#ifndef UTIL_JOINT_SORT__ #define UTIL_JOINT_SORT__ /* A terrifying amount of C++ to coax std::sort into soring one range while * also permuting another range the same way. */ #include "util/proxy_iterator.hh" #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <iostream> namespace util { namespace detail { template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter> class JointProxy; template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter> class JointIter { public: JointIter() {} JointIter(const KeyIter &key_iter, const ValueIter &value_iter) : key_(key_iter), value_(value_iter) {} bool operator==(const JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> &other) const { return key_ == other.key_; } bool operator<(const JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> &other) const { return (key_ < other.key_); } std::ptrdiff_t operator-(const JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> &other) const { return key_ - other.key_; } JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> &operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t amount) { key_ += amount; value_ += amount; return *this; } void swap(const JointIter &other) { std::swap(key_, other.key_); std::swap(value_, other.value_); } private: friend class JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter>; KeyIter key_; ValueIter value_; }; template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter> class JointProxy { private: typedef JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> InnerIterator; public: typedef struct { typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIter>::value_type key; typename std::iterator_traits<ValueIter>::value_type value; const typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIter>::value_type &GetKey() const { return key; } } value_type; JointProxy(const KeyIter &key_iter, const ValueIter &value_iter) : inner_(key_iter, value_iter) {} JointProxy(const JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter> &other) : inner_(other.inner_) {} operator const value_type() const { value_type ret; ret.key = *inner_.key_; ret.value = *inner_.value_; return ret; } JointProxy &operator=(const JointProxy &other) { *inner_.key_ = *other.inner_.key_; *inner_.value_ = *other.inner_.value_; return *this; } JointProxy &operator=(const value_type &other) { *inner_.key_ = other.key; *inner_.value_ = other.value; return *this; } typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIter>::reference GetKey() const { return *(inner_.key_); } void swap(JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter> &other) { std::swap(*inner_.key_, *other.inner_.key_); std::swap(*inner_.value_, *other.inner_.value_); } private: friend class ProxyIterator<JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter> >; InnerIterator &Inner() { return inner_; } const InnerIterator &Inner() const { return inner_; } InnerIterator inner_; }; template <class Proxy, class Less> class LessWrapper : public std::binary_function<const typename Proxy::value_type &, const typename Proxy::value_type &, bool> { public: explicit LessWrapper(const Less &less) : less_(less) {} bool operator()(const Proxy &left, const Proxy &right) const { return less_(left.GetKey(), right.GetKey()); } bool operator()(const Proxy &left, const typename Proxy::value_type &right) const { return less_(left.GetKey(), right.GetKey()); } bool operator()(const typename Proxy::value_type &left, const Proxy &right) const { return less_(left.GetKey(), right.GetKey()); } bool operator()(const typename Proxy::value_type &left, const typename Proxy::value_type &right) const { return less_(left.GetKey(), right.GetKey()); } private: const Less less_; }; } // namespace detail template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter, class Less> void JointSort(const KeyIter &key_begin, const KeyIter &key_end, const ValueIter &value_begin, const Less &less) { ProxyIterator<detail::JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter> > full_begin(detail::JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter>(key_begin, value_begin)); detail::LessWrapper<detail::JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter>, Less> less_wrap(less); std::sort(full_begin, full_begin + (key_end - key_begin), less_wrap); } template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter> void JointSort(const KeyIter &key_begin, const KeyIter &key_end, const ValueIter &value_begin) { JointSort(key_begin, key_end, value_begin, std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIter>::value_type>()); } } // namespace util namespace std { template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter> void swap(util::detail::JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> &left, util::detail::JointIter<KeyIter, ValueIter> &right) { left.swap(right); } template <class KeyIter, class ValueIter> void swap(util::detail::JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter> &left, util::detail::JointProxy<KeyIter, ValueIter> &right) { left.swap(right); } } // namespace std #endif // UTIL_JOINT_SORT__