#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import collections import logging import os import shutil import StringIO import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import time import cdec import aligner import decoder import util # Dummy input token that is unlikely to appear in normalized data (but no fatal errors if it does) LIKELY_OOV = '(OOV)' logger = logging.getLogger('rt') class RealtimeDecoder: '''Do not use directly unless you know what you're doing. Use RealtimeTranslator.''' def __init__(self, configdir, tmpdir): cdec_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) self.tmp = tmpdir os.mkdir(self.tmp) # HPYPLM reference stream ref_fifo_file = os.path.join(self.tmp, 'ref.fifo') os.mkfifo(ref_fifo_file) self.ref_fifo = open(ref_fifo_file, 'w+') # Start with empty line (do not learn prior to first input) self.ref_fifo.write('\n') self.ref_fifo.flush() # Decoder decoder_config = [[f.strip() for f in line.split('=')] for line in open(os.path.join(configdir, 'cdec.ini'))] util.cdec_ini_for_realtime(decoder_config, os.path.abspath(configdir), ref_fifo_file) decoder_config_file = os.path.join(self.tmp, 'cdec.ini') with open(decoder_config_file, 'w') as output: for (k, v) in decoder_config: output.write('{}={}\n'.format(k, v)) decoder_weights = os.path.join(configdir, 'weights.final') self.decoder = decoder.MIRADecoder(decoder_config_file, decoder_weights) def close(self, force=False): logger.info('Closing decoder and removing {}'.format(self.tmp)) self.decoder.close(force) self.ref_fifo.close() shutil.rmtree(self.tmp) class RealtimeTranslator: '''Main entry point into API: serves translations to any number of concurrent users''' def __init__(self, configdir, tmpdir='/tmp', cache_size=5, norm=False): # name -> (method, set of possible nargs) self.COMMANDS = { 'TR': (self.translate, set((1,))), 'LEARN': (self.learn, set((2,))), 'SAVE': (self.save_state, set((0, 1))), 'LOAD': (self.load_state, set((0, 1))), 'DROP': (self.drop_ctx, set((0,))), 'LIST': (self.list_ctx, set((0,))), } cdec_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) ### Single instance for all contexts self.config = configdir # Temporary work dir self.tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpdir, prefix='realtime.') logger.info('Using temp dir {}'.format(self.tmp)) # Normalization self.norm = norm if self.norm: self.tokenizer = util.popen_io([os.path.join(cdec_root, 'corpus', 'tokenize-anything.sh'), '-u']) self.tokenizer_lock = util.FIFOLock() self.detokenizer = util.popen_io([os.path.join(cdec_root, 'corpus', 'untok.pl')]) self.detokenizer_lock = util.FIFOLock() # Word aligner fwd_params = os.path.join(configdir, 'a.fwd_params') fwd_err = os.path.join(configdir, 'a.fwd_err') rev_params = os.path.join(configdir, 'a.rev_params') rev_err = os.path.join(configdir, 'a.rev_err') self.aligner = aligner.ForceAligner(fwd_params, fwd_err, rev_params, rev_err) # Grammar extractor sa_config = cdec.configobj.ConfigObj(os.path.join(configdir, 'sa.ini'), unrepr=True) sa_config.filename = os.path.join(self.tmp, 'sa.ini') util.sa_ini_for_realtime(sa_config, os.path.abspath(configdir)) sa_config.write() self.extractor = cdec.sa.GrammarExtractor(sa_config.filename, online=True) self.cache_size = cache_size ### One instance per context self.ctx_names = set() # All context-dependent operations are atomic self.ctx_locks = collections.defaultdict(util.FIFOLock) # ctx -> list of (source, target, alignment) self.ctx_data = {} # Grammar extractor is not threadsafe self.extractor_lock = util.FIFOLock() # ctx -> deque of file self.grammar_files = {} # ctx -> dict of {sentence: file} self.grammar_dict = {} self.decoders = {} def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback): # Force shutdown on exception self.close(ex_type is not None) def close(self, force=False): '''Cleanup''' if force: logger.info('Forced shutdown: stopping immediately') for ctx_name in list(self.ctx_names): self.drop_ctx(ctx_name, force) logger.info('Closing processes') self.aligner.close(force) if self.norm: if not force: self.tokenizer_lock.acquire() self.detokenizer_lock.acquire() self.tokenizer.stdin.close() self.tokenizer.wait() self.detokenizer.stdin.close() self.detokenizer.wait() if not force: self.tokenizer_lock.release() self.detokenizer_lock.release() logger.info('Deleting {}'.format(self.tmp)) shutil.rmtree(self.tmp) def lazy_ctx(self, ctx_name): '''Initialize a context (inc starting a new decoder) if needed. NOT threadsafe, acquire ctx_name lock before calling.''' if ctx_name in self.ctx_names: return logger.info('({}) New context'.format(ctx_name)) self.ctx_names.add(ctx_name) self.ctx_data[ctx_name] = [] self.grammar_files[ctx_name] = collections.deque() self.grammar_dict[ctx_name] = {} tmpdir = os.path.join(self.tmp, 'decoder.