dtrain ====== Build & run ----------- build ..
git clone git://github.com/qlt/cdec-dtrain.git
cd cdec-dtrain
autoreconf -if[v]
./configure [--disable-gtest]
and run:
cd dtrain/hstreaming/
(edit ini files)
edit the vars in hadoop-streaming-job.sh ($ID, $IN and $OUT)
Ideas ----- * *MULTIPARTITE* ranking (1 vs rest, cluster model/score) * *REMEMBER* sampled translations (merge kbest lists) * *SELECT* iteration with highest _real_ BLEU on devtest? * *SYNTHETIC* data? (perfect translation always in kbest) * *CACHE* ngrams for scoring * hadoop *PIPES* implementation * *ITERATION* variants (shuffle resulting weights, re-iterate) * *MORE THAN ONE* reference for BLEU, paraphrases? * *RANDOM RESTARTS* or random directions * use separate *TEST SET* for each shard * *REDUCE* training set (50k?) * *SYNTAX* features (CD) * distribute *DEV* set to all nodes, avg Notes ------------------------------- * cdec kbest vs 1best (no -k param), rescoring (ref?)? => ok(?) * no sparse vector in decoder => fixed/'ok' * PhraseModel features 0..99, mapping? * flex scanner jams on bad input, we could skip that * input/grammar caching (vector -> vector) * why loo grammars larger? are they? (sort psgs | uniq -> grammar) * lower beam size to be faster? * why is -100 in lm so good? * noise helps for discriminative training? * what does srilm do with -unk but nothing mapped to unk ( unigram)? => this: http://www-speech.sri.com/pipermail/srilm-user/2007q4/000543.html * does AER correlate with BLEU? paper? * learning rate tuned with perceptron? * dtrain (perceptron) used for some tests because no optimizer instability * http://www.ark.cs.cmu.edu/cdyer/dtrain/ * repeat as often as max needed by any learner! * don't compare lms (perplex.) with diff vocab (see stupid backoff paper) * what does mira/pro optimize exactly? * early stopping (epsilon, no change in kbest list) * 10-20k rules per sent are normal * giza vs. berkeleyaligner: giza more/less noise? * compound splitting -> more rules? * loo (jackknifing) => ref can't be reached? * prune singletons -> less noise? (do I do this?) * random sample: take fixed X at random * scale of features/weights? Features -------- * baseline features (take whatever cdec implements for VEST) * rule identifiers (feature name = rule as string) * rule discounts (taken from frequency i or frequency interval [i,j] of rule in extraction from parallel training data) bins => from PRO * target ngrams (from nonterminals in rule rhs), with gaps? * source-target unigrams (from word alignments used in rule extraction, if they are?) * lhs, rhs, rule length features * all other features depend on syntax annotation. * word alignment Todo ----------- * merge dtrain part-X files, for better blocks (how to do this with 4.5tb ep) * mapred count shard sents * mapred stats for learning curve (output weights per iter for eval on devtest) * 250 forest sampling is real bad, bug? * metric reporter of bleu for each shard (reporters, status?) to draw learning curves for all shards in 1 plot * kenlm not portable (i7-2620M vs Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz) * mapred chaining? hamake? * make our sigtest work with cdec * l1l2 red (tsuroke)? * epsilon stopping criterion * normalize weight vector to get proper model scores for forest sampling * 108010 with gap(s), and/or fix (same score in diff groups) * 108010: combine model score + bleu * visualize weight vector * *100 runs stats * correlation of *_bleu to ibm_bleu * ep: open lm, cutoff @1 * tune regs * 3x3 4x4 5x5 .. 10x10 until standard dev ok, moving avg * avg weight vector for dtrain? (mira non-avg) * repeat lm choose with mira/pro * shuffle training data * learning rate dynamic (Duh? Tsuroka?) * divide updates by ? * mira: 5/10/15, pro: (5)/10/20/30 (on devtest!) * sample pairs like in pro * mira forest sampling Data ----
nc-v6.de-en             apegd
nc-v6.de-en.loo         apegd
nc-v6.de-en.giza        apegd
nc-v6.de-en.giza.loo    apegd
nc-v6.de-en.cs.giza     apegd
nc-v6.de-en.cs.giza.loo apegd
nv-v6.de-en.cs          apegd
