#include "cfg.h" #include "hg.h" #include "cfg_format.h" #include "cfg_binarize.h" #include "hash.h" #include "batched_append.h" #include <limits> #include "fast_lexical_cast.hpp" //#include "indices_after.h" #include "show.h" #include "null_traits.h" #define DUNIQ(x) x #define DBIN(x) #define DSP(x) x //SP:binarize by splitting. #define DCFG(x) IF_CFG_DEBUG(x) #undef CFG_FOR_RULES #define CFG_FOR_RULES(i,expr) \ for (CFG::NTs::const_iterator n=nts.begin(),nn=nts.end();n!=nn;++n) { \ NT const& nt=*n; \ for (CFG::Ruleids::const_iterator ir=nt.ruleids.begin(),er=nt.ruleids.end();ir!=er;++ir) { \ RuleHandle i=*ir; \ expr; \ } \ } using namespace std; typedef CFG::Rule Rule; typedef CFG::NTOrder NTOrder; typedef CFG::RHS RHS; typedef CFG::BinRhs BinRhs; /////index ruleids: void CFG::UnindexRules() { for (NTs::iterator n=nts.begin(),nn=nts.end();n!=nn;++n) n->ruleids.clear(); } void CFG::ReindexRules() { UnindexRules(); for (int i=0,e=rules.size();i<e;++i) if (!rules[i].is_null()) nts[rules[i].lhs].ruleids.push_back(i); } //////topo order: namespace { typedef std::vector<char> Seen; // 0 = unseen, 1 = seen+finished, 2 = open (for cycle detection; seen but not finished) enum { UNSEEN=0,SEEN,OPEN }; // bottom -> top topo order (rev head->tails topo) template <class OutOrder> struct CFGTopo { // meaningless efficiency alternative: close over all the args except ni - so they're passed as a single pointer. also makes visiting tail_nts simpler. CFG const& cfg; OutOrder outorder; std::ostream *cerrp; CFGTopo(CFG const& cfg,OutOrder const& outorder,std::ostream *cerrp=&std::cerr) : cfg(cfg),outorder(outorder),cerrp(cerrp) // closure over args , seen(cfg.nts.size()) { } Seen seen; void operator()(CFG::NTHandle ni) { char &seenthis=seen[ni]; if (seenthis==UNSEEN) { seenthis=OPEN; CFG::NT const& nt=cfg.nts[ni]; for (CFG::Ruleids::const_iterator i=nt.ruleids.begin(),e=nt.ruleids.end();i!=e;++i) { Rule const& r=cfg.rules[*i]; r.visit_rhs_nts(*this); // recurse. } *outorder++=ni; // dfs finishing time order = reverse topo. seenthis=SEEN; } else if (cerrp && seenthis==OPEN) { std::ostream &cerr=*cerrp; cerr<<"WARNING: CFG Topo order attempt failed: NT "; cfg.print_nt_name(cerr,ni); cerr<<" already reached from goal(top) "; cfg.print_nt_name(cerr,cfg.goal_nt); cerr<<". Continuing to reorder, but it's not fully topological.\n"; } } }; template <class O> void DoCFGTopo(CFG const& cfg,CFG::NTHandle goal,O const& o,std::ostream *w=0) { CFGTopo<O> ct(cfg,o,w); ct(goal); } }//ns // you would need to do this only if you didn't build from hg, or you Binarize without bin_topo option. note: this doesn't sort the list of rules; it's assumed that if you care about the topo order you'll iterate over nodes. void CFG::OrderNTsTopo(NTOrder *o_,std::ostream *cycle_complain) { NTOrder &o=*o_; o.resize(nts.size()); DoCFGTopo(*this,goal_nt,o.begin(),cycle_complain); } /////sort/uniq: namespace { RHS null_rhs(1,INT_MIN); //sort struct ruleid_best_first { CFG::Rules const* rulesp; bool operator()(int a,int b) const { // true if a >(prob for ruleid) b return (*rulesp)[b].p < (*rulesp)[a].p; } }; //uniq struct prob_pos { prob_pos() {} prob_pos(prob_t prob,int pos) : prob(prob),pos(pos) {} prob_t prob; int pos; bool operator <(prob_pos const& o) const { return prob<o.prob; } }; }//ns int CFG::UniqRules(NTHandle ni) { typedef HASH_MAP<RHS,prob_pos,boost::hash<RHS> > BestRHS; // faster to use trie? maybe. BestRHS bestp; // once inserted, the position part (output index) never changes. but the prob may be improved (overwrite ruleid at that position). HASH_MAP_EMPTY(bestp,null_rhs); Ruleids &adj=nts[ni].ruleids; Ruleids oldadj=adj; int newpos=0; for (int i=0,e=oldadj.size();i!