#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "sentence_metadata.h" #include "scorer.h" #include "verbose.h" #include "viterbi.h" #include "hg.h" #include "prob.h" #include "kbest.h" #include "ff_register.h" #include "decoder.h" #include "filelib.h" #include "fdict.h" #include "time.h" #include "sampler.h" #include "weights.h" #include "sparse_vector.h" using namespace std; using boost::shared_ptr; namespace po = boost::program_options; bool invert_score; boost::shared_ptr rng; bool approx_score; bool no_reweight; bool no_select; bool unique_kbest; int update_list_size; vector dense_weights_g; double mt_metric_scale; int optimizer; int fear_select; int hope_select; bool pseudo_doc; void SanityCheck(const vector& w) { for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i) { assert(!isnan(w[i])); assert(!isinf(w[i])); } } struct FComp { const vector& w_; FComp(const vector& w) : w_(w) {} bool operator()(int a, int b) const { return fabs(w_[a]) > fabs(w_[b]); } }; void ShowLargestFeatures(const vector& w) { vector fnums(w.size()); for (int i = 0; i < w.size(); ++i) fnums[i] = i; vector::iterator mid = fnums.begin(); mid += (w.size() > 10 ? 10 : w.size()); partial_sort(fnums.begin(), mid, fnums.end(), FComp(w)); cerr << "TOP FEATURES:"; for (vector::iterator i = fnums.begin(); i != mid; ++i) { cerr << ' ' << FD::Convert(*i) << '=' << w[*i]; } cerr << endl; } bool InitCommandLine(int argc, char** argv, po::variables_map* conf) { po::options_description opts("Configuration options"); opts.add_options() ("input_weights,w",po::value(),"Input feature weights file") ("source,i",po::value(),"Source file for development set") ("passes,p", po::value()->default_value(15), "Number of passes through the training data") ("reference,r",po::value >(), "[REQD] Reference translation(s) (tokenized text file)") ("mt_metric,m",po::value()->default_value("ibm_bleu"), "Scoring metric (ibm_bleu, nist_bleu, koehn_bleu, ter, combi)") ("optimizer,o",po::value()->default_value(1), "Optimizer (sgd=1, mira 1-fear=2, full mira w/ cutting plane=3, full mira w/ nbest list=5, local update=4)") ("fear,f",po::value()->default_value(1), "Fear selection (model-cost=1, max-cost=2, pred-base=3)") ("hope,h",po::value()->default_value(1), "Hope selection (model+cost=1, max-cost=2, local-cost=3)") ("max_step_size,C", po::value()->default_value(0.01), "regularization strength (C)") ("random_seed,S", po::value(), "Random seed (if not specified, /dev/random will be used)") ("mt_metric_scale,s", po::value()->default_value(1.0), "Amount to scale MT loss function by") ("approx_score,a", "Use smoothed sentence-level BLEU score for approximate scoring") ("no_reweight,d","Do not reweight forest for cutting plane") ("no_select,n", "Do not use selection heuristic") ("k_best_size,k", po::value()->default_value(250), "Size of hypothesis list to search for oracles") ("update_k_best,b", po::value()->default_value(1), "Size of good, bad lists to perform update with") ("unique_k_best,u", "Unique k-best translation list") ("weights_output,O",po::value(),"Directory to write weights to") ("output_dir,D",po::value(),"Directory to place output in") ("decoder_config,c",po::value(),"Decoder configuration file"); po::options_description clo("Command line options"); clo.add_options() ("config", po::value(), "Configuration file") ("help,H", "Print this help message and exit"); po::options_description dconfig_options, dcmdline_options; dconfig_options.add(opts); dcmdline_options.add(opts).add(clo); po::store(parse_command_line(argc, argv, dcmdline_options), *conf); if (conf->count("config")) { ifstream config((*conf)["config"].as().c_str()); po::store(po::parse_config_file(config, dconfig_options), *conf); } po::notify(*conf); if (conf->count("help") || !conf->count("input_weights") || !conf->count("decoder_config") || !conf->count("reference")) { cerr << dcmdline_options << endl; return false; } return true; } //load previous translation, store array of each sentences score, subtract it from current sentence and replace with new translation score static const double kMINUS_EPSILON = -1e-6; static const double EPSILON = 0.000001; static const double SMO_EPSILON = 0.0001; static const double PSEUDO_SCALE = 0.95; static const int MAX_SMO = 10; int cur_pass; struct HypothesisInfo { SparseVector features; vector hyp; double mt_metric; double hope; double fear; double alpha; double oracle_loss; SparseVector oracle_feat_diff; shared_ptr