From e069f9ad0c7aa54eb38bb6c68f5d624193c0bef7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 16:59:11 -0500
Subject: multi-floor chinese restaurant described by wood&teh (2009)

 utils/mfcr.h | 354 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 354 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 utils/mfcr.h

(limited to 'utils/mfcr.h')

diff --git a/utils/mfcr.h b/utils/mfcr.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3eb133fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mfcr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#ifndef _MFCR_H_
+#define _MFCR_H_
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <list>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <tr1/unordered_map>
+#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
+#include "sampler.h"
+#include "slice_sampler.h"
+struct TableCount {
+  TableCount() : count(), floor() {}
+  TableCount(int c, int f) : count(c), floor(f) {
+    assert(f >= 0);
+  }
+  int count;               // count or delta (may be 0, <0, or >0)
+  unsigned char floor;     // from which floor?
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const TableCount& tc) {
+  return o << "[c=" << tc.count << " floor=" << static_cast<unsigned int>(tc.floor) << ']';
+// Multi-Floor Chinese Restaurant as proposed by Wood & Teh (AISTATS, 2009) to simulate
+// graphical Pitman-Yor processes.
+// Implementation is based on Blunsom, Cohn, Goldwater, & Johnson (ACL 2009) and code
+// referenced therein.
+template <typename Dish, typename DishHash = boost::hash<Dish> >
+class MFCR {
+ public:
+  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double d, double alpha) :
+    num_floors_(num_floors),
+    num_tables_(),
+    num_customers_(),
+    d_(d),
+    alpha_(alpha),
+    d_prior_alpha_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    d_prior_beta_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    alpha_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
+  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double d_alpha, double d_beta, double alpha_shape, double alpha_rate, double d = 0.9, double alpha = 10.0) :
+    num_floors_(num_floors),
+    num_tables_(),
+    num_customers_(),
+    d_(d),
+    alpha_(alpha),
+    d_prior_alpha_(d_alpha),
+    d_prior_beta_(d_beta),
+    alpha_prior_shape_(alpha_shape),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(alpha_rate) {}
+  double d() const { return d_; }
+  double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
+  bool has_d_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(d_prior_alpha_);
+  }
+  bool has_alpha_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(alpha_prior_shape_);
+  }
+  void clear() {
+    num_tables_ = 0;
+    num_customers_ = 0;
+    dish_locs_.clear();
+  }
+  unsigned num_tables() const {
+    return num_tables_;
+  }
+  unsigned num_tables(const Dish& dish) const {
+    const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
+    if (it == dish_locs_.end()) return 0;
+    return it->second.table_counts_.size();
+  }
+  // this is not terribly efficient but it should not typically be necessary to execute this query
+  unsigned num_tables(const Dish& dish, const unsigned floor) const {
+    const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
+    if (it == dish_locs_.end()) return 0;
+    unsigned c = 0;
+    for (typename std::list<TableCount>::const_iterator i = it->second.table_counts_.begin();
+         i != it->second.table_counts_.end(); ++i) {
+      if (i->floor == floor) ++c;
+    }
+    return c;
+  }
+  unsigned num_customers() const {
+    return num_customers_;
+  }
+  unsigned num_customers(const Dish& dish) const {
+    const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
+    if (it == dish_locs_.end()) return 0;
+    return it->total_dish_count_;
+  }
+  // returns (delta, floor) indicating whether a new table (delta) was opened and on which floor
+  TableCount increment(const Dish& dish, const std::vector<double>& p0s, const std::vector<double>& lambdas, MT19937* rng) {
+    assert(p0s.size() == num_floors_);
+    assert(lambdas.size() == num_floors_);
+    DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
+    // marg_p0 = marginal probability of opening a new table on any floor with label dish
+    const double marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s.begin(), p0s.end(), lambdas.begin(), 0.0);
+    assert(marg_p0 <= 1.0);
+    int floor = -1;
+    bool share_table = false;
+    if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
+      const double p_empty = (alpha_ + num_tables_ * d_) * marg_p0;
+      const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * d_);
+      share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
+    }
+    if (share_table) {
+      double r = rng->next() * (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * d_);
+      for (typename std::list<TableCount>::iterator ti = loc.table_counts_.begin();
+           ti != loc.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
+        r -= ti->count - d_;
+        if (r <= 0.0) {
+          ++ti->count;
+          floor = ti->floor;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (r > 0.0) {
+        std::cerr << "Serious error: r=" << r << std::endl;
+        Print(&std::cerr);
+        assert(r <= 0.0);
+      }
+    } else { // sit at currently empty table -- must sample what floor
+      double r = rng->next() * marg_p0;
+      for (unsigned i = 0; i < p0s.size(); ++i) {
+        r -= p0s[i] * lambdas[i];
+        if (r <= 0.0) {
+          floor = i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      assert(floor >= 0);
+      loc.table_counts_.push_back(TableCount(1, floor));
+      ++num_tables_;
+    }
+    ++loc.total_dish_count_;
+    ++num_customers_;
+    return (share_table ? TableCount(0, floor) : TableCount(1, floor));
+  }
+  // returns first = -1 or 0, indicating whether a table was closed, and on what floor (second)
+  TableCount decrement(const Dish& dish, MT19937* rng) {
+    DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
+    assert(loc.total_dish_count_);
+    int floor = -1;
+    int delta = 0;
+    if (loc.total_dish_count_ == 1) {
+      floor = loc.table_counts_.front().floor;
+      dish_locs_.erase(dish);
+      --num_tables_;
+      --num_customers_;
+      delta = -1;
+    } else {
+      // sample customer to remove UNIFORMLY. that is, do NOT use the d
+      // here. if you do, it will introduce (unwanted) bias!
+      double r = rng->next() * loc.total_dish_count_;
+      --loc.total_dish_count_;
+      --num_customers_;
+      for (typename std::list<TableCount>::iterator ti = loc.table_counts_.begin();
+           ti != loc.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
+        r -= ti->count;
+        if (r <= 0.0) {
+          floor = ti->floor;
+          if ((--ti->count) == 0) {
+            --num_tables_;
+            delta = -1;
+            loc.table_counts_.erase(ti);
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (r > 0.0) {
+        std::cerr << "Serious error: r=" << r << std::endl;
+        Print(&std::cerr);
+        assert(r <= 0.0);
+      }
+    }
+    return TableCount(delta, floor);
+  }
+  double prob(const Dish& dish, const std::vector<double>& p0s, const std::vector<double>& lambdas) const {
+    assert(p0s.size() == num_floors_);
+    assert(lambdas.size() == num_floors_);
+    const double marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s.begin(), p0s.end(), lambdas.begin(), 0.0);
+    assert(marg_p0 <= 1.0);
+    const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
+    const double r = num_tables_ * d_ + alpha_;
+    if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
+      return r * marg_p0 / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
+    } else {
+      return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - d_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * marg_p0) /
+               (num_customers_ + alpha_);
+    }
+  }
+  double log_crp_prob() const {
+    return log_crp_prob(d_, alpha_);
+  }
+  static double log_beta_density(const double& x, const double& alpha, const double& beta) {
+    assert(x > 0.0);
+    assert(x < 1.0);
+    assert(alpha > 0.0);
+    assert(beta > 0.0);
+    const double lp = (alpha-1)*log(x)+(beta-1)*log(1-x)+lgamma(alpha+beta)-lgamma(alpha)-lgamma(beta);
+    return lp;
+  }
+  static double log_gamma_density(const double& x, const double& shape, const double& rate) {
+    assert(x >= 0.0);
+    assert(shape > 0.0);
+    assert(rate > 0.0);
+    const double lp = (shape-1)*log(x) - shape*log(rate) - x/rate - lgamma(shape);
+    return lp;
+  }
+  // taken from
+  // does not include draws from G_w's
+  double log_crp_prob(const double& d, const double& alpha) const {
+    double lp = 0.0;
+    if (has_d_prior())
+      lp = log_beta_density(d, d_prior_alpha_, d_prior_beta_);
+    if (has_alpha_prior())
+      lp += log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
+    assert(lp <= 0.0);
+    if (num_customers_) {
+      if (d > 0.0) {
+        const double r = lgamma(1.0 - d);
+        lp += lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha + num_customers_)
+             + num_tables_ * log(d) + lgamma(alpha / d + num_tables_)
+             - lgamma(alpha / d);
+        assert(std::isfinite(lp));
+        for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
+             it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
+          const DishLocations& cur = it->second;
+          for (std::list<TableCount>::const_iterator ti = cur.table_counts_.begin(); ti != cur.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
+            lp += lgamma(ti->count - d) - r;
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        assert(!"not implemented yet");
+      }
+    }
+    assert(std::isfinite(lp));
+    return lp;
+  }
+  void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
+    assert(has_d_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
+    DiscountResampler dr(*this);
+    ConcentrationResampler cr(*this);
+    for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
+      if (has_alpha_prior()) {
+        alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
+                               std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+      }
+      if (has_d_prior()) {
+        d_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, d_, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
+                               1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+      }
+    }
+    alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
+                             std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+  }
+  struct DiscountResampler {
+    DiscountResampler(const MFCR& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
+    const MFCR& crp_;
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_d) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_d, crp_.alpha_);
+    }
+  };
+  struct ConcentrationResampler {
+    ConcentrationResampler(const MFCR& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
+    const MFCR& crp_;
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.d_, proposed_alpha);
+    }
+  };
+  struct DishLocations {
+    DishLocations() : total_dish_count_() {}
+    unsigned total_dish_count_;          // customers at all tables with this dish
+    std::list<TableCount> table_counts_; // list<> gives O(1) deletion and insertion, which we want
+                                         // .size() is the number of tables for this dish
+  };
+  void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
+    (*out) << "MFCR(d=" << d_ << ",alpha=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
+         it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
+      (*out) << it->first << " (" << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables): ";
+      for (typename std::list<TableCount>::const_iterator i = it->second.table_counts_.begin();
+           i != it->second.table_counts_.end(); ++i) {
+        (*out) << " " << *i;
+      }
+      (*out) << std::endl;
+    }
+  }
+  typedef typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+  const_iterator begin() const {
+    return dish_locs_.begin();
+  }
+  const_iterator end() const {
+    return dish_locs_.end();
+  }
+  unsigned num_floors_;
+  unsigned num_tables_;
+  unsigned num_customers_;
+  std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash> dish_locs_;
+  double d_;
+  double alpha_;
+  // optional beta prior on d_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double d_prior_alpha_;
+  double d_prior_beta_;
+  // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double alpha_prior_shape_;
+  double alpha_prior_rate_;
+template <typename T,typename H>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const MFCR<T,H>& c) {
+  c.Print(&o);
+  return o;
cgit v1.2.3

From 400d60b20e9e480b0eff9843404a4cb9f8bd02cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 16:22:55 -0500
Subject: move widely duplicated math functions into m.h header

 .gitignore                     |  1 +
 gi/pf/    | 22 +++++------
 gi/pf/base_distributions.h     | 21 +---------
 gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h       |  3 +-
 gi/pf/                |  6 +--
 gi/pf/               |  4 +-
 phrasinator/ |  8 +---
 utils/              |  5 ++-
 utils/m.h                      | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 utils/                | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 utils/mfcr.h                   | 22 ++---------
 11 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 utils/m.h
 create mode 100644 utils/

(limited to 'utils/mfcr.h')

