creg is a fast tool for training linear and logistic regression models with l_1 and l_2 regularization. Its data (feature and response) format is compatible with ARKRegression. EXAMPLES Logistic regression example (training only): $ ./creg -x test_data/iris.trainfeat -y test_data/iris.trainresp --l1 1.0 > weights.txt Logistic regression example (training and testing): $ ./creg -x test_data/iris.trainfeat -y test_data/iris.trainresp --l1 1.0 \ -t test_data/iris.testfeat -s test_data/iris.testresp > weights.txt Linear regression example (training and testing): $ ./creg -n -x test_data/auto-mpg.trainfeat -y test_data/auto-mpg.trainresp --l2 1000 \ -t test_data/auto-mpg.testfeat -s test_data/auto-mpg.testresp > weights.txt Ordinal regression example $ ./creg -o -x test_data/shuttle.trainfeat -y test_data/shuttle.trainresp