# Copyright Gennadiy Rozental
# Copyright 2006 Rene Rivera 
# Copyright 2003, 2004, 2006 Vladimir Prus 
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) 

# The STLPort is usable by means of 'stdlib' feature. When
# stdlib=stlport is specified, default version of STLPort will be used,
# while stdlib=stlport-4.5 will use specific version.
# The subfeature value 'hostios' means to use host compiler's iostreams.
# The specific version of stlport is selected by features:
# The <runtime-link> feature selects between static and shared library
# The <runtime-debugging>on selects STLPort with debug symbols
# and stl debugging.
# There's no way to use STLPort with debug symbols but without
# stl debugging.

# TODO: must implement selection of different STLPort installations based
# on used toolset.
# Also, finish various flags:
# This is copied from V1 toolset, "+" means "implemented"
#+flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-extensions>off : _STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-anachronisms>off : _STLP_NO_ANACHRONISMS=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-cstd-namespace>global : _STLP_VENDOR_GLOBAL_CSTD=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <exception-handling>off : _STLP_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 ;
# flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <stlport-debug-alloc>on : _STLP_DEBUG_ALLOC=1 ;
#+flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <runtime-build>debug : _STLP_DEBUG=1 _STLP_DEBUG_UNINITIALIZED=1 ;
#+flags $(CURR_TOOLSET) DEFINES <runtime-link>dynamic : _STLP_USE_DYNAMIC_LIB=1 ;

import feature : feature subfeature ;
import project ;
import "class" : new ;
import targets ;
import property-set ;
import common ;
import type ;

# Make this module into a project.
project.initialize $(__name__) ;
project stlport ;

# The problem: how to request to use host compiler's iostreams?
# Solution 1: Global 'stlport-iostream' feature.
#    That's ugly. Subfeature make more sense for stlport-specific thing.
# Solution 2: Use subfeature with two values, one of which ("use STLPort iostream")
#     is default.
#    The problem is that such subfeature will appear in target paths, and that's ugly
# Solution 3: Use optional subfeature with only one value.

feature.extend stdlib : stlport ;
feature.compose <stdlib>stlport : <library>/stlport//stlport ;

# STLport iostreams or native iostreams
subfeature stdlib stlport : iostream : hostios : optional propagated  ;

# STLport extensions
subfeature stdlib stlport : extensions : noext : optional propagated ;

# STLport anachronisms -- NOT YET SUPPORTED
# subfeature stdlib stlport : anachronisms : on off ;

# STLport debug allocation -- NOT YET SUPPORTED
#subfeature stdlib stlport : debug-alloc : off on ;

# Declare a special target class to handle the creation of search-lib-target
# instances for STLport. We need a special class, because otherwise we'll have
# - declare prebuilt targets for all possible toolsets. And by the time 'init'
#   is called we don't even know the list of toolsets that are registered
# - when host iostreams are used, we really should produce nothing. It would
#   be hard/impossible to achieve this using prebuilt targets.

class stlport-target-class : basic-target
    import feature project type errors generators ;
    import set : difference ;

    rule __init__ ( project : headers ? : libraries * :  version ? )
        basic-target.__init__ stlport : $(project) ;
        self.headers = $(headers) ;
        self.libraries = $(libraries) ;
        self.version = $(version) ;
        self.version.5 = [ MATCH "^(5[.][0123456789]+).*" : $(version) ] ;
        local requirements ;
        requirements += <stdlib-stlport:version>$(self.version) ;
        self.requirements = [ property-set.create $(requirements) ] ;

    rule generate ( property-set )
        # Since this target is built with <stdlib>stlport, it will also
        # have <library>/stlport//stlport in requirements, which will
        # cause a loop in main target references. Remove that property
        # manually.

        property-set = [ property-set.create
            [ difference
                [ $(property-set).raw ] :
            ] ;
        return [ basic-target.generate $(property-set) ] ;

    rule construct ( name : source-targets * : property-set )
        # Deduce the name of stlport library, based on toolset and
        # debug setting.
        local raw = [ $(property-set).raw ] ;
        local hostios = [ feature.get-values <stdlib-stlport:iostream> : $(raw) ] ;
        local toolset = [ feature.get-values <toolset> : $(raw) ] ;

        if $(self.version.5)
            # Version 5.x
            # STLport host IO streams no longer supported. So we always 
            # need libraries.
            # name: stlport(stl)?[dg]?(_static)?.M.R
            local name = stlport ;
            if [ feature.get-values <runtime-debugging> : $(raw) ] = "on"
                name += stl ;
                switch $(toolset)
                    case gcc* : name += g ;
                    case darwin* : name += g ;
                    case * : name += d ;

            if [ feature.get-values <runtime-link> : $(raw) ] = "static"
                name += _static ;