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ab8bf2c7..4f75d153 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index d362fd76..d9761005 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ prob_t PhraseConditionalUninformativeUnigramBase::p0(const vector<WordID>& vsrc,
   const int flen = vsrc.size() - start_src;
   const int elen = vtrg.size() - start_trg;
   prob_t p;
-  p.logeq(log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
+  p.logeq(Md::log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
   //p.logeq(log_poisson(elen, 1));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
   for (int i = 0; i < elen; ++i)
     p *= u(vtrg[i + start_trg]);                        // draw e_i             ~Uniform
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ prob_t PhraseConditionalUninformativeBase::p0(const vector<WordID>& vsrc,
   const int elen = vtrg.size() - start_trg;
   prob_t p;
   //p.logeq(log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
-  p.logeq(log_poisson(elen, 1));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
+  p.logeq(Md::log_poisson(elen, 1));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
   for (int i = 0; i < elen; ++i)
     p *= kUNIFORM_TARGET;                        // draw e_i             ~Uniform
   return p;
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ prob_t PhraseConditionalBase::p0(const vector<WordID>& vsrc,
   const int elen = vtrg.size() - start_trg;
   prob_t uniform_src_alignment; uniform_src_alignment.logeq(-log(flen + 1));
   prob_t p;
-  p.logeq(log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
+  p.logeq(Md::log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));       // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
   for (int i = 0; i < elen; ++i) {               // for each position i in e-RHS
     const WordID trg = vtrg[i + start_trg];
     prob_t tp = prob_t::Zero();
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ prob_t PhraseJointBase::p0(const vector<WordID>& vsrc,
   const int elen = vtrg.size() - start_trg;
   prob_t uniform_src_alignment; uniform_src_alignment.logeq(-log(flen + 1));
   prob_t p;
-  p.logeq(log_poisson(flen, 1.0));               // flen                 ~Pois(1)
+  p.logeq(Md::log_poisson(flen, 1.0));               // flen                 ~Pois(1)
                                                  // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
-  prob_t ptrglen; ptrglen.logeq(log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));
+  prob_t ptrglen; ptrglen.logeq(Md::log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));
   p *= ptrglen;
   p *= kUNIFORM_SOURCE.pow(flen);                // each f in F ~Uniform
   for (int i = 0; i < elen; ++i) {               // for each position i in E
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ prob_t PhraseJointBase_BiDir::p0(const vector<WordID>& vsrc,
   prob_t uniform_trg_alignment; uniform_trg_alignment.logeq(-log(elen + 1));
   prob_t p1;
-  p1.logeq(log_poisson(flen, 1.0));               // flen                 ~Pois(1)
+  p1.logeq(Md::log_poisson(flen, 1.0));               // flen                 ~Pois(1)
                                                  // elen | flen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
-  prob_t ptrglen; ptrglen.logeq(log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));
+  prob_t ptrglen; ptrglen.logeq(Md::log_poisson(elen, flen + 0.01));
   p1 *= ptrglen;
   p1 *= kUNIFORM_SOURCE.pow(flen);                // each f in F ~Uniform
   for (int i = 0; i < elen; ++i) {               // for each position i in E
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ prob_t PhraseJointBase_BiDir::p0(const vector<WordID>& vsrc,
   prob_t p2;
-  p2.logeq(log_poisson(elen, 1.0));               // elen                 ~Pois(1)
+  p2.logeq(Md::log_poisson(elen, 1.0));               // elen                 ~Pois(1)
                                                  // flen | elen          ~Pois(flen + 0.01)
-  prob_t psrclen; psrclen.logeq(log_poisson(flen, elen + 0.01));
+  prob_t psrclen; psrclen.logeq(Md::log_poisson(flen, elen + 0.01));
   p2 *= psrclen;
   p2 *= kUNIFORM_TARGET.pow(elen);                // each f in F ~Uniform
   for (int i = 0; i < flen; ++i) {               // for each position i in E
@@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ JumpBase::JumpBase() : p(200) {
     for (int j = min_jump; j <= max_jump; ++j) {
       prob_t& cp = cpd[j];
       if (j < 0)
-        cp.logeq(log_poisson(1.5-j, 1));
+        cp.logeq(Md::log_poisson(1.5-j, 1));
       else if (j > 0)
-        cp.logeq(log_poisson(j, 1));
+        cp.logeq(Md::log_poisson(j, 1));
       z += cp;
diff --git a/gi/pf/base_distributions.h b/gi/pf/base_distributions.h
index a23ac32b..0d597c5c 100644
--- a/gi/pf/base_distributions.h
+++ b/gi/pf/base_distributions.h
@@ -13,24 +13,7 @@
 #include "prob.h"
 #include "tdict.h"
 #include "sampler.h"
-inline double log_poisson(unsigned x, const double& lambda) {
-  assert(lambda > 0.0);
-  return log(lambda) * x - lgamma(x + 1) - lambda;
-inline double log_binom_coeff(unsigned n, unsigned k) {
-  assert(n >= k);
-  if (n == k) return 0.0;
-  return lgamma(n + 1) - lgamma(k + 1) - lgamma(n - k + 1);
-inline double log_negative_binom(unsigned x, unsigned r, double p) {
-  assert(p > 0.0);
-  assert(p < 1.0);
-  return log_binom_coeff(x + r - 1, x) + r * log(1 - p) + x * log(p);
+#include "m.h"
 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<WordID>& p) {
   os << '[';
@@ -68,7 +51,7 @@ struct Model1 {
 struct PoissonUniformUninformativeBase {
   explicit PoissonUniformUninformativeBase(const unsigned ves) : kUNIFORM(1.0 / ves) {}
   prob_t operator()(const TRule& r) const {
-    prob_t p; p.logeq(log_poisson(r.e_.size(), 1.0));
+    prob_t p; p.logeq(Md::log_poisson(r.e_.size(), 1.0));
     prob_t q = kUNIFORM; q.poweq(r.e_.size());
     p *= q;
     return p;
diff --git a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
index 0aa5e8e0..2e9e38fc 100644
--- a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
+++ b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
 #include <iostream>
+#include "m.h"
 #include "prob.h"
 #include "ccrp_nt.h"
 #include "mfcr.h"
@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ struct ConditionalParallelSegementationModel {
   prob_t AlignProbability(unsigned span) const {
     prob_t p;
-    p.logeq(aligns.logprob(span, log_poisson(span, 1.0)));
+    p.logeq(aligns.logprob(span, Md::log_poisson(span, 1.0)));
     return p;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index ef08a165..3d578db2 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ struct BackwardEstimate {
       for (int i = 0; i < src_cov.size(); ++i)
         if (!src_cov[i]) r.push_back(src_[i]);
       const prob_t uniform_alignment(1.0 / r.size());
-      e.logeq(log_poisson(trg_.size() - trg_cov, r.size() - 1)); // p(trg len remaining | src len remaining)
+      e.logeq(Md::log_poisson(trg_.size() - trg_cov, r.size() - 1)); // p(trg len remaining | src len remaining)
       for (unsigned j = trg_cov; j < trg_.size(); ++j) {
         prob_t p;
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i)
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ struct BackwardEstimateSym {
         if (!src_cov[i]) r.push_back(src_[i]);
       r.push_back(0);  // NULL word
       const prob_t uniform_alignment(1.0 / r.size());
-      e.logeq(log_poisson(trg_.size() - trg_cov, r.size() - 1)); // p(trg len remaining | src len remaining)
+      e.logeq(Md::log_poisson(trg_.size() - trg_cov, r.size() - 1)); // p(trg len remaining | src len remaining)
       for (unsigned j = trg_cov; j < trg_.size(); ++j) {
         prob_t p;
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i)
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ struct BackwardEstimateSym {
       const prob_t inv_uniform(1.0 / (trg_.size() - trg_cov + 1.0));
       prob_t inv;
-      inv.logeq(log_poisson(r.size(), trg_.size() - trg_cov));
+      inv.logeq(Md::log_poisson(r.size(), trg_.size() - trg_cov));
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
         prob_t p;
         for (unsigned j = trg_cov - 1; j < trg_.size(); ++j)
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index acba9d22..e1a53f5c 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ struct BackwardEstimateSym {
       r.push_back(0);  // NULL word
       const prob_t uniform_alignment(1.0 / r.size());
-      e.logeq(log_poisson(trg_.size() - trg_cov, r.size() - 1)); // p(trg len remaining | src len remaining)
+      e.logeq(Md::log_poisson(trg_.size() - trg_cov, r.size() - 1)); // p(trg len remaining | src len remaining)
       for (unsigned j = trg_cov; j < trg_.size(); ++j) {
         prob_t p;
         for (unsigned i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ struct BackwardEstimateSym {
       const prob_t inv_uniform(1.0 / (trg_.size() - trg_cov + 1.0));
       prob_t inv;
-      inv.logeq(log_poisson(r.size(), trg_.size() - trg_cov));
+      inv.logeq(Md::log_poisson(r.size(), trg_.size() - trg_cov));
       for (unsigned i = 0; i < r.size(); ++i) {
         prob_t p;
         for (unsigned j = trg_cov - 1; j < trg_.size(); ++j)
diff --git a/phrasinator/ b/phrasinator/
index 29b3d7ea..66b46011 100644
--- a/phrasinator/
+++ b/phrasinator/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "dict.h"
 #include "sampler.h"
 #include "ccrp.h"
+#include "m.h"
 using namespace std;
 using namespace std::tr1;
@@ -95,11 +96,6 @@ void ReadCorpus(const string& filename, vector<vector<int> >* c, set<int>* vocab
   if (in != &cin) delete in;
-double log_poisson(unsigned x, const double& lambda) {
-  assert(lambda > 0.0);
-  return log(lambda) * x - lgamma(x + 1) - lambda;
 struct UniphraseLM {
   UniphraseLM(const vector<vector<int> >& corpus,
               const set<int>& vocab,
@@ -128,7 +124,7 @@ struct UniphraseLM {
   double log_p0(const vector<int>& phrase) const {
     double len_logprob;
     if (use_poisson_)
-      len_logprob = log_poisson(phrase.size(), 1.0);
+      len_logprob = Md::log_poisson(phrase.size(), 1.0);
       len_logprob = log(1 - p_end_) * (phrase.size() -1) + log(p_end_);
     return log(uniform_word_) * phrase.size() + len_logprob;
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 3e559c75..a1ea8270 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@ TESTS = ts phmt mfcr_test
 noinst_PROGRAMS += \
   dict_test \
+  m_test \
   weights_test \
   logval_test \
-TESTS += small_vector_test logval_test weights_test dict_test
+TESTS += small_vector_test logval_test weights_test dict_test m_test
 reconstruct_weights_SOURCES =
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ endif
 phmt_SOURCES =
+m_test_SOURCES =
 dict_test_SOURCES =
 mfcr_test_SOURCES =
diff --git a/utils/m.h b/utils/m.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b25248c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/m.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#ifndef _M_H_
+#define _M_H_
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cmath>
+template <typename F>
+struct M {
+  // support [0, 1, 2 ...)
+  static inline F log_poisson(unsigned x, const F& lambda) {
+    assert(lambda > 0.0);
+    return std::log(lambda) * x - lgamma(x + 1) - lambda;
+  }
+  // support [0, 1, 2 ...)
+  static inline F log_geometric(unsigned x, const F& p) {
+    assert(p > 0.0);
+    assert(p < 1.0);
+    return std::log(1 - p) * x + std::log(p);
+  }
+  // log of the binomial coefficient
+  static inline F log_binom_coeff(unsigned n, unsigned k) {
+    assert(n >= k);
+    if (n == k) return 0.0;
+    return lgamma(n + 1) - lgamma(k + 1) - lgamma(n - k + 1);
+  }
+  //
+  // support [0, 1, 2 ...)
+  static inline F log_negative_binom(unsigned x, unsigned r, const F& p) {
+    assert(p > 0.0);
+    assert(p < 1.0);
+    return log_binom_coeff(x + r - 1u, x) + r * std::log(F(1) - p) + x * std::log(p);
+  }
+  // this is the Beta function, *not* the beta probability density
+  //
+  static inline F log_beta_fn(const F& x, const F& y) {
+    return lgamma(x) + lgamma(y) - lgamma(x + y);
+  }
+  // support x >= 0.0
+  static F log_gamma_density(const F& x, const F& shape, const F& rate) {
+    assert(x >= 0.0);
+    assert(shape > 0.0);
+    assert(rate > 0.0);
+    return (shape-1)*std::log(x) - shape*std::log(rate) - x/rate - lgamma(shape);
+  }
+  // this is the Beta *density* p(x ; alpha, beta)
+  // support x \in (0,1)
+  static inline F log_beta_density(const F& x, const F& alpha, const F& beta) {
+    assert(x > 0.0);
+    assert(x < 1.0);
+    assert(alpha > 0.0);
+    assert(beta > 0.0);
+    return (alpha-1)*std::log(x)+(beta-1)*std::log(1-x) - log_beta_fn(alpha, beta);
+  }
+  // note: this has been adapted so that 0 is in the support of the distribution
+  // support [0, 1, 2 ...)
+  static inline F log_yule_simon(unsigned x, const F& rho) {
+    assert(rho > 0.0);
+    return std::log(rho) + log_beta_fn(x + 1, rho + 1);
+  }
+  // see
+  // when y=1, sometimes written x^{\overline{n}} or x^{(n)} "Pochhammer symbol"
+  static inline F log_generalized_factorial(const F& x, const F& n, const F& y = 1.0) {
+    assert(x > 0.0);
+    assert(y >= 0.0);
+    assert(n > 0.0);
+    if (!n) return 0.0;
+    if (y == F(1)) {
+      return lgamma(x + n) - lgamma(x);
+    } else if (y) {
+      return n * std::log(y) + lgamma(x/y + n) - lgamma(x/y);
+    } else {  // y == 0.0
+      return n * std::log(x);
+    }
+  }
+typedef M<double> Md;
+typedef M<double> Mf;
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fca8f895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "m.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <cassert>
+using namespace std;
+class MTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+  MTest() {}
+ protected:
+  virtual void SetUp() { }
+  virtual void TearDown() { }
+TEST_F(MTest, Poisson) {
+  double prev = 1.0;
+  double tot = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+    double p = Md::log_poisson(i, 0.99);
+    cerr << "p(i=" << i << ") = " << exp(p) << endl;
+    EXPECT_LT(p, prev);
+    tot += exp(p);
+    prev = p;
+  }
+  cerr << "  tot=" << tot << endl;
+  EXPECT_LE(tot, 1.0);
+TEST_F(MTest, YuleSimon) {
+  double prev = 1.0;
+  double tot = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+    double p = Md::log_yule_simon(i, 1.0);
+    cerr << "p(i=" << i << ") = " << exp(p) << endl;
+    EXPECT_LT(p, prev);
+    tot += exp(p);
+    prev = p;
+  }
+  cerr << "  tot=" << tot << endl;
+  EXPECT_LE(tot, 1.0);
+TEST_F(MTest, LogGeometric) {
+  double prev = 1.0;
+  double tot = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+    double p = Md::log_geometric(i, 0.5);
+    cerr << "p(i=" << i << ") = " << exp(p) << endl;
+    EXPECT_LT(p, prev);
+    tot += exp(p);
+    prev = p;
+  }
+  cerr << "  tot=" << tot << endl;
+  EXPECT_LE(tot, 1.0);
+TEST_F(MTest, GeneralizedFactorial) {
+  for (double i = 0.3; i < 10000; i += 0.4) {
+    double a = Md::log_generalized_factorial(1.0, i);
+    double b = lgamma(1.0 + i);
+    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(a,b);
+  }
+  double gf_3_6 = 3.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 * 7.0 * 8.0;
+  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(Md::log_generalized_factorial(3.0, 6.0), std::log(gf_3_6));
+  double gf_314_6 = 3.14 * 4.14 * 5.14 * 6.14 * 7.14 * 8.14;
+  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(Md::log_generalized_factorial(3.14, 6.0), std::log(gf_314_6));
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
+  return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/utils/mfcr.h b/utils/mfcr.h
index 3eb133fc..396d0205 100644
--- a/utils/mfcr.h
+++ b/utils/mfcr.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
 #include "sampler.h"
 #include "slice_sampler.h"
+#include "m.h"
 struct TableCount {
   TableCount() : count(), floor() {}
@@ -218,31 +219,14 @@ class MFCR {
     return log_crp_prob(d_, alpha_);
-  static double log_beta_density(const double& x, const double& alpha, const double& beta) {
-    assert(x > 0.0);
-    assert(x < 1.0);
-    assert(alpha > 0.0);
-    assert(beta > 0.0);
-    const double lp = (alpha-1)*log(x)+(beta-1)*log(1-x)+lgamma(alpha+beta)-lgamma(alpha)-lgamma(beta);
-    return lp;
-  }
-  static double log_gamma_density(const double& x, const double& shape, const double& rate) {
-    assert(x >= 0.0);
-    assert(shape > 0.0);
-    assert(rate > 0.0);
-    const double lp = (shape-1)*log(x) - shape*log(rate) - x/rate - lgamma(shape);
-    return lp;
-  }
   // taken from
   // does not include draws from G_w's
   double log_crp_prob(const double& d, const double& alpha) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
     if (has_d_prior())
-      lp = log_beta_density(d, d_prior_alpha_, d_prior_beta_);
+      lp = Md::log_beta_density(d, d_prior_alpha_, d_prior_beta_);
     if (has_alpha_prior())
-      lp += log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
+      lp += Md::log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
     if (num_customers_) {
       if (d > 0.0) {
cgit v1.2.3