oracleN; }; bool ApproxEqual(double a, double b) { if (a == b) return true; return (fabs(a-b)/fabs(b)) < EPSILON; } typedef shared_ptr HI; bool HypothesisCompareB(const HI& h1, const HI& h2 ) { return h1->mt_metric > h2->mt_metric; }; bool HopeCompareB(const HI& h1, const HI& h2 ) { return h1->hope > h2->hope; }; bool FearCompareB(const HI& h1, const HI& h2 ) { return h1->fear > h2->fear; }; bool FearComparePred(const HI& h1, const HI& h2 ) { return h1->features.dot(dense_weights_g) > h2->features.dot(dense_weights_g); }; bool HypothesisCompareG(const HI& h1, const HI& h2 ) { return h1->mt_metric < h2->mt_metric; }; void CuttingPlane(vector >* cur_c, bool* again, vector >& all_hyp, vector dense_weights) { bool DEBUG_CUT = false; shared_ptr max_fear, max_fear_in_set; vector >& cur_constraint = *cur_c; if(no_reweight) { //find new hope hypothesis for(int u=0;u!=all_hyp.size();u++) { double t_score = all_hyp[u]->features.dot(dense_weights); all_hyp[u]->hope = 1 * all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + t_score; //if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << all_hyp[u]->mt_metric << " H:" << all_hyp[u]->hope << " S:" << t_score << endl; } //sort hyps by hope score sort(all_hyp.begin(),all_hyp.end(),HopeCompareB); double hope_score = all_hyp[0]->features.dot(dense_weights); if(DEBUG_CUT) cerr << "New hope derivation score " << hope_score << endl; for(int u=0;u!=all_hyp.size();u++) { double t_score = all_hyp[u]->features.dot(dense_weights); //all_hyp[u]->fear = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric - hope_score + t_score; all_hyp[u]->fear = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + 1*all_hyp[0]->mt_metric - hope_score + t_score; //relative loss // all_hyp[u]->oracle_loss = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric - -1*all_hyp[0]->mt_metric; //all_hyp[u]->oracle_feat_diff = all_hyp[0]->features - all_hyp[u]->features; // all_hyp[u]->fear = -1 * all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + t_score; //if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << all_hyp[u]->mt_metric << " H:" << all_hyp[u]->hope << " F:" << all_hyp[u]->fear << endl; } sort(all_hyp.begin(),all_hyp.end(),FearCompareB); } //assign maximum fear derivation from all derivations max_fear = all_hyp[0]; if(DEBUG_CUT) cerr <<"Cutting Plane Max Fear "<fear ; for(int i=0; i < cur_constraint.size();i++) //select maximal violator already in constraint set { if (!max_fear_in_set || cur_constraint[i]->fear > max_fear_in_set->fear) max_fear_in_set = cur_constraint[i]; } if(DEBUG_CUT) cerr << "Max Fear in constraint set " << max_fear_in_set->fear << endl; if(max_fear->fear > max_fear_in_set->fear + SMO_EPSILON) { cur_constraint.push_back(max_fear); *again = true; if(DEBUG_CUT) cerr << "Optimize Again " << *again << endl; } } double ComputeDelta(vector >* cur_p, double max_step_size,vector dense_weights ) { vector >& cur_pair = *cur_p; double loss = cur_pair[0]->oracle_loss - cur_pair[1]->oracle_loss; //double margin = -cur_pair[0]->oracle_feat_diff.dot(dense_weights) + cur_pair[1]->oracle_feat_diff.dot(dense_weights); //TODO: is it a problem that new oracle is used in diff? //double num = loss - margin; double margin = -(cur_pair[0]->oracleN->features.dot(dense_weights)- cur_pair[0]->features.dot(dense_weights)) + (cur_pair[1]->oracleN->features.dot(dense_weights) - cur_pair[1]->features.dot(dense_weights)); const double num = margin + loss; cerr << "LOSS: " << num << " Margin:" << margin << " BLEUL:" << loss << " " << cur_pair[1]->features.dot(dense_weights) << " " << cur_pair[0]->features.dot(dense_weights) <features.dot(dense_weights) - cur_pair[0]->features.dot(dense_weights); // double loss = cur_pair[1]->oracle_loss; //good.mt_metric - cur_bad.mt_metric); //const double num = margin + loss; //cerr << "Compute Delta " << loss << " " << margin << " "; // double margin = cur_pair[0]->features.dot(dense_weights) - cur_pair[1]->features.dot(dense_weights); //TODO: is it a problem that new oracle is used in diff? /* double num = (cur_pair[0]->oracle_loss - cur_pair[0]->oracle_feat_diff.dot(dense_weights)) - (cur_pair[1]->oracle_loss - cur_pair[1]->oracle_feat_diff.dot(dense_weights)); */ SparseVector diff = cur_pair[0]->features; diff -= cur_pair[1]->features; /* SparseVector diff = cur_pair[0]->oracle_feat_diff; diff -= cur_pair[1]->oracle_feat_diff;*/ double diffsqnorm = diff.l2norm_sq(); double delta; if (diffsqnorm > 0) delta = num / (diffsqnorm * max_step_size); else delta = 0; cerr << " D1:" << delta; //clip delta (enforce margin constraints) delta = max(-cur_pair[0]->alpha, min(delta, cur_pair[1]->alpha)); cerr << " D2:" << delta; return delta; } vector > SelectPair(vector >* cur_c) { bool DEBUG_SELECT= false; vector >& cur_constraint = *cur_c; vector > pair; if (no_select || optimizer == 2){ //skip heuristic search and return oracle and fear for 1-mira // if(optimizer == 2) { pair.push_back(cur_constraint[0]); pair.push_back(cur_constraint[1]); return pair; // } } for(int u=0;u != cur_constraint.size();u++) { shared_ptr max_fear; if(DEBUG_SELECT) cerr<< "cur alpha " << u << " " << cur_constraint[u]->alpha; for(int i=0; i < cur_constraint.size();i++) //select maximal violator { if(i != u) if (!max_fear || cur_constraint[i]->fear > max_fear->fear) max_fear = cur_constraint[i]; } if(!max_fear) return pair; // if(DEBUG_SELECT) cerr << " F" << max_fear->fear << endl; if ((cur_constraint[u]->alpha == 0) && (cur_constraint[u]->fear > max_fear->fear + SMO_EPSILON)) { for(int i=0; i < cur_constraint.size();i++) //select maximal violator { if(i != u) if (cur_constraint[i]->alpha > 0) { pair.push_back(cur_constraint[u]); pair.push_back(cur_constraint[i]); cerr << "RETJURN from 1" << endl; return pair; } } } if ((cur_constraint[u]->alpha > 0) && (cur_constraint[u]->fear < max_fear->fear - SMO_EPSILON)) { for(int i=0; i < cur_constraint.size();i++) //select maximal violator { if(i != u) if (cur_constraint[i]->fear > cur_constraint[u]->fear) { pair.push_back(cur_constraint[u]); pair.push_back(cur_constraint[i]); return pair; } } } } return pair; //no more constraints to optimize, we're done here } struct GoodBadOracle { vector > good; vector > bad; }; struct TrainingObserver : public DecoderObserver { TrainingObserver(const int k, const DocScorer& d, vector* o, vector* cbs) : ds(d), oracles(*o), corpus_bleu_sent_stats(*cbs), kbest_size(k) { // TrainingObserver(const int k, const DocScorer& d, vector* o) : ds(d), oracles(*o), kbest_size(k) { //calculate corpus bleu score from previous iterations 1-best for BLEU gain if(!pseudo_doc) if(cur_pass > 0) { ScoreP acc; for (int ii = 0; ii < corpus_bleu_sent_stats.size(); ii++) { if (!acc) { acc = corpus_bleu_sent_stats[ii]->GetZero(); } acc->PlusEquals(*corpus_bleu_sent_stats[ii]); } corpus_bleu_stats = acc; corpus_bleu_score = acc->ComputeScore(); } //corpus_src_length = 0; } const DocScorer& ds; vector& corpus_bleu_sent_stats; vector& oracles; vector > cur_best; shared_ptr cur_oracle; const int kbest_size; Hypergraph forest; int cur_sent; ScoreP corpus_bleu_stats; float corpus_bleu_score; float corpus_src_length; float curr_src_length; const int GetCurrentSent() const { return cur_sent; } const HypothesisInfo& GetCurrentBestHypothesis() const { return *cur_best[0]; } const vector > GetCurrentBest() const { return cur_best; } const HypothesisInfo& GetCurrentOracle() const { return *cur_oracle; } const Hypergraph& GetCurrentForest() const { return forest; } virtual void NotifyTranslationForest(const SentenceMetadata& smeta, Hypergraph* hg) { cur_sent = smeta.GetSentenceID(); //cerr << "SOURCE " << smeta.GetSourceLength() << endl; curr_src_length = (float) smeta.GetSourceLength(); //UpdateOracles(smeta.GetSentenceID(), *hg); if(unique_kbest) UpdateOracles(smeta.GetSentenceID(), *hg); else UpdateOracles > >(smeta.GetSentenceID(), *hg); forest = *hg; } shared_ptr MakeHypothesisInfo(const SparseVector& feats, const double score, const vector& hyp) { shared_ptr h(new HypothesisInfo); h->features = feats; h->mt_metric = score; h->hyp = hyp; return h; } template void UpdateOracles(int sent_id, const Hypergraph& forest) { bool PRINT_LIST= false; vector >& cur_good = oracles[sent_id].good; vector >& cur_bad = oracles[sent_id].bad; //TODO: look at keeping previous iterations hypothesis lists around cur_best.clear(); cur_good.clear(); cur_bad.clear(); vector > all_hyp; typedef KBest::KBestDerivations, ESentenceTraversal,Filter> K; K kbest(forest,kbest_size); //KBest::KBestDerivations, ESentenceTraversal> kbest(forest, kbest_size); for (int i = 0; i < kbest_size; ++i) { //const KBest::KBestDerivations, ESentenceTraversal>::Derivation* d = typename K::Derivation *d = kbest.LazyKthBest(forest.nodes_.size() - 1, i); if (!d) break; float sentscore; if(approx_score) { if(cur_pass > 0 && !pseudo_doc) { ScoreP sent_stats = ds[sent_id]->ScoreCandidate(d->yield); ScoreP corpus_no_best = corpus_bleu_stats->GetZero(); corpus_bleu_stats->Subtract(*corpus_bleu_sent_stats[sent_id], &*corpus_no_best); sent_stats->PlusEquals(*corpus_no_best, 0.5); //compute gain from new sentence in 1-best corpus sentscore = mt_metric_scale * (sent_stats->ComputeScore() - corpus_no_best->ComputeScore());// - corpus_bleu_score); } else if(pseudo_doc) { //cerr << "CORP:" << corpus_bleu_score << " NEW:" << sent_stats->ComputeScore() << " sentscore:" << sentscore << endl; //-----pseudo-corpus approach float src_scale = corpus_src_length + curr_src_length; ScoreP sent_stats = ds[sent_id]->ScoreCandidate(d->yield); if(!corpus_bleu_stats){ corpus_bleu_stats = sent_stats->GetZero();} sent_stats->PlusEquals(*corpus_bleu_stats); sentscore = mt_metric_scale * src_scale * sent_stats->ComputeScore(); } else { //cerr << "Using sentence-level approximation - PASS - " << boost::lexical_cast(cur_pass) << endl; //approx style of computation, used for 0th iteration sentscore = mt_metric_scale * (ds[sent_id]->ScoreCandidate(d->yield)->ComputeSentScore()); //use pseudo-doc } } else { sentscore = mt_metric_scale * (ds[sent_id]->ScoreCandidate(d->yield)->ComputeScore()); } if (invert_score) sentscore *= -1.0; //cerr << TD::GetString(d->yield) << " ||| " << d->score << " ||| " << sentscore << " " << approx_sentscore << endl; if (i < update_list_size){ if (i == 0) //take cur best and add its bleu statistics counts to the pseudo-doc { } if(PRINT_LIST)cerr << TD::GetString(d->yield) << " ||| " << d->score << " ||| " << sentscore << endl; cur_best.push_back( MakeHypothesisInfo(d->feature_values, sentscore, d->yield)); } all_hyp.push_back(MakeHypothesisInfo(d->feature_values, sentscore,d->yield)); //store all hyp to extract oracle best and worst } if(pseudo_doc){ //update psuedo-doc stats string details, details2; corpus_bleu_stats->ScoreDetails(&details2); ScoreP sent_stats = ds[sent_id]->ScoreCandidate(cur_best[0]->hyp); corpus_bleu_stats->PlusEquals(*sent_stats); sent_stats->ScoreDetails(&details); sent_stats = corpus_bleu_stats; corpus_bleu_stats = sent_stats->GetZero(); corpus_bleu_stats->PlusEquals(*sent_stats, PSEUDO_SCALE); corpus_src_length = PSEUDO_SCALE * (corpus_src_length + curr_src_length); cerr << "CORP S " << corpus_src_length << " " << curr_src_length << "\n" << details << "\n " << details2 << endl; } //figure out how many hyps we can keep maximum int temp_update_size = update_list_size; if (all_hyp.size() < update_list_size){ temp_update_size = all_hyp.size();} //sort all hyps by sentscore (bleu) sort(all_hyp.begin(),all_hyp.end(),HypothesisCompareB); if(PRINT_LIST){ cerr << "Sorting " << endl; for(int u=0;u!=all_hyp.size();u++) cerr << all_hyp[u]->mt_metric << " " << all_hyp[u]->features.dot(dense_weights_g) << endl; } //if(optimizer != 4 ) if(hope_select == 1) { //find hope hypothesis using model + bleu if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << "HOPE " << endl; for(int u=0;u!=all_hyp.size();u++) { double t_score = all_hyp[u]->features.dot(dense_weights_g); all_hyp[u]->hope = all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + t_score; if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << all_hyp[u]->mt_metric << " H:" << all_hyp[u]->hope << " S:" << t_score << endl; } //sort hyps by hope score sort(all_hyp.begin(),all_hyp.end(),HopeCompareB); } //assign cur_good the sorted list cur_good.insert(cur_good.begin(), all_hyp.begin(), all_hyp.begin()+temp_update_size); if(PRINT_LIST) { cerr << "GOOD" << endl; for(int u=0;u!=cur_good.size();u++) cerr << cur_good[u]->mt_metric << " " << cur_good[u]->hope << endl;} /* if (!cur_oracle) { cur_oracle = cur_good[0]; cerr << "Set oracle " << cur_oracle->hope << " " << cur_oracle->fear << " " << cur_oracle->mt_metric << endl; } else { cerr << "Stay oracle " << cur_oracle->hope << " " << cur_oracle->fear << " " << cur_oracle->mt_metric << endl; } */ shared_ptr& oracleN = cur_good[0]; //if(optimizer != 4){ if(fear_select == 1){ //compute fear hyps if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << "FEAR " << endl; double hope_score = oracleN->features.dot(dense_weights_g); //double hope_score = cur_oracle->features.dot(dense_weights); if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << "hope score " << hope_score << endl; for(int u=0;u!