//TODO: 0 size state != rule-local feature, i.e. still may depend on source span loc/context. identify truly rule-local features so if we want they can be added to grammar rules (minor speedup) #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include "ff.h" #include "tdict.h" #include "hg.h" using namespace std; FeatureFunction::~FeatureFunction() {} void FeatureFunction::FinalTraversalFeatures(const void* ant_state, SparseVector<double>* features) const { (void) ant_state; (void) features; } string FeatureFunction::usage_helper(std::string const& name,std::string const& params,std::string const& details,bool sp,bool sd) { string r=name; if (sp) { r+=": "; r+=params; } if (sd) { r+="\n"; r+=details; } return r; } FeatureFunction::Features FeatureFunction::single_feature(WordID feat) { return Features(1,feat); } FeatureFunction::Features ModelSet::all_features(std::ostream *warn,bool warn0) { typedef FeatureFunction::Features FFS; FFS ffs; #define WARNFF(x) do { if (warn) { *warn << "WARNING: "<< x ; *warn<<endl; } } while(0) typedef std::map<WordID,string> FFM; FFM ff_from; for (unsigned i=0;i<models_.size();++i) { FeatureFunction const& ff=*models_[i]; string const& ffname=ff.name; FFS si=ff.features(); if (si.empty()) { WARNFF(ffname<<" doesn't yet report any feature IDs - implement features() method?"); } unsigned n0=0; for (unsigned j=0;j<si.size();++j) { WordID fid=si[j]; if (!fid) ++n0; if (fid >= weights_.size()) weights_.resize(fid+1); if (warn0 || fid) { pair<FFM::iterator,bool> i_new=ff_from.insert(FFM::value_type(fid,ffname)); if (i_new.second) { if (fid) ffs.push_back(fid); else WARNFF("Feature id 0 for "<<ffname<<" (models["<<i<<"]) - probably no weight provided. Don't freeze feature ids to see the name"); } else { WARNFF(ffname<<" (models["<<i<<"]) tried to define feature "<<FD::Convert(fid)<<" already defined earlier by "<<i_new.first->second); } } } if (n0) WARNFF(ffname<<" (models["<<i<<"]) had "<<n0<<" unused features (--no_freeze_feature_set to see them)"); } return ffs; #undef WARNFF } void ModelSet::show_features(std::ostream &out,std::ostream &warn,bool warn_zero_wt) { typedef FeatureFunction::Features FFS; FFS ffs=all_features(&warn,warn_zero_wt); out << "Weight Feature\n"; for (unsigned i=0;i<ffs.size();++i) { WordID fid=ffs[i]; string const& fname=FD::Convert(fid); double wt=weights_[fid]; if (warn_zero_wt && wt==0) warn<<"WARNING: "<<fname<<" has 0 weight."<<endl; out << wt << " " << fname<<endl; } } // Hiero and Joshua use log_10(e) as the value, so I do to WordPenalty::WordPenalty(const string& param) : fid_(FD::Convert("WordPenalty")), value_(-1.0 / log(10)) { if (!param.empty()) { cerr << "Warning WordPenalty ignoring parameter: " << param << endl; } } void WordPenalty::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const void*>& ant_states, SparseVector<double>* features, SparseVector<double>* estimated_features, void* state) const { (void) smeta; (void) ant_states; (void) state; (void) estimated_features; features->set_value(fid_, edge.rule_->EWords() * value_); } SourceWordPenalty::SourceWordPenalty(const string& param) : fid_(FD::Convert("SourceWordPenalty")), value_(-1.0 / log(10)) { if (!param.empty()) { cerr << "Warning SourceWordPenalty ignoring parameter: " << param << endl; } } FeatureFunction::Features SourceWordPenalty::features() const { return single_feature(fid_); } FeatureFunction::Features WordPenalty::features() const { return single_feature(fid_); } void SourceWordPenalty::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const void*>& ant_states, SparseVector<double>* features, SparseVector<double>* estimated_features, void* state) const { (void) smeta; (void) ant_states; (void) state; (void) estimated_features; features->set_value(fid_, edge.rule_->FWords() * value_); } ArityPenalty::ArityPenalty(const std::string& param) : value_(-1.0 / log(10)) { string fname = "Arity_"; unsigned MAX=DEFAULT_MAX_ARITY; using namespace boost; if (!param.empty()) MAX=lexical_cast<unsigned>(param); for (unsigned i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i) { WordID fid=FD::Convert(fname+lexical_cast<string>(i)); fids_.push_back(fid); } while (!fids_.empty() && fids_.back()==0) fids_.pop_back(); // pretty up features vector in case FD was frozen. doesn't change anything } FeatureFunction::Features ArityPenalty::features() const { return Features(fids_.begin(),fids_.end()); } void ArityPenalty::TraversalFeaturesImpl(const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const Hypergraph::Edge& edge, const std::vector<const void*>& ant_states, SparseVector<double>* features, SparseVector<double>* estimated_features, void* state) const { (void) smeta; (void) ant_states; (void) state; (void) estimated_features; unsigned a=edge.Arity(); features->set_value(a<fids_.size()?fids_[a]:0, value_); } ModelSet::ModelSet(const vector<double>& w, const vector<const FeatureFunction*>& models) : models_(models), weights_(w), state_size_(0), model_state_pos_(models.size()) { for (int i = 0; i < models_.size(); ++i) { model_state_pos_[i] = state_size_; state_size_ += models_[i]->NumBytesContext(); } } void ModelSet::AddFeaturesToEdge(const SentenceMetadata& smeta, const Hypergraph& /* hg */, const vector<string>& node_states, Hypergraph::Edge* edge, string* context, prob_t* combination_cost_estimate) const { context->resize(state_size_); memset(&(*context)[0], 0, state_size_); SparseVector<double> est_vals; // only computed if combination_cost_estimate is non-NULL if (combination_cost_estimate) *combination_cost_estimate = prob_t::One(); for (int i = 0; i < models_.size(); ++i) { const FeatureFunction& ff = *models_[i]; void* cur_ff_context = NULL; vector<const void*> ants(edge->tail_nodes_.size()); bool has_context = ff.NumBytesContext() > 0; if (has_context) { int spos = model_state_pos_[i]; cur_ff_context = &(*context)[spos]; for (int i = 0; i < ants.size(); ++i) { ants[i] = &node_states[edge->tail_nodes_[i]][spos]; } } ff.TraversalFeatures(smeta, *edge, ants, &edge->feature_values_, &est_vals, cur_ff_context); } if (combination_cost_estimate) combination_cost_estimate->logeq(est_vals.dot(weights_)); edge->edge_prob_.logeq(edge->feature_values_.dot(weights_)); } void ModelSet::AddFinalFeatures(const std::string& state, Hypergraph::Edge* edge) const { assert(1 == edge->rule_->Arity()); for (int i = 0; i < models_.size(); ++i) { const FeatureFunction& ff = *models_[i]; const void* ant_state = NULL; bool has_context = ff.NumBytesContext() > 0; if (has_context) { int spos = model_state_pos_[i]; ant_state = &state[spos]; } ff.FinalTraversalFeatures(ant_state, &edge->feature_values_); } edge->edge_prob_.logeq(edge->feature_values_.dot(weights_)); }