#ifndef LM_VALUE_BUILD_H #define LM_VALUE_BUILD_H #include "lm/weights.hh" #include "lm/word_index.hh" #include "util/bit_packing.hh" #include <vector> namespace lm { namespace ngram { struct Config; struct BackoffValue; struct RestValue; class NoRestBuild { public: typedef BackoffValue Value; NoRestBuild() {} void SetRest(const WordIndex *, unsigned int, const Prob &/*prob*/) const {} void SetRest(const WordIndex *, unsigned int, const ProbBackoff &) const {} template <class Second> bool MarkExtends(ProbBackoff &weights, const Second &) const { util::UnsetSign(weights.prob); return false; } // Probing doesn't need to go back to unigram. const static bool kMarkEvenLower = false; }; class MaxRestBuild { public: typedef RestValue Value; MaxRestBuild() {} void SetRest(const WordIndex *, unsigned int, const Prob &/*prob*/) const {} void SetRest(const WordIndex *, unsigned int, RestWeights &weights) const { weights.rest = weights.prob; util::SetSign(weights.rest); } bool MarkExtends(RestWeights &weights, const RestWeights &to) const { util::UnsetSign(weights.prob); if (weights.rest >= to.rest) return false; weights.rest = to.rest; return true; } bool MarkExtends(RestWeights &weights, const Prob &to) const { util::UnsetSign(weights.prob); if (weights.rest >= to.prob) return false; weights.rest = to.prob; return true; } // Probing does need to go back to unigram. const static bool kMarkEvenLower = true; }; template <class Model> class LowerRestBuild { public: typedef RestValue Value; LowerRestBuild(const Config &config, unsigned int order, const typename Model::Vocabulary &vocab); ~LowerRestBuild(); void SetRest(const WordIndex *, unsigned int, const Prob &/*prob*/) const {} void SetRest(const WordIndex *vocab_ids, unsigned int n, RestWeights &weights) const { typename Model::State ignored; if (n == 1) { weights.rest = unigrams_[*vocab_ids]; } else { weights.rest = models_[n-2]->FullScoreForgotState(vocab_ids + 1, vocab_ids + n, *vocab_ids, ignored).prob; } } template <class Second> bool MarkExtends(RestWeights &weights, const Second &) const { util::UnsetSign(weights.prob); return false; } const static bool kMarkEvenLower = false; std::vector<float> unigrams_; std::vector<const Model*> models_; }; } // namespace ngram } // namespace lm #endif // LM_VALUE_BUILD_H