=all_hyp.size();u++) { double t_score = all_hyp[u]->features.dot(dense_weights_g); //all_hyp[u]->fear = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric - hope_score + t_score; /* all_hyp[u]->fear = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric - -1*cur_oracle->mt_metric - hope_score + t_score; //relative loss all_hyp[u]->oracle_loss = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric - -1*cur_oracle->mt_metric; all_hyp[u]->oracle_feat_diff = cur_oracle->features - all_hyp[u]->features;*/ all_hyp[u]->fear = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + 1*oracleN->mt_metric - hope_score + t_score; //relative loss all_hyp[u]->oracle_loss = -1*all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + 1*oracleN->mt_metric; all_hyp[u]->oracle_feat_diff = oracleN->features - all_hyp[u]->features; all_hyp[u]->oracleN=oracleN; // all_hyp[u]->fear = -1 * all_hyp[u]->mt_metric + t_score; if (PRINT_LIST) cerr << all_hyp[u]->mt_metric << " H:" << all_hyp[u]->hope << " F:" << all_hyp[u]->fear << endl; } sort(all_hyp.begin(),all_hyp.end(),FearCompareB); cur_bad.insert(cur_bad.begin(), all_hyp.begin(), all_hyp.begin()+temp_update_size); } else if(fear_select == 2) //select fear based on cost { cur_bad.insert(cur_bad.begin(), all_hyp.end()-temp_update_size, all_hyp.end()); reverse(cur_bad.begin(),cur_bad.end()); } else //pred-based, fear_select = 3 { sort(all_hyp.begin(),all_hyp.end(),FearComparePred); cur_bad.insert(cur_bad.begin(), all_hyp.begin(), all_hyp.begin()+temp_update_size); } if(PRINT_LIST){ cerr<< "BAD"<mt_metric << " H:" << cur_bad[u]->hope << " F:" << cur_bad[u]->fear << endl;} cerr << "GOOD (BEST): " << cur_good[0]->mt_metric << endl; cerr << " CUR: " << cur_best[0]->mt_metric << endl; cerr << " BAD (WORST): " << cur_bad[0]->mt_metric << endl; } }; void ReadTrainingCorpus(const string& fname, vector* c) { ReadFile rf(fname); istream& in = *rf.stream(); string line; while(in) { getline(in, line); if (!in) break; c->push_back(line); } } void ReadPastTranslationForScore(const int cur_pass, vector* c, DocScorer& ds, const string& od) { cerr << "Reading BLEU gain file "; string fname; if(cur_pass == 0) { fname = od + "/run.raw.init"; } else { int last_pass = cur_pass - 1; fname = od + "/run.raw." + boost::lexical_cast(last_pass) + ".B"; } cerr << fname << "\n"; ReadFile rf(fname); istream& in = *rf.stream(); ScoreP acc; string line; int lc = 0; while(in) { getline(in, line); if (line.empty() && !in) break; vector sent; TD::ConvertSentence(line, &sent); ScoreP sentscore = ds[lc]->ScoreCandidate(sent); c->push_back(sentscore); if (!acc) { acc = sentscore->GetZero(); } acc->PlusEquals(*sentscore); ++lc; } assert(lc > 0); float score = acc->ComputeScore(); string details; acc->ScoreDetails(&details); cerr << "INIT RUN " << details << score << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { register_feature_functions(); SetSilent(true); // turn off verbose decoder output po::variables_map conf; if (!InitCommandLine(argc, argv, &conf)) return 1; if (conf.count("random_seed")) rng.reset(new MT19937(conf["random_seed"].as())); else rng.reset(new MT19937); vector corpus; //ReadTrainingCorpus(conf["source"].as(), &corpus); const string metric_name = conf["mt_metric"].as(); optimizer = conf["optimizer"].as(); fear_select = conf["fear"].as(); hope_select = conf["hope"].as(); mt_metric_scale = conf["mt_metric_scale"].as(); approx_score = conf.count("approx_score"); no_reweight = conf.count("no_reweight"); no_select = conf.count("no_select"); update_list_size = conf["update_k_best"].as(); unique_kbest = conf.count("unique_k_best"); pseudo_doc = true; const string weights_dir = conf["weights_output"].as(); const string output_dir = conf["output_dir"].as(); ScoreType type = ScoreTypeFromString(metric_name); //establish metric used for tuning if (type == TER) { invert_score = true; // approx_score = false; } else { invert_score = false; } //load references DocScorer ds(type, conf["reference"].as >(), ""); cerr << "Loaded " << ds.size() << " references for scoring with " << metric_name << endl; vector corpus_bleu_sent_stats; //check training pass,if >0, then use previous iterations corpus bleu stats cur_pass = conf["passes"].as(); if(cur_pass > 0) { ReadPastTranslationForScore(cur_pass, &corpus_bleu_sent_stats, ds, output_dir); } /* if (ds.size() != corpus.size()) { cerr << "Mismatched number of references (" << ds.size() << ") and sources (" << corpus.size() << ")\n"; return 1; }*/ cerr << "Optimizing with " << optimizer << endl; // load initial weights /*Weights weights; weights.InitFromFile(conf["input_weights"].as()); SparseVector