from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, calloc, realloc, free, strtof, strtol from libc.string cimport strsep, strcpy, strlen cdef extern from "strutil.h": char *strstrsep(char **stringp, char *delim) char *strip(char *s) char **split(char *s, char *delim, int *pn) import sys import sym cimport sym cdef sym.Alphabet alphabet alphabet = sym.alphabet global span_limit span_limit = None cdef int bufsize cdef char *buf bufsize = 100 buf = <char *>malloc(bufsize) cdef ensurebufsize(int size): global buf, bufsize if size > bufsize: buf = <char *>realloc(buf, size*sizeof(char)) bufsize = size cdef class Phrase: def __cinit__(self, words): cdef int i, j, n, n_vars cdef char **toks cdef bytes bwords cdef char* cwords n_vars = 0 if type(words) is str: ensurebufsize(len(words)+1) bwords = words cwords = bwords strcpy(buf, cwords) toks = split(buf, NULL, &n) self.syms = <int *>malloc(n*sizeof(int)) for i from 0 <= i < n: self.syms[i] = alphabet.fromstring(toks[i], 0) if alphabet.isvar(self.syms[i]): n_vars = n_vars + 1 else: n = len(words) self.syms = <int *>malloc(n*sizeof(int)) for i from 0 <= i < n: self.syms[i] = words[i] if alphabet.isvar(self.syms[i]): n_vars = n_vars + 1 self.n = n self.n_vars = n_vars self.varpos = <int *>malloc(n_vars*sizeof(int)) j = 0 for i from 0 <= i < n: if alphabet.isvar(self.syms[i]): self.varpos[j] = i j = j + 1 def __dealloc__(self): free(self.syms) free(self.varpos) def __str__(self): strs = [] cdef int i, s for i from 0 <= i < self.n: s = self.syms[i] strs.append(alphabet.tostring(s)) return " ".join(strs) def instantiable(self, i, j, n): return span_limit is None or (j-i) <= span_limit def handle(self): """return a hashable representation that normalizes the ordering of the nonterminal indices""" norm = [] cdef int i, j, s i = 1 j = 0 for j from 0 <= j < self.n: s = self.syms[j] if alphabet.isvar(s): s = alphabet.setindex(s,i) i = i + 1 norm.append(s) return tuple(norm) def strhandle(self): strs = [] norm = [] cdef int i, j, s i = 1 j = 0 for j from 0 <= j < self.n: s = self.syms[j] if alphabet.isvar(s): s = alphabet.setindex(s,i) i = i + 1 norm.append(alphabet.tostring(s)) return " ".join(norm) def arity(self): return self.n_vars def getvarpos(self, i): if 0 <= i < self.n_vars: return self.varpos[i] else: raise IndexError def getvar(self, i): if 0 <= i < self.n_vars: return self.syms[self.varpos[i]] else: raise IndexError cdef int chunkpos(self, int k): if k == 0: return 0 else: return self.varpos[k-1]+1 cdef int chunklen(self, int k): if self.n_vars == 0: return self.n elif k == 0: return self.varpos[0] elif k == self.n_vars: return self.n-self.varpos[k-1]-1 else: return self.varpos[k]-self.varpos[k-1]-1 def clen(self, k): return self.chunklen(k) def getchunk(self, ci): cdef int start, stop start = self.chunkpos(ci) stop = start+self.chunklen(ci) chunk = [] for i from start <= i < stop: chunk.append(self.syms[i]) return chunk def __cmp__(self, other): cdef Phrase otherp cdef int i otherp = other for i from 0 <= i < min(self.n, otherp.n): if self.syms[i] < otherp.syms[i]: return -1 elif self.syms[i] > otherp.syms[i]: return 1 if self.n < otherp.n: return -1 elif self.n > otherp.n: return 1 else: return 0 def __hash__(self): cdef int i cdef unsigned h h = 0 for i from 0 <= i < self.n: if self.syms[i] > 0: h = (h << 1) + self.syms[i] else: h = (h << 1) + -self.syms[i] return h def __len__(self): return self.n def __getitem__(self, i): return self.syms[i] def __iter__(self): cdef int i l = [] for i from 0 <= i < self.n: l.append(self.syms[i]) return iter(l) def subst(self, start, children): cdef int i for i from 0 <= i < self.n: if alphabet.isvar(self.syms[i]): start = start + children[alphabet.getindex(self.syms[i])-1] else: start = start + (self.syms[i],) return start cdef class Rule: def __cinit__(self, lhs, f, e, owner=None, scores=None, word_alignments=None): cdef int i, n cdef char *rest self.word_alignments = word_alignments if scores is None: self.cscores = NULL self.n_scores = 0 else: n = len(scores) self.cscores = <float *>malloc(n*sizeof(float)) self.n_scores = n for i from 0 <= i < n: self.cscores[i] = scores[i] def __init__(self, lhs, f, e, owner=None, scores=None, word_alignments=None): if not sym.isvar(lhs): sys.stderr.write("error: lhs=%d\n" % lhs) self.lhs = lhs self.f = f self.e = e self.word_alignments = word_alignments def __dealloc__(self): if self.cscores != NULL: free(self.cscores) def __str__(self): return self.to_line() def __hash__(self): return hash((self.lhs, self.f, self.e)) def __cmp__(self, Rule other): return cmp((self.lhs, self.f, self.e, self.word_alignments), (other.lhs, other.f, other.e, self.word_alignments)) def __iadd__(self, Rule other): if self.n_scores != other.n_scores: raise ValueError for i from 0 <= i < self.n_scores: self.cscores[i] = self.cscores[i] + other.cscores[i] return self def fmerge(self, Phrase f): if self.f == f: self.f = f def arity(self): return self.f.arity() def to_line(self): scorestrs = [] for i from 0 <= i < self.n_scores: scorestrs.append(str(self.cscores[i])) fields = [alphabet.tostring(self.lhs), str(self.f), str(self.e), " ".join(scorestrs)] if self.word_alignments is not None: alignstr = [] for i from 0 <= i < len(self.word_alignments): alignstr.append("%d-%d" % (self.word_alignments[i]/65536, self.word_alignments[i]%65536)) #for s,t in self.word_alignments: #alignstr.append("%d-%d" % (s,t)) fields.append(" ".join(alignstr)) return " ||| ".join(fields) property scores: def __get__(self): s = [None]*self.n_scores for i from 0 <= i < self.n_scores: s[i] = self.cscores[i] return s def __set__(self, s): if self.cscores != NULL: free(self.cscores) self.cscores = <float *>malloc(len(s)*sizeof(float)) self.n_scores = len(s) for i from 0 <= i < self.n_scores: self.cscores[i] = s[i] def rule_copy(r): r1 = Rule(r.lhs, r.f, r.e, r.owner, r.scores) r1.word_alignments = r.word_alignments return r1