# clex.pyx # defines bilexical dictionaries in C, with some convenience methods # for reading arrays directly as globs directly from disk. # Adam Lopez <alopez@cs.umd.edu> import gzip import sys import context_model cimport cintlist cimport cfloatlist cimport calignment cimport csuf cimport cdat from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, realloc, free from libc.string cimport memset, strcpy, strlen cdef struct _node: _node* smaller _node* bigger int key int val cdef _node* new_node(int key): cdef _node* n n = <_node*> malloc(sizeof(_node)) n.smaller = NULL n.bigger = NULL n.key = key n.val = 0 return n cdef del_node(_node* n): if n.smaller != NULL: del_node(n.smaller) if n.bigger != NULL: del_node(n.bigger) free(n) cdef int* get_val(_node* n, int key): if key == n.key: return &n.val elif key < n.key: if n.smaller == NULL: n.smaller = new_node(key) return &(n.smaller.val) return get_val(n.smaller, key) else: if n.bigger == NULL: n.bigger = new_node(key) return &(n.bigger.val) return get_val(n.bigger, key) cdef class CLex: cdef cfloatlist.CFloatList col1 cdef cfloatlist.CFloatList col2 cdef cintlist.CIntList f_index cdef cintlist.CIntList e_index cdef id2eword, id2fword, eword2id, fword2id def __init__(self, filename, from_binary=False, from_data=False, earray=None, fsarray=None): self.id2eword = [] self.id2fword = [] self.eword2id = {} self.fword2id = {} self.e_index = cintlist.CIntList() self.f_index = cintlist.CIntList() self.col1 = cfloatlist.CFloatList() self.col2 = cfloatlist.CFloatList() if from_binary: self.read_binary(filename) else: if from_data: self.compute_from_data(fsarray, earray, filename) else: self.read_text(filename) '''print "self.eword2id" print "=============" for x in self.eword2id: print x print "self.fword2id" print "=============" for x in self.fword2id: print x print "-------------"''' cdef compute_from_data(self, csuf.SuffixArray fsa, cdat.DataArray eda, calignment.Alignment aa): cdef int sent_id, num_links, l, i, j, f_i, e_j, I, J, V_E, V_F, num_pairs cdef int *fsent, *esent, *alignment, *links, *ealigned, *faligned cdef _node** dict cdef int *fmargin, *emargin, *count cdef bytes word cdef int null_word null_word = 0 for word in fsa.darray.id2word: # I miss list comprehensions self.id2fword.append(word) self.id2fword[null_word] = "NULL" for id, word in enumerate(self.id2fword): self.fword2id[word] = id for word in eda.id2word: self.id2eword.append(word) self.id2eword[null_word] = "NULL" for id, word in enumerate(self.id2eword): self.eword2id[word] = id num_pairs = 0 V_E = len(eda.id2word) V_F = len(fsa.darray.id2word) fmargin = <int*> malloc(V_F*sizeof(int)) emargin = <int*> malloc(V_E*sizeof(int)) memset(fmargin, 0, V_F*sizeof(int)) memset(emargin, 0, V_E*sizeof(int)) dict = <_node**> malloc(V_F*sizeof(_node*)) memset(dict, 0, V_F*sizeof(_node*)) num_sents = len(fsa.darray.sent_index) for sent_id from 0 <= sent_id < num_sents-1: fsent = fsa.darray.data.arr + fsa.darray.sent_index.arr[sent_id] I = fsa.darray.sent_index.arr[sent_id+1] - fsa.darray.sent_index.arr[sent_id] - 1 faligned = <int*> malloc(I*sizeof(int)) memset(faligned, 0, I*sizeof(int)) esent = eda.data.arr + eda.sent_index.arr[sent_id] J = eda.sent_index.arr[sent_id+1] - eda.sent_index.arr[sent_id] - 1 ealigned = <int*> malloc(J*sizeof(int)) memset(ealigned, 0, J*sizeof(int)) links = aa._get_sent_links(sent_id, &num_links) for l from 0 <= l < num_links: i = links[l*2] j = links[l*2+1] if i >= I or j >= J: sys.stderr.write(" %d-%d out of bounds (I=%d,J=%d) in line %d\n" % (i,j,I,J,sent_id+1)) assert i < I assert j < J f_i = fsent[i] e_j = esent[j] fmargin[f_i] = fmargin[f_i]+1 emargin[e_j] = emargin[e_j]+1 if