{}'.format(ctx_name)) self.decoders[ctx_name] = RealtimeDecoder(self.config, tmpdir) def drop_ctx(self, ctx_name=None, force=False): '''Delete a context (inc stopping the decoder) Threadsafe and FIFO unless forced.''' lock = self.ctx_locks[ctx_name] if not force: lock.acquire() if ctx_name not in self.ctx_names: logger.info('({}) No context found, no action taken'.format(ctx_name)) if not force: lock.release() return logger.info('({}) Dropping context'.format(ctx_name)) self.ctx_names.remove(ctx_name) self.ctx_data.pop(ctx_name) self.extractor.drop_ctx(ctx_name) self.grammar_files.pop(ctx_name) self.grammar_dict.pop(ctx_name) self.decoders.pop(ctx_name).close(force) self.ctx_locks.pop(ctx_name) if not force: lock.release() def list_ctx(self, ctx_name=None): '''Return a string of active contexts''' return 'ctx_name ||| {}'.format(' '.join(sorted(str(ctx_name) for ctx_name in self.ctx_names))) def grammar(self, sentence, ctx_name=None): '''Extract a sentence-level grammar on demand (or return cached) Threadsafe wrt extractor but NOT decoder. Acquire ctx_name lock before calling.''' self.extractor_lock.acquire() self.lazy_ctx(ctx_name) grammar_dict = self.grammar_dict[ctx_name] grammar_file = grammar_dict.get(sentence, None) # Cache hit if grammar_file: logger.info('({}) Grammar cache hit: {}'.format(ctx_name, grammar_file)) self.extractor_lock.release() return grammar_file # Extract and cache (fid, grammar_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.decoders[ctx_name].tmp, prefix='grammar.') os.close(fid) with open(grammar_file, 'w') as output: for rule in self.extractor.grammar(sentence, ctx_name): output.write('{}\n'.format(str(rule))) grammar_files = self.grammar_files[ctx_name] if len(grammar_files) == self.cache_size: rm_sent = grammar_files.popleft() # If not already removed by learn method if rm_sent in grammar_dict: rm_grammar = grammar_dict.pop(rm_sent) os.remove(rm_grammar) grammar_files.append(sentence) grammar_dict[sentence] = grammar_file self.extractor_lock.release() return grammar_file def translate(self, sentence, ctx_name=None): '''Decode a sentence (inc extracting a grammar if needed) Threadsafe, FIFO''' lock = self.ctx_locks[ctx_name] lock.acquire() self.lazy_ctx(ctx_name) # Empty in, empty out if sentence.strip() == '': lock.release() return '' if self.norm: sentence = self.tokenize(sentence) logger.info('({}) Normalized input: {}'.format(ctx_name, sentence)) grammar_file = self.grammar(sentence, ctx_name) decoder = self.decoders[ctx_name] start_time = time.time() hyp = decoder.decoder.decode(sentence, grammar_file) stop_time = time.time() logger.info('({}) Translation time: {} seconds'.format(ctx_name, stop_time - start_time)) # Empty reference: HPYPLM does not learn prior to next translation decoder.ref_fifo.write('\n') decoder.ref_fifo.flush() if self.norm: logger.info('({}) Normalized translation: {}'.format(ctx_name, hyp)) hyp = self.detokenize(hyp) lock.release() return hyp def tokenize(self, line): self.tokenizer_lock.acquire() self.tokenizer.stdin.write('{}\n'.format(line)) tok_line = self.tokenizer.stdout.readline().strip() self.tokenizer_lock.release() return tok_line def detokenize(self, line): self.detokenizer_lock.acquire() self.detokenizer.stdin.write('{}\n'.format(line)) detok_line = self.detokenizer.stdout.readline().strip() self.detokenizer_lock.release() return detok_line def command_line(self, line, ctx_name=None): # COMMAND [ctx_name] ||| arg1 [||| arg2 ...] args = [f.strip() for f in line.split('|||')] if args[-1] == '': args = args[:-1] if len(args) > 0: cmd_name = args[0].split() # ctx_name provided if len(cmd_name) == 2: (cmd_name, ctx_name) = cmd_name # ctx_name default/passed else: cmd_name = cmd_name[0] (command, nargs) = self.COMMANDS.get(cmd_name, (None, None)) if command and len(args[1:]) in nargs: logger.info('({}) {} ||| {}'.format(ctx_name, cmd_name, ' ||| '.join(args[1:]))) return