#!/usr/bin/env perl

# Author: Adam Lopez
# This script takes a command that processes input
# from stdin one-line-at-time, and parallelizes it
# on the cluster using David Chiang's sentserver/
# sentclient architecture.
# Prerequisites: the command *must* read each line
# without waiting for subsequent lines of input
# (for instance, a command which must read all lines
# of input before processing will not work) and
# return it to the output *without* buffering
# multiple lines.

#TODO: if -j 1, run immediately, not via sentserver?  possible differences in environment might make debugging harder

#ANNOYANCE: if input is shorter than -j n lines, or at the very last few lines, repeatedly sleeps.  time cut down to 15s from 60s

my $SCRIPT_DIR; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path /; use File::Basename; $SCRIPT_DIR = dirname(abs_path($0)); push @INC, $SCRIPT_DIR, "$SCRIPT_DIR/../environment"; }
use LocalConfig;

use Cwd qw/ abs_path cwd getcwd /; 
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Open2;
use strict;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";

use File::Basename;
my $myDir = dirname(__FILE__);
print STDERR __FILE__." -> $myDir\n";
push(@INC, $myDir);
require "libcall.pl";

my $tailn=5; # +0 = concatenate all the client logs.  5 = last 5 lines
my $recycle_clients;    # spawn new clients when previous ones terminate
my $stay_alive;      # dont let server die when having zero clients
my $joblist = "";
my $errordir="";
my $multiline;
my @files_to_stage;
my $numnodes = 8;
my $user = $ENV{"USER"};
my $pmem = "9g";
my $basep=50300;
my $randp=300;
my $tryp=50;
my $no_which;
my $no_cd;

print STDERR "DEBUG=$DEBUG output enabled.\n" if $DEBUG;
my $verbose = 1;
sub verbose {
    if ($verbose) {
        print STDERR @_,"\n";
sub debug {
    if ($DEBUG) {
        my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
        print STDERR "DEBUG: $filename($line): ",join(' ',@_),"\n";
my $is_shell_special=qr.[ \t\n\\><|&;"'`~*?{}$!()].;
my $shell_escape_in_quote=qr.[\\"\$`!].;
sub escape_shell {
    my ($arg)=@_;
    return undef unless defined $arg;
    return '""' unless $arg;
    if ($arg =~ /$is_shell_special/) {
        $arg =~ s/($shell_escape_in_quote)/\\$1/g;
        return "\"$arg\"";
    return $arg;
sub preview_files {
    my ($l,$skipempty,$footer,$n)=@_;
    $n=$tailn unless defined $n;
    my @f=grep { ! ($skipempty && -z $_) } @$l;
    my $fn=join(' ',map {escape_shell($_)} @f);
    my $cmd="tail -n $n $fn";
    unchecked_output("$cmd").($footer?"\nNONEMPTY FILES:\n$fn\n":"");
sub prefix_dirname($) {
    #like `dirname but if ends in / then return the whole thing
    local ($_)=@_;
    if (/\/$/) {
    } else {
        $_ ? $_ : '';
sub ensure_final_slash($) {
    local ($_)=@_;
    m#/$# ? $_ : ($_."/");
sub extend_path($$;$$) {
    my ($base,$ext,$mkdir,$baseisdir)=@_;
    if (-d $base) {
    } else {
        my $dir;
        if ($baseisdir) {
            $base.='/' unless $base =~ /\/$/;
        } else {
        my @cmd=("/bin/mkdir","-p",$dir);
        check_call(@cmd) if $mkdir;
    return $base.$ext;

my $abscwd=abs_path(&getcwd);
sub print_help;

my $use_fork;
my @pids;

