#ifndef _FAST_SPARSE_VECTOR_H_ #define _FAST_SPARSE_VECTOR_H_ // FastSparseVector<T> is a integer indexed unordered map that supports very fast // (mathematical) vector operations when the sizes are very small, and reasonably // fast operations when the sizes are large. // important: indexes are integers // important: iterators may return elements in any order #include "config.h" #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <climits> #include <map> #include <cassert> #include <vector> #include <boost/static_assert.hpp> #if HAVE_BOOST_ARCHIVE_TEXT_OARCHIVE_HPP #include <boost/serialization/map.hpp> #endif #include "fdict.h" // this is architecture dependent, it should be // detected in some way but it's probably easiest (for me) // to just set it #define L2_CACHE_LINE 128 // this should just be a typedef to pair<int,T> on the new c++ // I have to avoid this since I want to use unions and c++-98 // does not let unions have types with constructors in them // this type bypasses default constructors. use with caution! // this should work as long as T does have a destructor that // does anything template <typename T> struct PairIntT { const PairIntT& operator=(const std::pair<const int, T>& v) { std::memcpy(this, &v, sizeof(PairIntT)); return *this; } operator const std::pair<const int, T>&() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const std::pair<const int, T>*>(this); } int& first() { return reinterpret_cast<std::pair<int, T>*>(this)->first; } T& second() { return reinterpret_cast<std::pair<int, T>*>(this)->second; } const int& first() const { return reinterpret_cast<const std::pair<int, T>*>(this)->first; } const T& second() const { return reinterpret_cast<const std::pair<int, T>*>(this)->second; } private: // very bad way of bypassing the default constructor on T char data_[sizeof(std::pair<int, T>)]; }; BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(PairIntT<float>) == sizeof(std::pair<int,float>)); template <typename T, int LOCAL_MAX = (sizeof(T) == sizeof(float) ? 15 : 7)> class FastSparseVector { public: struct const_iterator { const_iterator(const FastSparseVector<T>& v, const bool is_end) : local_(!v.is_remote_) { if (local_) { local_it_ = &v.data_.local[is_end ? v.local_size_ : 0]; } else { if (is_end) remote_it_ = v.data_.rbmap->end(); else remote_it_ = v.data_.rbmap->begin(); } } const bool local_; const PairIntT<T>* local_it_; typename std::map<int, T>::const_iterator remote_it_; const std::pair<const int, T>& operator*() const { if (local_) return *reinterpret_cast<const std::pair<const int, float>*>(local_it_); else return *remote_it_; } const std::pair<const int, T>* operator->() const { if (local_) return reinterpret_cast<const std::pair<const int, T>*>(local_it_); else return &*remote_it_; } const_iterator& operator++() { if (local_) ++local_it_; else ++remote_it_; return *this; } inline bool operator==(const const_iterator& o) const { if (o.local_ != local_) return false; if (local_) { return local_it_ == o.local_it_; } else { return remote_it_ == o.remote_it_; } } inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator& o) const { return !(o == *this); } }; public: FastSparseVector() : local_size_(0), is_remote_(false) { std::memset(&data_, 0, sizeof(data_)); } ~FastSparseVector() { clear(); } FastSparseVector(const FastSparseVector& other) { std::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(FastSparseVector)); if (is_remote_) data_.rbmap = new std::map<int, T>(*data_.rbmap); } void erase(int k) { if (is_remote_) { data_.rbmap->erase(k); } else { for (int i = 0; i < local_size_; ++i) { if (data_.local[i].first() == k) { for (int j = i+1; j < local_size_; ++j) { data_.local[j-1].first() = data_.local[j].first(); data_.local[j-1].second() = data_.local[j].second(); } } } } } const FastSparseVector<T>& operator=(const FastSparseVector<T>& other) { if (&other == this) return *this; clear(); std::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(FastSparseVector)); if (is_remote_) data_.rbmap = new std::map<int, T>(*data_.rbmap); return *this; } T const& get_singleton() const { assert(size()==1); return begin()->second; } bool nonzero(int k) const { return static_cast<bool>(value(k)); } inline void set_value(int k, const T& v) { get_or_create_bin(k) = v; } inline T& add_value(int k, const T& v) { return get_or_create_bin(k) += v; } inline T get(int k) const { return value(k); } inline T value(int k) const { if (is_remote_) { typename std::map<int, T>::const_iterator it = data_.rbmap->find(k); if (it != data_.rbmap->end()) return it->second; } else { for (int i = 0; i < local_size_; ++i) { const PairIntT<T>& p = data_.local[i]; if (p.first() == k) return p.second(); } } return T(); } T l2norm_sq() const { T sum = T(); for (const_iterator it = begin(), e = end(); it != e; ++it) sum += it->second * it->second; return sum; } T l2norm() const { return sqrt(l2norm_sq()); } // if values are binary, gives |A intersect B|/|A union B| template<typename S> S tanimoto_coef(const FastSparseVector<S> &vec) const { const S dp=dot(vec); return dp/(l2norm_sq()+vec.l2norm_sq()-dp); } inline size_t size() const { if (is_remote_) return data_.rbmap->size(); else return local_size_; } inline void clear() { if (is_remote_) delete data_.rbmap; is_remote_ = false; local_size_ = 0; } inline bool empty() const { return size() == 0; } inline FastSparseVector& operator+=(const FastSparseVector& other) { if (empty()) { *this = other; return *this; } const typename FastSparseVector::const_iterator end = other.end(); for (typename FastSparseVector::const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it) { get_or_create_bin(it->first) += it->second; } return *this; } template <typename O> inline FastSparseVector& operator+=(const