cimport hypergraph cimport kbest cdef class Hypergraph: cdef hypergraph.Hypergraph* hg cdef MT19937* rng def __dealloc__(self): del self.hg if self.rng != NULL: del self.rng cdef MT19937* _rng(self): if self.rng == NULL: self.rng = new MT19937() return self.rng def viterbi(self): """hg.viterbi() -> String for the best hypothesis in the hypergraph.""" cdef vector[WordID] trans hypergraph.ViterbiESentence(self.hg[0], &trans) return unicode(GetString(trans).c_str(), 'utf8') def viterbi_trees(self): """hg.viterbi_trees() -> (f_tree, e_tree) f_tree: Source tree for the best hypothesis in the hypergraph. e_tree: Target tree for the best hypothesis in the hypergraph. """ f_tree = unicode(hypergraph.ViterbiFTree(self.hg[0]).c_str(), 'utf8') e_tree = unicode(hypergraph.ViterbiETree(self.hg[0]).c_str(), 'utf8') return (f_tree, e_tree) def viterbi_features(self): """hg.viterbi_features() -> SparseVector with the features corresponding to the best derivation in the hypergraph.""" cdef SparseVector fmap = SparseVector.__new__(SparseVector) fmap.vector = new FastSparseVector[weight_t](hypergraph.ViterbiFeatures(self.hg[0])) return fmap def viterbi_forest(self): cdef Hypergraph hg = Hypergraph() hg.hg = new hypergraph.Hypergraph(self.hg[0].CreateViterbiHypergraph(NULL).get()[0]) return hg def viterbi_joshua(self): """hg.viterbi_joshua() -> Joshua representation of the best derivation.""" return unicode(hypergraph.JoshuaVisualizationString(self.hg[0]).c_str(), 'utf8') def kbest(self, size): """hg.kbest(size) -> List of k-best hypotheses in the hypergraph.""" cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.ESentenceTraversal]* derivations = new kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.ESentenceTraversal](self.hg[0], size) cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.ESentenceTraversal].Derivation* derivation cdef unsigned k try: for k in range(size): derivation = derivations.LazyKthBest(self.hg.nodes_.size() - 1, k) if not derivation: break yield unicode(GetString(derivation._yield).c_str(), 'utf8') finally: del derivations def kbest_trees(self, size): """hg.kbest_trees(size) -> List of k-best trees in the hypergraph.""" cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.FTreeTraversal]* f_derivations = new kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.FTreeTraversal](self.hg[0], size) cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.FTreeTraversal].Derivation* f_derivation cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.ETreeTraversal]* e_derivations = new kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.ETreeTraversal](self.hg[0], size) cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[vector[WordID], kbest.ETreeTraversal].Derivation* e_derivation cdef unsigned k try: for k in range(size): f_derivation = f_derivations.LazyKthBest(self.hg.nodes_.size() - 1, k) e_derivation = e_derivations.LazyKthBest(self.hg.nodes_.size() - 1, k) if not f_derivation or not e_derivation: break f_tree = unicode(GetString(f_derivation._yield).c_str(), 'utf8') e_tree = unicode(GetString(e_derivation._yield).c_str(), 'utf8') yield (f_tree, e_tree) finally: del f_derivations del e_derivations def kbest_features(self, size): """hg.kbest_trees(size) -> List of k-best feature vectors in the hypergraph.""" cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[FastSparseVector[weight_t], kbest.FeatureVectorTraversal]* derivations = new kbest.KBestDerivations[FastSparseVector[weight_t], kbest.FeatureVectorTraversal](self.hg[0], size) cdef kbest.KBestDerivations[FastSparseVector[weight_t], kbest.FeatureVectorTraversal].Derivation* derivation cdef SparseVector fmap cdef unsigned k try: for k in range(size): derivation = derivations.LazyKthBest(self.hg.nodes_.size() - 1, k) if not derivation: break fmap = SparseVector.__new__(SparseVector) fmap.vector = new FastSparseVector[weight_t](derivation._yield) yield fmap finally: del derivations def sample(self, unsigned n): """hg.sample(n) -> Sample of n hypotheses from the hypergraph.""" cdef vector[hypergraph.Hypothesis]* hypos = new vector[hypergraph.Hypothesis]() hypergraph.sample_hypotheses(self.hg[0], n, self._rng(), hypos) cdef unsigned k try: for k in range(hypos.size()): yield unicode(GetString(hypos[0][k].words).c_str(), 'utf8') finally: del hypos def sample_trees(self, unsigned n): """hg.sample_trees(n) -> Sample of n trees from the hypergraph.""" cdef vector[string]* trees = new vector[string]() hypergraph.sample_trees(self.hg[0], n, self._rng(), trees) cdef unsigned k try: for k in range(trees.size()): yield unicode(trees[0][k].c_str(), 'utf8') finally: del trees def intersect(self, inp): """hg.intersect(Lattice/string): Intersect the hypergraph with the provided reference.""" cdef Lattice lat if