`cdec` is a research platform for machine translation and similar structured prediction problems. ## Installation Build `cdec`: autoreconf -ifv ./configure make ./tests/run-system-tests.pl You will need the following libraries / tools: - [Autoconf / Automake / Libtool](http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/) - Older versions of GNU autotools may not work properly. - [Boost C++ libraries (version 1.44 or later)](http://www.boost.org/) - If you build your own boost, you _must install it_ using `bjam install`. - Older versions of Boost _may_ work, but problems have been reported with command line option parsing on some platforms with older versions. - [GNU Flex](http://flex.sourceforge.net/) ## Further information [For more information, refer to the cdec documentation](http://www.cdec-decoder.org)