import sys, sgmllib, xml.sax.saxutils, sym def attrs_to_str(d): if len(d) == 0: return "" l = [""]+["%s=%s" % (name, xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr(value)) for (name, value) in d] return " ".join(l) def attrs_to_dict(a): d = {} for (name, value) in a: if d.has_key(name.lower()): raise ValueError, "duplicate attribute names" d[name.lower()] = value return d class Sentence(object): def __init__(self, words=None, meta=None): if words is not None: self.words = list(words) else: self.words = [] if meta is not None: self.meta = meta else: self.meta = [] def copy(self): return Sentence(self.words, list(self.meta)) def mark(self, tag, attrs): self.meta.append((tag, attrs, 0, len(self.words))) def getmark(self): if len(self.meta) > 0: (tag, attrs, i, j) = self.meta[-1] if i == 0 and j == len(self.words): return (tag, attrs) else: return None else: return None def unmark(self): mark = self.getmark() if mark is not None: self.meta = self.meta[:-1] return mark def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp((self.words, self.meta), (other.words, other.meta)) def __str__(self): def cmp_spans((tag1,attr1,i1,j1),(tag2,attr2,i2,j2)): if i1==i2<=j1==j2: return 0 elif i2<=i1<=j1<=j2: return -1 elif i1<=i2<=j2<=j1: return 1 else: return cmp((i1,j1),(i2,j2)) # don't care # this guarantees that equal spans will come out nested # we want the later spans to be outer # this relies on stable sort open = [[] for i in xrange(len(self.words)+1)] # there seems to be a bug still with empty spans empty = [[] for i in xrange(len(self.words)+1)] close = [[] for j in xrange(len(self.words)+1)] for (tag,attrs,i,j) in sorted(self.meta, cmp=cmp_spans): if i == j: # do we want these to nest? empty[i].append("<%s%s></%s>\n" % (tag, attrs_to_str(attrs), tag)) else: open[i].append("<%s%s>\n" % (tag, attrs_to_str(attrs))) close[j].append("</%s>\n" % tag) result = [] if len(empty[0]) > 0: result.extend(empty[0]) for i in xrange(len(self.words)): if i > 0: result.append(" ") result.extend(reversed(open[i])) result.append(xml.sax.saxutils.escape(sym.tostring(self.words[i]))) result.extend(close[i+1]) if len(empty[i+1]) > 0: result.extend(empty[i+1]) return "".join(result) def __add__(self, other): if type(other) in (list, tuple): return Sentence(self.words + list(other), self.meta) else: othermeta = [(tag, attrs, i+len(self.words), j+len(self.words)) for (tag, attrs, i, j) in other.meta] return Sentence(self.words + other.words, self.meta+othermeta) def read_raw(f): """Read a raw file into a list of Sentences.""" if type(f) is str: f = file(f, "r") i = 0 line = f.readline() while line != "": sent = process_sgml_line(line, i) mark = sent.getmark() if mark is None: sent.mark('seg', [('id',str(i))]) else: (tag, attrs) = mark if tag == "seg" and not attrs_to_dict(attrs).has_key('id'): x = ('id',str(i)) attrs.append(x) sent.mark('seg', attrs) if tag != "seg": sent.mark('seg', [('id',str(i))]) yield sent i += 1 line = f.readline() def process_sgml_line(line, id=None): p = DatasetParser(None) p.pos = 0 p.words = [] p.meta = [] p.feed(line) p.close() sent = Sentence(p.words, p.meta) return sent class DatasetParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser): def __init__(self, set): sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self) self.words = None self.mystack = [] self.string = None self.convref = d = {"amp":"&", "lt":"<", "gt":">", "quot":'"', "squot":"'"} def close(self): self.convert() sgmllib.SGMLParser.close(self) def handle_starttag(self, tag, method, attrs): thing = method(attrs) self.mystack.append(thing) def handle_endtag(self, tag, method): thing = self.mystack.pop() method(thing) def unknown_starttag(self, tag, attrs): thing = self.start(tag, attrs) self.mystack.append(thing) def unknown_endtag(self, tag): thing = self.mystack.pop() self.end(tag, thing) def start(self, tag, attrs): self.convert() if self.words is not None: return (tag, attrs, self.pos, None) else: return None def convert(self): if self.words is not None and self.string is not None: words = self.string.split() self.pos += len(words) self.words.extend(words) self.string = None def end(self, tag, thing): self.convert() if self.words is not None: (tag, attrs, i, j) = thing self.meta.append((tag, attrs, i, self.pos)) def handle_data(self, s): if self.words is not None: if (self.string is None): self.string = s else: self.string += s def handle_entityref(self, ref): # s=self.convert_entityref(ref) # if python 2.5 s=self.convref[ref] if self.words is not None: if (self.string is None): self.string = s else: self.string += s