#include "lm/model.hh"

#include <stdlib.h>

#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE ModelTest
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/floating_point_comparison.hpp>

namespace lm {
namespace ngram {

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const State &state) {
  o << "State length " << static_cast<unsigned int>(state.valid_length_) << ':';
  for (const WordIndex *i = state.history_; i < state.history_ + state.valid_length_; ++i) {
    o << ' ' << *i;
  return o;

namespace {

#define StartTest(word, ngram, score) \
  ret = model.FullScore( \
      state, \
      model.GetVocabulary().Index(word), \
  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(score, ret.prob, 0.001); \
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<unsigned int>(ngram), ret.ngram_length); \
  BOOST_CHECK_GE(std::min<unsigned char>(ngram, 5 - 1), out.valid_length_); \
    WordIndex context[state.valid_length_ + 1]; \
    context[0] = model.GetVocabulary().Index(word); \
    std::copy(state.history_, state.history_ + state.valid_length_, context + 1); \
    State get_state; \
    model.GetState(context, context + state.valid_length_ + 1, get_state); \
    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(out, get_state); \

#define AppendTest(word, ngram, score) \
  StartTest(word, ngram, score) \
  state = out;

template <class M> void Starters(const M &model) {
  FullScoreReturn ret;
  Model::State state(model.BeginSentenceState());
  Model::State out;

  StartTest("looking", 2, -0.4846522);

  // , probability plus <s> backoff
  StartTest(",", 1, -1.383514 + -0.4149733);
  // <unk> probability plus <s> backoff
  StartTest("this_is_not_found", 1, -1.995635 + -0.4149733);

template <class M> void Continuation(const M &model) {
  FullScoreReturn ret;
  Model::State state(model.BeginSentenceState());
  Model::State out;

  AppendTest("looking", 2, -0.484652);
  AppendTest("on", 3, -0.348837);
  AppendTest("a", 4, -0.0155266);
  AppendTest("little", 5, -0.00306122);
  State preserve = state;
  AppendTest("the", 1, -4.04005);
  AppendTest("biarritz", 1, -1.9889);
  AppendTest("not_found", 1, -2.29666);
  AppendTest("more", 1, -1.20632 - 20.0);
  AppendTest(".", 2, -0.51363);
  AppendTest("</s>", 3, -0.0191651);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, state.valid_length_);

  state = preserve;
  AppendTest("more", 5, -0.00181395);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4, state.valid_length_);
  AppendTest("loin", 5, -0.0432557);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, state.valid_length_);

template <class M> void Blanks(const M &model) {
  FullScoreReturn ret;
  State state(model.NullContextState());
  State out;
  AppendTest("also", 1, -1.687872);
  AppendTest("would", 2, -2);
  AppendTest("consider", 3, -3);
  State preserve = state;
  AppendTest("higher", 4, -4);
  AppendTest("looking", 5, -5);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, state.valid_length_);

  state = preserve;
  AppendTest("not_found", 1, -1.995635 - 7.0 - 0.30103);

  state = model.NullContextState();
  // higher looking is a blank.  
  AppendTest("higher", 1, -1.509559);
  AppendTest("looking", 1, -1.285941 - 0.30103);
  AppendTest("not_found", 1, -1.995635 - 0.4771212);

template <class M> void Unknowns(const M &model) {
  FullScoreReturn ret;
  State state(model.NullContextState());
  State out;

  AppendTest("not_found", 1, -1.995635);
  State preserve = state;
  AppendTest("not_found2", 2, -15.0);
  AppendTest("not_found3", 2, -15.0 - 2.0);
  state = preserve;
  AppendTest("however", 2, -4);
  AppendTest("not_found3", 3, -6);

template <class M> void MinimalState(const M &model) {
  FullScoreReturn ret;
  State state(model.NullContextState());
  State out;

  AppendTest("baz", 1, -6.535897);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, state.valid_length_);
  state = model.NullContextState();
  AppendTest("foo", 1, -3.141592);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, state.valid_length_);
  AppendTest("bar", 2, -6.0);
  // Has to include the backoff weight.  
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, state.valid_length_);
  AppendTest("bar", 1, -2.718281 + 3.0);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, state.valid_length_);

  state = model.NullContextState();
  AppendTest("to", 1, -1.687872);
  AppendTest("look", 2, -0.2922095);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, state.valid_length_);
  AppendTest("good", 3, -7);