lambdas; weights.InitSparseVector(&lambdas); */ ReadFile ini_rf(conf["decoder_config"].as()); Decoder decoder(ini_rf.stream()); vector& dense_weights = decoder.CurrentWeightVector(); SparseVector lambdas; Weights::InitFromFile(conf["input_weights"].as(), &dense_weights); Weights::InitSparseVector(dense_weights, &lambdas); const string input = decoder.GetConf()["input"].as(); //const bool show_feature_dictionary = decoder.GetConf().count("show_feature_dictionary"); if (!SILENT) cerr << "Reading input from " << ((input == "-") ? "STDIN" : input.c_str()) << endl; ReadFile in_read(input); istream *in = in_read.stream(); assert(*in); string buf; const double max_step_size = conf["max_step_size"].as(); // assert(corpus.size() > 0); vector oracles(ds.size()); TrainingObserver observer(conf["k_best_size"].as(), ds, &oracles, &corpus_bleu_sent_stats); int cur_sent = 0; int lcount = 0; double objective=0; double tot_loss = 0; int dots = 0; // int cur_pass = 1; // vector dense_weights; SparseVector tot; SparseVector final_tot; // tot += lambdas; // initial weights // lcount++; // count for initial weights //string msg = "# MIRA tuned weights"; // while (cur_pass <= max_iteration) { SparseVector old_lambdas = lambdas; tot.clear(); tot += lambdas; cerr << "PASS " << cur_pass << " " << endl << lambdas << endl; ScoreP acc, acc_h, acc_f; while(*in) { getline(*in, buf); if (buf.empty()) continue; //for (cur_sent = 0; cur_sent < corpus.size(); cur_sent++) { cerr << "SENT: " << cur_sent << endl; //TODO: allow batch updating //dense_weights.clear(); //weights.InitFromVector(lambdas); //weights.InitVector(&dense_weights); //decoder.SetWeights(dense_weights); lambdas.init_vector(&dense_weights); dense_weights_g = dense_weights; decoder.SetId(cur_sent); decoder.Decode(buf, &observer); // decode the sentence, calling Notify to get the hope,fear, and model best hyps. cur_sent = observer.GetCurrentSent(); const HypothesisInfo& cur_hyp = observer.GetCurrentBestHypothesis(); const HypothesisInfo& cur_good = *oracles[cur_sent].good[0]; const HypothesisInfo& cur_bad = *oracles[cur_sent].bad[0]; vector >& cur_good_v = oracles[cur_sent].good; vector >& cur_bad_v = oracles[cur_sent].bad; vector > cur_best_v = observer.GetCurrentBest(); tot_loss += cur_hyp.mt_metric; //score hyps to be able to compute corpus level bleu after we finish this iteration through the corpus ScoreP sentscore = ds[cur_sent]->ScoreCandidate(cur_hyp.hyp); if (!acc) { acc = sentscore->GetZero(); } acc->PlusEquals(*sentscore); ScoreP hope_sentscore = ds[cur_sent]->ScoreCandidate(cur_good.hyp); if (!acc_h) { acc_h = hope_sentscore->GetZero(); } acc_h->PlusEquals(*hope_sentscore); ScoreP fear_sentscore = ds[cur_sent]->ScoreCandidate(cur_bad.hyp); if (!acc_f) { acc_f = fear_sentscore->GetZero(); } acc_f->PlusEquals(*fear_sentscore); if(optimizer == 4) { //single dual coordinate update, cur_good selected on BLEU score only (not model+BLEU) // if (!ApproxEqual(cur_hyp.mt_metric, cur_good.mt_metric)) { double margin = cur_bad.features.dot(dense_weights) - cur_good.features.dot(dense_weights); double mt_loss = (cur_good.mt_metric - cur_bad.mt_metric); const double loss = margin + mt_loss; cerr << "LOSS: " << loss << " Margin:" << margin << " BLEUL:" << mt_loss << " " << cur_bad.features.dot(dense_weights) << " " << cur_good.features.dot(dense_weights) < 0.0) { SparseVector diff = cur_good.features; diff -= cur_bad.features; double diffsqnorm = diff.l2norm_sq(); double delta; if (diffsqnorm > 0) delta = loss / (diffsqnorm); else delta = 0; //double step_size = loss / diff.l2norm_sq(); cerr << loss << " " << delta << " " << diff << endl; if (delta > max_step_size) delta = max_step_size; lambdas += (cur_good.features * delta); lambdas -= (cur_bad.features * delta); //cerr << "L: " << lambdas << endl; // } // } } else if(optimizer == 1) //sgd - nonadapted step size { lambdas += (cur_good.features) * max_step_size; lambdas -= (cur_bad.features) * max_step_size; } //cerr << "L: " << lambdas << endl; else if(optimizer == 5) //full mira with n-best list of constraints from oracle, fear, best { vector > cur_constraint; cur_constraint.insert(cur_constraint.begin(), cur_bad_v.begin(), cur_bad_v.end()); cur_constraint.insert(cur_constraint.begin(), cur_best_v.begin(), cur_best_v.end()); cur_constraint.insert(cur_constraint.begin(), cur_good_v.begin(), cur_good_v.end()); bool optimize_again; vector > cur_pair; //SMO for(int u=0;u!