dict[f_i] == NULL: dict[f_i] = new_node(e_j) dict[f_i].val = 1 num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 else: count = get_val(dict[f_i], e_j) if count[0] == 0: num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 count[0] = count[0] + 1 # add count faligned[i] = 1 ealigned[j] = 1 for i from 0 <= i < I: if faligned[i] == 0: f_i = fsent[i] fmargin[f_i] = fmargin[f_i] + 1 emargin[null_word] = emargin[null_word] + 1 if dict[f_i] == NULL: dict[f_i] = new_node(null_word) dict[f_i].val = 1 num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 else: count = get_val(dict[f_i], null_word) if count[0] == 0: num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 count[0] = count[0] + 1 for j from 0 <= j < J: if ealigned[j] == 0: e_j = esent[j] fmargin[null_word] = fmargin[null_word] + 1 emargin[e_j] = emargin[e_j] + 1 if dict[null_word] == NULL: dict[null_word] = new_node(e_j) dict[null_word].val = 1 num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 else: count = get_val(dict[null_word], e_j) if count[0] == 0: num_pairs = num_pairs + 1 count[0] = count[0] + 1 free(links) free(faligned) free(ealigned) self.f_index = cintlist.CIntList(initial_len=V_F) self.e_index = cintlist.CIntList(initial_len=num_pairs) self.col1 = cfloatlist.CFloatList(initial_len=num_pairs) self.col2 = cfloatlist.CFloatList(initial_len=num_pairs) num_pairs = 0 for i from 0 <= i < V_F: #self.f_index[i] = num_pairs self.f_index.set(i, num_pairs) if dict[i] != NULL: self._add_node(dict[i], &num_pairs, float(fmargin[i]), emargin) del_node(dict[i]) free(fmargin) free(emargin) free(dict) return cdef _add_node(self, _node* n, int* num_pairs, float fmargin, int* emargin): cdef int loc if n.smaller != NULL: self._add_node(n.smaller, num_pairs, fmargin, emargin) loc = num_pairs[0] self.e_index.set(loc, n.key) self.col1.set(loc, float(n.val)/fmargin) self.col2.set(loc, float(n.val)/float(emargin[n.key])) num_pairs[0] = loc + 1 if n.bigger != NULL: self._add_node(n.bigger, num_pairs, fmargin, emargin) def write_binary(self, filename): cdef FILE* f cdef bytes bfilename = filename cdef char* cfilename = bfilename f = fopen(cfilename, "w") self.f_index.write_handle(f) self.e_index.write_handle(f) self.col1.write_handle(f) self.col2.write_handle(f) self.write_wordlist(self.id2fword, f) self.write_wordlist(self.id2eword, f) fclose(f) cdef write_wordlist(self, wordlist, FILE* f): cdef int word_len cdef int num_words cdef char* c_word num_words = len(wordlist) fwrite(&(num_words), sizeof(int), 1, f) for word in wordlist: c_word = word word_len = strlen(c_word) + 1 fwrite(&(word_len), sizeof(int), 1, f) fwrite(c_word, sizeof(char), word_len, f) cdef read_wordlist(self, word2id, id2word, FILE* f): cdef int num_words cdef int word_len cdef char* c_word cdef bytes py_word fread(&(num_words), sizeof(int), 1, f) for i from 0 <= i < num_words: fread(&(word_len), sizeof(int), 1, f) c_word = <char*> malloc (word_len * sizeof(char)) fread(c_word, sizeof(char), word_len, f) py_word = c_word free(c_word) word2id[py_word] = len(id2word) id2word.append(py_word) def read_binary(self, filename): cdef FILE* f cdef bytes bfilename = filename cdef char* cfilename = bfilename f = fopen(cfilename, "r") self.f_index.read_handle(f) self.e_index.read_handle(f) self.col1.read_handle(f) self.col2.read_handle(f) self.read_wordlist(self.fword2id, self.id2fword, f) self.read_wordlist(self.eword2id, self.id2eword, f) fclose(f) def get_e_id(self, eword): if eword not in self.eword2id: e_id = len(self.id2eword) self.id2eword.append(eword) self.eword2id[eword] = e_id return self.eword2id[eword] def get_f_id(self, fword): if fword not in self.fword2id: f_id = len(self.id2fword) self.id2fword.append(fword) self.fword2id[fword] = f_id return self.fword2id[fword] def read_text(self, filename): cdef i, j, w, e_id, f_id, n_f, n_e, N cdef cintlist.CIntList fcount fcount = cintlist.CIntList() if filename[-2:] == "gz": f = gzip.GzipFile(filename) else: f = open(filename) # first loop merely establishes size of array objects sys.stderr.write("Initial read...