#include "ff_basic.h"

#include "fast_lexical_cast.hpp"
#include "hg.h"

using namespace std;

// Hiero and Joshua use log_10(e) as the value, so I do to
WordPenalty::WordPenalty(const string& param) :
    value_(-1.0 / log(10)) {
  if (!param.empty()) {
    cerr << "Warning WordPenalty ignoring parameter: " << param << endl;

void WordPenalty::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
                                        const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,
                                        const std::vector<const void*>& ant_states,
                                        SparseVector<double>* features,
                                        SparseVector<double>* estimated_features,
                                        void* state) const {
  (void) smeta;
  (void) ant_states;
  (void) state;
  (void) estimated_features;
  features->set_value(fid_, edge.rule_->EWords() * value_);

SourceWordPenalty::SourceWordPenalty(const string& param) :
    value_(-1.0 / log(10)) {
  if (!param.empty()) {
    cerr << "Warning SourceWordPenalty ignoring parameter: " << param << endl;

void SourceWordPenalty::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
                                        const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,
                                        const std::vector<const void*>& ant_states,
                                        SparseVector<double>* features,
                                        SparseVector<double>* estimated_features,
                                        void* state) const {
  (void) smeta;
  (void) ant_states;
  (void) state;
  (void) estimated_features;
  features->set_value(fid_, edge.rule_->FWords() * value_);

ArityPenalty::ArityPenalty(const std::string& param) :
    value_(-1.0 / log(10)) {
  string fname = "Arity_";
  using namespace boost;
  if (!param.empty())
  for (unsigned i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i) {
    WordID fid=FD::Convert(fname+lexical_cast<string>(i));
  while (!fids_.empty() && fids_.back()==0) fids_.pop_back(); // pretty up features vector in case FD was frozen.  doesn't change anything

void ArityPenalty::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta,
                                         const Hypergraph::Edge& edge,
                                         const std::vector<const void*>& ant_states,
                                         SparseVector<double>* features,
                                         SparseVector<double>* estimated_features,
                                         void* state) const {
  (void) smeta;
  (void) ant_states;
  (void) state;
  (void) estimated_features;
  unsigned a=edge.Arity();
  features->set_value(a<fids_.size()?fids_[a]:0, value_);