From 8f6006cabee490a956940765c30cdd720d2e9161 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 17:16:58 -0500
Subject: pyp lm, fixed hyperparameters inference

 gi/pf/     |  2 +-
 gi/pf/         |  2 +-
 gi/pf/                  |  2 +-
 gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h       |  4 +-
 gi/pf/             |  4 +-
 gi/pf/                |  2 +-
 gi/pf/                | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 phrasinator/ |  2 +-
 utils/ccrp.h                   | 95 ++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 utils/ccrp_nt.h                | 52 +++++++++++------------
 utils/ccrp_onetable.h          | 70 +++++++++++++++----------------
 utils/mfcr.h                   | 58 +++++++++++++-------------
 12 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)

(limited to 'utils/mfcr.h')

diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index e24cb457..4ce7cf62 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   void Summary() const {
-    cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (d=" << r.d() << ",\\alpha=" << r.alpha() << ')' << endl;
+    cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (d=" << << ",\\alpha=" << r.alpha() << ')' << endl;
     for (MFCR<vector<WordID> >::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
       cerr << "   " << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " (on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables)" << TD::GetString(it->first) << endl;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 8c1d689f..dbc9dc07 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   void Summary() const {
-    cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (\\alpha=" << r.concentration() << ')' << endl;
+    cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (\\alpha=" << r.alpha() << ')' << endl;
     for (CCRP_NoTable<vector<WordID> >::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
       cerr << "   " << it->second << '\t' << TD::GetString(it->first) << endl;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 7b60ef23..c2c52760 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ struct UniphraseLM {
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
-    cerr << " " << phrases_.concentration();
+    cerr << " " << phrases_.alpha();
   CCRP_NoTable<vector<int> > phrases_;
diff --git a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
index 2e9e38fc..f9841cbf 100644
--- a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
+++ b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   void Summary() const {
     std::cerr << "Number of conditioning contexts: " << r.size() << std::endl;
     for (RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
-      std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(d=" << it->second.d() << ",\\alpha = " << it->second.alpha() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
+      std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(d=" << it-> << ",\\alpha = " << it->second.alpha() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
       for (MFCR<TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
         std::cerr << "   " << -1 << '\t' << i2->first << std::endl;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ struct ConditionalTranslationModel {
   void Summary() const {
     std::cerr << "Number of conditioning contexts: " << r.size() << std::endl;
     for (RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
-      std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(\\alpha = " << it->second.concentration() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
+      std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(\\alpha = " << it->second.alpha() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
       for (CCRP_NoTable<TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
         std::cerr << "   " << i2->second << '\t' << i2->first << std::endl;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index b2ca029a..5b748311 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ struct HieroLMModel {
-      cerr << "[base d=" << << ", alpha=" << << "]";
+      cerr << "[base d=" << << ", alpha=" << q0.alpha() << "]";
-    cerr << " d=" << nts[0].discount() << ", alpha=" << nts[0].concentration() << endl;
+    cerr << " d=" << nts[0].discount() << ", alpha=" << nts[0].alpha() << endl;
   const BaseRuleModel base;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 7b60ef23..c2c52760 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ struct UniphraseLM {
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
-    cerr << " " << phrases_.concentration();
+    cerr << " " << phrases_.alpha();
   CCRP_NoTable<vector<int> > phrases_;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 2837e33c..0d85536c 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -50,16 +50,19 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM;
 // uniform base distribution
 template<> struct PYPLM<0> {
-  PYPLM(unsigned vs) : p0(1.0 / vs) {}
-  void increment(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context, MT19937* rng) const {}
-  void decrement(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context, MT19937* rng) const {}
+  PYPLM(unsigned vs) : p0(1.0 / vs), draws() {}
+  void increment(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context, MT19937* rng) { ++draws; }
+  void decrement(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context, MT19937* rng) { --draws; assert(draws >= 0); }
   double prob(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context) const { return p0; }
+  void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop, const unsigned niterations) {}
+  double log_likelihood() const { return draws * log(p0); }
   const double p0;
+  int draws;
 // represents an N-gram LM
 template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
-  PYPLM(unsigned vs) : backoff(vs) {}
+  PYPLM(unsigned vs) : backoff(vs), d(0.8), alpha(1.0) {}
   void increment(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context, MT19937* rng) {
     const double bo = backoff.prob(w, context);
     static vector<WordID> lookup(N-1);
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
       lookup[i] = context[context.size() - 1 - i];
     typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::iterator it = p.find(lookup);
     if (it == p.end())
-      it = p.insert(make_pair(lookup, CCRP<WordID>(1,1,1,1))).first;
+      it = p.insert(make_pair(lookup, CCRP<WordID>(d,alpha))).first;
     if (it->second.increment(w, bo, rng))
       backoff.increment(w, context, rng);
@@ -89,7 +92,58 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
     if (it == p.end()) return bo;
     return it->second.prob(w, bo);
+  double log_likelihood() const {
+    return log_likelihood(d, alpha) + backoff.log_likelihood();
+  }
+  double log_likelihood(const double& dd, const double& aa) const {
+    if (aa <= -dd) return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+    double llh = Md::log_beta_density(dd, 1, 1) + Md::log_gamma_density(aa, 1, 1);
+    typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::const_iterator it;
+    for (it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it)
+      llh += it->second.log_crp_prob(dd, aa);
+    return llh;
+  }
+  struct DiscountResampler {
+    DiscountResampler(const PYPLM& m) : m_(m) {}
+    const PYPLM& m_;
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_discount) const {
+      return m_.log_likelihood(proposed_discount, m_.alpha);
+    }
+  };
+  struct AlphaResampler {
+    AlphaResampler(const PYPLM& m) : m_(m) {}
+    const PYPLM& m_;
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
+      return m_.log_likelihood(m_.d, proposed_alpha);
+    }
+  };
+  void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
+    DiscountResampler dr(*this);
+    AlphaResampler ar(*this);
+    for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
+      alpha = slice_sampler1d(ar, alpha, *rng, 0.0,
+                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+      d = slice_sampler1d(dr, d, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
+                          1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+    }
+    alpha = slice_sampler1d(ar, alpha, *rng, 0.0,
+                            std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+    typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::iterator it;
+    cerr << "PYPLM<" << N << ">(d=" << d << ",a=" << alpha << ") = " << log_likelihood(d, alpha) << endl;
+    for (it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it) {
+      it->second.set_discount(d);
+      it->second.set_alpha(alpha);
+    }
+    backoff.resample_hyperparameters(rng, nloop, niterations);
+  }
   PYPLM<N-1> backoff;
+  double d, alpha;
   unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > > p;
@@ -109,7 +163,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   cerr << "Reading corpus...\n";
   CorpusTools::ReadFromFile(conf["input"].as<string>(), &corpuse, &vocabe);
   cerr << "E-corpus size: " << corpuse.size() << " sentences\t (" << vocabe.size() << " word types)\n";
-#define kORDER 5
+#define kORDER 3
   PYPLM<kORDER> lm(vocabe.size());
   vector<WordID> ctx(kORDER - 1, TD::Convert("<s>"));
   int mci = corpuse.size() * 99 / 100;
@@ -126,6 +180,10 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
       if (SS > 0) lm.decrement(kEOS, ctx, &rng);
       lm.increment(kEOS, ctx, &rng);
+    if (SS % 10 == 9) {
+      cerr << " [LLH=" << lm.log_likelihood() << "]" << endl;
+      if (SS % 20 == 19) lm.resample_hyperparameters(&rng);
+    } else { cerr << '.' << flush; }
   double llh = 0;
   unsigned cnt = 0;
diff --git a/phrasinator/ b/phrasinator/
index 66b46011..54861dcb 100644
--- a/phrasinator/
+++ b/phrasinator/
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ struct UniphraseLM {
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
-    cerr << " d=" << << ",c=" << phrases_.concentration();
+    cerr << " d=" << << ",a=" << phrases_.alpha();
   CCRP<vector<int> > phrases_;
diff --git a/utils/ccrp.h b/utils/ccrp.h
index 1a9e3ed5..d9a38089 100644
--- a/utils/ccrp.h
+++ b/utils/ccrp.h
@@ -17,35 +17,37 @@
 template <typename Dish, typename DishHash = boost::hash<Dish> >
 class CCRP {
-  CCRP(double disc, double conc) :
+  CCRP(double disc, double alpha) :
-    concentration_(conc),
+    alpha_(alpha),
-    concentration_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-    concentration_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
+    alpha_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
   CCRP(double d_alpha, double d_beta, double c_shape, double c_rate, double d = 0.9, double c = 1.0) :
-    concentration_(c),
+    alpha_(c),
-    concentration_prior_shape_(c_shape),
-    concentration_prior_rate_(c_rate) {}
+    alpha_prior_shape_(c_shape),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(c_rate) {}
   double discount() const { return discount_; }
-  double concentration() const { return concentration_; }
+  double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
+  void set_discount(double d) { discount_ = d; }
+  void set_alpha(double a) { alpha_ = a; }
   bool has_discount_prior() const {
     return !std::isnan(discount_prior_alpha_);
-  bool has_concentration_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(concentration_prior_shape_);
+  bool has_alpha_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(alpha_prior_shape_);
   void clear() {
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ class CCRP {
     DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const double p_empty = (concentration_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
+      const double p_empty = (alpha_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
       const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ class CCRP {
     DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const T p_empty = T(concentration_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
+      const T p_empty = T(alpha_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
       const T p_share = T(loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
@@ -180,63 +182,46 @@ class CCRP {
   double prob(const Dish& dish, const double& p0) const {
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + concentration_;
+    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_;
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + concentration_);
+      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
     } else {
       return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * p0) /
-               (num_customers_ + concentration_);
+               (num_customers_ + alpha_);
   template <typename T>
   T probT(const Dish& dish, const T& p0) const {
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const T r = T(num_tables_ * discount_ + concentration_);
+    const T r = T(num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_);
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / T(num_customers_ + concentration_);
+      return r * p0 / T(num_customers_ + alpha_);
     } else {
       return (T(it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size()) + r * p0) /
-               T(num_customers_ + concentration_);
+               T(num_customers_ + alpha_);
   double log_crp_prob() const {
-    return log_crp_prob(discount_, concentration_);
-  }
-  static double log_beta_density(const double& x, const double& alpha, const double& beta) {
-    assert(x > 0.0);
-    assert(x < 1.0);
-    assert(alpha > 0.0);
-    assert(beta > 0.0);
-    const double lp = (alpha-1)*log(x)+(beta-1)*log(1-x)+lgamma(alpha+beta)-lgamma(alpha)-lgamma(beta);
-    return lp;
-  }
-  static double log_gamma_density(const double& x, const double& shape, const double& rate) {
-    assert(x >= 0.0);
-    assert(shape > 0.0);
-    assert(rate > 0.0);
-    const double lp = (shape-1)*log(x) - shape*log(rate) - x/rate - lgamma(shape);
-    return lp;
+    return log_crp_prob(discount_, alpha_);
   // taken from
   // does not include P_0's
-  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& concentration) const {
+  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& alpha) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
     if (has_discount_prior())
-      lp = log_beta_density(discount, discount_prior_alpha_, discount_prior_beta_);
-    if (has_concentration_prior())
-      lp += log_gamma_density(concentration, concentration_prior_shape_, concentration_prior_rate_);
+      lp = Md::log_beta_density(discount, discount_prior_alpha_, discount_prior_beta_);
+    if (has_alpha_prior())
+      lp += Md::log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
     if (num_customers_) {
       if (discount > 0.0) {
         const double r = lgamma(1.0 - discount);
-        lp += lgamma(concentration) - lgamma(concentration + num_customers_)
-             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(concentration / discount + num_tables_)
-             - lgamma(concentration / discount);
+        lp += lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha + num_customers_)
+             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(alpha / discount + num_tables_)
+             - lgamma(alpha / discount);
         for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
              it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
@@ -254,12 +239,12 @@ class CCRP {
   void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
-    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_concentration_prior());
+    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
     ConcentrationResampler cr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-      if (has_concentration_prior()) {
-        concentration_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, concentration_, *rng, 0.0,
+      if (has_alpha_prior()) {
+        alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
       if (has_discount_prior()) {
@@ -267,7 +252,7 @@ class CCRP {
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-    concentration_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, concentration_, *rng, 0.0,
+    alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
@@ -275,15 +260,15 @@ class CCRP {
     DiscountResampler(const CCRP& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP& crp_;
     double operator()(const double& proposed_discount) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_discount, crp_.concentration_);
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_discount, crp_.alpha_);
   struct ConcentrationResampler {
     ConcentrationResampler(const CCRP& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP& crp_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposed_concentration) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposed_concentration);
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposed_alpha);
@@ -295,7 +280,7 @@ class CCRP {
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    std::cerr << "PYP(d=" << discount_ << ",c=" << concentration_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    std::cerr << "PYP(d=" << discount_ << ",c=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
          it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
       (*out) << it->first << " (" << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables): ";
@@ -320,15 +305,15 @@ class CCRP {
   std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash> dish_locs_;
   double discount_;
-  double concentration_;
+  double alpha_;
   // optional beta prior on discount_ (NaN if no prior)