nc-v6.de-en.cs.loo      apegd
ep-v6.de-en.cs          apegd
ep-v6.de-en.cs.loo      apegd

a: alignment:, p: prep, e: extract,
g: grammar, d: dtrain
Experiments ----------- [grammar stats oov on dev/devtest/test size #rules (uniq) time for building ep: 1.5 days on 278 slots (30 nodes) nc: ~2 hours ^^^ lm stats oov on dev/devtest/test perplex on train/dev/devtest/test?] [0] which word alignment? berkeleyaligner giza++ as of Sep 24 2011, mgizapp 0.6.3 --symgiza as of Oct 1 2011-- --- NON LOO (symgiza unreliable) randomly sample 100 from train with loo run dtrain for 100 iterations w/o all other feats (lm, wp, ...) +Glue measure ibm bleu on exact same sents ep -> berkeleyaligner ??? (mb per sent, rules per sent) *100 -> triples, quadruples [1] lm? 3-4-5 open unk nounk (-100 for unk) -- lm oov weight pos? -100 no tuning, -100 prob for unk EXPECT: nounk tuning with dtrain EXPECT: open => lmtest on cs.giza.loo??? [2] cs? 'default' weights [3] loo vs non-loo 'jackknifing' generalization (determ.!) on dev, test on devtest [4] stability all with default params mira: 100 pro: 100 vest: 100 dtrain: 100 [undecided] do we even need loo for ep? pro metaparam (max) iter regularization ??? mira metaparam (max) iter: 10 (nc???) vs 15 (ep???) features to try NgramFeatures -> target side ngrams RuleIdentityFeatures RuleNgramFeatures -> source side ngrams from rule RuleShape -> relative orientation of X's and terminals SpanFeatures -> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cdyer/wmt11-sysdesc.pdf ArityPenalty -> Arity=0 Arity=1 and Arity=2 --- shard size: 500-2k iterations, re-iterate (shuffle w): 10 gamma, eta SVM, perceptron reducer: avg (feats/shard), l1l2, active on all shards sentence sampling: forest pair sampling: all, rand, 108010 (sort), PRO out of domain test? --- variables to control [alignment] [lm] [vest] [mira] [dtrain] [pro] -------- In PRO, a continually growing list of candidates is maintained for each sentence by concatenating k-best lists from each decoding run, and the training pairs are sampled from them. This is done to ensure that the optimizer doesn't forget about bad places in the parameter space that it visited previously (since some training samples will be selected from that space). Something like your approach should work well though, provided you don't overfit to the sentence pair you're looking at in each iteration. So I guess the question is: what are you doing in step 2 exactly? A complete optimization? Taking one step? The other thing is, do you maintain n-best hypotheses from previous iterations? -------- good grammar? => ability to overfit berkeley vs giza not LOO NO optimizer instability 20+ iterations approx_bleu-4 train on dev => test on dev train on devtest => test on devtest dev on dev better? devtest on devtest better? (train/test on loo? => lower!) (test on others => real bad) loo vs non-loo? => generalization (cs vs non-cs?) giza||berkeley LOO + non LOO 2 fold cross validation train on dev, test on devtest train on devtest, test on dev as above ^^^ --- as PRO - UPDATES: perceptron - LEARNING RATE: 0.0005 - GAMMA: - - #ITERATIONS: 30 - SCORER: stupid_bleu@4 - K: 100, 1500?(top X pairs) - SAMPLE: kbest uniq, kbest no - PAIR SAMPLING: all, PRO?TODO - SELECT: best - FEATURES: baseline, RuleShape+SpanFeatures --- - Note: no weight interpolation no early stopping based on kbest lists (epsilon?TODO) dtrain tune reg - updates: SVM - pair sampling important! - learning_rate= 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 0.0005 0.0001 0.00005 0.00001 0.000005 0.000001 0.0000005 0.0000001 0.0000000001 - gamma= - scorer: stupid_bleu 3 - test weights: last - - - test: devtest --- weights visualization (blocks, color coded) zig zag!? repeat all basic exps with training set merge? --sample_from --k --filter --pair_sampling --N --epochs --scorer --learning_rate --gamma --select_weights [--unit_weight_vector] [--l1_reg] [--l1_reg_strength] --------- corr best = really best? 108010gaps coltrane: 9 gillespie: 9 staley: 2 io: 6 ioh: 4 slots when does overfitting begin?