#include "earley_composer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "phrasetable_fst.h" #include "sparse_vector.h" #include "tdict.h" #include "hg.h" using boost::shared_ptr; namespace po = boost::program_options; using namespace std; using namespace std::tr1; // Define the following macro if you want to see lots of debugging output // when you run the chart parser #undef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER // A few constants used by the chart parser /////////////// static const int kMAX_NODES = 2000000; static const string kPHRASE_STRING = "X"; static bool constants_need_init = true; static WordID kUNIQUE_START; static WordID kPHRASE; static TRulePtr kX1X2; static TRulePtr kX1; static WordID kEPS; static TRulePtr kEPSRule; static void InitializeConstants() { if (constants_need_init) { kPHRASE = TD::Convert(kPHRASE_STRING) * -1; kUNIQUE_START = TD::Convert("S") * -1; kX1X2.reset(new TRule("[X] ||| [X,1] [X,2] ||| [X,1] [X,2]")); kX1.reset(new TRule("[X] ||| [X,1] ||| [X,1]")); kEPSRule.reset(new TRule("[X] ||| ||| ")); kEPS = TD::Convert(""); constants_need_init = false; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class EGrammarNode { friend bool EarleyComposer::Compose(const Hypergraph& src_forest, Hypergraph* trg_forest); friend void AddGrammarRule(const string& r, map* g); public: #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER string hint; #endif EGrammarNode() : is_some_rule_complete(false), is_root(false) {} const map& GetTerminals() const { return tptr; } const map& GetNonTerminals() const { return ntptr; } bool HasNonTerminals() const { return (!ntptr.empty()); } bool HasTerminals() const { return (!tptr.empty()); } bool RuleCompletes() const { return (is_some_rule_complete || (ntptr.empty() && tptr.empty())); } bool GrammarContinues() const { return !(ntptr.empty() && tptr.empty()); } bool IsRoot() const { return is_root; } // these are the features associated with the rule from the start // node up to this point. If you use these features, you must // not Extend() this rule. const SparseVector& GetCFGProductionFeatures() const { return input_features; } const EGrammarNode* Extend(const WordID& t) const { if (t < 0) { map::const_iterator it = ntptr.find(t); if (it == ntptr.end()) return NULL; return &it->second; } else { map::const_iterator it = tptr.find(t); if (it == tptr.end()) return NULL; return &it->second; } } private: map tptr; map ntptr; SparseVector input_features; bool is_some_rule_complete; bool is_root; }; typedef map EGrammar; // indexed by the rule LHS // edges are immutable once created struct Edge { #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER static int id_count; const int id; #endif const WordID cat; // lhs side of rule proved/being proved const EGrammarNode* const dot; // dot position const FSTNode* const q; // start of span const FSTNode* const r; // end of span const Edge* const active_parent; // back pointer, NULL for PREDICT items const Edge* const passive_parent; // back pointer, NULL for SCAN and PREDICT items const TargetPhraseSet* const tps; // translations shared_ptr > features; // features from CFG rule bool IsPassive() const { // when a rule is completed, this value will be set return static_cast(features); } bool IsActive() const { return !IsPassive(); } bool IsInitial() const { return !(active_parent || passive_parent); } bool IsCreatedByScan() const { return active_parent && !passive_parent && !dot->IsRoot(); } bool IsCreatedByPredict() const { return dot->IsRoot(); } bool IsCreatedByComplete() const { return active_parent && passive_parent; } // constructor for PREDICT Edge(WordID c, const EGrammarNode* d, const FSTNode* q_and_r) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(++id_count), #endif cat(c), dot(d), q(q_and_r), r(q_and_r), active_parent(NULL), passive_parent(NULL), tps(NULL) {} Edge(WordID c, const EGrammarNode* d, const FSTNode* q_and_r, const Edge* act_parent) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(++id_count), #endif cat(c), dot(d), q(q_and_r), r(q_and_r), active_parent(act_parent), passive_parent(NULL), tps(NULL) {} // constructors for SCAN Edge(WordID c, const EGrammarNode* d, const FSTNode* i, const FSTNode* j, const Edge* act_par, const TargetPhraseSet* translations) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(++id_count), #endif cat(c), dot(d), q(i), r(j), active_parent(act_par), passive_parent(NULL), tps(translations) {} Edge(WordID