   double discount_prior_alpha_;
   double discount_prior_beta_;
-  // optional gamma prior on concentration_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double concentration_prior_shape_;
-  double concentration_prior_rate_;
+  // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double alpha_prior_shape_;
+  double alpha_prior_rate_;
 template <typename T,typename H>
diff --git a/utils/ccrp_nt.h b/utils/ccrp_nt.h
index 63b6f4c2..79321493 100644
--- a/utils/ccrp_nt.h
+++ b/utils/ccrp_nt.h
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ class CCRP_NoTable {
   explicit CCRP_NoTable(double conc) :
-    concentration_(conc),
-    concentration_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-    concentration_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
+    alpha_(conc),
+    alpha_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
   CCRP_NoTable(double c_shape, double c_rate, double c = 10.0) :
-    concentration_(c),
-    concentration_prior_shape_(c_shape),
-    concentration_prior_rate_(c_rate) {}
+    alpha_(c),
+    alpha_prior_shape_(c_shape),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(c_rate) {}
-  double concentration() const { return concentration_; }
+  double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
-  bool has_concentration_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(concentration_prior_shape_);
+  bool has_alpha_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(alpha_prior_shape_);
   void clear() {
@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ class CCRP_NoTable {
   double prob(const Dish& dish, const double& p0) const {
     const unsigned at_table = num_customers(dish);
-    return (at_table + p0 * concentration_) / (num_customers_ + concentration_);
+    return (at_table + p0 * alpha_) / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
   double logprob(const Dish& dish, const double& logp0) const {
     const unsigned at_table = num_customers(dish);
-    return log(at_table + exp(logp0 + log(concentration_))) - log(num_customers_ + concentration_);
+    return log(at_table + exp(logp0 + log(alpha_))) - log(num_customers_ + alpha_);
   double log_crp_prob() const {
-    return log_crp_prob(concentration_);
+    return log_crp_prob(alpha_);
   static double log_gamma_density(const double& x, const double& shape, const double& rate) {
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ class CCRP_NoTable {
   // taken from
   // does not include P_0's
-  double log_crp_prob(const double& concentration) const {
+  double log_crp_prob(const double& alpha) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
-    if (has_concentration_prior())
-      lp += log_gamma_density(concentration, concentration_prior_shape_, concentration_prior_rate_);
+    if (has_alpha_prior())
+      lp += log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
     if (num_customers_) {
-      lp += lgamma(concentration) - lgamma(concentration + num_customers_) +
-        custs_.size() * log(concentration);
+      lp += lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha + num_customers_) +
+        custs_.size() * log(alpha);
       for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, unsigned, DishHash>::const_iterator it = custs_.begin();
              it != custs_.end(); ++it) {
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ class CCRP_NoTable {
   void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
-    assert(has_concentration_prior());
+    assert(has_alpha_prior());
     ConcentrationResampler cr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-        concentration_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, concentration_, *rng, 0.0,
+        alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ class CCRP_NoTable {
   struct ConcentrationResampler {
     ConcentrationResampler(const CCRP_NoTable& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP_NoTable& crp_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposed_concentration) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_concentration);
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_alpha);
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    (*out) << "DP(alpha=" << concentration_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    (*out) << "DP(alpha=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     int cc = 0;
     for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, unsigned, DishHash>::const_iterator it = custs_.begin();
          it != custs_.end(); ++it) {
@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ class CCRP_NoTable {
     return custs_.end();
-  double concentration_;
+  double alpha_;
-  // optional gamma prior on concentration_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double concentration_prior_shape_;
-  double concentration_prior_rate_;
+  // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double alpha_prior_shape_;
+  double alpha_prior_rate_;
 template <typename T,typename H>
diff --git a/utils/ccrp_onetable.h b/utils/ccrp_onetable.h
index b63737d1..1fe01b0e 100644
--- a/utils/ccrp_onetable.h
+++ b/utils/ccrp_onetable.h
@@ -21,33 +21,33 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
-    concentration_(conc),
+    alpha_(conc),
-    concentration_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-    concentration_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
+    alpha_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
   CCRP_OneTable(double d_alpha, double d_beta, double c_shape, double c_rate, double d = 0.9, double c = 1.0) :
-    concentration_(c),
+    alpha_(c),
-    concentration_prior_shape_(c_shape),
-    concentration_prior_rate_(c_rate) {}
+    alpha_prior_shape_(c_shape),
+    alpha_prior_rate_(c_rate) {}
   double discount() const { return discount_; }
-  double concentration() const { return concentration_; }
-  void set_concentration(double c) { concentration_ = c; }
+  double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
+  void set_alpha(double c) { alpha_ = c; }
   void set_discount(double d) { discount_ = d; }
   bool has_discount_prior() const {
     return !std::isnan(discount_prior_alpha_);
-  bool has_concentration_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(concentration_prior_shape_);
+  bool has_alpha_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(alpha_prior_shape_);
   void clear() {
@@ -108,29 +108,29 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
   double prob(const Dish& dish, const double& p0) const {
     const typename DishMapType::const_iterator it = dish_counts_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + concentration_;
+    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_;
     if (it == dish_counts_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + concentration_);
+      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
     } else {
       return (it->second - discount_ + r * p0) /
-               (num_customers_ + concentration_);
+               (num_customers_ + alpha_);
   template <typename T>
   T probT(const Dish& dish, const T& p0) const {
     const typename DishMapType::const_iterator it = dish_counts_.find(dish);
-    const T r(num_tables_ * discount_ + concentration_);
+    const T r(num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_);
     if (it == dish_counts_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / T(num_customers_ + concentration_);
+      return r * p0 / T(num_customers_ + alpha_);
     } else {
       return (T(it->second - discount_) + r * p0) /
-               T(num_customers_ + concentration_);
+               T(num_customers_ + alpha_);
   double log_crp_prob() const {
-    return log_crp_prob(discount_, concentration_);
+    return log_crp_prob(discount_, alpha_);
   static double log_beta_density(const double& x, const double& alpha, const double& beta) {
@@ -152,19 +152,19 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
   // taken from
   // does not include P_0's
-  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& concentration) const {
+  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& alpha) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
     if (has_discount_prior())
       lp = log_beta_density(discount, discount_prior_alpha_, discount_prior_beta_);
-    if (has_concentration_prior())
-      lp += log_gamma_density(concentration, concentration_prior_shape_, concentration_prior_rate_);
+    if (has_alpha_prior())
+      lp += log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
     if (num_customers_) {
       if (discount > 0.0) {
         const double r = lgamma(1.0 - discount);
-        lp += lgamma(concentration) - lgamma(concentration + num_customers_)
-             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(concentration / discount + num_tables_)
-             - lgamma(concentration / discount);
+        lp += lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha + num_customers_)
+             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(alpha / discount + num_tables_)
+             - lgamma(alpha / discount);
         for (typename DishMapType::const_iterator it = dish_counts_.begin();
              it != dish_counts_.end(); ++it) {
@@ -180,12 +180,12 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
   void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
-    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_concentration_prior());
+    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
     ConcentrationResampler cr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-      if (has_concentration_prior()) {
-        concentration_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, concentration_, *rng, 0.0,
+      if (has_alpha_prior()) {
+        alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
       if (has_discount_prior()) {
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-    concentration_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, concentration_, *rng, 0.0,
+    alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
@@ -201,20 +201,20 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
     DiscountResampler(const CCRP_OneTable& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP_OneTable& crp_;
     double operator()(const double& proposed_discount) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_discount, crp_.concentration_);
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_discount, crp_.alpha_);
   struct ConcentrationResampler {
     ConcentrationResampler(const CCRP_OneTable& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP_OneTable& crp_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposed_concentration) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposed_concentration);
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposed_alpha);
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    (*out) << "PYP(d=" << discount_ << ",c=" << concentration_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    (*out) << "PYP(d=" << discount_ << ",c=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     for (typename DishMapType::const_iterator it = dish_counts_.begin(); it != dish_counts_.end(); ++it) {
       (*out) << "  " << it->first << " = " << it->second << std::endl;
@@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ class CCRP_OneTable {
   DishMapType dish_counts_;
   double discount_;
-  double concentration_;
+  double alpha_;
   // optional beta prior on discount_ (NaN if no prior)
   double discount_prior_alpha_;
   double discount_prior_beta_;
-  // optional gamma prior on concentration_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double concentration_prior_shape_;
-  double concentration_prior_rate_;
+  // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double alpha_prior_shape_;
+  double alpha_prior_rate_;
 template <typename T,typename H>
diff --git a/utils/mfcr.h b/utils/mfcr.h
index 396d0205..df988f51 100644
--- a/utils/mfcr.h
+++ b/utils/mfcr.h
@@ -43,29 +43,29 @@ class MFCR {
-    d_(d),
+    discount_(d),
-    d_prior_alpha_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-    d_prior_beta_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    discount_prior_alpha_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    discount_prior_beta_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
     alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
-  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double d_alpha, double d_beta, double alpha_shape, double alpha_rate, double d = 0.9, double alpha = 10.0) :
+  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double discount_alpha, double discount_beta, double alpha_shape, double alpha_rate, double d = 0.9, double alpha = 10.0) :
-    d_(d),
+    discount_(d),
-    d_prior_alpha_(d_alpha),
-    d_prior_beta_(d_beta),
+    discount_prior_alpha_(discount_alpha),
+    discount_prior_beta_(discount_beta),
     alpha_prior_rate_(alpha_rate) {}
-  double d() const { return d_; }
+  double discount() const { return discount_; }
   double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
-  bool has_d_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(d_prior_alpha_);
+  bool has_discount_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(discount_prior_alpha_);
   bool has_alpha_prior() const {
@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@ class MFCR {
     int floor = -1;
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const double p_empty = (alpha_ + num_tables_ * d_) * marg_p0;
-      const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * d_);
+      const double p_empty = (alpha_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * marg_p0;
+      const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
     if (share_table) {
-      double r = rng->next() * (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * d_);
+      double r = rng->next() * (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       for (typename std::list<TableCount>::iterator ti = loc.table_counts_.begin();
            ti != loc.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
-        r -= ti->count - d_;
+        r -= ti->count - discount_;
         if (r <= 0.0) {
           floor = ti->floor;
@@ -206,25 +206,25 @@ class MFCR {
     const double marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s.begin(), p0s.end(), lambdas.begin(), 0.0);
     assert(marg_p0 <= 1.0);
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * d_ + alpha_;
+    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_;
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
       return r * marg_p0 / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
     } else {
-      return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - d_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * marg_p0) /
+      return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * marg_p0) /
                (num_customers_ + alpha_);
   double log_crp_prob() const {
-    return log_crp_prob(d_, alpha_);
+    return log_crp_prob(discount_, alpha_);
   // taken from
   // does not include draws from G_w's
   double log_crp_prob(const double& d, const double& alpha) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
-    if (has_d_prior())
-      lp = Md::log_beta_density(d, d_prior_alpha_, d_prior_beta_);
+    if (has_discount_prior())
+      lp = Md::log_beta_density(d, discount_prior_alpha_, discount_prior_beta_);
     if (has_alpha_prior())
       lp += Md::log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class MFCR {
   void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
-    assert(has_d_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
+    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
     ConcentrationResampler cr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ class MFCR {
         alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-      if (has_d_prior()) {
-        d_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, d_, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
+      if (has_discount_prior()) {
+        discount_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, discount_, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ class MFCR {
   struct ConcentrationResampler {
     ConcentrationResampler(const MFCR& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const MFCR& crp_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.d_, proposed_alpha);
+    double operator()(const double& proposediscount_alpha) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposediscount_alpha);
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ class MFCR {
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    (*out) << "MFCR(d=" << d_ << ",alpha=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    (*out) << "MFCR(d=" << discount_ << ",alpha=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
          it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
       (*out) << it->first << " (" << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables): ";
@@ -317,12 +317,12 @@ class MFCR {
   unsigned num_customers_;
   std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash> dish_locs_;
-  double d_;
+  double discount_;
   double alpha_;
-  // optional beta prior on d_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double d_prior_alpha_;
-  double d_prior_beta_;
+  // optional beta prior on discount_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double discount_prior_alpha_;
+  double discount_prior_beta_;
   // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
   double alpha_prior_shape_;
cgit v1.2.3

