#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd; my $CWD = getcwd; my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR; } my $JOBS = 15; my $PMEM = "9G"; my $NUM_TRANSLATIONS = 30; # featurize_grammar may add multiple features from a single feature extractor # the key in this map is the extractor name, the value is a list of the extracted features my $feat_map = { "LogRuleCount" => [ "LogRuleCount", "SingletonRule" ] , # "XFeatures" => [ "XFE","XEF" ] , "XFeatures" => [ "XFE","XEF","LabelledEF","LabelledFE"], # ,"XE_Singleton","XF_Singleton"] , "LabelledRuleConditionals" => [ "LabelledFE","LabelledEF" ] , "LexProb" => [ "LexE2F", "LexF2E" ] , "BackoffRule" => [ "BackoffRule" ] , "RulePenalty" => [ "RulePenalty" ] , "LHSProb" => [ "LHSProb" ] , "LabellingShape" => [ "LabellingShape" ] , "GenerativeProb" => [ "GenerativeProb" ] , }; my %init_weights = qw( EGivenF -0.735245 FGivenE -0.219391 Glue -0.306709 GlueTop 0.0473331 LanguageModel 2.40403 LexE2F -0.266989 LexF2E -0.550373 LogECount -0.129853 LogFCount -0.194037 LogRuleCount 0.256706 BackoffRule 0.5 XFE -0.256706 XEF -0.256706 XF_Singleton -0.05 XE_Singleton -0.8 LabelledFE -0.256706 LabelledEF -0.256706 PassThrough -0.9304905 SingletonE -3.04161 SingletonF 0.0714027 SingletonRule -0.889377 WordPenalty -1.99495 RulePenalty -0.1 LabellingShape -0.1 LHSProb -0.1 GenerativeProb -0.1 ); # these features are included by default my @DEFAULT_FEATS = qw( PassThrough Glue GlueTop LanguageModel WordPenalty ); my $FILTERBYF = "$SCRIPT_DIR/scripts/filter-by-f.pl"; my $CDEC = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../decoder/cdec"; my $PARALLELIZE = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../vest/parallelize.pl"; my $EXTOOLS = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../extools"; die "Can't find extools: $EXTOOLS" unless -e $EXTOOLS && -d $EXTOOLS; my $VEST = "$SCRIPT_DIR/../../vest"; die "Can't find vest: $VEST" unless -e $VEST && -d $VEST; my $DISTVEST = "$VEST/dist-vest.pl"; my $FILTER = "$EXTOOLS/filter_grammar"; my $FEATURIZE = "$EXTOOLS/featurize_grammar"; assert_exec($CDEC, $PARALLELIZE, $FILTER, $FEATURIZE, $DISTVEST, $FILTERBYF); my $numtopics = 25; my $config = "$SCRIPT_DIR/clsp.config"; if ((scalar @ARGV) >= 2 && ($ARGV[0] eq '-c')) { $config = $ARGV[1]; shift @ARGV; shift @ARGV; unless (-f $config) { $config = "$SCRIPT_DIR/$config"; unless (-f $config) { $config .= ".config"; } } } print STDERR "CORPORA CONFIGURATION: $config\n"; open CONF, "<$config" or die "Can't read $config: $!"; my %paths; my %corpora; my %lms; my %devs; my %devrefs; my %tests; my %testevals; my $datadir; print STDERR " LANGUAGE PAIRS:"; while(<CONF>) { chomp; next if /^#/; next if /^\s*$/; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; if (! defined $datadir) { $datadir = $_; next; } my ($name, $path, $corpus, $lm, $dev, $devref, @xtests) = split /\s+/; $paths{$name} = $path; $corpora{$name} = $corpus; $lms{$name} = $lm; $devs{$name} = $dev; $devrefs{$name} = $devref; $tests{$name} = $xtests[0]; $testevals{$name} = $xtests[1]; print STDERR " $name"; } print STDERR "\n"; my %langpairs = map { $_ => 1 } qw( btec zhen fbis aren uren nlfr ); my $outdir = "$CWD/exp"; my $help; my $FEATURIZER_OPTS = ''; my $dataDir = '/export/ws10smt/data'; my @features; my $bkoffgram; my $gluegram; my $oovgram; my $usefork; my $lmorder = 3; if (GetOptions( "backoff-grammar=s" => \$bkoffgram, "glue-grammar=s" => \$gluegram, "oov-grammar=s" => \$oovgram, "data=s" => \$dataDir, "pmem=s" => \$PMEM, "n=i" => \$NUM_TRANSLATIONS, "features=s@" => \@features, "use-fork" => \$usefork, "jobs=i" => \$JOBS, "out-dir=s" => \$outdir, "lmorder=i" => \$lmorder, ) == 0 || @ARGV!