To build cdec, you'll need:

 * Google c++ testing framework (
 * boost headers & boost program_options (you may need to install a package
    like boost-devel)

Instructions for building

 1) Optional: Download and build SRILM

 2) Download, build, and install Google Test (optional, this is necessary
    to build unit tests that may be useful in development; system tests
    work without it)

 3) Use automake / autoconf to generate the configure script.
    I'm not an expert at using these tools, but this should be sufficient:

        autoreconf -ifv

 4) Configure and build.  Your command will look something like this.

        ./configure --disable-gtest

    If you get errors during configure about missing BOOST macros, then step 3
    failed, and you need to keep working at it.  If you get errors during the
    build, it's probably a problem with step 3 or possibly with some compiler
    version idiosyncracies (generally, I assume you have a relatively new
    of g++).

    If you're building on cygwin, their libtool is buggy; this make command
    works for now:

        make LIBS+="-lz -lboost_program_options" \

 5) Test


    Everything should pass.

 6) Enjoy!