From 1d5a0055a948663d799b4c5b1380ce1d9742bf6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 14:51:04 -0500
Subject: support strength=0 PYPs, final notation clean-up

 gi/pf/     |   2 +-
 gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h       |   2 +-
 gi/pf/             |   4 +-
 gi/pf/                |  22 ++++-----
 phrasinator/ |   2 +-
 utils/ccrp.h                   | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 utils/mfcr.h                   | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 7 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

(limited to 'utils/mfcr.h')

diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 4ce7cf62..87f7f6b5 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   void Summary() const {
-    cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (d=" << << ",\\alpha=" << r.alpha() << ')' << endl;
+    cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (d=" << << ",s=" << r.strength() << ')' << endl;
     for (MFCR<vector<WordID> >::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
       cerr << "   " << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " (on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables)" << TD::GetString(it->first) << endl;
diff --git a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
index f9841cbf..86403d8d 100644
--- a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
+++ b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   void Summary() const {
     std::cerr << "Number of conditioning contexts: " << r.size() << std::endl;
     for (RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
-      std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(d=" << it-> << ",\\alpha = " << it->second.alpha() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
+      std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(d=" << it-> << ",s=" << it->second.strength() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
       for (MFCR<TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
         std::cerr << "   " << -1 << '\t' << i2->first << std::endl;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 5b748311..bf157828 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ struct HieroLMModel {
-      cerr << "[base d=" << << ", alpha=" << q0.alpha() << "]";
+      cerr << "[base d=" << << ", s=" << q0.strength() << "]";
-    cerr << " d=" << nts[0].discount() << ", alpha=" << nts[0].alpha() << endl;
+    cerr << " d=" << nts[0].discount() << ", s=" << nts[0].strength() << endl;
   const BaseRuleModel base;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index e5c44c8b..7ebada13 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
       backoff(vs, da, db, ss, sr),
       discount_a(da), discount_b(db),
       strength_s(ss), strength_r(sr),
-      d(0.8), alpha(1.0), lookup(N-1) {}
+      d(0.8), strength(1.0), lookup(N-1) {}
   void increment(WordID w, const vector<WordID>& context, MT19937* rng) {
     const double bo = backoff.prob(w, context);
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < N-1; ++i)
       lookup[i] = context[context.size() - 1 - i];
     typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::iterator it = p.find(lookup);
     if (it == p.end())
-      it = p.insert(make_pair(lookup, CCRP<WordID>(d,alpha))).first;
+      it = p.insert(make_pair(lookup, CCRP<WordID>(d,strength))).first;
     if (it->second.increment(w, bo, rng))
       backoff.increment(w, context, rng);
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
   double log_likelihood() const {
-    return log_likelihood(d, alpha) + backoff.log_likelihood();
+    return log_likelihood(d, strength) + backoff.log_likelihood();
   double log_likelihood(const double& dd, const double& aa) const {
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
     DiscountResampler(const PYPLM& m) : m_(m) {}
     const PYPLM& m_;
     double operator()(const double& proposed_discount) const {
-      return m_.log_likelihood(proposed_discount, m_.alpha);
+      return m_.log_likelihood(proposed_discount, m_.strength);
   struct AlphaResampler {
     AlphaResampler(const PYPLM& m) : m_(m) {}
     const PYPLM& m_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
-      return m_.log_likelihood(m_.d, proposed_alpha);
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_strength) const {
+      return m_.log_likelihood(m_.d, proposed_strength);
@@ -141,25 +141,25 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
     AlphaResampler ar(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-      alpha = slice_sampler1d(ar, alpha, *rng, 0.0,
+      strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, 0.0,
                               std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
       d = slice_sampler1d(dr, d, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
                           1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-    alpha = slice_sampler1d(ar, alpha, *rng, 0.0,
+    strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, 0.0,
                             std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
     typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::iterator it;
-    cerr << "PYPLM<" << N << ">(d=" << d << ",a=" << alpha << ") = " << log_likelihood(d, alpha) << endl;
+    cerr << "PYPLM<" << N << ">(d=" << d << ",a=" << strength << ") = " << log_likelihood(d, strength) << endl;
     for (it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it) {
-      it->second.set_alpha(alpha);
+      it->second.set_strength(strength);
     backoff.resample_hyperparameters(rng, nloop, niterations);
   PYPLM<N-1> backoff;
   double discount_a, discount_b, strength_s, strength_r;
-  double d, alpha;
+  double d, strength;
   mutable vector<WordID> lookup;  // thread-local
   unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > > p;
diff --git a/phrasinator/ b/phrasinator/
index 54861dcb..3b99e1b6 100644
--- a/phrasinator/
+++ b/phrasinator/
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ struct UniphraseLM {
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
-    cerr << " d=" << << ",a=" << phrases_.alpha();
+    cerr << " d=" << << ",s=" << phrases_.strength();
   CCRP<vector<int> > phrases_;
diff --git a/utils/ccrp.h b/utils/ccrp.h
index c883c027..5f9db7a6 100644
--- a/utils/ccrp.h
+++ b/utils/ccrp.h
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
 template <typename Dish, typename DishHash = boost::hash<Dish> >
 class CCRP {
-  CCRP(double disc, double alpha) :
+  CCRP(double disc, double strength) :
-      alpha_(alpha),
-      discount_prior_alpha_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+      strength_(strength),
+      discount_prior_strength_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-      alpha_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-      alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {
+      strength_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+      strength_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {
-  CCRP(double d_alpha, double d_beta, double c_shape, double c_rate, double d = 0.9, double c = 1.0) :
+  CCRP(double d_strength, double d_beta, double c_shape, double c_rate, double d = 0.9, double c = 1.0) :
-      alpha_(c),
-      discount_prior_alpha_(d_alpha),
+      strength_(c),
+      discount_prior_strength_(d_strength),
-      alpha_prior_shape_(c_shape),
-      alpha_prior_rate_(c_rate) {
+      strength_prior_shape_(c_shape),
+      strength_prior_rate_(c_rate) {
@@ -47,23 +47,23 @@ class CCRP {
       std::cerr << "Bad discount: " << discount_ << std::endl;
-    if (alpha_ <= -discount_) {
-      std::cerr << "Bad strength: " << alpha_ << " (discount=" << discount_ << ")" << std::endl;
+    if (strength_ <= -discount_) {
+      std::cerr << "Bad strength: " << strength_ << " (discount=" << discount_ << ")" << std::endl;
   double discount() const { return discount_; }
-  double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
+  double strength() const { return strength_; }
   void set_discount(double d) { discount_ = d; check_hyperparameters(); }
-  void set_alpha(double a) { alpha_ = a; check_hyperparameters(); }
+  void set_strength(double a) { strength_ = a; check_hyperparameters(); }
   bool has_discount_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(discount_prior_alpha_);
+    return !std::isnan(discount_prior_strength_);
-  bool has_alpha_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(alpha_prior_shape_);
+  bool has_strength_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(strength_prior_shape_);
   void clear() {
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class CCRP {
     DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const double p_empty = (alpha_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
+      const double p_empty = (strength_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
       const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class CCRP {
     DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const T p_empty = T(alpha_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
+      const T p_empty = T(strength_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
       const T p_share = T(loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
@@ -198,47 +198,47 @@ class CCRP {
   double prob(const Dish& dish, const double& p0) const {
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_;
+    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_;
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
+      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + strength_);
     } else {
       return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * p0) /
-               (num_customers_ + alpha_);
+               (num_customers_ + strength_);
   template <typename T>
   T probT(const Dish& dish, const T& p0) const {
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const T r = T(num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_);
+    const T r = T(num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_);
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / T(num_customers_ + alpha_);
+      return r * p0 / T(num_customers_ + strength_);
     } else {
       return (T(it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size()) + r * p0) /
-               T(num_customers_ + alpha_);
+               T(num_customers_ + strength_);
   double log_crp_prob() const {
-    return log_crp_prob(discount_, alpha_);
+    return log_crp_prob(discount_, strength_);
   // taken from
   // does not include P_0's
-  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& alpha) const {
+  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& strength) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
     if (has_discount_prior())
-      lp = Md::log_beta_density(discount, discount_prior_alpha_, discount_prior_beta_);
-    if (has_alpha_prior())
-      lp += Md::log_gamma_density(alpha + discount, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
+      lp = Md::log_beta_density(discount, discount_prior_strength_, discount_prior_beta_);
+    if (has_strength_prior())
+      lp += Md::log_gamma_density(strength + discount, strength_prior_shape_, strength_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
     if (num_customers_) {
       if (discount > 0.0) {
         const double r = lgamma(1.0 - discount);
-        if (alpha)
-          lp += lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha / discount);
-        lp += - lgamma(alpha + num_customers_)
-             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(alpha / discount + num_tables_);
+        if (strength)
+          lp += lgamma(strength) - lgamma(strength / discount);
+        lp += - lgamma(strength + num_customers_)
+             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(strength / discount + num_tables_);
         for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
              it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
@@ -247,8 +247,16 @@ class CCRP {
             lp += lgamma(*ti - discount) - r;
+      } else if (!discount) { // discount == 0.0
+        lp += lgamma(strength) + num_tables_ * log(strength) - lgamma(strength + num_tables_);
+        assert(std::isfinite(lp));
+        for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
+             it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
+          const DishLocations& cur = it->second;
+          lp += lgamma(cur.table_counts_.size());
+        }
       } else {
-        assert(!"not implemented yet");
+        assert(!"discount less than 0 detected!");