# Process command-line options
unless (GetOptions(
      "stay-alive" => \$stay_alive,
      "recycle-clients" => \$recycle_clients,
      "error-dir=s" => \$errordir,
      "multi-line" => \$multiline,
      "file=s" => \@files_to_stage,
      "use-fork" => \$use_fork,
      "verbose" => \$verbose,
      "jobs=i" => \$numnodes,
      "pmem=s" => \$pmem,
        "baseport=i" => \$basep,
#       "iport=i" => \$randp, #for short name -i
        "no-which!" => \$no_which,
            "no-cd!" => \$no_cd,
            "tailn=s" => \$tailn,
) && scalar @ARGV){
    die "bad options.";

my $cmd = "";
my $prog=shift;
if ($no_which) {
} else {
    $cmd=check_output("which $prog");
    chomp $cmd;
    die "$prog not found - $cmd" unless $cmd;
for my $arg (@ARGV) {
    $cmd .= " ".escape_shell($arg);
die "Please specify a command to parallelize\n" if $cmd eq '';

my $cdcmd=$no_cd ? '' : ("cd ".escape_shell($abscwd)."\n");

my $executable = $cmd;
$executable =~ s/^\s*(\S+)($|\s.*)/$1/;
$executable=check_output("basename $executable");
chomp $executable;

print STDERR "Parallelizing ($numnodes ways): $cmd\n\n";

# create -e dir and save .sh
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
unless ($errordir) {
if ($errordir) {
    my $scriptfile=extend_path("$errordir/","$executable.sh",1,1);
    -d $errordir || die "should have created -e dir $errordir";
    open SF,">",$scriptfile || die;
    print SF "$cdcmd$cmd\n";
    close SF;
    chmod 0755,$scriptfile;
    &verbose("-e dir: $errordir");

# set cleanup handler
my @cleanup_cmds;
sub cleanup;
sub cleanup_and_die;
$SIG{INT} = "cleanup_and_die";
$SIG{TERM} = "cleanup_and_die";
$SIG{HUP} = "cleanup_and_die";

# other subs:
sub numof_live_jobs;
sub launch_job_on_node;

# vars
my $mydir = check_output("dirname $0"); chomp $mydir;
my $sentserver = "$mydir/sentserver";
my $sentclient = "$mydir/sentclient";
my $host = check_output("hostname");
chomp $host;

# find open port
my $port = 50300+int(rand($randp));
my $endp=$port+$tryp;
sub listening_port_lines {
    my $quiet=$verbose?'':'2>/dev/null';
    return unchecked_output("netstat -a -n $quiet | grep LISTENING | grep -i tcp");
my $netstat=&listening_port_lines;

if ($verbose){ print STDERR "Testing port $port...";}

while ($netstat=~/$port/ || &listening_port_lines=~/$port/){
  if ($verbose){ print STDERR "port is busy\n";}
  if ($port > $endp){
    die "Unable to find open port\n";
  if ($verbose){ print STDERR "Testing port $port... "; }
if ($verbose){
  print STDERR "port $port is available\n";

my $key = int(rand()*1000000);

my $multiflag = "";
if ($multiline){ $multiflag = "-m"; print STDERR "expecting multiline output.\n"; }
my $stay_alive_flag = "";
if ($stay_alive){ $stay_alive_flag = "--stay-alive"; print STDERR "staying alive while no clients are connected.\n"; }

my $node_count = 0;
my $script = "";
# fork == one thread runs the sentserver, while the
# other spawns the sentclient commands.
my $pid = fork;
if ($pid == 0) { # child
  sleep 8; # give other thread time to start sentserver
  $script = "$cdcmd$sentclient $host:$port:$key $cmd";

  if ($verbose){
    print STDERR "Client script:\n====\n";
    print STDERR $script;
    print STDERR "====\n";
  for (my $jobn=0; $jobn<$numnodes; $jobn++){
  if ($recycle_clients) {
    my $ret;
    my $livejobs;
    while (1) {
      $ret = waitpid($pid, WNOHANG);
      #print STDERR "waitpid $pid ret = $ret \n";
      last if ($ret != 0);
      $livejobs = numof_live_jobs();
      if ($numnodes >= $livejobs ) {  # a client terminated, OR # lines of input was less than -j
        print STDERR "num of requested nodes = $numnodes; num of currently live jobs = $livejobs; Client terminated - launching another.\n";
      } else {
        sleep 15;
  for my $p (@pids) {
    waitpid($p, 0);
} else {
#  my $todo = "$sentserver -k $key $multiflag $port ";
  my $todo = "$sentserver -k $key $multiflag $port $stay_alive_flag ";
  if ($verbose){ print STDERR "Running: $todo\n"; }
  print STDERR "Call to $sentserver returned.\n";

