s$NUM_SAMPLES"; } elsif (lc($MODEL) eq "prem") { if ($PR_SCALE_P == 0 && $PR_SCALE_C == 0) { return context_dir() . ".EM.t$NUM_TOPICS.i$NUM_ITERS"; } else { return context_dir() . ".PR.t$NUM_TOPICS.i$NUM_ITERS.sp$PR_SCALE_P.sc$PR_SCALE_C"; } } } sub labeled_dir { if (lc($MODEL) eq "pyp" && $LABEL_THRESHOLD != 0) { return cluster_dir() . "_lt$LABEL_THRESHOLD"; } else { return cluster_dir(); } } sub grammar_dir { # TODO add grammar config options -- adjacent NTs, etc if($HIER_CAT) { return cluster_dir() . ".hier$NUM_TOPICS_COARSE-$NUM_TOPICS_FINE.grammar"; } else { return labeled_dir() . ".grammar"; } } sub safemkdir { my $dir = shift; if (-d $dir) { return 1; } return mkdir($dir); } sub usage { print < $CLUSTER_DIR/clusters.txt") or die "Failed to unzip"; safesystem("$EXTRACTOR --base_phrase_spans -i $CORPUS_CLUSTER -c $ITEMS_IN_MEMORY -L $BASE_PHRASE_MAX_SIZE -S $CONTEXT_SIZE | $S2L $CLUSTER_DIR/clusters.txt $CONTEXT_SIZE $LABEL_THRESHOLD $l > $OUT_SPANS") or die "Failed to label spans"; unlink("$CLUSTER_DIR/clusters.txt") or warn "Failed to remove $CLUSTER_DIR/clusters.txt"; safesystem("paste -d ' ' $CORPUS_LEX $OUT_SPANS > $LABELED_DIR/corpus.src_trg_al_label") or die "Couldn't paste"; } } sub extract_freqs { print STDERR "\n!!!EXTRACTING FREQUENCIES\n"; my $IN_COARSE = "$LABELED_DIR_C/labeled_spans.txt"; my $IN_FINE = "$LABELED_DIR_F/labeled_spans.txt"; my $OUT_SPANS = "$LABELED_DIR_F/labeled_spans.hier$NUM_TOPICS_COARSE-$NUM_TOPICS_FINE.txt"; my $FREQS = "$LABELED_DIR_F/label_freq.hier$NUM_TOPICS_COARSE-$NUM_TOPICS_FINE.txt"; my $COARSE_EXPR = "\'s/\\(X[0-9][0-9]*\\)/\\1c/g\'"; #' my $FINE_EXPR = "\'s/\\(X[0-9][0-9]*\\)/\\1f/g\'"; #' my %finehier = (); if (-e $OUT_SPANS) { print STDERR "$OUT_SPANS exists, reusing...\n"; } else { safesystem("paste -d ' ' $IN_COARSE $IN_FINE > $OUT_SPANS"); } open SPANS, $OUT_SPANS or die $!; while () { my ($tmp, $coarse, $fine) = split /\|\|\|/; my @coarse_spans = $coarse =~ /\d+-\d+:X(\d+)/g; my @fine_spans = $fine =~ /\d+-\d+:X(\d+)/g; foreach my $i (0..(scalar @coarse_spans)-1) { my $coarse_cat = $coarse_spans[$i]; my $fine_cat = $fine_spans[$i]; $FREQ_HIER{$coarse_cat}{$fine_cat}++; } } close SPANS; foreach (values %FREQ_HIER) { my $coarse_freq = $_; my $total = 0; $total+=$_ for (values %{ $coarse_freq }); $coarse_freq->{$_}=log($coarse_freq->{$_}/$total) for (keys %{ $coarse_freq }); } open FREQS, ">", $FREQS or die $!; foreach my $coarse_cat (keys %FREQ_HIER) { print FREQS "$coarse_cat |||"; foreach my $fine_cat (keys %{$FREQ_HIER{$coarse_cat}}) { my $res = $FREQ_HIER{$coarse_cat}{$fine_cat}; print FREQS " $fine_cat:$res"; if(! exists $finehier{$fine_cat} || $finehier{$fine_cat} < $res) { $finehier{$fine_cat} = $coarse_cat; } } print FREQS "\n"; } # foreach my $fine_cat (keys %finehier) { # print FREQS "$fine_cat -> $finehier{$fine_cat}\n"; # } close FREQS; $CLUSTER_DIR = $CLUSTER_DIR_F; } sub grammar_extract { my $LABELED = "$LABELED_DIR/corpus.src_trg_al_label"; print STDERR "\n!!!EXTRACTING GRAMMAR\n"; my $OUTGRAMMAR = "$GRAMMAR_DIR/grammar.gz"; if (-e $OUTGRAMMAR) { print STDERR "$OUTGRAMMAR exists, reusing...\n"; } else { my $BACKOFF_ARG = ($BACKOFF_GRAMMAR ? "-g" : ""); my $DEFAULT_CAT_ARG = ($DEFAULT_CAT ? "-d X" : ""); safesystem("$EXTRACTOR -i $LABELED -c $ITEMS_IN_MEMORY -L $BASE_PHRASE_MAX_SIZE -t $NUM_TOPICS $BACKOFF_ARG $DEFAULT_CAT_ARG | $SORT_KEYS | $REDUCER -p | $GZIP > $OUTGRAMMAR") or die "Couldn't extract grammar"; } return $OUTGRAMMAR; } sub grammar_extract_bidir { #gzcat ex.output.gz | ./mr_stripe_rule_reduce -p -b | sort -t $'\t' -k 1 | ./mr_stripe_rule_reduce | gzip > phrase-table.gz my $LABELED = "$LABELED_DIR/corpus.src_trg_al_label"; print STDERR "\n!!!EXTRACTING GRAMMAR\n"; my $OUTGRAMMAR = "$GRAMMAR_DIR/grammar.bidir.gz"; if (-e $OUTGRAMMAR) { print STDERR "$OUTGRAMMAR exists, reusing...\n"; } else { my $BACKOFF_ARG = ($BACKOFF_GRAMMAR ? "-g" : ""); safesystem("$EXTRACTOR -i $LABELED -c $ITEMS_IN_MEMORY -L $BASE_PHRASE_MAX_SIZE -b -t $NUM_TOPICS $BACKOFF_ARG | $SORT_KEYS | $REDUCER -p -b | $SORT_KEYS | $REDUCER | $GZIP > $OUTGRAMMAR") or die "Couldn't extract grammar"; } return $OUTGRAMMAR; } sub safesystem { print STDERR "Executing: @_\n"; system(@_); if ($? == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n"; exit(1); } elsif ($? & 127) { printf STDERR "ERROR: Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; exit(1); } else { my $exitcode = $? >> 8; print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n" if $exitcode; return ! $exitcode; } }