@@ -256,22 +264,22 @@ class CCRP {
   void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
-    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
+    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_strength_prior());
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
     StrengthResampler sr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-      if (has_alpha_prior()) {
-        alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, alpha_, *rng, -discount_,
+      if (has_strength_prior()) {
+        strength_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, strength_, *rng, -discount_,
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
       if (has_discount_prior()) {
         double min_discount = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
-        if (alpha_ < 0.0) min_discount = -alpha_;
+        if (strength_ < 0.0) min_discount = -strength_;
         discount_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, discount_, *rng, min_discount,
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-    alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, alpha_, *rng, -discount_,
+    strength_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, strength_, *rng, -discount_,
                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
@@ -279,15 +287,15 @@ class CCRP {
     DiscountResampler(const CCRP& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP& crp_;
     double operator()(const double& proposed_discount) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_discount, crp_.alpha_);
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_discount, crp_.strength_);
   struct StrengthResampler {
     StrengthResampler(const CCRP& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const CCRP& crp_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposed_alpha) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposed_alpha);
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_strength) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposed_strength);
@@ -299,7 +307,7 @@ class CCRP {
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    std::cerr << "PYP(d=" << discount_ << ",c=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    std::cerr << "PYP(d=" << discount_ << ",c=" << strength_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
          it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
       (*out) << it->first << " (" << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables): ";
@@ -324,15 +332,15 @@ class CCRP {
   std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash> dish_locs_;
   double discount_;
-  double alpha_;
+  double strength_;
   // optional beta prior on discount_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double discount_prior_alpha_;
+  double discount_prior_strength_;
   double discount_prior_beta_;
-  // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double alpha_prior_shape_;
-  double alpha_prior_rate_;
+  // optional gamma prior on strength_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double strength_prior_shape_;
+  double strength_prior_rate_;
 template <typename T,typename H>
diff --git a/utils/mfcr.h b/utils/mfcr.h
index df988f51..aeaf599d 100644
--- a/utils/mfcr.h
+++ b/utils/mfcr.h
@@ -39,37 +39,37 @@ template <typename Dish, typename DishHash = boost::hash<Dish> >
 class MFCR {
-  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double d, double alpha) :
+  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double d, double strength) :
-    alpha_(alpha),
-    discount_prior_alpha_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    strength_(strength),
+    discount_prior_strength_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-    alpha_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
-    alpha_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
+    strength_prior_shape_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()),
+    strength_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
-  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double discount_alpha, double discount_beta, double alpha_shape, double alpha_rate, double d = 0.9, double alpha = 10.0) :
+  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double discount_strength, double discount_beta, double strength_shape, double strength_rate, double d = 0.9, double strength = 10.0) :
-    alpha_(alpha),
-    discount_prior_alpha_(discount_alpha),
+    strength_(strength),
+    discount_prior_strength_(discount_strength),
-    alpha_prior_shape_(alpha_shape),
-    alpha_prior_rate_(alpha_rate) {}
+    strength_prior_shape_(strength_shape),
+    strength_prior_rate_(strength_rate) {}
   double discount() const { return discount_; }
-  double alpha() const { return alpha_; }
+  double strength() const { return strength_; }
   bool has_discount_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(discount_prior_alpha_);
+    return !std::isnan(discount_prior_strength_);
-  bool has_alpha_prior() const {
-    return !std::isnan(alpha_prior_shape_);
+  bool has_strength_prior() const {
+    return !std::isnan(strength_prior_shape_);
   void clear() {
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class MFCR {
     int floor = -1;
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const double p_empty = (alpha_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * marg_p0;
+      const double p_empty = (strength_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * marg_p0;
       const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
@@ -206,44 +206,53 @@ class MFCR {
     const double marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s.begin(), p0s.end(), lambdas.begin(), 0.0);
     assert(marg_p0 <= 1.0);
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + alpha_;
+    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_;
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * marg_p0 / (num_customers_ + alpha_);
+      return r * marg_p0 / (num_customers_ + strength_);
     } else {
       return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * marg_p0) /
-               (num_customers_ + alpha_);
+               (num_customers_ + strength_);
   double log_crp_prob() const {
-    return log_crp_prob(discount_, alpha_);
+    return log_crp_prob(discount_, strength_);
   // taken from
   // does not include draws from G_w's
-  double log_crp_prob(const double& d, const double& alpha) const {
+  double log_crp_prob(const double& discount, const double& strength) const {
     double lp = 0.0;
     if (has_discount_prior())
-      lp = Md::log_beta_density(d, discount_prior_alpha_, discount_prior_beta_);
-    if (has_alpha_prior())
-      lp += Md::log_gamma_density(alpha, alpha_prior_shape_, alpha_prior_rate_);
+      lp = Md::log_beta_density(discount, discount_prior_strength_, discount_prior_beta_);
+    if (has_strength_prior())
+      lp += Md::log_gamma_density(strength + discount, strength_prior_shape_, strength_prior_rate_);
     assert(lp <= 0.0);
     if (num_customers_) {
-      if (d > 0.0) {
-        const double r = lgamma(1.0 - d);
-        lp += lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(alpha + num_customers_)
-             + num_tables_ * log(d) + lgamma(alpha / d + num_tables_)
-             - lgamma(alpha / d);
+      if (discount > 0.0) {
+        const double r = lgamma(1.0 - discount);
+        if (strength)
+          lp += lgamma(strength) - lgamma(strength / discount);
+        lp += - lgamma(strength + num_customers_)
+             + num_tables_ * log(discount) + lgamma(strength / discount + num_tables_);
         for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
              it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
           const DishLocations& cur = it->second;
           for (std::list<TableCount>::const_iterator ti = cur.table_counts_.begin(); ti != cur.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
-            lp += lgamma(ti->count - d) - r;
+            lp += lgamma(ti->count - discount) - r;
+      } else if (!discount) { // discount == 0.0
+        lp += lgamma(strength) + num_tables_ * log(strength) - lgamma(strength + num_tables_);
+        assert(std::isfinite(lp));
+        for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
+             it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
+          const DishLocations& cur = it->second;
+          lp += lgamma(cur.table_counts_.size());
+        }
       } else {
-        assert(!"not implemented yet");
+        assert(!"discount less than 0 detected!");
@@ -251,20 +260,22 @@ class MFCR {
   void resample_hyperparameters(MT19937* rng, const unsigned nloop = 5, const unsigned niterations = 10) {
-    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_alpha_prior());
+    assert(has_discount_prior() || has_strength_prior());
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
-    ConcentrationResampler cr(*this);
+    StrengthResampler sr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-      if (has_alpha_prior()) {
-        alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
+      if (has_strength_prior()) {
+        strength_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, strength_, *rng, -discount_,
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
       if (has_discount_prior()) {
-        discount_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, discount_, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
+        double min_discount = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+        if (strength_ < 0.0) min_discount = -strength_;
+        discount_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, discount_, *rng, min_discount,
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-    alpha_ = slice_sampler1d(cr, alpha_, *rng, 0.0,
+    strength_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, strength_, *rng, -discount_,
                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
@@ -272,15 +283,15 @@ class MFCR {
     DiscountResampler(const MFCR& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const MFCR& crp_;
     double operator()(const double& proposed_d) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_d, crp_.alpha_);
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(proposed_d, crp_.strength_);
-  struct ConcentrationResampler {
-    ConcentrationResampler(const MFCR& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
+  struct StrengthResampler {
+    StrengthResampler(const MFCR& crp) : crp_(crp) {}
     const MFCR& crp_;
-    double operator()(const double& proposediscount_alpha) const {
-      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposediscount_alpha);
+    double operator()(const double& proposediscount_strength) const {
+      return crp_.log_crp_prob(crp_.discount_, proposediscount_strength);
@@ -292,7 +303,7 @@ class MFCR {
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    (*out) << "MFCR(d=" << discount_ << ",alpha=" << alpha_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    (*out) << "MFCR(d=" << discount_ << ",strength=" << strength_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
          it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
       (*out) << it->first << " (" << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables): ";
@@ -318,15 +329,15 @@ class MFCR {
   std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash> dish_locs_;
   double discount_;
-  double alpha_;
+  double strength_;
   // optional beta prior on discount_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double discount_prior_alpha_;
+  double discount_prior_strength_;
   double discount_prior_beta_;
-  // optional gamma prior on alpha_ (NaN if no prior)
-  double alpha_prior_shape_;
-  double alpha_prior_rate_;
+  // optional gamma prior on strength_ (NaN if no prior)
+  double strength_prior_shape_;
+  double strength_prior_rate_;
 template <typename T,typename H>
cgit v1.2.3

From 4c007d48d5829233d0ae3c3c8b48f8c25631bf81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 16:06:45 -0500
Subject: use template parameter inference to figure out what type to use for
 probability computations, templatatize number of floors in MFCR rather than
 compile-time set

 gi/pf/ | 20 +++++++-------
 gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h   | 22 +++++++--------
 gi/pf/         |  8 +++---
 utils/ccrp.h               | 48 ++------------------------------
 utils/mfcr.h               | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 utils/         | 10 +++----
 6 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

