    Copyright Rene Rivera 2005.
    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#ifndef BJAM_DEBUG_H
#define BJAM_DEBUG_H

#include "jam.h"
#include <time.h>

struct profile_info
    /* name of rule being called */
    char* name;
    /* cumulative time spent in rule */
    clock_t cumulative;
    /* time spent in rule proper */
    clock_t net;
    /* number of time rule was entered */
    unsigned long num_entries;
    /* number of the times this function is present in stack */
    unsigned long stack_count;
    /* bytes of memory allocated by the call */
    unsigned long memory;
typedef struct profile_info profile_info;

struct profile_frame
    /* permanent storage where data accumulates */
    profile_info* info;
    /* overhead for profiling in this call */
    clock_t overhead;
    /* time of last entry to rule */
    clock_t entry_time;
    /* stack frame of caller */
    struct profile_frame* caller;
    /* time spent in subrules */
    clock_t subrules;
typedef struct profile_frame profile_frame;

profile_frame * profile_init( char * rulename, profile_frame * frame );
void profile_enter( char* rulename, profile_frame * frame );
void profile_memory( long mem );
void profile_exit( profile_frame * frame );
void profile_dump();

#define PROFILE_ENTER( scope ) profile_frame PROF_ ## scope, *PROF_ ## scope ## _p = profile_init( #scope, &PROF_ ## scope )
#define PROFILE_EXIT( scope ) profile_exit( PROF_ ## scope ## _p )
