#!/usr/bin/python # EXPERIMENTAL and HACKY version of cdec build in scons AddOption('--prefix', dest='prefix', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='installation prefix') AddOption('--with-boost', dest='boost', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='boost installation directory (if in a non-standard location)') AddOption('--with-glc', dest='glc', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='path to Global Lexical Coherence package (optional)') AddOption('--efence', dest='efence', action='store_true', help='use electric fence for debugging memory corruptions') platform = ARGUMENTS.get('OS', Platform()) include = Split('decoder utils klm mteval .') env = Environment(PREFIX=GetOption('prefix'), PLATFORM = platform, # BINDIR = bin, # INCDIR = include, # LIBDIR = lib, CPPPATH = include, LIBPATH = [], LIBS = Split('boost_program_options boost_serialization boost_thread z'), CCFLAGS=Split('-g -O3')) boost = GetOption('boost') if boost: print 'Using Boost at {0}'.format(boost) env.Append(CPPPATH=boost+'/include', LIBPATH=boost+'/lib') if GetOption('efence'): env.Append(LIBS=Split('efence Segfault')) srcs = [] # TODO: Get rid of config.h glc = GetOption('glc') if glc: print 'Using Global Lexical Coherence package at {0}'.format(glc) env.Append(CCFLAGS='-DHAVE_GLC', CPPPATH=[glc, glc+'/cdec']) srcs.append(glc+'/string_util.cc') srcs.append(glc+'/feature-factory.cc') srcs.append(glc+'/cdec/ff_glc.cc') for pattern in ['decoder/*.cc', 'decoder/*.c', 'klm/*/*.cc', 'utils/*.cc', 'mteval/*.cc']: srcs.extend([ file for file in Glob(pattern) if not 'test' in str(file) and 'build_binary.cc' not in str(file) and 'ngram_query.cc' not in str(file) and 'mbr_kbest.cc' not in str(file) and 'sri.cc' not in str(file) and 'fast_score.cc' not in str(file) ]) env.Program(target='decoder/cdec', source=srcs)