c, const EGrammarNode* d, const FSTNode* i, const FSTNode* j, const Edge* act_par, const TargetPhraseSet* translations, const SparseVector& feats) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(++id_count), #endif cat(c), dot(d), q(i), r(j), active_parent(act_par), passive_parent(NULL), tps(translations), features(new SparseVector(feats)) {} // constructors for COMPLETE Edge(WordID c, const EGrammarNode* d, const FSTNode* i, const FSTNode* j, const Edge* act_par, const Edge *pas_par) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(++id_count), #endif cat(c), dot(d), q(i), r(j), active_parent(act_par), passive_parent(pas_par), tps(NULL) { assert(pas_par->IsPassive()); assert(act_par->IsActive()); } Edge(WordID c, const EGrammarNode* d, const FSTNode* i, const FSTNode* j, const Edge* act_par, const Edge *pas_par, const SparseVector& feats) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(++id_count), #endif cat(c), dot(d), q(i), r(j), active_parent(act_par), passive_parent(pas_par), tps(NULL), features(new SparseVector(feats)) { assert(pas_par->IsPassive()); assert(act_par->IsActive()); } // constructor for COMPLETE query Edge(const FSTNode* _r) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(0), #endif cat(0), dot(NULL), q(NULL), r(_r), active_parent(NULL), passive_parent(NULL), tps(NULL) {} // constructor for MERGE quere Edge(const FSTNode* _q, int) : #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER id(0), #endif cat(0), dot(NULL), q(_q), r(NULL), active_parent(NULL), passive_parent(NULL), tps(NULL) {} }; #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER int Edge::id_count = 0; #endif ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Edge& e) { string type = "PREDICT"; if (e.IsCreatedByScan()) type = "SCAN"; else if (e.IsCreatedByComplete()) type = "COMPLETE"; os << "[" #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER << '(' << e.id << ") " #else << '(' << &e << ") " #endif << "q=" << e.q << ", r=" << e.r << ", cat="<< TD::Convert(e.cat*-1) << ", dot=" << e.dot #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER << e.dot->hint #endif << (e.IsActive() ? ", Active" : ", Passive") << ", " << type; #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER if (e.active_parent) { os << ", act.parent=(" << e.active_parent->id << ')'; } if (e.passive_parent) { os << ", psv.parent=(" << e.passive_parent->id << ')'; } #endif if (e.tps) { os << ", tps=" << e.tps; } return os << ']'; } struct Traversal { const Edge* const edge; // result from the active / passive combination const Edge* const active; const Edge* const passive; Traversal(const Edge* me, const Edge* a, const Edge* p) : edge(me), active(a), passive(p) {} }; struct UniqueTraversalHash { size_t operator()(const Traversal* t) const { size_t x = 5381; x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(t->active); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(t->passive); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ t->edge->IsActive(); return x; } }; struct UniqueTraversalEquals { size_t operator()(const Traversal* a, const Traversal* b) const { return (a->passive == b->passive && a->active == b->active && a->edge->IsActive() == b->edge->IsActive()); } }; struct UniqueEdgeHash { size_t operator()(const Edge* e) const { size_t x = 5381; if (e->IsActive()) { x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->dot); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->q); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->r); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ static_cast(e->cat); x += 13; } else { // with passive edges, we don't care about the dot x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->q); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->r); x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ static_cast(e->cat); } return x; } }; struct UniqueEdgeEquals { bool operator()(const Edge* a, const Edge* b) const { if (a->IsActive() != b->IsActive()) return false; if (a->IsActive()) { return (a->cat == b->cat) && (a->dot == b->dot) && (a->q == b->q) && (a->r == b->r); } else { return (a->cat == b->cat) && (a->q == b->q) && (a->r == b->r); } } }; struct REdgeHash { size_t operator()(const Edge* e) const { size_t x = 5381; x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->r); return x; } }; struct REdgeEquals { bool operator()(const