FastSparseVector<O>& other) { const typename FastSparseVector<O>::const_iterator end = other.end(); for (typename FastSparseVector<O>::const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it) { get_or_create_bin(it->first) += it->second; } return *this; } inline FastSparseVector& operator-=(const FastSparseVector& other) { const typename FastSparseVector::const_iterator end = other.end(); for (typename FastSparseVector::const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it) { get_or_create_bin(it->first) -= it->second; } return *this; } inline FastSparseVector& operator*=(const T& scalar) { if (is_remote_) { const typename std::map<int, T>::iterator end = data_.rbmap->end(); for (typename std::map<int, T>::iterator it = data_.rbmap->begin(); it != end; ++it) it->second *= scalar; } else { for (int i = 0; i < local_size_; ++i) data_.local[i].second() *= scalar; } return *this; } inline FastSparseVector& operator/=(const T& scalar) { if (is_remote_) { const typename std::map<int, T>::iterator end = data_.rbmap->end(); for (typename std::map<int, T>::iterator it = data_.rbmap->begin(); it != end; ++it) it->second /= scalar; } else { for (int i = 0; i < local_size_; ++i) data_.local[i].second() /= scalar; } return *this; } FastSparseVector<T> erase_zeros(const T& EPSILON = 1e-4) const { FastSparseVector<T> o; for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { if (fabs(it->second) > EPSILON) o.set_value(it->first, it->second); } return o; } const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*this, false); } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(*this, true); } void init_vector(std::vector<T> *vp) const { init_vector(*vp); } void init_vector(std::vector<T> &v) const { v.clear(); for (const_iterator i=begin(),e=end();i!=e;++i) extend_vector(v,i->first)=i->second; } T dot(const std::vector<T>& v) const { T res = T(); for (const_iterator it = begin(), e = end(); it != e; ++it) if (it->first < v.size()) res += it->second * v[it->first]; return res; } T dot(const FastSparseVector<T>& other) const { T res = T(); for (const_iterator it = begin(), e = end(); it != e; ++it) res += other.value(it->first) * it->second; return res; } bool operator==(const FastSparseVector<T>& other) const { if (other.size() != size()) return false; for (const_iterator it = begin(), e = end(); it != e; ++it) { if (other.value(it->first) != it->second) return false; } return true; } void swap(FastSparseVector<T>& other) { char t[sizeof(data_)]; std::swap(other.is_remote_, is_remote_); std::swap(other.local_size_, local_size_); std::memcpy(t, &other.data_, sizeof(data_)); std::memcpy(&other.data_, &data_, sizeof(data_)); std::memcpy(&data_, t, sizeof(data_)); } private: static inline T& extend_vector(std::vector<T> &v,int i) { if (i>=v.size()) v.resize(i+1); return v[i]; } inline T& get_or_create_bin(int k) { if (is_remote_) { return (*data_.rbmap)[k]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < local_size_; ++i) if (data_.local[i].first() == k) return data_.local[i].second(); } assert(!is_remote_); // currently local! if (local_size_ < LOCAL_MAX) { PairIntT<T>& p = data_.local[local_size_]; ++local_size_; p.first() = k; p.second() = T(); return p.second(); } else { swap_local_rbmap(); return (*data_.rbmap)[k]; } } void swap_local_rbmap() { if (is_remote_) { // data is in rbmap, move to local assert(data_.rbmap->size() < LOCAL_MAX); const std::map<int, T>* m = data_.rbmap; local_size_ = m->size(); int i = 0; for (typename std::map<int, T>::const_iterator it = m->begin(); it != m->end(); ++it) { data_.local[i] = *it; ++i; } is_remote_ = false; } else { // data is local, move to rbmap std::map<int, T>* m = new std::map<int, T>(&data_.local[0], &data_.local[local_size_]); data_.rbmap = m; is_remote_ = true; } } union { PairIntT<T> local[LOCAL_MAX]; std::map<int, T>* rbmap; } data_; unsigned char local_size_; bool is_remote_; #if HAVE_BOOST_ARCHIVE_TEXT_OARCHIVE_HPP private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void save(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) const { (void) version; int eff_size = size(); const_iterator it = this->begin(); if (eff_size > 0) { // 0 index is reserved as empty if (it->first == 0) { ++it; --eff_size; } } ar & eff_size; while (it != this->end()) { const std::pair<const std::string&, const T&> wire_pair(FD::Convert(it->first), it->second); ar & wire_pair; ++it; } } template<class Archive> void load(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { (void) version; this->clear(); int sz; ar & sz; for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { std::pair<std::string, T> wire_pair; ar & wire_pair; this->set_value(FD::Convert(wire_pair.first), wire_pair.second); } } BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_MEMBER() #endif }; #if HAVE_BOOST_ARCHIVE_TEXT_OARCHIVE_HPP BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(FastSparseVector<double>,track_never) #endif template <typename T> const FastSparseVector<T> operator+(const FastSparseVector<T>& x, const FastSparseVector<T>& y) { if (x.size() > y.size()) { FastSparseVector<T> res(x); res += y; return res; } else { FastSparseVector<T> res(y); res += x; return res; } } template <typename T> const FastSparseVector<T> operator-(const FastSparseVector<T>& x, const FastSparseVector<T>& y) { FastSparseVector<T> res(x); res -= y; return res; } template <class T> std::size_t hash_value(FastSparseVector<T> const& x) { assert(!"not implemented"); return 0; } #if 0 namespace performance_checks { // if you get a failure on the next line, you should adjust LOCAL_MAX for // your architecture BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(FastSparseVector<float>) == L2_CACHE_LINE); }; #endif #endif