\n") for line in f: (fword, eword, score1, score2) = line.split() f_id = self.get_f_id(fword) e_id = self.get_e_id(eword) while f_id >= len(fcount): fcount.append(0) fcount.arr[f_id] = fcount.arr[f_id] + 1 # Allocate space for dictionary in arrays N = 0 n_f = len(fcount) self.f_index = cintlist.CIntList(initial_len=n_f+1) for i from 0 <= i < n_f: self.f_index.arr[i] = N N = N + fcount.arr[i] fcount.arr[i] = 0 self.f_index.arr[n_f] = N self.e_index = cintlist.CIntList(initial_len=N) self.col1 = cfloatlist.CFloatList(initial_len=N) self.col2 = cfloatlist.CFloatList(initial_len=N) # Re-read file, placing words into buckets sys.stderr.write("Bucket sort...\n") f.seek(0) for line in f: (fword, eword, score1, score2) = line.split() f_id = self.get_f_id(fword) e_id = self.get_e_id(eword) index = self.f_index.arr[f_id] + fcount.arr[f_id] fcount.arr[f_id] = fcount.arr[f_id] + 1 self.e_index.arr[index] = int(e_id) self.col1[index] = float(score1) self.col2[index] = float(score2) f.close() sys.stderr.write("Final sort...\n") # Sort buckets by eword for b from 0 <= b < n_f: i = self.f_index.arr[b] j = self.f_index.arr[b+1] self.qsort(i,j, "") cdef swap(self, int i, int j): cdef int itmp cdef float ftmp if i == j: return itmp = self.e_index.arr[i] self.e_index.arr[i] = self.e_index.arr[j] self.e_index.arr[j] = itmp ftmp = self.col1.arr[i] self.col1.arr[i] = self.col1.arr[j] self.col1.arr[j] = ftmp ftmp = self.col2.arr[i] self.col2.arr[i] = self.col2.arr[j] self.col2.arr[j] = ftmp cdef qsort(self, int i, int j, pad): cdef int pval, p if i > j: raise Exception("Sort error in CLex") if i == j: #empty interval return if i == j-1: # singleton interval return p = (i+j)/2 pval = self.e_index.arr[p] self.swap(i, p) p = i for k from i+1 <= k < j: if pval >= self.e_index.arr[k]: self.swap(p+1, k) self.swap(p, p+1) p = p + 1 self.qsort(i,p, pad+" ") self.qsort(p+1,j, pad+" ") def write_enhanced(self, filename): f = open(filename, "w") for i in self.f_index: f.write("%d " % i) f.write("\n") for i, s1, s2 in zip(self.e_index, self.col1, self.col2): f.write("%d %f %f " % (i, s1, s2)) f.write("\n") for i, w in enumerate(self.id2fword): f.write("%d %s " % (i, w)) f.write("\n") for i, w in enumerate(self.id2eword): f.write("%d %s " % (i, w)) f.write("\n") f.close() def get_score(self, fword, eword, col): cdef e_id, f_id, low, high, midpoint, val #print "get_score fword=",fword,", eword=",eword,", col=",col if eword not in self.eword2id: return None if fword not in self.fword2id: return None f_id = self.fword2id[fword] e_id = self.eword2id[eword] low = self.f_index.arr[f_id] high = self.f_index.arr[f_id+1] while high - low > 0: midpoint = (low+high)/2 val = self.e_index.arr[midpoint] if val == e_id: if col == 0: return self.col1.arr[midpoint] if col == 1: return self.col2.arr[midpoint] if val > e_id: high = midpoint if val < e_id: low = midpoint + 1 return None def write_text(self, filename): """Note: does not guarantee writing the dictionary in the original order""" cdef i, N, e_id, f_id f = open(filename, "w") N = len(self.e_index) f_id = 0 for i from 0 <= i < N: while self.f_index.arr[f_id+1] == i: f_id = f_id + 1 e_id = self.e_index.arr[i] score1 = self.col1.arr[i] score2 = self.col2.arr[i] f.write("%s %s %.6f %.6f\n" % (self.id2fword[f_id], self.id2eword[e_id], score1, score2)) f.close()