#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'trollop' require 'zipf' conf = Trollop::options do opt :conf, "dtrain configuration", :type => :string, :short => '-c' opt :input, "input as bitext (f ||| e)", :type => :string, :short => '-i' opt :epochs, "number of epochs", :type => :int, :default => 10 opt :randomize, "randomize shards once", :type => :bool, :default => false, :short => '-z' opt :reshard, "randomize after each epoch", :type => :bool, :default => false, :short => '-y' opt :shards, "number of shards", :type => :int :short => '-s' opt :weights, "input weights for first epoch", :type => :string, :default => '', :short => '-w' opt :lplp_args, "arguments for lplp.rb", :type => :string, :default => "l2 select_k 100000", :short => '-l' opt :per_shard_decoder_configs, "give custom decoder config per shard", :type => :string, :short => '-o' opt :processes_at_once, "jobs to run at oce", :type => :int, :default => 9999, :short => '-p' opt :qsub, "use qsub", :type => :bool, :default => false, :short => '-q' opt :qsub_args, "extra args for qsub", :type => :string, :default => "-l h_vmem=5G", :short => 'r' opt :dtrain_binary, "path to dtrain binary", :type => :string, :short => '-d' end dtrain_dir = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) if not conf[:dtrain_binary] dtrain_bin = "#{dtrain_dir}/dtrain" else dtrain_bin = conf[:dtrain_binary] end lplp_rb = "#{dtrain_dir}/lplp.rb" lplp_args = conf[:lplp_args] dtrain_conf = conf[:config] epochs = conf[:epochs] rand = conf[:randomize] reshard = conf[:reshard] predefined_shards = false per_shard_decoder_configs = false if conf[:shards] == 0 predefined_shards = true num_shards = 0 per_shard_decoder_configs = true if conf[:per_shard_decoder_configs] else num_shards = conf[:shards] end input = conf[:input] use_qsub = conf[:qsub] shards_at_once = conf[:processes_at_once] first_input_weights = conf[:weights] `mkdir work` def make_shards input, num_shards, epoch, rand lc = `wc -l #{input}`.split.first.to_i index = (0..lc-1).to_a index.reverse! index.shuffle! if rand shard_sz = (lc / num_shards.to_f).round 0 leftover = lc - (num_shards*shard_sz) leftover = max(0, leftover) in_f = File.new input, 'r' in_lines = in_f.readlines shard_in_files = [] in_fns = [] real_num_shards = 0 0.upto(num_shards-1) { |shard| break if index.size==0 real_num_shards += 1 in_fn = "work/shard.#{shard}.#{epoch}" shard_in = File.new in_fn, 'w+' in_fns << in_fn 0.upto(shard_sz-1) { |i| j = index.pop break if !j shard_in.write in_lines[j] } shard_in_files << shard_in } while leftover > 0 j = index.pop shard_in_files[-1].write in_lines[j] leftover -= 1 end shard_in_files.each do |f| f.close end in_f.close return in_fns, real_num_shards end input_files = [] if predefined_shards input_files = File.new(input).readlines.map { |i| i.strip } if per_shard_decoder_configs decoder_configs = ReadFile.readlines_strip(conf[:per_shard_decoder_configs] ).map { |i| i.strip } end num_shards = input_files.size else input_files, num_shards = make_shards input, num_shards, 0, rand end 0.upto(epochs-1) { |epoch| puts "epoch #{epoch+1}" pids = [] input_weights = '' input_weights = "--input_weights work/weights.#{epoch-1}" if epoch>0 weights_files = [] shard = 0 remaining_shards = num_shards while remaining_shards > 0 shards_at_once.times { break if remaining_shards==0 qsub_str_start = qsub_str_end = local_end = '' if use_qsub qsub_str_start = "qsub #{conf[:qsub_args]} -cwd -sync y -b y -j y\ -o work/out.#{shard}.#{epoch}\ -N dtrain.#{shard}.#{epoch} \"" qsub_str_end = "\"" local_end = '' else local_end = "2>work/out.#{shard}.#{epoch}" end if per_shard_decoder_configs cdec_conf = "--decoder_config #{decoder_configs[shard]}" else cdec_conf = "" end if first_input_weights != '' && epoch == 0 input_weights = "--input_weights #{first_input_weights}" end pids << Kernel.fork { puts "#{qsub_str_start}#{dtrain_bin} -c #{dtrain_conf} #{cdec_conf}\ #{input_weights}\ --bitext #{input_files[shard]}\ --output work/weights.#{shard}.#{epoch}#{qsub_str_end} #{local_end}" `#{qsub_str_start}#{dtrain_bin} -c #{dtrain_conf} #{cdec_conf}\ #{input_weights}\ --bitext #{input_files[shard]}\ --output work/weights.#{shard}.#{epoch}#{qsub_str_end} #{local_end}` } weights_files << "work/weights.#{shard}.#{epoch}" shard += 1 remaining_shards -= 1 } pids.each { |pid| Process.wait(pid) } pids.clear end `cat work/weights.*.#{epoch} > work/weights_cat` `ruby #{lplp_rb} #{lplp_args} #{num_shards} < work/weights_cat\ > work/weights.#{epoch}` if rand and reshard and epoch+1!=epochs input_files, num_shards = make_shards input, num_shards, epoch+1, rand end } `rm work/weights_cat`