sub numof_live_jobs {
  if ($use_fork) {
    die "not implemented";
  } else {
    # We can probably continue decoding if the qstat error is only temporary
    my @livejobs = grep(/$joblist/, split(/\n/, unchecked_output("qstat")));
    return ($#livejobs + 1);
my (@errors,@outs,@cmds);

sub launch_job {
    if ($use_fork) { return launch_job_fork(); }
    my $errorfile = "/dev/null";
    my $outfile = "/dev/null";
    my $clientname = $executable;
    $clientname =~ s/^(.{4}).*$/$1/;
    $clientname = "$clientname.$node_count";
    if ($errordir){
      $errorfile = "$errordir/$clientname.ER";
      $outfile = "$errordir/$clientname.OU";
      push @errors,$errorfile;
      push @outs,$outfile;
    my $todo = qsub_args($pmem) . " -N $clientname -o $outfile -e $errorfile";
    push @cmds,$todo;

    print STDERR "Running: $todo\n";
    local(*QOUT, *QIN);
    open2(\*QOUT, \*QIN, $todo) or die "Failed to open2: $!";
    print QIN $script;
    close QIN;
    while (my $jobid=<QOUT>){
      chomp $jobid;
      if ($verbose){ print STDERR "Launched client job: $jobid"; }
      $jobid =~ s/^(\d+)(.*?)$/\1/g;
            $jobid =~ s/^Your job (\d+) .*$/\1/;
      print STDERR " short job id $jobid\n";
            if ($verbose){
                print STDERR "cd: $abscwd\n";
                print STDERR "cmd: $cmd\n";
      if ($joblist == "") { $joblist = $jobid; }
      else {$joblist = $joblist . "\|" . $jobid; }
      my $cleanfn="qdel $jobid 2> /dev/null";
      push(@cleanup_cmds, $cleanfn);
    close QOUT;

sub launch_job_fork {
  my $errorfile = "/dev/null";
  my $outfile = "/dev/null";
  my $clientname = $executable;
  $clientname =~ s/^(.{4}).*$/$1/;
  $clientname = "$clientname.$node_count";
  if ($errordir){
    $errorfile = "$errordir/$clientname.ER";
    $outfile = "$errordir/$clientname.OU";
    push @errors,$errorfile;
    push @outs,$outfile;
  my $pid = fork;
  if ($pid == 0) {
    my ($fh, $scr_name) = get_temp_script();
    print $fh $script;
    close $fh;
    my $todo = "/bin/bash -xeo pipefail $scr_name 1> $outfile 2> $errorfile";
    print STDERR "EXEC: $todo\n";
    my $out = check_output("$todo");
    unlink $scr_name or warn "Failed to remove $scr_name";
    exit 0;
  } else {
    push @pids, $pid;

sub get_temp_script {
  my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( "workXXXX", SUFFIX => '.sh');
  return ($fh, $filename);

sub cleanup_and_die {
  die "\n";

sub cleanup {
  print STDERR "Cleaning up...\n";
  for $cmd (@cleanup_cmds){
    print STDERR "  Cleanup command: $cmd\n";
    eval $cmd;
  print STDERR "outputs:\n",preview_files(\@outs,1),"\n";
  print STDERR "errors:\n",preview_files(\@errors,1),"\n";
  print STDERR "cmd:\n",$cmd,"\n";
  print STDERR " cat $errordir/*.ER\nfor logs.\n";
  print STDERR "Cleanup finished.\n";

sub print_help
  my $name = check_output("basename $0"); chomp $name;
  print << "Help";

usage: $name [options]

  Automatic black-box parallelization of commands.


    Instead of using qsub, use fork.

  -e, --error-dir <dir>
    Retain output files from jobs in <dir>, rather
    than silently deleting them.

  -m, --multi-line
    Expect that command may produce multiple output
    lines for a single input line.  $name makes a
    reasonable attempt to obtain all output before
    processing additional inputs.  However, use of this
    option is inherently unsafe.

  -v, --verbose
    Print diagnostic informatoin on stderr.

  -j, --jobs
    Number of jobs to use.

  -p, --pmem
    pmem setting for each job.