=cur_constraint.size();u++) cur_constraint[u]->alpha =0; cur_constraint[0]->alpha =1; //set oracle to alpha=1 cerr <<"Optimizing with " << cur_constraint.size() << " constraints" << endl; int smo_iter = 10, smo_iter2 = 10; int iter, iter2 =0; bool DEBUG_SMO = false; while (iter2 < smo_iter2) { iter =0; while (iter < smo_iter) { optimize_again = true; for (int i = 0; i< cur_constraint.size(); i++) for (int j = i+1; j< cur_constraint.size(); j++) { if(DEBUG_SMO) cerr << "start " << i << " " << j << endl; cur_pair.clear(); cur_pair.push_back(cur_constraint[j]); cur_pair.push_back(cur_constraint[i]); double delta = ComputeDelta(&cur_pair,max_step_size, dense_weights); if (delta == 0) optimize_again = false; // cur_pair[0]->alpha += delta; // cur_pair[1]->alpha -= delta; cur_constraint[j]->alpha += delta; cur_constraint[i]->alpha -= delta; double step_size = delta * max_step_size; /*lambdas += (cur_pair[1]->features) * step_size; lambdas -= (cur_pair[0]->features) * step_size;*/ lambdas += (cur_constraint[i]->features) * step_size; lambdas -= (cur_constraint[j]->features) * step_size; if(DEBUG_SMO) cerr << "SMO opt " << iter << " " << i << " " << j << " " << delta << " " << cur_pair[0]->alpha << " " << cur_pair[1]->alpha << endl; //reload weights based on update /*dense_weights.clear(); weights.InitFromVector(lambdas); weights.InitVector(&dense_weights);*/ } iter++; if(!optimize_again) { iter = 100; cerr << "Optimization stopped, delta =0" << endl; } } iter2++; } } else if(optimizer == 2 || optimizer == 3) //1-fear and cutting plane mira { bool DEBUG_SMO= true; vector > cur_constraint; cur_constraint.push_back(cur_good_v[0]); //add oracle to constraint set bool optimize_again = true; int cut_plane_calls = 0; while (optimize_again) { if(DEBUG_SMO) cerr<< "optimize again: " << optimize_again << endl; if(optimizer == 2){ //1-fear cur_constraint.push_back(cur_bad_v[0]); //check if we have a violation if(!(cur_constraint[1]->fear > cur_constraint[0]->fear + SMO_EPSILON)) { optimize_again = false; cerr << "Constraint not violated" << endl; } } else { //cutting plane to add constraints if(DEBUG_SMO) cerr<< "Cutting Plane " << cut_plane_calls << " with " << lambdas << endl; optimize_again = false; cut_plane_calls++; CuttingPlane(&cur_constraint, &optimize_again, oracles[cur_sent].bad, dense_weights); if (cut_plane_calls >= MAX_SMO) optimize_again = false; } if(optimize_again) { //SMO for(int u=0;u!=cur_constraint.size();u++) { cur_constraint[u]->alpha =0; //cur_good_v[0]->alpha = 1; cur_bad_v[0]->alpha = 0; } cur_constraint[0]->alpha = 1; cerr <<"Optimizing with " << cur_constraint.size() << " constraints" << endl; int smo_iter = MAX_SMO; int iter =0; while (iter < smo_iter) { //select pair to optimize from constraint set vector > cur_pair = SelectPair(&cur_constraint); if(cur_pair.empty()){iter=MAX_SMO; cerr << "Undefined pair " << endl; continue;} //pair is undefined so we are done with this smo //double num = cur_good_v[0]->fear - cur_bad_v[0]->fear; /*double loss = cur_good_v[0]->oracle_loss - cur_bad_v[0]->oracle_loss; double margin = cur_good_v[0]->oracle_feat_diff.dot(dense_weights) - cur_bad_v[0]->oracle_feat_diff.dot(dense_weights); double num = loss - margin; SparseVector diff = cur_good_v[0]->features; diff -= cur_bad_v[0]->features; double delta = num / (diff.l2norm_sq() * max_step_size); delta = max(-cur_good_v[0]->alpha, min(delta, cur_bad_v[0]->alpha)); cur_good_v[0]->alpha += delta; cur_bad_v[0]->alpha -= delta; double step_size = delta * max_step_size; lambdas += (cur_bad_v[0]->features) * step_size; lambdas -= (cur_good_v[0]->features) * step_size; */ double delta = ComputeDelta(&cur_pair,max_step_size, dense_weights); cur_pair[0]->alpha += delta; cur_pair[1]->alpha -= delta; double step_size = delta * max_step_size; /* lambdas += (cur_pair[1]->oracle_feat_diff) * step_size; lambdas -= (cur_pair[0]->oracle_feat_diff) * step_size;*/ cerr << "step " << step_size << endl; double alpha_sum=0; SparseVector temp_lambdas = lambdas; for(int u=0;u!