(limited to 'utils/mfcr.h')

diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 87f7f6b5..ac0590e0 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ struct AlignedSentencePair {
 struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   explicit HierarchicalWordBase(const unsigned vocab_e_size) :
-      base(prob_t::One()), r(1,1,1,25,25), u0(-log(vocab_e_size)), l(1,1.0), v(1, 0.0) {}
+      base(prob_t::One()), r(1,1,1,1), u0(-log(vocab_e_size)), l(1,prob_t::One()), v(1, prob_t::Zero()) {}
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   // return p0 of rule.e_
   prob_t operator()(const TRule& rule) const {
-    v[0] = exp(logp0(rule.e_));
-    return prob_t(r.prob(rule.e_, v, l));
+    v[0].logeq(logp0(rule.e_));
+    return r.prob(rule.e_, v.begin(), l.begin());
   void Increment(const TRule& rule) {
-    v[0] = exp(logp0(rule.e_));
-    if (r.increment(rule.e_, v, l, &*prng).count) {
-      base *= prob_t(v[0] * l[0]);
+    v[0].logeq(logp0(rule.e_));
+    if (r.increment(rule.e_, v.begin(), l.begin(), &*prng).count) {
+      base *= v[0] * l[0];
@@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   void Summary() const {
     cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (d=" << << ",s=" << r.strength() << ')' << endl;
-    for (MFCR<vector<WordID> >::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
+    for (MFCR<1,vector<WordID> >::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
       cerr << "   " << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " (on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables)" << TD::GetString(it->first) << endl;
   prob_t base;
-  MFCR<vector<WordID> > r;
+  MFCR<1,vector<WordID> > r;
   const double u0;
-  const vector<double> l;
-  mutable vector<double> v;
+  const vector<prob_t> l;
+  mutable vector<prob_t> v;
 struct BasicLexicalAlignment {
diff --git a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
index 86403d8d..ef73e332 100644
--- a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
+++ b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 template <typename ConditionalBaseMeasure>
 struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   explicit MConditionalTranslationModel(ConditionalBaseMeasure& rcp0) :
-    rp0(rcp0), lambdas(1, 1.0), p0s(1) {}
+    rp0(rcp0), lambdas(1, prob_t::One()), p0s(1) {}
   void Summary() const {
     std::cerr << "Number of conditioning contexts: " << r.size() << std::endl;
     for (RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
       std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(d=" << it-> << ",s=" << it->second.strength() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
-      for (MFCR<TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
+      for (MFCR<1,TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
         std::cerr << "   " << -1 << '\t' << i2->first << std::endl;
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   int IncrementRule(const TRule& rule, MT19937* rng) {
     RuleModelHash::iterator it = r.find(rule.f_);
     if (it == r.end()) {
-      it = r.insert(make_pair(rule.f_, MFCR<TRule>(1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-9, 4.0))).first;
+      it = r.insert(make_pair(rule.f_, MFCR<1,TRule>(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-9, 4.0))).first;
-    p0s[0] = rp0(rule).as_float(); 
-    TableCount delta = it->second.increment(rule, p0s, lambdas, rng);
+    p0s[0] = rp0(rule); 
+    TableCount delta = it->second.increment(rule, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin(), rng);
     return delta.count;
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
     prob_t p;
     RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.find(rule.f_);
     if (it == r.end()) {
-      p.logeq(log(rp0(rule)));
+      p = rp0(rule);
     } else {
-      p0s[0] = rp0(rule).as_float();
-      p = prob_t(it->second.prob(rule, p0s, lambdas));
+      p0s[0] = rp0(rule);
+      p = it->second.prob(rule, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin());
     return p;
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   const ConditionalBaseMeasure& rp0;
   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<std::vector<WordID>,
-                                  MFCR<TRule>,
+                                  MFCR<1, TRule>,
                                   boost::hash<std::vector<WordID> > > RuleModelHash;
   RuleModelHash r;
-  std::vector<double> lambdas;
-  mutable std::vector<double> p0s;
+  std::vector<prob_t> lambdas;
+  mutable std::vector<prob_t> p0s;
 template <typename ConditionalBaseMeasure>
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index bf157828..ed1772bf 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -127,20 +127,20 @@ struct HieroLMModel {
       nts(num_nts, CCRP<TRule>(1,1,1,1)) {}
   prob_t Prob(const TRule& r) const {
-    return nts[nt_id_to_index[-r.lhs_]].probT<prob_t>(r, p0(r));
+    return nts[nt_id_to_index[-r.lhs_]].prob(r, p0(r));
   inline prob_t p0(const TRule& r) const {
-      return q0.probT<prob_t>(r, base(r));
+      return q0.prob(r, base(r));
       return base(r);
   int Increment(const TRule& r, MT19937* rng) {
-    const int delta = nts[nt_id_to_index[-r.lhs_]].incrementT<prob_t>(r, p0(r), rng);
+    const int delta = nts[nt_id_to_index[-r.lhs_]].increment(r, p0(r), rng);
     if (kHIERARCHICAL_PRIOR && delta)
-      q0.incrementT<prob_t>(r, base(r), rng);
+      q0.increment(r, base(r), rng);
     return delta;
     // return x.increment(r);
diff --git a/utils/ccrp.h b/utils/ccrp.h
index 5f9db7a6..e24130ac 100644
--- a/utils/ccrp.h
+++ b/utils/ccrp.h
@@ -92,42 +92,9 @@ class CCRP {
     return it->total_dish_count_;
-  // returns +1 or 0 indicating whether a new table was opened
-  int increment(const Dish& dish, const double& p0, MT19937* rng) {
-    DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
-    bool share_table = false;
-    if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const double p_empty = (strength_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * p0;
-      const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
-      share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
-    }
-    if (share_table) {
-      double r = rng->next() * (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
-      for (typename std::list<unsigned>::iterator ti = loc.table_counts_.begin();
-           ti != loc.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
-        r -= (*ti - discount_);
-        if (r <= 0.0) {
-          ++(*ti);
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (r > 0.0) {
-        std::cerr << "Serious error: r=" << r << std::endl;
-        Print(&std::cerr);
-        assert(r <= 0.0);
-      }
-    } else {
-      loc.table_counts_.push_back(1u);
-      ++num_tables_;
-    }
-    ++loc.total_dish_count_;
-    ++num_customers_;
-    return (share_table ? 0 : 1);
-  }
   // returns +1 or 0 indicating whether a new table was opened
   template <typename T>
-  int incrementT(const Dish& dish, const T& p0, MT19937* rng) {
+  int increment(const Dish& dish, const T& p0, MT19937* rng) {
     DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
@@ -196,19 +163,8 @@ class CCRP {
-  double prob(const Dish& dish, const double& p0) const {
-    const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_;
-    if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * p0 / (num_customers_ + strength_);
-    } else {
-      return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * p0) /
-               (num_customers_ + strength_);
-    }
-  }
   template <typename T>
-  T probT(const Dish& dish, const T& p0) const {
+  T prob(const Dish& dish, const T& p0) const {
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
     const T r = T(num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_);
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
diff --git a/utils/mfcr.h b/utils/mfcr.h
index aeaf599d..6cc0ebf1 100644
--- a/utils/mfcr.h
+++ b/utils/mfcr.h
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include <list>
 #include <iostream>
 #include <vector>
+#include <iterator>
 #include <tr1/unordered_map>
 #include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
 #include "sampler.h"
@@ -35,12 +36,11 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const TableCount& tc) {
 // referenced therein.
-template <typename Dish, typename DishHash = boost::hash<Dish> >
+template <unsigned Floors, typename Dish, typename DishHash = boost::hash<Dish> >
 class MFCR {
-  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double d, double strength) :
-    num_floors_(num_floors),
+  MFCR(double d, double strength) :
@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ class MFCR {
     strength_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
-  MFCR(unsigned num_floors, double discount_strength, double discount_beta, double strength_shape, double strength_rate, double d = 0.9, double strength = 10.0) :
-    num_floors_(num_floors),
+  MFCR(double discount_strength, double discount_beta, double strength_shape, double strength_rate, double d = 0.9, double strength = 10.0) :
@@ -111,22 +110,22 @@ class MFCR {
   // returns (delta, floor) indicating whether a new table (delta) was opened and on which floor
-  TableCount increment(const Dish& dish, const std::vector<double>& p0s, const std::vector<double>& lambdas, MT19937* rng) {
-    assert(p0s.size() == num_floors_);
-    assert(lambdas.size() == num_floors_);
+  template <class InputIterator, class InputIterator2>
+  TableCount increment(const Dish& dish, InputIterator p0s, InputIterator2 lambdas, MT19937* rng) {
     DishLocations& loc = dish_locs_[dish];
     // marg_p0 = marginal probability of opening a new table on any floor with label dish
-    const double marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s.begin(), p0s.end(), lambdas.begin(), 0.0);
-    assert(marg_p0 <= 1.0);
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type F;
+    const F marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s, p0s + Floors, lambdas, F(0.0));
+    assert(marg_p0 <= F(1.0001));
     int floor = -1;
     bool share_table = false;
     if (loc.total_dish_count_) {
-      const double p_empty = (strength_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * marg_p0;
-      const double p_share = (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
+      const F p_empty = F(strength_ + num_tables_ * discount_) * marg_p0;
+      const F p_share = F(loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       share_table = rng->SelectSample(p_empty, p_share);
     if (share_table) {
+      // this can be done with doubles since P0 (which may be tiny) is not involved
       double r = rng->next() * (loc.total_dish_count_ - loc.table_counts_.size() * discount_);
       for (typename std::list<TableCount>::iterator ti = loc.table_counts_.begin();
            ti != loc.table_counts_.end(); ++ti) {
@@ -143,12 +142,18 @@ class MFCR {
         assert(r <= 0.0);
     } else { // sit at currently empty table -- must sample what floor
-      double r = rng->next() * marg_p0;
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < p0s.size(); ++i) {
-        r -= p0s[i] * lambdas[i];
-        if (r <= 0.0) {
-          floor = i;
-          break;
+      if (Floors == 1) {
+        floor = 0;
+      } else {
+        F r = F(rng->next()) * marg_p0;
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < Floors; ++i) {
+          r -= (*p0s) * (*lambdas);
+          ++p0s;
+          ++lambdas;
+          if (r <= F(0.0)) {
+            floor = i;
+            break;
+          }
       assert(floor >= 0);
@@ -200,18 +205,18 @@ class MFCR {
     return TableCount(delta, floor);
-  double prob(const Dish& dish, const std::vector<double>& p0s, const std::vector<double>& lambdas) const {
-    assert(p0s.size() == num_floors_);
-    assert(lambdas.size() == num_floors_);
-    const double marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s.begin(), p0s.end(), lambdas.begin(), 0.0);
-    assert(marg_p0 <= 1.0);
+  template <class InputIterator, class InputIterator2>
+  typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type prob(const Dish& dish, InputIterator p0s, InputIterator2 lambdas) const {
+    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type F;
+    const F marg_p0 = std::inner_product(p0s, p0s + Floors, lambdas, F(0.0));
+    assert(marg_p0 <= F(1.0001));
     const typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.find(dish);
-    const double r = num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_;
+    const F r = F(num_tables_ * discount_ + strength_);
     if (it == dish_locs_.end()) {
-      return r * marg_p0 / (num_customers_ + strength_);
+      return r * marg_p0 / F(num_customers_ + strength_);
     } else {
-      return (it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size() + r * marg_p0) /
-               (num_customers_ + strength_);
+      return (F(it->second.total_dish_count_ - discount_ * it->second.table_counts_.size()) + F(r * marg_p0)) /
+               F(num_customers_ + strength_);
@@ -303,7 +308,7 @@ class MFCR {
   void Print(std::ostream* out) const {
-    (*out) << "MFCR(d=" << discount_ << ",strength=" << strength_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
+    (*out) << "MFCR<" << Floors << ">(d=" << discount_ << ",strength=" << strength_ << ") customers=" << num_customers_ << std::endl;
     for (typename std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash>::const_iterator it = dish_locs_.begin();
          it != dish_locs_.end(); ++it) {
       (*out) << it->first << " (" << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables): ";
@@ -323,7 +328,6 @@ class MFCR {
     return dish_locs_.end();
-  unsigned num_floors_;
   unsigned num_tables_;
   unsigned num_customers_;
   std::tr1::unordered_map<Dish, DishLocations, DishHash> dish_locs_;
@@ -340,8 +344,8 @@ class MFCR {
   double strength_prior_rate_;
-template <typename T,typename H>
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const MFCR<T,H>& c) {
+template <unsigned N,typename T,typename H>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const MFCR<N,T,H>& c) {
   return o;
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 7c45a37c..cc886335 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 using namespace std;
 void test_exch(MT19937* rng) {
-  MFCR<int> crp(2, 0.5, 3.0);
+  MFCR<2, int> crp(0.5, 3.0);
   vector<double> lambdas(2);
   vector<double> p0s(2);
   lambdas[0] = 0.2;
@@ -22,23 +22,23 @@ void test_exch(MT19937* rng) {
   double xt = 0;
   int cust = 10;
   vector<int> hist(cust + 1, 0), hist2(cust + 1, 0);
-  for (int i = 0; i < cust; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s, lambdas, rng); }
+  for (int i = 0; i < cust; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin(), rng); }
   const int samples = 100000;
   const bool simulate = true;
   for (int k = 0; k < samples; ++k) {
     if (!simulate) {
-      for (int i = 0; i < cust; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s, lambdas, rng); }
+      for (int i = 0; i < cust; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin(), rng); }
     } else {
       int da = rng->next() * cust;
       bool a = rng->next() < 0.45;
       if (a) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < da; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s, lambdas, rng); }
+        for (int i = 0; i < da; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin(), rng); }
         for (int i = 0; i < da; ++i) { crp.decrement(1, rng); }
         xt += 1.0;
       } else {
         for (int i = 0; i < da; ++i) { crp.decrement(1, rng); }
-        for (int i = 0; i < da; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s, lambdas, rng); }
+        for (int i = 0; i < da; ++i) { crp.increment(1, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin(), rng); }
     int c = crp.num_tables(1);
cgit v1.2.3

