\chapter{Posterior Regularization}
Posterior regularization is an alternative way of clustering the phrases.
Unlike a Baysian approach where intuitions about the data are expressed through the priors, posterior regularization imposes constraints on posterior distributions of the data.

In this chapter , we will introduce a basic clustering model with EM 
and look at shortcomings of the basic model. This will motivate us for
more complicated posterior regularized models.
\section{Phrase Clustering Model} 
As a brief recap, the clustering problem we are working with
is to label phrases with $K$ induced categories, where
$K$ is picked manually.
Phrases are obtained from bi-text data.
We also look at context
 words before and after
phrases as cues for clustering.
The relationship between phrases, contexts and categories are
represented with a generative model shown in 
Figure \ref{fig:EM}: a phrase picks a 
category and then that category generates the contex for the phrase.

  \caption{Basic Phrase Clustering Model}

The joint probability of a category $z$ and a context $\textbf{c}$ 
given a phrase $\textbf{p}$ is
$P(z|\textbf{p})$ is distribution of categories given a phrase.
This can be learned from data.
$P(\textbf{c}|z)$ is distribution of context given a category.
Since a context usually contains multiple slots for words, we further
decompose this distribution into independent distributions at
each slot. For example, suppose a context consists of two positions 
before and after the phrase. Denote these words as 
Use $P_{-2},P_{-1},P_1,P_2$ to denote distributions of words at each 
position, $P(\textbf{c}|z)$ is decomposed as
The posterior probability of a category given a phrase
and a context can be computed by normalizing the joint probability:
With the mechanisms to compute the posterior probabilities, we can 
apply EM to learn all the probabilities.
\section{Sparsity Constraints}
A common linguistic intuition we have about the phrase 
clustering problem is that a phrase should be put into very
few categories, e.g. a verb phrase is unlikely to be used as 
a noun phrase. In other words, the categorization of
a phrase should be sparse.
The generative model we proposed above with EM
allows a phrase to be labelled with many tags. As we observed
from the output, EM is using more categories than we wanted for
each phrase.
Posterior regularization
provides a way to enforce sparsity \citep{ganchev:penn:2009}.
The general idea of posterior regularization is to modify
E-step of EM, so that instead of using posterior distribution
as the $q$ distribution directly, we want to find the nearest
in a constrained space  as shown in Figure \ref{fig:EMPR}.

  \caption{EM with posterior regularization}

The constraint we use here is called $l_1/ l_\infty$
regularization in Ganchev's technical report. The notations
we use here largely follows Ganchev's.
In a more mathematical formulation, for each phrase $\textbf{p}$,
we want the quantity 
\[\sum_{z=1}^K \max_i P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i) \]
to be small, where $\textbf{c}_i$ is the context
appeared around the $i$th occurrence of phrase $\textbf{p}$
throughout the data. This quantity roughly equals 
the number of categories phrase $\textbf{p}$ uses.
It is minimized to $1$ if and only if
the posterior distributions $P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i)$
are the same
for all
occurrences of $\textbf{p}$. That is ,
$\forall i,j$, $P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i)=P(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_j)$. 

Define feature functions for $i$th occurrence of phrase $\textbf{p}$
with category $j$,
as a function of category $z$:
1\text{ if z=j}\\
0\text{ otherwise}
For notation simplicity, for
each phrase category pair, 
define variables $c_{\textbf{p}z}$ that will
eventually be $\max_i E_q[\phi_{\textbf{p}iz}]$.
The objective we want to optimize becomes:
\arg\min_{q,c_{\textbf{p}z}} KL(q||P_{\theta}) + 
\sigma \sum_{\textbf{p},z}c_{\textbf{p}z}
\text{ s.t. }\forall \textbf{p},z,
E_q[\phi_{\textbf{p}iz}]\leq c_{\textbf{p}z}.
Using Lagrange Multipliers, this objective can
be optimized in its dual form,
for each phrase $\textbf{p}$:
\arg\min_{\lambda\geq 0} \log 
(\sum_{z,i} P_\theta(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i)
\exp (-\lambda_{\textbf{p}iz}))
\text{ s.t. } \forall \textbf{p},z,
\sum_i \lambda_{\textbf{p}iz}\leq \sigma.
This dual objective can be optimized with projected gradient
The $q$ distribution we are looking for is then
q_i(z)\propto P_{\theta}(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c}_i)
M-step can be performed as usual.
\section{Agreement Models}
Another type of constraint we used is agreement between
different models. We came up with a similar generative
model in the reverse direction to agree with 
as shown in Figure \ref{fig:EMreverse}. We also
took advantage of bi-text data we have and make models
learning from different languages agree with each other.

  \caption{EM with posterior regularization}

In the reversed model,
the posterior probability of the labelling of
a context $\textbf{c}$ with
phrase $\textbf{p}$ is 
Since a phrase contains a variable number of words,
we only look at the first and last word of
a phrase. That is $P(\textbf{p}|z)=P_1(p_1|z)P_n(p_n|z)$,
where $n$ is the length of $\textbf{p}$, $P_1$ and $P_n$
denotes distributions for words in the first and last position
of a phrase given a category.

The implementation of agreement models again ends up making
a small change to E-step. The $q$ distribution for
a phrase $\textbf{p}$ and a context $\textbf{c}$ 
is given by
q(z)=\sqrt{P_{\theta 1}
(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c})P_{\theta 2}(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c})},
where $P_{\theta 1}$ and $P_{\theta 2}$ are
posterior distributions for two models.
In M-step, both models should update their parameters with the
same $q$ distribution computed as above.
This modified EM maximizes the objective:
\log\sum_z\sqrt{P_{\theta 1}(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c})
P_{\theta 2}(z|\textbf{p},\textbf{c})},
where $\mathcal{L}_1$ and $\mathcal{L}_2$
are log-likelihood of
two models.
As a sanity check, we looked at a few examples produced by
the basic model (EM) 
and the posterior regularization (PR) model
with sparsity constraints. Table \ref{tab:EMVSPR}
shows a few examples.

  \caption[A few examples comparing EM and PR]
  {A few examples comparing EM and PR. 
    Count of most frequent category shows how 
    many instances of a phrase are concetrated on 
    the single most frequent tag. 
    Number of categories shows how many categories
    a phrase is labelled with. By experience as mentioned before, 
    we want a phrase to use fewer categories. 
	These numbers are fair indicators of sparsity.

The models are formally evaluated with two kinds
of metrics. We feed the clustering output
through the whole translation pipeline 
to obtain a BLEU score. We also came up 
with an intrinsic evaluation of clustering quality
by comparing against a supervised CFG parser trained on the
tree bank.