            # Starting with version 5.2.0, the STLport static libraries no longer
            #  include a version number in their name
            local version.pre.5.2 = [ MATCH "^(5[.][01]+).*" : $(version) ] ;
            if $(version.pre.5.2) || [ feature.get-values <runtime-link> : $(raw) ] != "static" 
                name += .$(self.version.5) ;
            name = $(name:J=) ;
            if [ feature.get-values <install-dependencies> : $(raw) ] = "on"
                #~ Allow explicitly asking to install the STLport lib by
                #~ refering to it directly: /stlport//stlport/<install-dependencies>on
                #~ This allows for install packaging of all libs one might need for
                #~ a standalone distribution.
                import path : make : path-make ;
                local runtime-link
                    = [ feature.get-values <runtime-link> : $(raw) ] ;
                local lib-file.props
                    = [ property-set.create $(raw) <link>$(runtime-link) ] ;
                local lib-file.prefix
                    = [ type.generated-target-prefix $(runtime-link:U)_LIB : $(lib-file.props) ] ;
                local lib-file.suffix
                    = [ type.generated-target-suffix $(runtime-link:U)_LIB : $(lib-file.props) ] ;
                    ?= "" "lib" ;
                    ?= "" ;
                local lib-file
                    = [ GLOB $(self.libraries) [ modules.peek : PATH ] :
                        $(lib-file.prefix)$(name).$(lib-file.suffix) ] ;
                    = [ new file-reference [ path-make $(lib-file[1]) ] : $(self.project) ] ;
                    = [ $(lib-file).generate "" ] ;
                local lib-file.requirements
                    = [ targets.main-target-requirements
                        [ $(lib-file.props).raw ] <file>$(lib-file[-1])
                        : $(self.project) ] ;
                return [ generators.construct $(self.project) $(name) : LIB : $(lib-file.requirements) ] ;
                #~ Otherwise, it's just a regular usage of the library.
                return [ generators.construct
                    $(self.project) $(name) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
        else if ! $(hostios) && $(toolset) != msvc
            # We don't need libraries if host istreams are used. For
            # msvc, automatic library selection will be used.
            # name: stlport_<toolset>(_stldebug)?
            local name = stlport ;
            name = $(name)_$(toolset) ;
            if [ feature.get-values <runtime-debugging> : $(raw) ] = "on"
                name = $(name)_stldebug ;

            return [ generators.construct
                $(self.project) $(name) : SEARCHED_LIB : $(property-set) ] ;
            return [ property-set.empty ] ;

    rule compute-usage-requirements ( subvariant )
        local usage-requirements =

        local rproperties = [ $(subvariant).build-properties ] ;
        # CONSIDER: should this "if" sequence be replaced with
        # some use of 'property-map' class?
        if [ $(rproperties).get <runtime-debugging> ] = "on"
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_DEBUG_UNINITIALIZED=1 ;
        if [ $(rproperties).get <runtime-link> ] = "shared"
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_USE_DYNAMIC_LIB=1 ;
        if [ $(rproperties).get <stdlib-stlport:extensions> ] = noext
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS=1 ;
        if [ $(rproperties).get <stdlib-stlport:iostream> ] = hostios
            usage-requirements +=
                <define>_STLP_HAS_NO_NEW_IOSTREAMS=1 ;
        if $(self.version.5)
            # Version 5.x
            if [ $(rproperties).get <threading> ] = "single"
                # Since STLport5 doesn't normally support single-thread
                # we force STLport5 into the multi-thread mode. Hence
                # getting what other libs provide of single-thread code
                # linking against a multi-thread lib.
                usage-requirements +=
                    <define>_STLP_THREADS=1 ;
        return [ property-set.create $(usage-requirements) ] ;

rule stlport-target ( headers ? : libraries * : version ? )
    local project = [ project.current ] ;

      [ new stlport-target-class  $(project) : $(headers) : $(libraries)
        : $(version)
      ] ;

local .version-subfeature-defined ;

# Initialize stlport support.
rule init (
    version ? :
    headers   :     # Location of header files
    libraries *     # Location of libraries, lib and bin subdirs of STLport.
    # FIXME: need to use common.check-init-parameters here.
    # At the moment, that rule always tries to define subfeature
    # of the 'toolset' feature, while we need to define subfeature
    # of <stdlib>stlport, so tweaks to check-init-parameters are needed.
    if $(version)
        if ! $(.version-subfeature-defined)
            feature.subfeature stdlib stlport : version : : propagated ;
            .version-subfeature-defined = true ;
        feature.extend-subfeature stdlib stlport : version : $(version) ;

    # Declare the main target for this STLPort version.
    stlport-target $(headers) : $(libraries) : $(version) ;