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\title{Clustering of phrases and contexts}
\author{Trevor Cohn}


\begin{exampleblock}{Distributional Hypothesis}
\emph{Words that occur in the same contexts tend to have similar meanings}
\hfill (Zellig Harris, 1954)


We will leverage this in a translation setting:
    \item Use the contexts to \alert{cluster} translation units into groups
    \item Units in the same group expected to be semantically and syntactically similar
    \item Then use these cluster labels to guide translation
        \item lexical selection: translating ambiguous source word/s
        \item reordering: consistent syntactic patterns of reordering

\begin{frame}[t]{Monolingual Example}
Task: cluster words into their parts-of-speech. \\

Illustrate by starting with the word `deal' (noun or verb):

\only<1>{\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{deal_first.pdf} \\ Step 1: Find contexts for `deal'}
\only<2->{\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{deal.pdf} \\ Step 2: Find other words which occur in these contexts}
%\only<3>{\includegraphics[width=\columnwidth]{deal_more.pdf} \\ \ldots continue to expand}

Notice that the instances of deal can be split into two connected sub-graphs:
    \item noun: the left two contexts ``a \ldots with'' and ``a \ldots that''
    \item verb: the right two contexts ``to \ldots with'' and ``not \ldots with''
    \item neighbouring words of these contexts share the same PoS


\begin{frame}[t]{More Formally}

Construct a bipartite graph
    \item Nodes on the top layer denote word types (bilingual phrase pairs)
    \item Nodes on the bottom layer denote context types (monlingual/bilingual words)
    \item Edges connect words and their contexts




Task is to cluster the graph into sub-graphs. Nodes in the sub-graphs should be
\item strongly connected to one another
\item weakly connected to nodes outside the sub-graph
\item could formulate as either \emph{hard} or \emph{soft} clustering
Choose \alert{soft clustering} to allow for syntactic and semantic ambiguity



\begin{frame}[t]{Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)}

LDA is a generative model which treats documents as bags of words
    \item each word is assign a \alert{topic} (cluster tag)
    \item words are generated from a topic-specific multinomial
    \item topics are \alert{tied} across a document using a Dirichlet prior
    \item $\alpha < 1$ biases towards \alert{sparse} distributions, i.e., topic reuse
    \item inferred $\theta_d$ describes a document and $\phi_t$ describes a topic



\begin{frame}[t]{LDA over Contexts}

Generative story:
    \item for each word type $w$
    \item for each of the $L$ contexts
    \item first we draw a topic $t$, then generate the context $\vec{c}$ given the topic
    \item the Dirichlet prior ties the topics for each $w$
    \item we're primarily interested in the learnt $\theta$ values


