# cdat.pyx # Defines "data arrays" that can be directly written to/read from disk in binary format # In particular, the array itself is written/read directly as a glob of binary data # Adam Lopez <alopez@cs.umd.edu> import sys import gzip import log import cintlist from libc.stdio cimport FILE, fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, realloc, free from libc.string cimport memset, strcpy, strlen cdef class DataArray: def __init__(self, filename=None, from_binary=False, use_sent_id=False): self.word2id = {"END_OF_FILE":0, "END_OF_LINE":1} self.id2word = ["END_OF_FILE", "END_OF_LINE"] self.data = cintlist.CIntList(1000,1000) self.sent_id = cintlist.CIntList(1000,1000) self.sent_index = cintlist.CIntList(1000,1000) self.use_sent_id = use_sent_id if filename is not None: if from_binary: self.read_binary(filename) else: self.read_text(filename) def __len__(self): return len(self.data) def getSentId(self, i): return self.sent_id.arr[i] def getSent(self, i): cdef int j, start, stop sent = [] start = self.sent_index.arr[i] stop = self.sent_index.arr[i+1] for i from start <= i < stop: sent.append(self.id2word[self.data.arr[i]]) return sent def getSentPos(self, loc): return loc - self.sent_index.arr[self.sent_id.arr[loc]] def get_id(self, word): if not word in self.word2id: self.word2id[word] = len(self.id2word) self.id2word.append(word) return self.word2id[word] def get_word(self, id): return self.id2word[id] def write_text(self, filename): f = open(filename, "w") for w_id in self.data: if w_id > 1: f.write("%s " % self.get_word(w_id)) if w_id == 1: f.write("\n") f.close() def read_text(self, filename): cdef int word_count if filename[-2:] == "gz": file = gzip.GzipFile(filename) else: file = open(filename) word_count = 0 for line_num, line in enumerate(file): self.sent_index.append(word_count) for word in line.split(): self.data.append(self.get_id(word)) if self.use_sent_id: self.sent_id.append(line_num) word_count = word_count + 1 self.data.append(1) if self.use_sent_id: self.sent_id.append(line_num) word_count = word_count + 1 self.data.append(0) self.sent_index.append(word_count) def read_binary(self, filename): cdef FILE* f cdef bytes bfilename = filename cdef char* cfilename = bfilename f = fopen(cfilename, "r") self.read_handle(f) fclose(f) cdef void read_handle(self, FILE* f): cdef int num_words cdef int word_len cdef char* c_word cdef bytes py_word self.data.read_handle(f) self.sent_index.read_handle(f) self.sent_id.read_handle(f) fread(&(num_words), sizeof(int), 1, f) for i in xrange(num_words): fread(&(word_len), sizeof(int), 1, f) c_word = <char*> malloc (word_len * sizeof(char)) fread(c_word, sizeof(char), word_len, f) py_word = c_word free(c_word) self.word2id[py_word] = len(self.id2word) self.id2word.append(py_word) if len(self.sent_id) == 0: self.use_sent_id = False else: self.use_sent_id = True cdef void write_handle(self, FILE* f): cdef int word_len cdef int num_words cdef char* c_word self.data.write_handle(f) self.sent_index.write_handle(f) self.sent_id.write_handle(f) num_words = len(self.id2word) - 2 fwrite(&(num_words), sizeof(int), 1, f) for word in self.id2word[2:]: c_word = word word_len = strlen(c_word) + 1 fwrite(&(word_len), sizeof(int), 1, f) fwrite(c_word, sizeof(char), word_len, f) def write_binary(self, filename): cdef FILE* f cdef bytes bfilename = filename cdef char* cfilename = bfilename f = fopen(cfilename, "w") self.write_handle(f) fclose(f) def write_enhanced_handle(self, f): for i in self.data: f.write("%d " %i) f.write("\n") for i in self.sent_index: f.write("%d " %i) f.write("\n") for i in self.sent_id: f.write("%d " %i) f.write("\n") for word in self.id2word: f.write("%s %d " % (word, self.word2id[word])) f.write("\n") def write_enhanced(self, filename): f = open(filename, "w") self.write_enhanced_handle(self, f) f.close()