=e;++i) { // this beautiful complexity is to ensure that adj' is a subsequence of adj (without duplicates) int ri=oldadj[i]; Rule const& r=rules[ri]; prob_pos pi(r.p,newpos); prob_pos &oldpi=get_default(bestp,r.rhs,pi); if (oldpi.pos==newpos) {// newly inserted adj[newpos++]=ri; } else { SHOWP(DUNIQ,"Uniq duplicate: ") SHOW4(DUNIQ,oldpi.prob,pi.prob,oldpi.pos,newpos); SHOW(DUNIQ,ShowRule(ri)); SHOW(DUNIQ,ShowRule(adj[oldpi.pos])); if (oldpi.prob<pi.prob) { // we improve prev. best (overwrite it @old pos) oldpi.prob=pi.prob; adj[oldpi.pos]=ri; // replace worse rule w/ better } } } // post: newpos = number of new adj adj.resize(newpos); return newpos; } void CFG::SortLocalBestFirst(NTHandle ni) { ruleid_best_first r; r.rulesp=&rules; Ruleids &adj=nts[ni].ruleids; std::stable_sort(adj.begin(),adj.end(),r); } /////binarization: namespace { BinRhs null_bin_rhs(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(),std::numeric_limits<int>::min()); // index i >= N.size()? then it's in M[i-N.size()] //WordID first,WordID second, string BinStr(BinRhs const& b,CFG::NTs const& N,CFG::NTs const& M) { int nn=N.size(); ostringstream o; #undef BinNameOWORD #define BinNameOWORD(w) \ do { \ int n=w; if (n>0) o << TD::Convert(n); \ else { \ int i=-n; \ if (i<nn) o<<N[i].from<<i; else o<<M[i-nn].from; \ } \ } while(0) BinNameOWORD(b.first); o<<'+'; BinNameOWORD(b.second); return o.str(); } string BinStr(RHS const& r,CFG::NTs const& N,CFG::NTs const& M) { int nn=N.size(); ostringstream o; for (int i=0,e=r.size();i!=e;++i) { if (i) o<<'+'; BinNameOWORD(r[i]); } return o.str(); } WordID BinName(BinRhs const& b,CFG::NTs const& N,CFG::NTs const& M) { return TD::Convert(BinStr(b,N,M)); } WordID BinName(RHS const& b,CFG::NTs const& N,CFG::NTs const& M) { return TD::Convert(BinStr(b,N,M)); } /* template <class Rhs> struct null_for; template <> struct null_for<BinRhs> { static BinRhs null; }; template <> struct null_for<RHS> { static RHS null; }; */ template <> BinRhs null_traits<BinRhs>::null(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(),std::numeric_limits<int>::min()); template <> RHS null_traits<RHS>::null(1,std::numeric_limits<int>::min()); template <class Rhs> struct add_virtual_rules { typedef CFG::RuleHandle RuleHandle; typedef CFG::NTHandle NTHandle; CFG::NTs &nts,new_nts; CFG::Rules &rules, new_rules; // above will be appended at the end, so we don't have to worry about iterator invalidation WordID newnt; //negative of NTHandle, or positive => unary lexical item (not to binarize). fit for rhs of a rule RuleHandle newruleid; typedef HASH_MAP<Rhs,WordID,boost::hash<Rhs> > R2L; R2L rhs2lhs; // an rhs maps to this -virtntid, or original id if length 1 bool name_nts; add_virtual_rules(CFG &cfg,bool name_nts=false) : nts(cfg.nts),rules(cfg.rules),newnt(-nts.size()),newruleid(rules.size()),name_nts(name_nts) { HASH_MAP_EMPTY(rhs2lhs,null_traits<Rhs>::null); } NTHandle get_virt(Rhs const& r) { NTHandle nt=get_default(rhs2lhs,r,newnt); SHOW(DBIN,newnt) SHOWP(DBIN,"bin="<<BinStr(r,nts,new_nts)<<"=>") SHOW(DBIN,nt); if (newnt==nt) { create(r); } return nt; } inline void set_nt_name(Rhs const& r) { if (name_nts) new_nts.back().from.nt=BinName(r,nts,new_nts); } inline void create_nt(Rhs const& rhs) { new_nts.push_back(CFG::NT(newruleid++)); set_nt_name(rhs); } inline void create_rule(Rhs const& rhs) { new_rules.push_back(CFG::Rule(-newnt,rhs)); --newnt; } inline void create_adding(Rhs const& rhs) { NTHandle nt=get_default(rhs2lhs,rhs,newnt); assert(nt==newnt); create(rhs); } inline void create(Rhs const& rhs) { SHOWP(DSP,"Create ") SHOW3(DSP,newnt,newruleid,BinStr(rhs,nts,new_nts)) create_nt(rhs); create_rule(rhs); assert(newruleid==rules.size()+new_rules.size());assert(-newnt==nts.size()+new_nts.size()); } ~add_virtual_rules() { append_rules(); } void append_rules() { // marginally more efficient batched_append_swap(nts,new_nts); batched_append_swap(rules,new_rules); } inline bool have(Rhs const& rhs,NTHandle &h) const { if (rhs.size()==1) { // stop creating virtual unary rules. h=rhs[0]; return true; } typename R2L::const_iterator i=rhs2lhs.find(rhs); if (i==rhs2lhs.end()) return false; h=i->second; return true; } //HACK: prevent this for instantiating for BinRhs. we need to use rule index because we'll be adding rules before we can update. // returns 1 per replaced NT (0,1, or 2) inline std::string Str(Rhs const& rhs) const { return BinStr(rhs,nts,new_nts); } template <class RHSi> int split_rhs(RHSi &rhs,bool only_free=false,bool only_reusing_1=false) { typedef WordID const* WP; //TODO: don't actually build substrings of rhs; define key type that stores ref to rhs in new_nts by index (because it may grow), and also allows an int* [b,e) range to serve as key (i.e. don't insert the latter type of key). int n=rhs.size(); if (n<=2) return 0; int longest1=1; // all this other stuff is not uninitialized when used, based on checking this and other things (it's complicated, learn to prove theorems, gcc) int mid=n/2; int best_k; enum {HAVE_L=-1,HAVE_NONE=0,HAVE_R=1}; int have1=HAVE_NONE; // will mean we already have some >1 length prefix or suffix as a virt. (it's free). if we have both we use it immediately and return. NTHandle ntr,ntl; NTHandle bestntr,bestntl; WP b=&rhs.front(),e=b+n; WP wk=b; SHOWM3(DSP,"Split",Str(rhs),only_free,only_reusing_1); int rlen=n; for (int k=1;k<n-1;++k) { //TODO: handle length 1 l and r parts without explicitly building Rhs? ++wk; assert(k==wk-b); --rlen; assert(rlen==n-k); Rhs l(b,wk); if (have(l,ntl)) { if (k>1) { SHOWM3(DSP,"Have l",k,n,Str(l)) } Rhs r(wk,e); if (have(r,ntr)) { SHOWM3(DSP,"Have r too",k,n,Str(r)) rhs.resize(2); rhs[0]=ntl; rhs[1]=ntr; return 2; } else if (k>longest1) { longest1=k; have1=HAVE_L; bestntl=ntl; best_k=k; } } else if (rlen>longest1) { // > or >= favors l or r branching, maybe. who cares. Rhs r(wk,e); if (have(r,ntr)) { longest1=rlen; if (rlen>1) { SHOWM3(DSP,"Have r (only) ",k,n,Str(r)) } have1=HAVE_R; bestntr=ntr; best_k=k; } } //TODO: swap order of consideration (l first or r?) depending on pre/post midpoint? one will be useless to check for beating the longest single match so far. check that second } // now we know how we're going to split the rule; what follows is just doing the actual splitting: if (only_free) { if (have1==HAVE_NONE) return 0; if (have1==HAVE_L) { rhs.erase(rhs.begin()+1,rhs.begin()+best_k); //erase [1..best_k) rhs[0]=bestntl; } else { assert(have1==HAVE_R); rhs.erase(rhs.begin()+best_k+1,rhs.end()); // erase (best_k..) rhs[best_k]=bestntr; } return 1; } /* now we have to add some new virtual rules. some awkward constraints: 1. can't resize rhs until you save copy of l or r split portion 2. can't create new rule until you finished modifying rhs (this is why we store newnt then create). due to vector push_back invalidation. perhaps we could bypass this by reserving sufficient space first before a splitting pass (# rules and nts created is <= 2 * # of rules being passed over) */ if (have1==HAVE_NONE) { // default: split down middle. DSP(assert(longest1==1)); WP m=b+mid; if (n%2==0) { WP i=b; WP j=m; for (;i!=m;++i,++j) if (*i!=*j) goto notleqr; // [...mid]==[mid...]