isinstance(inp, Lattice): lat = <Lattice> inp elif isinstance(inp, basestring): lat = Lattice(inp) else: raise TypeError('cannot intersect hypergraph with %s' % type(inp)) return hypergraph.Intersect(lat.lattice[0], self.hg) def prune(self, beam_alpha=0, density=0, **kwargs): """hg.prune(beam_alpha=0, density=0): Prune the hypergraph. beam_alpha: use beam pruning density: use density pruning""" cdef hypergraph.EdgeMask* preserve_mask = NULL if 'csplit_preserve_full_word' in kwargs: preserve_mask = new hypergraph.EdgeMask(self.hg.edges_.size()) preserve_mask[0][hypergraph.GetFullWordEdgeIndex(self.hg[0])] = True self.hg.PruneInsideOutside(beam_alpha, density, preserve_mask, False, 1, False) if preserve_mask: del preserve_mask def lattice(self): # TODO direct hg -> lattice conversion in cdec """hg.lattice() -> Lattice corresponding to the hypergraph.""" cdef bytes plf = hypergraph.AsPLF(self.hg[0], True).c_str() return Lattice(eval(plf)) def plf(self): """hg.plf() -> Lattice PLF representation corresponding to the hypergraph.""" return bytes(hypergraph.AsPLF(self.hg[0], True).c_str()) def reweight(self, weights): """hg.reweight(SparseVector/DenseVector): Reweight the hypergraph with a new vector.""" if isinstance(weights, SparseVector): self.hg.Reweight((<SparseVector> weights).vector[0]) elif isinstance(weights, DenseVector): self.hg.Reweight((<DenseVector> weights).vector[0]) else: raise TypeError('cannot reweight hypergraph with %s' % type(weights)) property edges: def __get__(self): cdef unsigned i for i in range(self.hg.edges_.size()): yield HypergraphEdge().init(self.hg, i) property nodes: def __get__(self): cdef unsigned i for i in range(self.hg.nodes_.size()): yield HypergraphNode().init(self.hg, i) property goal: def __get__(self): return HypergraphNode().init(self.hg, self.hg.GoalNode()) property npaths: def __get__(self): return self.hg.NumberOfPaths() def inside_outside(self): """hg.inside_outside() -> SparseVector with inside-outside scores for each feature.""" cdef FastSparseVector[prob_t]* result = new FastSparseVector[prob_t]() cdef prob_t z = hypergraph.InsideOutside(self.hg[0], result) result[0] /= z cdef SparseVector vector = SparseVector.__new__(SparseVector) vector.vector = new FastSparseVector[double]() cdef FastSparseVector[prob_t].const_iterator* it = new FastSparseVector[prob_t].const_iterator(result[0], False) cdef unsigned i for i in range(result.size()): vector.vector.set_value(it[0].ptr().first, log(it[0].ptr().second)) pinc(it[0]) # ++it del it del result return vector cdef class HypergraphEdge: cdef hypergraph.Hypergraph* hg cdef hypergraph.HypergraphEdge* edge cdef public TRule trule cdef init(self, hypergraph.Hypergraph* hg, unsigned i): self.hg = hg self.edge = &hg.edges_[i] self.trule = TRule.__new__(TRule) self.trule.rule = new shared_ptr[grammar.TRule](self.edge.rule_) return self def __len__(self): return self.edge.tail_nodes_.size() property head_node: def __get__(self): return HypergraphNode().init(self.hg, self.edge.head_node_) property tail_nodes: def __get__(self): cdef unsigned i for i in range(self.edge.tail_nodes_.size()): yield HypergraphNode().init(self.hg, self.edge.tail_nodes_[i]) property span: def __get__(self): return (self.edge.i_, self.edge.j_) property src_span: def __get__(self): return (self.edge.prev_i_, self.edge.prev_j_) property feature_values: def __get__(self): cdef SparseVector vector = SparseVector.__new__(SparseVector) vector.vector = new FastSparseVector[double](self.edge.feature_values_) return vector property prob: def __get__(self): return self.edge.edge_prob_.as_float() def __richcmp__(HypergraphEdge x, HypergraphEdge y, int op): if op == 2: # == return x.edge == y.edge elif op == 3: # != return not (x == y) raise NotImplemented('comparison not implemented for HypergraphEdge') cdef class HypergraphNode: cdef hypergraph.Hypergraph* hg cdef hypergraph.HypergraphNode* node cdef init(self, hypergraph.Hypergraph* hg, unsigned i): self.hg = hg self.node = &hg.nodes_[i] return self property id: def __get__(self): return self.node.id_ property in_edges: def __get__(self): cdef unsigned i for i in range(self.node.in_edges_.size()): yield HypergraphEdge().init(self.hg, self.node.in_edges_[i]) property out_edges: def __get__(self): cdef unsigned i for i in range(self.node.out_edges_.size()): yield HypergraphEdge().init(self.hg, self.node.out_edges_[i]) property span: def __get__(self): return next(self.in_edges).span property cat: def __get__(self): if self.node.cat_: return str(TDConvert(-self.node.cat_).c_str()) def __richcmp__(HypergraphNode x, HypergraphNode y, int op): if op == 2: # == return x.node == y.node elif op == 3: # != return not (x == y) raise NotImplemented('comparison not implemented for HypergraphNode')