#ifndef NAMED_ENUM_H #define NAMED_ENUM_H #ifndef NAMED_ENUM_USE_OPTIONAL # define NAMED_ENUM_USE_OPTIONAL 0 #endif //TODO: efficiency - supply map type (e.g. std::map or tr1::unordered_map) for string->int (int->string already fast w/ switch) - then implement iterators that don't assume contiguous ids. //TODO: hidden (can't convert string->id, but can do reverse) sentinel values. XX (hidden) and XY (can convert to) //TODO: bitfield "A|B" strings - note: slightly complicates int->string, as well. //TODO: option for case-insensitive compare (ctype tolower?) //TODO: program_options validate method so you can declare po::value<MyEnum> instead of po::value<string>? //TODO: cout << MyEnum ? //impossible: (without wrapping in struct) MyEnum(string) /* named enum (string<->int). note: inefficient linear search for string->int in e.h: #include "named_enum.h" #define SOME_ENUM(X,t) \ X(t,FirstValue,) \ X(t,SecondValue,) \ X(t,SomeOtherValue,=50) \ X(t,OneMoreValue,=100) \ #define SOME_ENUM_TYPE MyEnum DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM(SOME_ENUM) in e.cc: DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM(SOME_ENUM) (or DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM_T(MyEnum,SOME_ENUM) ) #include "e.h" elsewhere: #include "e.h" MyEnum e=GetMyEnum("FirstValue"); string s=GetName(e); assert(s=="FirstValue"); string usage=MyEnumNames("\n"); */ #include <stdexcept> #include <sstream> #if NAMED_ENUM_USE_OPTIONAL # include <boost/optional.hpp> #endif #include "utoa.h" inline void throw_enum_error(std::string const& enumtype,std::string const& msg) { throw std::runtime_error(enumtype+": "+msg); } #if NAMED_ENUM_USE_OPTIONAL #define NAMED_ENUM_OPTIONAL(x) x #else #define NAMED_ENUM_OPTIONAL(x) #endif // expansion macro for enum value definition #define NAMED_ENUM_VALUE(t,name,assign) name assign, // expansion macro for enum to string conversion #define NAMED_ENUM_CASE(t,name,assign) case name: return #name; // expansion macro for enum to string conversion #define NAMED_ENUM_STRCMP(t,name,assign) if (!std::strcmp(str,#name)) return name; // expansion macro for enum to optional conversion #define NAMED_ENUM_STRCMP_OPTIONAL(t,name,assign) if (!std::strcmp(str,#name)) return boost::optional<t>(name); #define NAMED_ENUM_APPEND_USAGE(t,name,assign) o << #name <<sp; sp=sep; /// declare the access function and define enum values #define DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM_T(DEF,EnumType) \ enum EnumType { \ DEF(NAMED_ENUM_VALUE,EnumType) \ }; \ const char *GetName(EnumType dummy); \ EnumType Get ## EnumType (const char *string); \ inline EnumType Get ## EnumType (std::string const& s) { return Get ## EnumType (s.c_str()); } \ std::string EnumType ## Names (char const* sep=","); \ NAMED_ENUM_OPTIONAL(boost::optional<EnumType> Get ## EnumType ## Optional (const char *string); inline boost::optional<EnumType> Get ## EnumType ## Optional (std::string const& s) { return Get ## EnumType ## Optional (s.c_str()); }) /// define the access function names #define DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM_T(DEF,EnumType) \ const char *GetName(EnumType value) \ { \ switch(value) \ { \ DEF(NAMED_ENUM_CASE,EnumType) \ default: \ throw_enum_error(#EnumType,"Illegal enum value (no name defined) "+itos((int)value)); \ return ""; /* handle input error */ \ } \ } \ EnumType Get ## EnumType (const char *str) \ { \ DEF(NAMED_ENUM_STRCMP,EnumType) \ throw_enum_error(#EnumType,"Couldn't convert '"+std::string(str)+"' - legal names: "+EnumType ## Names(" ")); \ return (EnumType)0; /* handle input error */ \ } \ std::string EnumType ## Names(char const* sep) { \ std::ostringstream o; \ char const* sp=""; \ DEF(NAMED_ENUM_APPEND_USAGE,EnumType) \ return o.str(); \ } \ NAMED_ENUM_OPTIONAL(boost::optional<EnumType> Get ## EnumType ## Optional (const char *str) { DEF(NAMED_ENUM_STRCMP_OPTIONAL,EnumType) return boost::optional<EnumType>(); }) #undef _TYPE #define DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM_T2(x,y) DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM_T(x,y) #define DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM_T2(x,y) DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM_T(x,y) #define DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM(ENUM_DEF) DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM_T2(ENUM_DEF,ENUM_DEF ## _TYPE) #define DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM(ENUM_DEF) DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM_T2(ENUM_DEF,ENUM_DEF ## _TYPE) #define MAKE_NAMED_ENUM(ENUM_DEF) \ DECLARE_NAMED_ENUM(ENUM_DEF) \ DEFINE_NAMED_ENUM(ENUM_DEF) #endif