#ifndef STRING_TO_H #define STRING_TO_H /* may not be any faster than boost::lexical_cast in later incarnations (see http://accu.org/index.php/journals/1375) but is slightly simpler. no wide char or locale. X string_to<X>(string); string to_string(X); X& string_into(string,X &); // note: returns the same ref you passed in, for convenience of use default implementation via stringstreams (quite slow, I'm sure) fast implementation for string, int<->string, unsigned<->string, float<->string, double<->string */ #ifndef USE_FTOA #define USE_FTOA 1 #endif #ifndef HAVE_STRTOUL # define HAVE_STRTOUL 1 #endif #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <cstdlib> #include "have_64_bits.h" #include "utoa.h" #if USE_FTOA # include "ftoa.h" #endif namespace { // for faster numeric to/from string. TODO: separate into optional header #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> // access to evil (fast) C isspace etc. #include <limits.h> //strtoul } inline void throw_string_to(std::string const& msg,char const* prefix="string_to: ") { throw std::runtime_error(prefix+msg); } template <class I,class To> bool try_stream_into(I & i,To &to,bool complete=true) { i >> to; if (i.fail()) return false; if (complete) { char c; return !(i >> c); } return true; } template <class Str,class To> bool try_string_into(Str const& str,To &to,bool complete=true) { std::istringstream i(str); return try_stream_into(i,to,complete); } template <class Str,class Data> inline Data & string_into(const Str &str,Data &data) { if (!try_string_into(str,data)) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Couldn't convert (string_into): ")+str); return data; } template <class Data,class Str> inline Data string_to(const Str &str) { Data ret; string_into(str,ret); return ret; } template <class D> inline std::string to_string(D const &d) { std::ostringstream o; o << d; return o.str(); } inline std::string to_string(unsigned x) { return utos(x); } inline std::string to_string(int x) { return itos(x); } inline long strtol_complete(char const* s,int base=10) { char *e; if (*s) { long r=strtol(s,&e,base); char c=*e; if (!c || isspace(c)) //simplifying assumption: we're happy if there's other stuff in the string, so long as the number ends in a space or eos. TODO: loop consuming spaces until end? return r; } throw_string_to(s,"Couldn't convert to integer: "); } // returns -INT_MAX or INT_MAX if number is too large/small inline int strtoi_complete_bounded(char const* s,int base=10) { long l=strtol_complete(s,base); if (l<std::numeric_limits<int>::min()) return std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); if (l>std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) return std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); return l; } #define RANGE_STR(x) #x #ifdef INT_MIN # define INTRANGE_STR "[" RANGE_STR(INT_MIN) "," RANGE_STR(INT_MAX) "]" #else # define INTRANGE_STR "[-2137483648,2147483647]" #endif // throw if out of int range inline int strtoi_complete_exact(char const* s,int base=10) { long l=strtol_complete(s,base); if (l<std::numeric_limits<int>::min() || l>std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) throw_string_to(s,"Out of range for int " INTRANGE_STR ": "); return l; } #if HAVE_LONGER_LONG inline int& string_into(std::string const& s,int &x) { x=strtoi_complete_exact(s.c_str()); return x; } inline int& string_into(char const* s,int &x) { x=strtoi_complete_exact(s); return x; } #endif inline long& string_into(std::string const& s,long &x) { x=strtol_complete(s.c_str()); return x; } inline long& string_into(char const* s,long &x) { x=strtol_complete(s); return x; } //FIXME: preprocessor separation for tokens int<->unsigned int, long<->unsigned long, strtol<->strtoul ? massive code duplication inline unsigned long strtoul_complete(char const* s,int base=10) { char *e; if (*s) { #if HAVE_STRTOUL unsigned long r=strtoul(s,&e,base); #else // unsigned long r=strtol(s,&e,base); //FIXME: not usually safe unsigned long r; sscanf(s,"%ul",&r); #endif char c=*e; if (!c || isspace(c)) //simplifying assumption: we're happy if there's other stuff in the string, so long as the number ends in a space or eos. TODO: loop consuming spaces until end? return r; } throw_string_to(s,"Couldn't convert to integer: "); } inline unsigned strtou_complete_bounded(char const* s,int base=10) { unsigned long l=strtoul_complete(s,base); if (l<std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min()) return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min(); if (l>std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) return std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); return l; } #ifdef UINT_MIN # define UINTRANGE_STR "[" RANGE_STR(UINT_MIN) "," RANGE_STR(UINT_MAX) "]" #else # define UINTRANGE_STR "[0,4,294,967,295]" #endif // throw if out of int range inline unsigned strtou_complete_exact(char const* s,int base=10) { unsigned long l=strtoul_complete(s,base); if (l<std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min() || l>std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) throw_string_to(s,"Out of range for uint " UINTRANGE_STR ": "); return l; } #if HAVE_LONGER_LONG inline unsigned& string_into(std::string const& s,unsigned &x) { x=strtou_complete_exact(s.c_str()); return x; } inline unsigned& string_into(char const* s,unsigned &x) { x=strtou_complete_exact(s); return x; } #endif inline unsigned long& string_into(std::string const& s,unsigned long &x) { x=strtoul_complete(s.c_str()); return x; } inline unsigned long& string_into(char const* s,unsigned long &x) { x=strtoul_complete(s); return x; } //FIXME: end code duplication /* 9 decimal places needed to avoid rounding error in float->string->float. 17 for double->string->double in terms of usable decimal places, there are 6 for float and 15 for double */ inline std::string to_string_roundtrip(float x) { char buf[17]; return std::string(buf,buf+sprintf(buf,"%.9g",x)); } inline std::string to_string(float x) { #if USE_FTOA return ftos(x); #else char buf[15]; return std::string(buf,buf+sprintf(buf,"%.7g",x)); #endif } inline std::string to_string_roundtrip(double x) { char buf[32]; return std::string(buf,buf+sprintf(buf,"%.17g",x)); } inline std::string to_string(double x) { #if USE_FTOA return ftos(x); #else char buf[30]; return std::string(buf,buf+sprintf(buf,"%.15g",x)); #endif } inline double& string_into(char const* s,double &x) { x=std::atof(s); return x; } inline float& string_into(char const* s,float &x) { x=std::atof(s); return x; } inline double& string_into(std::string const& s,double &x) { x=std::atof(s.c_str()); return x; } inline float& string_into(std::string const& s,float &x) { x=std::atof(s.c_str()); return x; } template <class Str> bool try_string_into(Str const& str,Str &to,bool complete=true) { str=to; return true; } inline std::string const& to_string(std::string const& d) { return d; } template <class Str> Str const& string_to(Str const &s) { return s; } template <class Str> Str & string_into(Str const &s,Str &d) { return d=s; } /* template <class Str,class Data,class size_type> inline void substring_into(const Str &str,size_type pos,size_type n,Data &data) { // std::istringstream i(str,pos,n); // doesn't exist! std::istringstream i(str.substr(pos,n)); if (!(i>>*data)) throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't convert (string_into): "+str); } template <class Data,class Str,class size_type> inline Data string_to(const Str &str,size_type pos,size_type n) { Data ret; substring_into(str,pos,n,ret); return ret; } */ #endif