! RHS l(b,m); // 1. // this is equal to RHS(m,e). rhs.resize(2); rhs[0]=rhs[1]=newnt; //2. create_adding(l); return 1; // only had to create 1 total when splitting down middle when l==r } notleqr: if (only_reusing_1) return 0; best_k=mid; // rounds down if (mid==1) { RHS r(m,e); //1. rhs.resize(2); rhs[1]=newnt; //2. create_adding(r); return 1; } else { Rhs l(b,m); Rhs r(m,e); // 1. rhs.resize(2); rhs[0]=newnt; rhs[1]=newnt-1; // 2. create_adding(l); create_adding(r); return 2; } } WP best_wk=b+best_k; //we build these first because adding rules may invalidate the underlying pointers (we end up binarizing already split virt rules)!. //wow, that decision (not to use index into new_nts instead of pointer to rhs), while adding new nts to it really added some pain. if (have1==HAVE_L) { Rhs r(best_wk,e); //1. rhs.resize(2); rhs[0]=bestntl; DSP(assert(best_wk<e-1)); // because we would have returned having both if rhs was singleton rhs[1]=newnt; //2. create_adding(r); } else { DSP(assert(have1==HAVE_R)); DSP(assert(best_wk>b+1)); // because we would have returned having both if lhs was singleton Rhs l(b,best_wk); //1. rhs.resize(2); rhs[0]=newnt; //2. rhs[1]=bestntr; create_adding(l); } return 1; } }; }//ns void CFG::BinarizeSplit(CFGBinarize const& b) { add_virtual_rules<RHS> v(*this,b.bin_name_nts); CFG_FOR_RULES(i,v.split_rhs(rules[i].rhs,false,false)); Rules &newr=v.new_rules; #undef CFG_FOR_VIRT #define CFG_FOR_VIRT(r,expr) \ for (int i=0,e=newr.size();i<e;++i) { \ Rule &r=newr[i];expr; } // NOTE: must use indices since we'll be adding rules as we iterate. int n_changed_total=0; int n_changed=0; // quiets a warning #define CFG_SPLIT_PASS(N,free,just1) \ for (int pass=0;pass<b.N;++pass) { \ n_changed=0; \ CFG_FOR_VIRT(r,n_changed+=v.split_rhs(r.rhs,free,just1)); \ if (!n_changed) { \ break; \ } n_changed_total+=n_changed; } CFG_SPLIT_PASS(split_passes,false,false) if (n_changed==0) return; CFG_SPLIT_PASS(split_share1_passes,false,true) CFG_SPLIT_PASS(split_free_passes,true,false) } void CFG::Binarize(CFGBinarize const& b) { if (!b.Binarizing()) return; cerr << "Binarizing "<<b<<endl; if (b.bin_thresh>0) BinarizeThresh(b); if (b.bin_split) BinarizeSplit(b); if (b.bin_l2r) BinarizeL2R(false,b.bin_name_nts); if (b.bin_topo) //TODO: more efficient (at least for l2r) maintenance of order? OrderNTsTopo(); } namespace { } void CFG::BinarizeThresh(CFGBinarize const& b) { throw runtime_error("TODO: some fancy linked list thing - see NOTES.partial.binarize"); } void CFG::BinarizeL2R(bool bin_unary,bool name) { add_virtual_rules<BinRhs> v(*this,name); cerr << "Binarizing left->right " << (bin_unary?"real to unary":"stop at binary") <<endl; HASH_MAP<BinRhs,NTHandle,boost::hash<BinRhs> > bin2lhs; // we're going to hash cons rather than build an explicit trie from right to left. HASH_MAP_EMPTY(bin2lhs,null_bin_rhs); // iterate using indices and not iterators because we'll be adding to both nts and rules list? we could instead pessimistically reserve space for both, but this is simpler. also: store original end of nts since we won't need to reprocess newly added ones. int rhsmin=bin_unary?0:1; //NTs new_nts; //Rules new_rules; //TODO: this could be factored easily into in-place (append to new_* like below) and functional (nondestructive copy) versions (copy orig to target and append to target) // int newnt=nts.size(); // we're going to store binary rhs with -nt to keep distinct from words (>=0) // int newruleid=rules.size(); BinRhs bin; CFG_FOR_RULES(ruleid, /* for (NTs::const_iterator n=nts.begin(),nn=nts.end();n!=nn;++n) { NT const& nt=*n; for (Ruleids::const_iterator ir=nt.ruleids.begin(),er=nt.ruleids.end();ir!