=2 || $help) { print_help(); exit; } if ($usefork) { $usefork="--use-fork"; } else { $usefork = ''; } my @fkeys = keys %$feat_map; die "You must specify one or more features with -f. Known features: @fkeys\n" unless scalar @features > 0; my @xfeats; for my $feat (@features) { my $rs = $feat_map->{$feat}; if (!defined $rs) { die "DON'T KNOW ABOUT FEATURE $feat\n"; } my @xfs = @$rs; @xfeats = (@xfeats, @xfs); $FEATURIZER_OPTS .= " -f $feat" unless $feat eq "BackoffRule"; } print STDERR "X-FEATS: @xfeats\n"; my $lp = $ARGV[0]; my $grammar = $ARGV[1]; print STDERR " CORPUS REPO: $dataDir\n"; print STDERR " LANGUAGE PAIR: $lp\n"; die "I don't know about that language pair\n" unless $paths{$lp}; my $corpdir = "$dataDir"; if ($paths{$lp} =~ /^\//) { $corpdir = $paths{$lp}; } else { $corpdir .= '/' . $paths{$lp}; } die "I can't find the corpora directory: $corpdir" unless -d $corpdir; print STDERR " GRAMMAR: $grammar\n"; my $LANG_MODEL = mydircat($corpdir, $lms{$lp}); print STDERR " LM: $LANG_MODEL\n"; my $CORPUS = mydircat($corpdir, $corpora{$lp}); die "Can't find corpus: $CORPUS" unless -f $CORPUS; my $dev = mydircat($corpdir, $devs{$lp}); my $drefs = $devrefs{$lp}; die "Can't find dev: $dev\n" unless -f $dev; die "Dev refs not set" unless $drefs; $drefs = mydircat($corpdir, $drefs); my $test = mydircat($corpdir, $tests{$lp}); my $teval = mydircat($corpdir, $testevals{$lp}); #die "Can't find test: $test\n" unless -f $test; #assert_exec($teval); `mkdir -p $outdir`; # CREATE INIT WEIGHTS print STDERR "\nCREATING INITIAL WEIGHTS FILE: weights.init\n"; my $weights = mydircat($outdir, "weights.init"); write_random_weights_file($weights, @xfeats); my $bkoff_grmr; my $glue_grmr; if($bkoffgram) { print STDERR "Placing backoff grammar…\n"; $bkoff_grmr = mydircat($outdir, "backoff.scfg.gz"); print STDERR "cp $bkoffgram $bkoff_grmr\n"; safesystem(undef,"cp $bkoffgram $bkoff_grmr"); } if($gluegram) { print STDERR "Placing glue grammar…\n"; $glue_grmr = mydircat($outdir, "glue.bo.scfg.gz"); print STDERR "cp $gluegram $glue_grmr\n"; safesystem(undef,"cp $gluegram $glue_grmr"); } # MAKE DEV print STDERR "\nFILTERING FOR dev...\n"; print STDERR "DEV: $dev (REFS=$drefs)\n"; my $devgrammar = filter($grammar, $dev, 'dev', $outdir); my $devini = mydircat($outdir, "cdec-dev.ini"); write_cdec_ini($devini, $devgrammar); # MAKE TEST print STDERR "\nFILTERING FOR test...\n"; print STDERR "TEST: $test (EVAL=$teval)\n"; `mkdir -p $outdir`; my $testgrammar = filter($grammar, $test, 'test', $outdir); my $testini = mydircat($outdir, "cdec-test.ini"); write_cdec_ini($testini, $testgrammar); # VEST print STDERR "\nMINIMUM ERROR TRAINING\n"; my $tuned_weights = mydircat($outdir, 'weights.tuned'); if (-f $tuned_weights) { print STDERR "TUNED WEIGHTS $tuned_weights EXISTS: REUSING\n"; } else { my $cmd = "$DISTVEST $usefork --decode-nodes $JOBS --pmem=$PMEM --ref-files=$drefs --source-file=$dev --weights $weights $devini"; print STDERR "MERT COMMAND: $cmd\n"; `rm -rf $outdir/vest 2> /dev/null`; chdir $outdir or die "Can't chdir to $outdir: $!"; $weights = `$cmd`; die "MERT reported non-zero exit code" unless $? == 0; chomp $weights; safesystem($tuned_weights, "cp $weights $tuned_weights"); print STDERR "TUNED WEIGHTS: $tuned_weights\n"; die "$tuned_weights is missing!" unless -f $tuned_weights; } # DECODE print STDERR "\nDECODE TEST SET\n"; my $decolog = mydircat($outdir, "test-decode.log"); my $testtrans = mydircat($outdir, "test.trans"); my $cmd = "cat $test | $PARALLELIZE $usefork -j $JOBS -e $decolog -- $CDEC -c $testini -w $tuned_weights > $testtrans"; safesystem($testtrans, $cmd) or die "Failed to decode test set!"; # EVALUATE print STDERR "\nEVALUATE TEST SET\n"; print STDERR "TEST: $testtrans\n"; $cmd = "$teval $testtrans"; safesystem(undef, $cmd) or die "Failed to evaluate!"; exit 0; sub write_random_weights_file { my ($file, @extras) = @_; if (-f $file) { print STDERR "$file exists - REUSING!