#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $cwd; BEGIN { use Cwd qw/ abs_path cwd /; use File::Basename; $cwd = cwd(); } my $rootdir = `dirname $0`; chomp $rootdir; my $compile = "$rootdir/compile_bin.py"; my $lcp = "$rootdir/lcp_ops.py"; die "Can't find $compile" unless -f $compile; die "Can't execute $compile" unless -x $compile; sub print_help; sub cleanup; my $alignment; my $bitext; my $catalog; my $dryrun = 0; my $group; my $help = 0; my $ini = "$rootdir/extract.ini"; my $lm; my $precomp; my $no_ini = 0; my $remove; my $type; my $local_only = 1; my $output; # Process command-line options if (GetOptions( "alignment=s" => \$alignment, "bitext=s" => \$bitext, "help" => \$help, "ini=s" => \$ini, "output=s" => \$output, "precomp-options=s" => \$precomp, "no-ini" => \$no_ini, ) == 0 || $help == 1 || @ARGV > 0){ print_help; die "\n"; } open(INI, $ini) or die "Can't read $ini: $!"; $bitext || die "You must specify a bitext with -b\n"; $alignment || die "You must specify an alignment with -a\n"; my $top_dir; if (defined $output) { $top_dir = $output; } else { $top_dir = "$cwd/sa-compiled"; } my $type_dir = "$top_dir"; my $bitext_name; my $bitext_f_file; my $bitext_e_file; my $bitext_dir; if ($bitext){ if ($bitext =~ /(.*)=(.*),(.*)/){ $bitext_name = $1; $bitext_f_file = $2; $bitext_e_file = $3; -e $bitext_f_file || die "Could not find file $bitext_f_file\n"; -e $bitext_e_file || die "Could not find file $bitext_e_file\n"; } else { $bitext_name = $bitext; } $bitext_dir = "$type_dir/bitext/$bitext_name"; if ($bitext_f_file){ if (-e $bitext_dir) { die "Bitext $bitext_name already exists\n"; } } else { unless (-e $bitext_dir){ die "No bitext $bitext_name. You must specify bitext files with -b\n"; } } } my $max_nt = 2; my $max_len = 5; my $max_size = 15; my $min_gap = 1; my $rank1 = 100; my $rank2 = 10; my $precomp_file; if ($precomp){ unless ($bitext_name){ die "You must specify a bitext with -b if using -p\n"; } my @precomp_args = split(/,/, $precomp); my $precomp_arg; for $precomp_arg (@precomp_args){ if ($precomp_arg =~ /(.*)=(.*)/){ my $key = $1; my $value = $2; unless ($value =~ /^\d+$/){ die "Value for -p option must be a positive integer, found $value\n"; } if ($key eq "max-len"){ $max_len = $value; } elsif ($key eq "max-nt"){ $max_nt = $value; } elsif ($key eq "max-size"){ $max_size = $value; } elsif ($key eq "min-gap"){ $min_gap = $value; } elsif ($key eq "rank1"){ $rank1 = $value; } elsif ($key eq "rank2"){ $rank2 = $value; } else{ die "Unknown option $key given for -p\n"; } } else { die "When using -p, you must specify key-value pairs using syntax: <key1>=<value1>,...,<keyN>=<valueN>\n"; } } } my $precomp_compile_needed = 0; if ($bitext_name){ $precomp_file = "$bitext_dir/precomp.$max_len.$max_nt.$max_size.$min_gap.$rank1.$rank2.bin"; unless (-e $precomp_file){ $precomp_compile_needed = 1; } } my $alignment_name; my $alignment_file; my $alignment_dir; if ($alignment){ $bitext || die "Specified alignment $alignment without specifying bitext using -b\n"; if ($alignment =~ /(.*)=(.*)/){ $alignment_name = $1; $alignment_file = $2; -e $alignment_file || die "Could not find file $alignment_file\n"; } else { $alignment_name = $alignment; } $alignment_dir = "$bitext_dir/a/$alignment_name"; if ($alignment_file){ if (-e $alignment_dir){ die "Alignment $alignment_name already exists for bitext $bitext_name\n"; } } else { require_top_dirs(); unless (-e $alignment_dir){ die "No alignment $alignment_name for bitext $bitext_name\n"; } } } if ($bitext_name){ print STDERR " from files $bitext_f_file and $bitext_e_file\n"; } else { print " No bitext\n"; } if ($precomp_compile_needed){ print STDERR " Precompilation needed: max-len=$max_len, max-nt=$max_nt, max-size=$max_size, min-gap=$min_gap, rank1=$rank1, rank2=$rank2\n"; } if ($alignment_name){ print STDERR " Alignment = $alignment_name"; if ($alignment_file){ print STDERR " from file $alignment_file\n"; } } else { print STDERR " No alignment\n"; } my $script; my $compile_dir; $SIG{INT} = "cleanup"; $SIG{TERM} = "cleanup"; $SIG{HUP} = "cleanup"; if ($bitext_e_file || $precomp_compile_needed || $alignment_file){ my $compiled_e_file; my $compiled_f_file; $compile_dir = $top_dir; my $compile_top_dir = "$compile_dir"; my $compile_bitext_dir = "$compile_top_dir/bitext/$bitext_name"; if ($bitext_e_file){ `mkdir -p $compile_bitext_dir`; print STDERR "\nCompiling bitext (f side)...\n"; `$compile -s $bitext_f_file $compile_bitext_dir/f.sa.bin`; die "Command failed: $!" unless $? == 0; print STDERR "\nCompiling bitext (e side)...