=er;++ir) { RuleHandle ruleid=*ir;*/ // SHOW2(DBIN,ruleid,ShowRule(ruleid)); Rule & rule=rules[ruleid]; RHS &rhs=rule.rhs; // we're going to binarize this while adding newly created rules to new_... if (rhs.empty()) continue; int r=rhs.size()-2; // loop below: [r,r+1) is to be reduced into a (maybe new) binary NT if (rhsmin<=r) { // means r>=0 also bin.second=rhs[r+1]; int bin_to; // the replacement for bin // assert(newruleid==rules.size()+new_rules.size());assert(newnt==nts.size()+new_nts.size()); // also true at start/end of loop: for (;;) { // pairs from right to left (normally we leave the last pair alone) bin.first=rhs[r]; bin_to=v.get_virt(bin); /* bin_to=get_default(bin2lhs,bin,v.newnt); // SHOW(DBIN,r) SHOW(DBIN,newnt) SHOWP(DBIN,"bin="<<BinStr(bin,nts,new_nts)<<"=>") SHOW(DBIN,bin_to); if (v.newnt==bin_to) { // it's new! new_nts.push_back(NT(newruleid++)); //now newnt is the index of the last (after new_nts is appended) nt. bin is its rhs. bin_to is its lhs new_rules.push_back(Rule(newnt,bin)); ++newnt; if (name) new_nts.back().from.nt=BinName(bin,nts,new_nts); } */ bin.second=bin_to; --r; if (r<rhsmin) { rhs[rhsmin]=bin_to; rhs.resize(rhsmin+1); break; } } }) /* } } */ #if 0 // marginally more efficient batched_append_swap(nts,new_nts); batched_append_swap(rules,new_rules); //#else batched_append(nts,new_nts); batched_append(rules,new_rules); #endif } namespace { inline int nt_index(int nvar,Hypergraph::TailNodeVector const& t,bool target_side,int w) { assert(w<0 || (target_side&&w==0)); return t[target_side?-w:nvar]; } } void CFG::Init(Hypergraph const& hg,bool target_side,bool copy_features,bool push_weights) { uninit=false; hg_=&hg; Hypergraph::NodeProbs np; goal_inside=hg.ComputeNodeViterbi(&np); pushed_inside=push_weights ? goal_inside : prob_t(1); int nn=hg.nodes_.size(),ne=hg.edges_.size(); nts.resize(nn); goal_nt=nn-1; rules.resize(ne); for (int i=0;i<nn;++i) { nts[i].ruleids=hg.nodes_[i].in_edges_; hg.SetNodeOrigin(i,nts[i].from); } for (int i=0;i<ne;++i) { Rule &cfgr=rules[i]; Hypergraph::Edge const& e=hg.edges_[i]; prob_t &crp=cfgr.p; crp=e.edge_prob_; cfgr.lhs=e.head_node_; IF_CFG_TRULE(cfgr.rule=e.rule_;) if (copy_features) cfgr.f=e.feature_values_; if (push_weights) crp /=np[e.head_node_]; TRule const& er=*e.rule_; vector<WordID> const& rule_rhs=target_side?er.e():er.f(); int nr=rule_rhs.size(); RHS &rhs_out=cfgr.rhs; rhs_out.resize(nr); Hypergraph::TailNodeVector const& tails=e.tail_nodes_; int nvar=0; //split out into separate target_side, source_side loops? for (int j=0;j<nr;++j) { WordID w=rule_rhs[j]; if (w>0) rhs_out[j]=w; else { int n=nt_index(nvar,tails,target_side,w); ++nvar; if (push_weights) crp*=np[n]; rhs_out[j]=-n; } } assert(nvar==er.Arity()); assert(nvar==tails.size()); } } void CFG::Clear() { rules.clear(); nts.clear(); goal_nt=-1; hg_=0; } namespace { CFGFormat form; } void CFG::PrintRule(std::ostream &o,RuleHandle rulei,CFGFormat const& f) const { Rule const& r=rules[rulei]; f.print_lhs(o,*this,r.lhs); f.print_rhs(o,*this,r.rhs.begin(),r.rhs.end()); f.print_features(o,r.p,r.f); IF_CFG_TRULE(if (r.rule) o<<f.partsep<<*r.rule;) } void CFG::PrintRule(std::ostream &o,RuleHandle rulei) const { PrintRule(o,rulei,form); } string CFG::ShowRule(RuleHandle i) const { ostringstream o;PrintRule(o,i);return o.str(); } void CFG::Print(std::ostream &o,CFGFormat const& f) const { assert(!uninit); if (!f.goal_nt_name.empty()) { o << '['<<f.goal_nt_name <<']'; WordID rhs=-goal_nt; f.print_rhs(o,*this,&rhs,&rhs+1); if (pushed_inside!=1) f.print_features(o,pushed_inside); o<<'\n'; } CFG_FOR_RULES(i,PrintRule(o,i,f);o<<'\n';) } void CFG::Print(std::ostream &o) const { Print(o,form); } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o,CFG const &x) { x.Print(o); return o; }