\n"; return; } open F, ">$file" or die "Can't write $file: $!"; my @feats = (@DEFAULT_FEATS, @extras); for my $feat (@feats) { my $r = rand(1.6); my $w = $init_weights{$feat} * $r; if ($w == 0) { $w = 0.0001; print STDERR "WARNING: $feat had no initial weight!\n"; } print F "$feat $w\n"; } close F; } sub filter { my ($grammar, $set, $name, $outdir) = @_; my $out1 = mydircat($outdir, "$name.filt.gz"); my $out2 = mydircat($outdir, "$name.f_feat.gz"); my $outgrammar = mydircat($outdir, "$name.scfg.gz"); if (-f $outgrammar) { print STDERR "$outgrammar exists - REUSING!\n"; } else { my $cmd = "gunzip -c $grammar | $FILTER -t $set | gzip > $out1"; safesystem($out1, $cmd) or die "Filtering failed."; $cmd = "gunzip -c $out1 | $FEATURIZE $FEATURIZER_OPTS -g $out1 -c $CORPUS | gzip > $out2"; safesystem($out2, $cmd) or die "Featurizing failed"; $cmd = "$FILTERBYF $NUM_TRANSLATIONS $out2 $outgrammar"; safesystem($outgrammar, $cmd) or die "Secondary filtering failed"; } return $outgrammar; } sub mydircat { my ($base, $suffix) = @_; if ($suffix =~ /^\//) { return $suffix; } my $res = $base . '/' . $suffix; $res =~ s/\/\//\//g; return $res; } sub write_cdec_ini { my ($filename, $grammar_path) = (@_); open CDECINI, ">$filename" or die "Can't write $filename: $!"; my $glue = ($gluegram ? "$glue_grmr" : "$datadir/glue/glue.scfg.gz"); my $oov = ($oovgram ? "$oovgram" : "$datadir/oov.scfg.gz"); print CDECINI <<EOT; formalism=scfg cubepruning_pop_limit=100 add_pass_through_rules=true scfg_extra_glue_grammar=$glue grammar=$oov grammar=$grammar_path scfg_default_nt=OOV scfg_no_hiero_glue_grammar=true feature_function=WordPenalty feature_function=LanguageModel -o $lmorder $LANG_MODEL EOT print CDECINI "grammar=$bkoff_grmr\n" if $bkoffgram; close CDECINI; }; sub print_help { print STDERR<<EOT; Usage: $0 [-c data-config-file] [-n N] language-pair grammar.bidir.gz [OPTIONS] Given an induced grammar for an entire corpus (i.e., generated by local-gi-pipeline.pl), filter and featurize it for a dev and test set, run MERT, report scores. Use -n to specify the number of translations to keep for a given source (30 is default). EOT } sub safesystem { my $output = shift @_; print STDERR "Executing: @_\n"; system(@_); if ($? == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: Failed to execute: @_\n $!\n"; if (defined $output && -e $output) { printf STDERR "Removing $output\n"; `rm -rf $output`; } exit(1); } elsif ($? & 127) { printf STDERR "ERROR: Execution of: @_\n died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without'; if (defined $output && -e $output) { printf STDERR "Removing $output\n"; `rm -rf $output`; } exit(1); } else { my $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print STDERR "Exit code: $exitcode\n"; if (defined $output && -e $output) { printf STDERR "Removing $output\n"; `rm -rf $output`; } } return ! $exitcode; } } sub assert_exec { my @files = @_; for my $file (@files) { die "Can't find $file - did you run make?\n" unless -e $file; die "Can't execute $file" unless -e $file; } };