#ifndef _ONL_OPTIMIZE_H_
#define _ONL_OPTIMIZE_H_

#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "sparse_vector.h"

struct LearningRateSchedule {
  virtual ~LearningRateSchedule();
  // returns the learning rate for the kth iteration
  virtual double eta(int k) const = 0;

// TODO in the Tsoruoaka et al. (ACL 2009) paper, they use N
// to mean the batch size in most places, but it doesn't completely
// make sense to me in the learning rate schedules-- this needs
// to be worked out to make sure they didn't mean corpus size
// in some places and batch size in others (since in the paper they
// only ever work with batch sizes of 1)
struct StandardLearningRate : public LearningRateSchedule {
      size_t batch_size,        // batch size, not corpus size!
      double eta_0 = 0.2) :
    N_(static_cast<double>(batch_size)) {}

  virtual double eta(int k) const;

  const double eta_0_;
  const double N_;

struct ExponentialDecayLearningRate : public LearningRateSchedule {
      size_t batch_size,        // batch size, not corpus size!
      double eta_0 = 0.2,
      double alpha = 0.85       // recommended by Tsuruoka et al. (ACL 2009)
    ) : eta_0_(eta_0),
        alpha_(alpha) {
    assert(alpha > 0);
    assert(alpha < 1.0);

  virtual double eta(int k) const;

  const double eta_0_;
  const double N_;
  const double alpha_;

class OnlineOptimizer {
  virtual ~OnlineOptimizer();
  OnlineOptimizer(const boost::shared_ptr<LearningRateSchedule>& s,
                  size_t batch_size,
                  const std::vector<int>& frozen_feats = std::vector<int>())
      : N_(batch_size),schedule_(s),k_() {
    for (int i = 0; i < frozen_feats.size(); ++i)
  void ResetEpoch() { k_ = 0; ResetEpochImpl(); }
  void UpdateWeights(const SparseVector<double>& approx_g, int max_feat, SparseVector<double>* weights) {
    const double eta = schedule_->eta(k_);
    UpdateWeightsImpl(eta, approx_g, max_feat, weights);

  virtual void ResetEpochImpl();
  virtual void UpdateWeightsImpl(const double& eta, const SparseVector<double>& approx_g, int max_feat, SparseVector<double>* weights) = 0;
  const size_t N_; // number of training instances per batch
  std::set<int> frozen_;  // frozen (non-optimizing) features

  boost::shared_ptr<LearningRateSchedule> schedule_;
  int k_;  // iteration count

class CumulativeL1OnlineOptimizer : public OnlineOptimizer {
  CumulativeL1OnlineOptimizer(const boost::shared_ptr<LearningRateSchedule>& s,
                              size_t training_instances, double C,
                              const std::vector<int>& frozen) :
    OnlineOptimizer(s, training_instances, frozen), C_(C), u_() {}

  void ResetEpochImpl() { u_ = 0; }
  void UpdateWeightsImpl(const double& eta, const SparseVector<double>& approx_g, int max_feat, SparseVector<double>* weights) {
    u_ += eta * C_ / N_;
    for (SparseVector<double>::const_iterator it = approx_g.begin(); 
         it != approx_g.end(); ++it) {
      if (frozen_.count(it->first) == 0)
        weights->add_value(it->first, eta * it->second);
    for (int i = 1; i < max_feat; ++i)
      if (frozen_.count(i) == 0) ApplyPenalty(i, weights);

  void ApplyPenalty(int i, SparseVector<double>* w) {
    const double z = w->value(i);
    double w_i = z;
    double q_i = q_.value(i);
    if (w_i > 0.0)
      w_i = std::max(0.0, w_i - (u_ + q_i));
    else if (w_i < 0.0)
      w_i = std::min(0.0, w_i + (u_ - q_i));
    q_i += w_i - z;
    if (q_i == 0.0)
      q_.set_value(i, q_i);
    if (w_i == 0.0)
      w->set_value(i, w_i);

  const double C_;  // reguarlization strength
  double u_;
  SparseVector<double> q_;
