AddOption('--prefix', dest='prefix', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='installation prefix') AddOption('--with-boost', dest='boost', type='string', nargs=1, action='store', metavar='DIR', help='boost installation directory (if in a non-standard location)') platform = ARGUMENTS.get('OS', Platform()) srcs = [] for pattern in ['decoder/*.cc', 'decoder/*.c', 'klm/*/*.cc', 'utils/*.cc', 'mteval/*.cc']: srcs.extend([ file for file in Glob(pattern) if not 'test' in str(file) and '' not in str(file) and '' not in str(file) and '' not in str(file) and '' not in str(file) and '' not in str(file) ]) include = Split('decoder utils klm mteval .') libPaths = [] boost = GetOption('boost') if boost: include.append(boost+'/include') libPaths.append(boost+'/lib') glcDir = None glcDir = '../GlobalLexicalCoherence' if glcDir: include.append(glcDir) env = Environment(PREFIX=GetOption('prefix'), PLATFORM = platform, # BINDIR = bin, INCDIR = include, # LIBDIR = lib, CPPPATH = [include, '.'], LIBPATH = libPaths, LIBS = Split('boost_program_options boost_serialization boost_thread z')) env.Program(target='decoder/cdec', source=srcs)