\n"; `$compile -d $bitext_e_file $compile_bitext_dir/e.bin`; die "Command failed: $!" unless $? == 0; $compiled_f_file = "$compile_bitext_dir/f.sa.bin"; $compiled_e_file = "$compile_bitext_dir/e.bin"; } else { # bitext already compiled $compiled_f_file = "$bitext_dir/f.sa.bin"; $compiled_e_file = "$bitext_dir/e.bin"; } if ($precomp_compile_needed){ `mkdir -p $compile_bitext_dir`; my $top_stats_file = "$compile_bitext_dir/f.top.$rank1"; my $compiled_precomp_file = "$compile_bitext_dir/precomp.$max_len.$max_nt.$max_size.$min_gap.$rank1.$rank2.bin"; my $cmd = "$lcp -t 4 $compiled_f_file | sort -nr | head -$rank1 > $top_stats_file"; print STDERR "$cmd\n"; `$cmd`; die "Command failed: $cmd" unless $? == 0; `$compile -r max-len=$max_len max-nt=$max_nt max-size=$max_size min-gap=$min_gap rank1=$rank1 rank2=$rank2 sa=$compiled_f_file $top_stats_file $compiled_precomp_file`; die "Command failed: $!" unless $? == 0; } if ($alignment_file){ my $compile_alignment_dir = "$compile_top_dir/bitext/$bitext_name/a/$alignment_name"; `mkdir -p $compile_alignment_dir`; print STDERR "\nCompiling alignment...\n"; my $cmd= "$compile -a $alignment_file $compile_alignment_dir/a.bin"; print STDERR " $cmd\n"; `$cmd`; die "Command failed: $!" unless $? == 0; print STDERR "\nCompiling lexical weights file...\n"; $cmd="$compile -x $compiled_f_file $compiled_e_file $compile_alignment_dir/a.bin $compile_alignment_dir/lex.bin"; print STDERR " $cmd\n"; `$cmd`; die "Command failed: $!" unless $? == 0; } chdir $compile_dir; print STDERR "Compiling done: $compile_dir\n"; } unless ($no_ini){ my $line; while($line=<INI>){ $line =~ s/^([^#]*a_file\s*=\s*")(.*)("\s*)$/$1$alignment_dir\/a.bin$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*lex_file\s*=\s*")(.*)("\s*)$/$1$alignment_dir\/lex.bin$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*f_sa_file\s*=\s*")(.*)("\s*)$/$1$bitext_dir\/f.sa.bin$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*e_file\s*=\s*")(.*)("\s*)$/$1$bitext_dir\/e.bin$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*precompute_file\s*=\s*")(.*)("\s*)$/$1$bitext_dir\/precomp.$max_len.$max_nt.$max_size.$min_gap.$rank1.$rank2.bin$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*max_len\s*=\s*)(.*)(\s*)$/$1$max_len$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*max_nt\s*=\s*)(.*)(\s*)$/$1$max_nt$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*max_size\s*=\s*)(.*)(\s*)$/$1$max_size$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*min_gap\s*=\s*)(.*)(\s*)$/$1$min_gap$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*rank1\s*=\s*)(.*)(\s*)$/$1$rank1$3/; $line =~ s/^([^#]*rank2\s*=\s*)(.*)(\s*)$/$1$rank2$3/; print $line; } } exit(0); sub cleanup { die "Cleanup.\n"; } sub print_help { my $name = `basename $0`; chomp $name; print << "Help"; usage: $name [options] Manage compilation of SA-Hiero files and creation of ini files. In the default usage, the command deploys a set of files needed to create a system, and writes an ini for the system on stdout. options: -a, --alignment <name>[=<filename>] Name of an alignment of a bitext (which must be specified with -b unless using the -c flag). If used with -r, the alignment is removed from the deployment. If used with -c, only alignments with this name are listed. If a filename is given, then the file will be deployed using the name. -b, --bitext <name>[=<f file>,<e file>] Name of a bitext for a particular system type (which must be specified with -t unless using the -c flag). If used with -r, the bitext is removed from the deployment. If used with -c, only bitexts with the name are listed. If a filename is given, then the file will be deployed using the name. -h, --help Prints this message. -i, --ini <filename> Use a specific ini file as the template for a system, rather than the default ini file. -p, --precomp-options <key1>=<value1>[,<key2>=<value2>,...,<keyN>=<valueN>] Set parameters of the grammar. This must be set by $name because many parameters involve precomputation. There are six keys that can be set: max-len: maximum number of symbols (T and NT) in a grammar rule max-nt: maximum number of nonterminals in a grammar rule max-size: maximum span of a grammar rule extracted from training min-gap: minimum gap spanned by a nonterminal in training rank1: number of frequent words to precompute collocations for. rank2: number of super-frequent words to precompute triple collocations for. All values must be positive integers. If not specified, defaults are: max-len = 5 max-nt = 2 (>2 not supported) max-size = 10 min-gap = 2 rank1 = 100 (>300 not recommended) rank2 = 10 (>10 not recommended) -n, --no-ini Do not generate an ini file on stdout. If this option is used, then the requirement to specify a full system is relaxed. Therefore, this option can be used when the sole objective is deployment of files. -o, --output-dir Write the compiled model to this directory. Help }