command(*args[1:], ctx_name=ctx_name) logger.info('ERROR: command: {}'.format(' ||| '.join(args))) def learn(self, source, target, ctx_name=None): '''Learn from training instance (inc extracting grammar if needed) Threadsafe, FIFO''' lock = self.ctx_locks[ctx_name] lock.acquire() self.lazy_ctx(ctx_name) if '' in (source.strip(), target.strip()): logger.info('({}) ERROR: empty source or target: {} ||| {}'.format(ctx_name, source, target)) lock.release() return if self.norm: source = self.tokenize(source) target = self.tokenize(target) # Align instance alignment = self.aligner.align(source, target) grammar_file = self.grammar(source, ctx_name) # MIRA update before adding data to grammar extractor decoder = self.decoders[ctx_name] mira_log = decoder.decoder.update(source, grammar_file, target) logger.info('({}) MIRA HBF: {}'.format(ctx_name, mira_log)) # Add to HPYPLM by writing to fifo (read on next translation) logger.info('({}) Adding to HPYPLM: {}'.format(ctx_name, target)) decoder.ref_fifo.write('{}\n'.format(target)) decoder.ref_fifo.flush() # Store incremental data for save/load self.ctx_data[ctx_name].append((source, target, alignment)) # Add aligned sentence pair to grammar extractor logger.info('({}) Adding to bitext: {} ||| {} ||| {}'.format(ctx_name, source, target, alignment)) self.extractor.add_instance(source, target, alignment, ctx_name) # Clear (old) cached grammar rm_grammar = self.grammar_dict[ctx_name].pop(source) os.remove(rm_grammar) lock.release() def save_state(self, file_or_stringio=None, ctx_name=None): '''Write state (several lines terminated by EOF line) to file, buffer, or stdout''' lock = self.ctx_locks[ctx_name] lock.acquire() self.lazy_ctx(ctx_name) ctx_data = self.ctx_data[ctx_name] # Filename, StringIO or None (stdout) if file_or_stringio: if isinstance(file_or_stringio, StringIO.StringIO): out = file_or_stringio else: out = open(file_or_stringio, 'w') else: out = sys.stdout logger.info('({}) Saving state with {} sentences'.format(ctx_name, len(ctx_data))) out.write('{}\n'.format(self.decoders[ctx_name].decoder.get_weights())) for (source, target, alignment) in ctx_data: out.write('{} ||| {} ||| {}\n'.format(source, target, alignment)) out.write('EOF\n') # Close if file if file_or_stringio and not isinstance(file_or_stringio, StringIO.StringIO): out.close() lock.release() def load_state(self, file_or_stringio=None, ctx_name=None): '''Load state (several lines terminated by EOF line) from file, buffer, or stdin. Restarts context on any error.''' lock = self.ctx_locks[ctx_name] lock.acquire() self.lazy_ctx(ctx_name) ctx_data = self.ctx_data[ctx_name] decoder = self.decoders[ctx_name] # Filename, StringIO, or None (stdin) if file_or_stringio: if isinstance(file_or_stringio, StringIO.StringIO): input = file_or_stringio.getvalue() else: input = open(file_or_stringio) else: input = sys.stdin # Non-initial load error if ctx_data: logger.info('({}) ERROR: Incremental data has already been added to context'.format(ctx_name)) logger.info(' State can only be loaded to a new context.') lock.release() return # Many things can go wrong if bad state data is given try: # MIRA weights line = input.readline().strip() # Throws exception if bad line decoder.decoder.set_weights(line) logger.info('({}) Loading state...'.format(ctx_name)) start_time = time.time() # Lines source ||| target ||| alignment while True: line = input.readline() if not line: raise Exception('End of file before EOF line') line = line.strip() if line == 'EOF': break (source, target, alignment) = line.split(' ||| ') ctx_data.append((source, target, alignment)) # Extractor self.extractor.add_instance(source, target, alignment, ctx_name) # HPYPLM hyp = decoder.decoder.decode(LIKELY_OOV) decoder.ref_fifo.write('{}\n'.format(target)) decoder.ref_fifo.flush() stop_time = time.time() logger.info('({}) Loaded state with {} sentences in {} seconds'.format(ctx_name, len(ctx_data), stop_time - start_time)) lock.release() # Recover from bad load attempt by restarting context. # Guaranteed not to cause data loss since only a new context can load state. except: logger.info('({}) ERROR: could not load state, restarting context'.format(ctx_name)) # ctx_name is already owned and needs to be restarted before other blocking threads use self.drop_ctx(ctx_name, force=True) self.lazy_ctx(ctx_name) lock.release()