/* Copyright Vladimir Prus 2003. Distributed under the Boost */
/* Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying */
/* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */

#include "../native.h"
#include "../timestamp.h"
#include "../newstr.h"
#include "../strings.h"
#include "../lists.h"
#include "../variable.h"
#include "../compile.h"

LIST* get_grist(char* f)
    char* end = strchr(f, '>');
    string s[1];
    LIST* result;


    string_append_range(s, f, end+1);
    result = list_new(0, newstr(s->value));

    return result;

rule create ( raw-properties * )
    raw-properties = [ sequence.unique
        [ sequence.insertion-sort $(raw-properties) ] ] ;

    local key = $(raw-properties:J=-:E=) ;

    if ! $(.ps.$(key))
        .ps.$(key) = [ new property-set $(raw-properties) ] ;
    return $(.ps.$(key)) ;

LIST *property_set_create( PARSE *parse, FRAME *frame )
    LIST* properties = lol_get( frame->args, 0 );
    LIST* sorted = 0;
#if 0
    LIST* order_sensitive = 0;
    LIST* unique;
    LIST* tmp;
    LIST* val;
    string var[1];

#if 0
    /* Sort all properties which are not order sensitive */
    for(tmp = properties; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
        LIST* g = get_grist(tmp->string);
        LIST* att = call_rule("feature.attributes", frame, g, 0);
        if (list_in(att, "order-sensitive")) {
            order_sensitive = list_new( order_sensitive, tmp->string);
        } else {
            sorted = list_new( sorted, tmp->string);

    sorted = list_sort(sorted);
    sorted = list_append(sorted, order_sensitive);
    unique = list_unique(sorted);
    sorted = list_sort(properties);
    unique = list_unique(sorted);

    string_append(var, ".ps.");

    for(tmp = unique; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
        string_append(var, tmp->string);
        string_push_back(var, '-');
    val = var_get(var->value);
    if (val == 0)
        val = call_rule("new", frame,
                        list_append(list_new(0, "property-set"), unique), 0);

        var_set(newstr(var->value), list_copy(0, val), VAR_SET);
        val = list_copy(0, val);

    /* The 'unique' variable is freed in 'call_rule'. */

    return val;


void init_property_set()
        char* args[] = { "raw-properties", "*", 0 };
        declare_native_rule("property-set", "create", args, property_set_create, 1);