#ifndef _SMALL_VECTOR_H_ #define _SMALL_VECTOR_H_ /* REQUIRES that T is POD (can be memcpy). won't work (yet) due to union with SMALL_VECTOR_POD==0 - may be possible to handle movable types that have ctor/dtor, by using explicit allocation, ctor/dtor calls. but for now JUST USE THIS FOR no-meaningful ctor/dtor POD types. stores small element (<=SV_MAX items) vectors inline. recommend SV_MAX=sizeof(T)/sizeof(T*)>1?sizeof(T)/sizeof(T*):1. may not work if SV_MAX==0. */ #define SMALL_VECTOR_POD 1 #include // std::max - where to get this? #include #include #include #include #include //sizeof(T)/sizeof(T*)>1?sizeof(T)/sizeof(T*):1 template class SmallVector { // typedef unsigned short uint16_t; public: typedef SmallVector Self; SmallVector() : size_(0) {} typedef T const* const_iterator; typedef T* iterator; typedef T value_type; typedef T &reference; typedef T const& const_reference; T *begin() { return size_>SV_MAX?data_.ptr:data_.vals; } T const* begin() const { return const_cast(this)->begin(); } T *end() { return begin()+size_; } T const* end() const { return begin()+size_; } explicit SmallVector(size_t s) : size_(s) { assert(s < 0xA000); if (s <= SV_MAX) { for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) new(&data_.vals[i]) T(); } else { capacity_ = s; size_ = s; data_.ptr = new T[s]; // TODO: replace this with allocator or ::operator new(sizeof(T)*s) everywhere for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) new(&data_.ptr[i]) T(); } } SmallVector(size_t s, T const& v) : size_(s) { assert(s < 0xA000); if (s <= SV_MAX) { for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) data_.vals[i] = v; } else { capacity_ = s; size_ = s; data_.ptr = new T[s]; for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) data_.ptr[i] = v; } } SmallVector(const Self& o) : size_(o.size_) { if (size_ <= SV_MAX) { std::memcpy(data_.vals,o.data_.vals,size_*sizeof(T)); // for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) data_.vals[i] = o.data_.vals[i]; } else { capacity_ = size_ = o.size_; data_.ptr = new T[capacity_]; std::memcpy(data_.ptr, o.data_.ptr, size_ * sizeof(T)); } } const Self& operator=(const Self& o) { if (size_ <= SV_MAX) { if (o.size_ <= SV_MAX) { size_ = o.size_; for (int i = 0; i < SV_MAX; ++i) data_.vals[i] = o.data_.vals[i]; } else { capacity_ = size_ = o.size_; data_.ptr = new T[capacity_]; std::memcpy(data_.ptr, o.data_.ptr, size_ * sizeof(T)); } } else { if (o.size_ <= SV_MAX) { delete[] data_.ptr; size_ = o.size_; for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) data_.vals[i] = o.data_.vals[i]; } else { if (capacity_ < o.size_) { delete[] data_.ptr; capacity_ = o.size_; data_.ptr = new T[capacity_]; } size_ = o.size_; for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) data_.ptr[i] = o.data_.ptr[i]; } } return *this; } ~SmallVector() { if (size_ <= SV_MAX) { // skip if pod? yes, we required pod anyway. no need to destruct #if !SMALL_VECTOR_POD for (int i=0;i SV_MAX) { delete[] data_.ptr; } size_ = 0; } bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; } size_t size() const { return size_; } inline void ensure_capacity(uint16_t min_size) { assert(min_size > SV_MAX); if (min_size < capacity_) return; uint16_t new_cap = std::max(static_cast(capacity_ << 1), min_size); T* tmp = new T[new_cap]; std::memcpy(tmp, data_.ptr, capacity_ * sizeof(T)); delete[] data_.ptr; data_.ptr = tmp; capacity_ = new_cap; } private: inline void copy_vals_to_ptr() { capacity_ = SV_MAX * 2; T* tmp = new T[capacity_]; for (int i = 0; i < SV_MAX; ++i) tmp[i] = data_.vals[i]; data_.ptr = tmp; } inline void ptr_to_small() { assert(size_<=SV_MAX); int *tmp=data_.ptr; for (int i=0;ioperator[](size_ - 1); } const T& back() const { return this->operator[](size_ - 1); } T& front() { return this->operator[](0); } const T& front() const { return this->operator[](0); } void pop_back() { assert(size_>0); --size_; if (size_==SV_MAX) ptr_to_small(); } void compact() { compact(size_); } // size must be <= size_ - TODO: test void compact(uint16_t size) { assert(size<=size_); if (size_>SV_MAX) { size_=size; if (size<=SV_MAX) ptr_to_small(); } else size_=size; } void resize(size_t s, int v = 0) { if (s <= SV_MAX) { if (size_ > SV_MAX) { T *tmp=data_.ptr; for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) data_.vals[i] = tmp[i]; delete[] tmp; size_ = s; return; } if (s <= size_) { size_ = s; return; } else { for (int i = size_; i < s; ++i) data_.vals[i] = v; size_ = s; return; } } else { if (size_ <= SV_MAX) copy_vals_to_ptr(); if (s > capacity_) ensure_capacity(s); if (s > size_) { for (int i = size_; i < s; ++i) data_.ptr[i] = v; } size_ = s; } } T& operator[](size_t i) { if (size_ <= SV_MAX) return data_.vals[i]; return data_.ptr[i]; } const T& operator[](size_t i) const { if (size_ <= SV_MAX) return data_.vals[i]; return data_.ptr[i]; } bool operator==(const Self& o) const { if (size_ != o.size_) return false; if (size_ <= SV_MAX) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) if (data_.vals[i] != o.data_.vals[i]) return false; return true; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) if (data_.ptr[i] != o.data_.ptr[i]) return false; return true; } } friend bool operator!=(const Self& a, const Self& b) { return !(a==b); } private: union StorageType { T vals[SV_MAX]; T* ptr; }; StorageType data_; uint16_t size_; uint16_t capacity_; // only defined when size_ > __SV_MAX_STATIC }; typedef SmallVector SmallVectorInt; template void memcpy(void *out,SmallVector const& v) { std::memcpy(out,v.begin(),v.size()*sizeof(T)); } #endif