Edge* a, const Edge* b) const { return (a->r == b->r); } }; struct QEdgeHash { size_t operator()(const Edge* e) const { size_t x = 5381; x = ((x << 5) + x) ^ reinterpret_cast(e->q); return x; } }; struct QEdgeEquals { bool operator()(const Edge* a, const Edge* b) const { return (a->q == b->q); } }; struct EdgeQueue { queue q; EdgeQueue() {} void clear() { while(!q.empty()) q.pop(); } bool HasWork() const { return !q.empty(); } const Edge* Next() { const Edge* res = q.front(); q.pop(); return res; } void AddEdge(const Edge* s) { q.push(s); } }; class EarleyComposerImpl { public: EarleyComposerImpl(WordID start_cat, const FSTNode& q_0) : start_cat_(start_cat), q_0_(&q_0) {} // returns false if the intersection is empty bool Compose(const EGrammar& g, Hypergraph* forest) { goal_node = NULL; EGrammar::const_iterator sit = g.find(start_cat_); forest->ReserveNodes(kMAX_NODES); assert(sit != g.end()); Edge* init = new Edge(start_cat_, &sit->second, q_0_); assert(IncorporateNewEdge(init)); while (exp_agenda.HasWork() || agenda.HasWork()) { while(exp_agenda.HasWork()) { const Edge* edge = exp_agenda.Next(); FinishEdge(edge, forest); } if (agenda.HasWork()) { const Edge* edge = agenda.Next(); #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cerr << "processing (" << edge->id << ')' << endl; #endif if (edge->IsActive()) { if (edge->dot->HasTerminals()) DoScan(edge); if (edge->dot->HasNonTerminals()) { DoMergeWithPassives(edge); DoPredict(edge, g); } } else { DoComplete(edge); } } } if (goal_node) { forest->PruneUnreachable(goal_node->id_); forest->EpsilonRemove(kEPS); } FreeAll(); return goal_node; } void FreeAll() { for (int i = 0; i < free_list_.size(); ++i) delete free_list_[i]; free_list_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < traversal_free_list_.size(); ++i) delete traversal_free_list_[i]; traversal_free_list_.clear(); all_traversals.clear(); exp_agenda.clear(); agenda.clear(); tps2node.clear(); edge2node.clear(); all_edges.clear(); passive_edges.clear(); active_edges.clear(); } ~EarleyComposerImpl() { FreeAll(); } // returns the total number of edges created during composition int EdgesCreated() const { return free_list_.size(); } private: void DoScan(const Edge* edge) { // here, we assume that the FST will potentially have many more outgoing // edges than the grammar, which will be just a couple. If you want to // efficiently handle the case where both are relatively large, this code // will need to change how the intersection is done. The best general // solution would probably be the Baeza-Yates double binary search. const EGrammarNode* dot = edge->dot; const FSTNode* r = edge->r; const map& terms = dot->GetTerminals(); for (map::const_iterator git = terms.begin(); git != terms.end(); ++git) { const FSTNode* next_r = r->Extend(git->first); if (!next_r) continue; const EGrammarNode* next_dot = &git->second; const bool grammar_continues = next_dot->GrammarContinues(); const bool rule_completes = next_dot->RuleCompletes(); assert(grammar_continues || rule_completes); const SparseVector& input_features = next_dot->GetCFGProductionFeatures(); // create up to 4 new edges! if (next_r->HasOutgoingNonEpsilonEdges()) { // are there further symbols in the FST? const TargetPhraseSet* translations = NULL; if (rule_completes) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(edge->cat, next_dot, edge->q, next_r, edge, translations, input_features)); if (grammar_continues) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(edge->cat, next_dot, edge->q, next_r, edge, translations)); } if (next_r->HasData()) { // indicates a loop back to q_0 in the FST const TargetPhraseSet* translations = next_r->GetTranslations(); if (rule_completes) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(edge->cat, next_dot, edge->q, q_0_, edge, translations, input_features)); if (grammar_continues) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(edge->cat, next_dot, edge->q, q_0_, edge, translations)); } } } void DoPredict(const Edge* edge, const EGrammar& g) { const EGrammarNode* dot = edge->dot; const map& non_terms = dot->GetNonTerminals(); for (map::const_iterator git = non_terms.begin(); git != non_terms.end(); ++git) { const WordID nt_to_predict = git->first; //cerr << edge->id << " -- " << TD::Convert(nt_to_predict*-1) << endl; EGrammar::const_iterator egi = g.find(nt_to_predict); if (egi == g.end()) { cerr << "[ERROR] Can't find any grammar