From 7b3936660fb777b455079c63c23aec00f60f98ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Dyer <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 21:36:07 -0500
Subject: tie hyperparameters for translation distributions; support theta < 0
 for PYPLM

 gi/pf/ | 13 ++++-----
 gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h   | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 gi/pf/            | 12 ++++----
 utils/ccrp.h               |  4 +--
 utils/mfcr.h               | 19 +++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

(limited to 'utils/mfcr.h')

diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index ac0590e0..13a3a487 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ struct AlignedSentencePair {
 struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   explicit HierarchicalWordBase(const unsigned vocab_e_size) :
-      base(prob_t::One()), r(1,1,1,1), u0(-log(vocab_e_size)), l(1,prob_t::One()), v(1, prob_t::Zero()) {}
+      base(prob_t::One()), r(1,1,1,1,0.66,50.0), u0(-log(vocab_e_size)), l(1,prob_t::One()), v(1, prob_t::Zero()) {}
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
   inline double logp0(const vector<WordID>& s) const {
-    return s.size() * u0;
+    return Md::log_poisson(s.size(), 7.5) + s.size() * u0;
   // return p0 of rule.e_
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ struct HierarchicalWordBase {
   void Summary() const {
     cerr << "NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS: " << r.num_customers() << "  (d=" << << ",s=" << r.strength() << ')' << endl;
     for (MFCR<1,vector<WordID> >::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
-      cerr << "   " << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " (on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables)" << TD::GetString(it->first) << endl;
+      cerr << "   " << it->second.total_dish_count_ << " (on " << it->second.table_counts_.size() << " tables) " << TD::GetString(it->first) << endl;
   prob_t base;
@@ -167,10 +167,9 @@ struct BasicLexicalAlignment {
   void ResampleHyperparemeters() {
-    cerr << "  LLH_prev = " << Likelihood() << flush;
-    cerr << "\tLLH_post = " << Likelihood() << endl;
+    cerr << "  (base d=" << << ",s=" << up0.r.strength() << ")\n";
   void ResampleCorpus();
@@ -218,7 +217,7 @@ void BasicLexicalAlignment::ResampleCorpus() {
-  cerr << "  LLH = " << tmodel.Likelihood() << endl;
+  cerr << "  LLH = " << Likelihood() << endl;
 void ExtractLetters(const set<WordID>& v, vector<vector<WordID> >* l, set<WordID>* letset = NULL) {
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) {
     for (int j = 65; j < 67; ++j) Debug(corpus[j]);
     cerr << i << "\t" << x.tmodel.r.size() << "\t";
-    if (i % 10 == 0) x.ResampleHyperparemeters();
+    if (i % 7 == 6) x.ResampleHyperparemeters();
     if (i > (samples / 5) && (i % 10 == 9)) for (int j = 0; j < corpus.size(); ++j) AddSample(&corpus[j]);
diff --git a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
index ef73e332..8202778b 100644
--- a/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
+++ b/gi/pf/conditional_pseg.h
@@ -17,21 +17,66 @@
 template <typename ConditionalBaseMeasure>
 struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   explicit MConditionalTranslationModel(ConditionalBaseMeasure& rcp0) :
-    rp0(rcp0), lambdas(1, prob_t::One()), p0s(1) {}
+    rp0(rcp0), d(0.5), strength(1.0), lambdas(1, prob_t::One()), p0s(1) {}
   void Summary() const {
     std::cerr << "Number of conditioning contexts: " << r.size() << std::endl;
     for (RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
       std::cerr << TD::GetString(it->first) << "   \t(d=" << it-> << ",s=" << it->second.strength() << ") --------------------------" << std::endl;
       for (MFCR<1,TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
-        std::cerr << "   " << -1 << '\t' << i2->first << std::endl;
+        std::cerr << "   " << i2->second.total_dish_count_ << '\t' << i2->first << std::endl;
+  double log_likelihood(const double& dd, const double& aa) const {
+    if (aa <= -dd) return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+    //double llh = Md::log_beta_density(dd, 10, 3) + Md::log_gamma_density(aa, 1, 1);
+    double llh = Md::log_beta_density(dd, 1, 1) +
+                 Md::log_gamma_density(dd + aa, 1, 1);
+    typename std::tr1::unordered_map<std::vector<WordID>, MFCR<1,TRule>, boost::hash<std::vector<WordID> > >::const_iterator it;
+    for (it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
+      llh += it->second.log_crp_prob(dd, aa);
+    return llh;
+  }
+  struct DiscountResampler {
+    DiscountResampler(const MConditionalTranslationModel& m) : m_(m) {}
+    const MConditionalTranslationModel& m_;
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_discount) const {
+      return m_.log_likelihood(proposed_discount, m_.strength);
+    }
+  };
+  struct AlphaResampler {
+    AlphaResampler(const MConditionalTranslationModel& m) : m_(m) {}
+    const MConditionalTranslationModel& m_;
+    double operator()(const double& proposed_strength) const {
+      return m_.log_likelihood(m_.d, proposed_strength);
+    }
+  };
   void ResampleHyperparameters(MT19937* rng) {
-    for (RuleModelHash::iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it)
-      it->second.resample_hyperparameters(rng);
-  } 
+    const unsigned nloop = 5;
+    const unsigned niterations = 10;
+    DiscountResampler dr(*this);
+    AlphaResampler ar(*this);
+    for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
+      strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, -d + std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
+                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+      double min_discount = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+      if (strength < 0.0) min_discount -= strength;
+      d = slice_sampler1d(dr, d, *rng, min_discount,
+                          1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+    }
+    strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, -d,
+                            std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
+    typename std::tr1::unordered_map<std::vector<WordID>, MFCR<1,TRule>, boost::hash<std::vector<WordID> > >::iterator it;
+    std::cerr << "MConditionalTranslationModel(d=" << d << ",s=" << strength << ") = " << log_likelihood(d, strength) << std::endl;
+    for (it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
+      it->second.set_discount(d);
+      it->second.set_strength(strength);
+    }
+  }
   int DecrementRule(const TRule& rule, MT19937* rng) {
     RuleModelHash::iterator it = r.find(rule.f_);
@@ -46,7 +91,7 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   int IncrementRule(const TRule& rule, MT19937* rng) {
     RuleModelHash::iterator it = r.find(rule.f_);
     if (it == r.end()) {
-      it = r.insert(make_pair(rule.f_, MFCR<1,TRule>(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1e-9, 4.0))).first;
+      it = r.insert(make_pair(rule.f_, MFCR<1,TRule>(d, strength))).first;
     p0s[0] = rp0(rule); 
     TableCount delta = it->second.increment(rule, p0s.begin(), lambdas.begin(), rng);
@@ -66,15 +111,7 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
   prob_t Likelihood() const {
-    prob_t p = prob_t::One();
-#if 0
-    for (RuleModelHash::const_iterator it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
-      prob_t q; q.logeq(it->second.log_crp_prob());
-      p *= q;
-      for (CCRP_NoTable<TRule>::const_iterator i2 = it->second.begin(); i2 != it->second.end(); ++i2)
-        p *= rp0(i2->first);
-    }
+    prob_t p; p.logeq(log_likelihood(d, strength));
     return p;
@@ -83,6 +120,7 @@ struct MConditionalTranslationModel {
                                   MFCR<1, TRule>,
                                   boost::hash<std::vector<WordID> > > RuleModelHash;
   RuleModelHash r;
+  double d, strength;
   std::vector<prob_t> lambdas;
   mutable std::vector<prob_t> p0s;
diff --git a/gi/pf/ b/gi/pf/
index 7ebada13..104f356b 100644
--- a/gi/pf/
+++ b/gi/pf/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 // I use templates to handle the recursive formalation of the prior, so
 // the order of the model has to be specified here, at compile time:
-#define kORDER 3
+#define kORDER 4
 using namespace std;
 using namespace tr1;
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
     if (aa <= -dd) return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
     //double llh = Md::log_beta_density(dd, 10, 3) + Md::log_gamma_density(aa, 1, 1);
     double llh = Md::log_beta_density(dd, discount_a, discount_b) +
-                 Md::log_gamma_density(aa, strength_s, strength_r);
+                 Md::log_gamma_density(aa + dd, strength_s, strength_r);
     typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::const_iterator it;
     for (it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); ++it)
       llh += it->second.log_crp_prob(dd, aa);
@@ -141,12 +141,14 @@ template <unsigned N> struct PYPLM {
     DiscountResampler dr(*this);
     AlphaResampler ar(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
-      strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, 0.0,
+      strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, -d + std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
                               std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-      d = slice_sampler1d(dr, d, *rng, std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
+      double min_discount = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
+      if (strength < 0.0) min_discount -= strength;
+      d = slice_sampler1d(dr, d, *rng, min_discount,
                           1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
-    strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, 0.0,
+    strength = slice_sampler1d(ar, strength, *rng, -d + std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
                             std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
     typename unordered_map<vector<WordID>, CCRP<WordID>, boost::hash<vector<WordID> > >::iterator it;
     cerr << "PYPLM<" << N << ">(d=" << d << ",a=" << strength << ") = " << log_likelihood(d, strength) << endl;
diff --git a/utils/ccrp.h b/utils/ccrp.h
index e24130ac..439d7e1e 100644
--- a/utils/ccrp.h
+++ b/utils/ccrp.h
@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@ class CCRP {
     StrengthResampler sr(*this);
     for (int iter = 0; iter < nloop; ++iter) {
       if (has_strength_prior()) {
-        strength_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, strength_, *rng, -discount_,
+        strength_ = slice_sampler1d(sr, strength_, *rng, -discount_ + std::numeric_limits<double>::min(),
                                std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
       if (has_discount_prior()) {
         double min_discount = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
-        if (strength_ < 0.0) min_discount = -strength_;
+        if (strength_ < 0.0) min_discount -= strength_;
         discount_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, discount_, *rng, min_discount,
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
diff --git a/utils/mfcr.h b/utils/mfcr.h
index 6cc0ebf1..886f01ef 100644
--- a/utils/mfcr.h
+++ b/utils/mfcr.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class MFCR {
-    strength_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) {}
+    strength_prior_rate_(std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()) { check_hyperparameters(); }
   MFCR(double discount_strength, double discount_beta, double strength_shape, double strength_rate, double d = 0.9, double strength = 10.0) :
@@ -58,10 +58,23 @@ class MFCR {
-    strength_prior_rate_(strength_rate) {}
+    strength_prior_rate_(strength_rate) { check_hyperparameters(); }
+  void check_hyperparameters() {
+    if (discount_ < 0.0 || discount_ >= 1.0) {
+      std::cerr << "Bad discount: " << discount_ << std::endl;
+      abort();
+    }
+    if (strength_ <= -discount_) {
+      std::cerr << "Bad strength: " << strength_ << " (discount=" << discount_ << ")" << std::endl;
+      abort();
+    }
+  }
   double discount() const { return discount_; }
   double strength() const { return strength_; }
+  void set_discount(double d) { discount_ = d; check_hyperparameters(); }
+  void set_strength(double a) { strength_ = a; check_hyperparameters(); }
   bool has_discount_prior() const {
     return !std::isnan(discount_prior_strength_);
@@ -275,7 +288,7 @@ class MFCR {
       if (has_discount_prior()) {
         double min_discount = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
-        if (strength_ < 0.0) min_discount = -strength_;
+        if (strength_ < 0.0) min_discount -= strength_;
         discount_ = slice_sampler1d(dr, discount_, *rng, min_discount,
                                1.0, 0.0, niterations, 100*niterations);
cgit v1.2.3