=cur_constraint.size();u++) { cerr << cur_constraint[u]->alpha << " " << cur_constraint[u]->hope << endl; temp_lambdas += (cur_constraint[u]->oracleN->features-cur_constraint[u]->features) * cur_constraint[u]->alpha * step_size; alpha_sum += cur_constraint[u]->alpha; } cerr << "Alpha sum " << alpha_sum << " " << temp_lambdas << endl; lambdas += (cur_pair[1]->features) * step_size; lambdas -= (cur_pair[0]->features) * step_size; cerr << " Lambdas " << lambdas << endl; //reload weights based on update dense_weights.clear(); //weights.InitFromVector(lambdas); //weights.InitVector(&dense_weights); lambdas.init_vector(&dense_weights); dense_weights_g = dense_weights; iter++; if(DEBUG_SMO) cerr << "SMO opt " << iter << " " << delta << " " << cur_pair[0]->alpha << " " << cur_pair[1]->alpha << endl; // cerr << "SMO opt " << iter << " " << delta << " " << cur_good_v[0]->alpha << " " << cur_bad_v[0]->alpha << endl; if(no_select) //don't use selection heuristic to determine when to stop SMO, rather just when delta =0 if (delta == 0) iter = MAX_SMO; //only perform one dual coordinate ascent step if(optimizer == 2) { optimize_again = false; iter = MAX_SMO; } } if(optimizer == 3) { if(!no_reweight) { if(DEBUG_SMO) cerr<< "Decoding with new weights -- now orac are " << oracles[cur_sent].good.size() << endl; Hypergraph hg = observer.GetCurrentForest(); hg.Reweight(dense_weights); //observer.UpdateOracles(cur_sent, hg); if(unique_kbest) observer.UpdateOracles(cur_sent, hg); else observer.UpdateOracles > >(cur_sent, hg); } } } } //print objective after this sentence double lambda_change = (lambdas - old_lambdas).l2norm_sq(); double max_fear = cur_constraint[cur_constraint.size()-1]->fear; double temp_objective = 0.5 * lambda_change;// + max_step_size * max_fear; for(int u=0;u!=cur_constraint.size();u++) { cerr << cur_constraint[u]->alpha << " " << cur_constraint[u]->hope << " " << cur_constraint[u]->fear << endl; temp_objective += cur_constraint[u]->alpha * cur_constraint[u]->fear; } objective += temp_objective; cerr << "SENT OBJ: " << temp_objective << " NEW OBJ: " << objective << endl; } if ((cur_sent * 40 / ds.size()) > dots) { ++dots; cerr << '.'; } tot += lambdas; ++lcount; cur_sent++; cout << TD::GetString(cur_good_v[0]->hyp) << " ||| " << TD::GetString(cur_best_v[0]->hyp) << " ||| " << TD::GetString(cur_bad_v[0]->hyp) << endl; //clear good/bad lists from oracles for this sentences - you want to keep them around for things // oracles[cur_sent].good.clear(); //oracles[cur_sent].bad.clear(); } cerr << "FINAL OBJECTIVE: "<< objective << endl; final_tot += tot; cerr << "Translated " << lcount << " sentences " << endl; cerr << " [AVG METRIC LAST PASS=" << (tot_loss / lcount) << "]\n"; tot_loss = 0; /* float corpus_score = acc->ComputeScore(); string corpus_details; acc->ScoreDetails(&corpus_details); cerr << "MODEL " << corpus_details << endl; cout << corpus_score << endl; corpus_score = acc_h->ComputeScore(); acc_h->ScoreDetails(&corpus_details); cerr << "HOPE " << corpus_details << endl; cout << corpus_score << endl; corpus_score = acc_f->ComputeScore(); acc_f->ScoreDetails(&corpus_details); cerr << "FEAR " << corpus_details << endl; cout << corpus_score << endl; */ int node_id = rng->next() * 100000; cerr << " Writing weights to " << node_id << endl; Weights::ShowLargestFeatures(dense_weights); dots = 0; ostringstream os; os << weights_dir << "/weights.mira-pass" << (cur_pass < 10 ? "0" : "") << cur_pass << "." << node_id << ".gz"; string msg = "# MIRA tuned weights ||| " + boost::lexical_cast(node_id) + " ||| " + boost::lexical_cast(lcount); //Weights.InitFromVector(lambdas); lambdas.init_vector(&dense_weights); Weights::WriteToFile(os.str(), dense_weights, true, &msg); SparseVector x = tot; x /= lcount; ostringstream sa; string msga = "# MIRA tuned weights AVERAGED ||| " + boost::lexical_cast(node_id) + " ||| " + boost::lexical_cast(lcount); sa << weights_dir << "/weights.mira-pass" << (cur_pass < 10 ? "0" : "") << cur_pass << "." << node_id << "-avg.gz"; //Weights ww; //ww.InitFromVector(x); x.init_vector(&dense_weights); Weights::WriteToFile(sa.str(), dense_weights, true, &msga); //assign averaged lambdas to initialize next iteration //lambdas = x; /* double lambda_change = (old_lambdas - lambdas).l2norm_sq(); cerr << "Change in lambda " << lambda_change << endl; if ( lambda_change < EPSILON) { cur_pass = max_iteration; cerr << "Weights converged - breaking" << endl; } ++cur_pass; */ //} iteration while loop /* cerr << endl; weights.WriteToFile("weights.mira-final.gz", true, &msg); final_tot /= (lcount + 1);//max_iteration); tot /= (corpus.size() + 1); weights.InitFromVector(final_tot); cerr << tot << "||||" << final_tot << endl; msg = "# MIRA tuned weights (averaged vector)"; weights.WriteToFile("weights.mira-final-avg.gz", true, &msg); */ cerr << "Optimization complete.\\AVERAGED WEIGHTS: weights.mira-final-avg.gz\n"; return 0; }