rules with a LHS of type " << TD::Convert(-1*nt_to_predict) << '!' << endl; continue; } assert(edge->IsActive()); const EGrammarNode* new_dot = &egi->second; Edge* new_edge = new Edge(nt_to_predict, new_dot, edge->r, edge); IncorporateNewEdge(new_edge); } } void DoComplete(const Edge* passive) { #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cerr << " complete: " << *passive << endl; #endif const WordID completed_nt = passive->cat; const FSTNode* q = passive->q; const FSTNode* next_r = passive->r; const Edge query(q); const pair::iterator, unordered_multiset::iterator > p = active_edges.equal_range(&query); for (unordered_multiset::iterator it = p.first; it != p.second; ++it) { const Edge* active = *it; #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cerr << " pos: " << *active << endl; #endif const EGrammarNode* next_dot = active->dot->Extend(completed_nt); if (!next_dot) continue; const SparseVector& input_features = next_dot->GetCFGProductionFeatures(); // add up to 2 rules if (next_dot->RuleCompletes()) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(active->cat, next_dot, active->q, next_r, active, passive, input_features)); if (next_dot->GrammarContinues()) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(active->cat, next_dot, active->q, next_r, active, passive)); } } void DoMergeWithPassives(const Edge* active) { // edge is active, has non-terminals, we need to find the passives that can extend it assert(active->IsActive()); assert(active->dot->HasNonTerminals()); #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cerr << " merge active with passives: ACT=" << *active << endl; #endif const Edge query(active->r, 1); const pair::iterator, unordered_multiset::iterator > p = passive_edges.equal_range(&query); for (unordered_multiset::iterator it = p.first; it != p.second; ++it) { const Edge* passive = *it; const EGrammarNode* next_dot = active->dot->Extend(passive->cat); if (!next_dot) continue; const FSTNode* next_r = passive->r; const SparseVector& input_features = next_dot->GetCFGProductionFeatures(); if (next_dot->RuleCompletes()) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(active->cat, next_dot, active->q, next_r, active, passive, input_features)); if (next_dot->GrammarContinues()) IncorporateNewEdge(new Edge(active->cat, next_dot, active->q, next_r, active, passive)); } } // take ownership of edge memory, add to various indexes, etc // returns true if this edge is new bool IncorporateNewEdge(Edge* edge) { free_list_.push_back(edge); if (edge->passive_parent && edge->active_parent) { Traversal* t = new Traversal(edge, edge->active_parent, edge->passive_parent); traversal_free_list_.push_back(t); if (all_traversals.find(t) != all_traversals.end()) { return false; } else { all_traversals.insert(t); } } exp_agenda.AddEdge(edge); return true; } bool FinishEdge(const Edge* edge, Hypergraph* hg) { bool is_new = false; if (all_edges.find(edge) == all_edges.end()) { #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cerr << *edge << " is NEW\n"; #endif all_edges.insert(edge); is_new = true; if (edge->IsPassive()) passive_edges.insert(edge); if (edge->IsActive()) active_edges.insert(edge); agenda.AddEdge(edge); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cerr << *edge << " is NOT NEW.\n"; #endif } AddEdgeToTranslationForest(edge, hg); return is_new; } // build the translation forest void AddEdgeToTranslationForest(const Edge* edge, Hypergraph* hg) { assert(hg->nodes_.size() < kMAX_NODES); Hypergraph::Node* tps = NULL; // first add any target language rules if (edge->tps) { Hypergraph::Node*& node = tps2node[(size_t)edge->tps]; if (!node) { // cerr << "Creating phrases for " << edge->tps << endl; const vector& rules = edge->tps->GetRules(); node = hg->AddNode(kPHRASE); for (int i = 0; i < rules.size(); ++i) { Hypergraph::Edge* hg_edge = hg->AddEdge(rules[i], Hypergraph::TailNodeVector()); hg_edge->feature_values_ += rules[i]->GetFeatureValues(); hg->ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(hg_edge, node); } } tps = node; } Hypergraph::Node*& head_node = edge2node[edge]; if (!head_node) head_node = hg->AddNode(kPHRASE); if (edge->cat == start_cat_ && edge->q == q_0_ && edge->r == q_0_ && edge->IsPassive()) { assert(goal_node == NULL || goal_node == head_node); goal_node = head_node; } Hypergraph::TailNodeVector tail; SparseVector extra; if (edge->IsCreatedByPredict()) { // extra.set_value(FD::Convert("predict"), 