#define StatelessTest(word, provide, ngram, score) \
  ret = model.FullScoreForgotState(indices + num_words - word, indices + num_words - word + provide, indices[num_words - word - 1], state); \
  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(score, ret.prob, 0.001); \
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<unsigned int>(ngram), ret.ngram_length); \
  model.GetState(indices + num_words - word, indices + num_words - word + provide, before); \
  ret = model.FullScore(before, indices[num_words - word - 1], out); \
  BOOST_CHECK(state == out); \
  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(score, ret.prob, 0.001); \
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<unsigned int>(ngram), ret.ngram_length);

template <class M> void Stateless(const M &model) {
  const char *words[] = {"<s>", "looking", "on", "a", "little", "the", "biarritz", "not_found", "more", ".", "</s>"};
  const size_t num_words = sizeof(words) / sizeof(const char*);
  // Silience "array subscript is above array bounds" when extracting end pointer.
  WordIndex indices[num_words + 1];
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_words; ++i) {
    indices[num_words - 1 - i] = model.GetVocabulary().Index(words[i]);
  FullScoreReturn ret;
  State state, out, before;

  ret = model.FullScoreForgotState(indices + num_words - 1, indices + num_words, indices[num_words - 2], state);
  BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(-0.484652, ret.prob, 0.001);
  StatelessTest(1, 1, 2, -0.484652);

  // looking
  StatelessTest(1, 2, 2, -0.484652);
  // on
  AppendTest("on", 3, -0.348837);
  StatelessTest(2, 3, 3, -0.348837);
  StatelessTest(2, 2, 3, -0.348837);
  StatelessTest(2, 1, 2, -0.4638903);
  // a
  StatelessTest(3, 4, 4, -0.0155266);
  // little
  AppendTest("little", 5, -0.00306122);
  StatelessTest(4, 5, 5, -0.00306122);
  // the
  AppendTest("the", 1, -4.04005);
  StatelessTest(5, 5, 1, -4.04005);
  // No context of the.  
  StatelessTest(5, 0, 1, -1.687872);
  // biarritz
  StatelessTest(6, 1, 1, -1.9889);
  // not found
  StatelessTest(7, 1, 1, -2.29666);
  StatelessTest(7, 0, 1, -1.995635);

  WordIndex unk[1];
  unk[0] = 0;
  model.GetState(unk, unk + 1, state);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, state.valid_length_);
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(static_cast<WordIndex>(0), state.history_[0]);

template <class M> void Everything(const M &m) {

class ExpectEnumerateVocab : public EnumerateVocab {
    ExpectEnumerateVocab() {}

    void Add(WordIndex index, const StringPiece &str) {
      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(seen.size(), index);
      seen.push_back(std::string(str.data(), str.length()));

    void Check(const base::Vocabulary &vocab) {
      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(37ULL, seen.size());
      BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL("<unk>", seen[0]);
      for (WordIndex i = 0; i < seen.size(); ++i) {
        BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(i, vocab.Index(seen[i]));

    void Clear() {

    std::vector<std::string> seen;

template <class ModelT> void LoadingTest() {
  Config config;
  config.arpa_complain = Config::NONE;
  config.messages = NULL;
  ExpectEnumerateVocab enumerate;
  config.enumerate_vocab = &enumerate;
  config.probing_multiplier = 2.0;
  ModelT m("test.arpa", config);



template <class ModelT> void BinaryTest() {
  Config config;
  config.write_mmap = "test.binary";
  config.messages = NULL;
  ExpectEnumerateVocab enumerate;
  config.enumerate_vocab = &enumerate;

    ModelT copy_model("test.arpa", config);

  config.write_mmap = NULL;

  ModelT binary("test.binary", config);

BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(write_and_read_probing) {
/*BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(write_and_read_sorted) {
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(write_and_read_trie) {

} // namespace
} // namespace ngram
} // namespace lm