#ifndef _FF_FACTORY_H_ #define _FF_FACTORY_H_ // FsaF* vs F* (regular ff/factory). //TODO: use http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/libs/functional/factory/doc/html/index.html ? /*TODO: register state identity separately from feature function identity? as * in: string registry for name of state somewhere, assert that same result is * computed by all users? or, we can just require that ff sharing same state * all be mashed into a single ffunc, which can just emit all the fid scores at * once. that's fine. */ #include #include #include #include #include class FeatureFunction; class FsaFeatureFunction; struct UntypedFactory { virtual ~UntypedFactory(); virtual std::string usage(bool params,bool verbose) const = 0; }; template struct FactoryBase : public UntypedFactory { typedef FF F; typedef boost::shared_ptr FP; virtual FP Create(std::string param) const = 0; }; /* see cdec_ff.cc for example usage: this create concrete factories to be registered */ template struct FFFactory : public FactoryBase { FP Create(std::string param) const { return FP(new FF(param)); } virtual std::string usage(bool params,bool verbose) const { return FF::usage(params,verbose); } }; // same as above, but we didn't want to require a typedef e.g. Parent in FF class, and template typedef isn't available template struct FsaFactory : public FactoryBase { FP Create(std::string param) const { return FP(new FF(param)); } virtual std::string usage(bool params,bool verbose) const { return FF::usage(params,verbose); } }; struct UntypedFactoryRegistry { std::string usage(std::string const& ffname,bool params=true,bool verbose=true) const; void DisplayList() const; void Register(const std::string& ffname, UntypedFactory* factory); void Register(UntypedFactory* factory); void clear(); static bool parse_debug(std::string & param_in_out); // returns true iff param starts w/ debug (and remove that prefix from param) protected: typedef boost::shared_ptr FactoryP; typedef std::map Factmap; Factmap reg_; friend int main(int argc, char** argv); friend class UntypedFactory; }; template struct FactoryRegistry : public UntypedFactoryRegistry { typedef Feat F; typedef boost::shared_ptr FP; typedef FactoryBase FB; FP Create(const std::string& ffname, std::string param) const { using namespace std; Factmap::const_iterator it = reg_.find(ffname); if (it == reg_.end()) throw std::runtime_error("I don't know how to create feature "+ffname); bool debug=parse_debug(param); if (debug) cerr<<"debug enabled for "<(*it->second).Create(param); res->name_ = ffname; res->debug_ = debug; return res; } }; typedef FactoryRegistry FFRegistry; typedef FactoryRegistry FsaFFRegistry; extern FsaFFRegistry fsa_ff_registry; inline FsaFFRegistry & global_fsa_ff_registry() { return fsa_ff_registry; } extern FFRegistry ff_registry; inline FFRegistry & global_ff_registry() { return ff_registry; } /* extern boost::shared_ptr global_fsa_ff_registry; extern boost::shared_ptr global_ff_registry; */ #endif