1); } else if (edge->IsCreatedByScan()) { tail.push_back(edge2node[edge->active_parent]->id_); if (tps) { tail.push_back(tps->id_); } //extra.set_value(FD::Convert("scan"), 1); } else if (edge->IsCreatedByComplete()) { tail.push_back(edge2node[edge->active_parent]->id_); tail.push_back(edge2node[edge->passive_parent]->id_); //extra.set_value(FD::Convert("complete"), 1); } else { assert(!"unexpected edge type!"); } //cerr << head_node->id_ << "<--" << *edge << endl; #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER for (int i = 0; i < tail.size(); ++i) if (tail[i] == head_node->id_) { cerr << "ERROR: " << *edge << "\n i=" << i << endl; if (i == 1) { cerr << "\tP: " << *edge->passive_parent << endl; } if (i == 0) { cerr << "\tA: " << *edge->active_parent << endl; } assert(!"self-loop found!"); } #endif Hypergraph::Edge* hg_edge = NULL; if (tail.size() == 0) { hg_edge = hg->AddEdge(kEPSRule, tail); } else if (tail.size() == 1) { hg_edge = hg->AddEdge(kX1, tail); } else if (tail.size() == 2) { hg_edge = hg->AddEdge(kX1X2, tail); } if (edge->features) hg_edge->feature_values_ += *edge->features; hg_edge->feature_values_ += extra; hg->ConnectEdgeToHeadNode(hg_edge, head_node); } Hypergraph::Node* goal_node; EdgeQueue exp_agenda; EdgeQueue agenda; unordered_map tps2node; unordered_map edge2node; unordered_set all_traversals; unordered_set all_edges; unordered_multiset passive_edges; unordered_multiset active_edges; vector free_list_; vector traversal_free_list_; const WordID start_cat_; const FSTNode* const q_0_; }; #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER static string TrimRule(const string& r) { size_t start = r.find(" |||") + 5; size_t end = r.rfind(" |||"); return r.substr(start, end - start); } #endif void AddGrammarRule(const string& r, EGrammar* g) { const size_t pos = r.find(" ||| "); if (pos == string::npos || r[0] != '[') { cerr << "Bad rule: " << r << endl; return; } const size_t rpos = r.rfind(" ||| "); string feats; string rs = r; if (rpos != pos) { feats = r.substr(rpos + 5); rs = r.substr(0, rpos); } string rhs = rs.substr(pos + 5); string trule = rs + " ||| " + rhs + " ||| " + feats; TRule tr(trule); #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER string hint_last_rule; #endif EGrammarNode* cur = &(*g)[tr.GetLHS()]; cur->is_root = true; for (int i = 0; i < tr.FLength(); ++i) { WordID sym = tr.f()[i]; #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER hint_last_rule = TD::Convert(sym < 0 ? -sym : sym); cur->hint += " <@@> (*" + hint_last_rule + ") " + TrimRule(tr.AsString()); #endif if (sym < 0) cur = &cur->ntptr[sym]; else cur = &cur->tptr[sym]; } #ifdef DEBUG_CHART_PARSER cur->hint += " <@@> (" + hint_last_rule + "*) " + TrimRule(tr.AsString()); #endif cur->is_some_rule_complete = true; cur->input_features = tr.GetFeatureValues(); } EarleyComposer::~EarleyComposer() { delete pimpl_; } EarleyComposer::EarleyComposer(const FSTNode* fst) { InitializeConstants(); pimpl_ = new EarleyComposerImpl(kUNIQUE_START, *fst); } bool EarleyComposer::Compose(const Hypergraph& src_forest, Hypergraph* trg_forest) { // first, convert the src forest into an EGrammar EGrammar g; const int nedges = src_forest.edges_.size(); const int nnodes = src_forest.nodes_.size(); vector cats(nnodes); bool assign_cats = false; for (int i = 0; i < nnodes; ++i) if (assign_cats) { cats[i] = TD::Convert("CAT_" + boost::lexical_cast(i)) * -1; } else { cats[i] = src_forest.nodes_[i].cat_; } // construct the grammar for (int i = 0; i < nedges; ++i) { const Hypergraph::Edge& edge = src_forest.edges_[i]; const vector& src = edge.rule_->f(); EGrammarNode* cur = &g[cats[edge.head_node_]]; cur->is_root = true; int ntc = 0; for (int j = 0; j < src.size(); ++j) { WordID sym = src[j]; if (sym <= 0) { sym = cats[edge.tail_nodes_[ntc]]; ++ntc; cur = &cur->ntptr[sym]; } else { cur = &cur->tptr[sym]; } } cur->is_some_rule_complete = true; cur->input_features = edge.feature_values_; } EGrammarNode& goal_rule = g[kUNIQUE_START]; assert((goal_rule.ntptr.size() == 1 && goal_rule.tptr.size() == 0) || (goal_rule.ntptr.size() == 0 && goal_rule.tptr.size() == 1)); return pimpl_->Compose(g, trg_forest); } bool EarleyComposer::Compose(istream* in, Hypergraph* trg_forest) { EGrammar g; while(*in) { string line; getline(*in, line); if (line.empty()) continue; AddGrammarRule(line, &g); } return pimpl_->Compose(g, trg_forest); }