#   Copyright (c) 2005 Jo�o Abecasis
#   Copyright (c) 2005 Vladimir Prus
#   Copyright (c) 2006 Rene Rivera
#   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
#   accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#   http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

# This toolset defines a generator to translate QuickBook to BoostBook. It can
# be used to generate nice (!) user documentation in different formats
# (pdf/html/...), from a single text file with simple markup.
# The toolset defines the QUICKBOOK type (file extension 'qbk') and
# a QUICKBOOK to XML (BOOSTBOOK) generator.
#   ===========================================================================
#   Q & A
#   ===========================================================================
#   If you don't know what this is all about, some Q & A will hopefully get you
#   up to speed with QuickBook and this toolset.
#   What is QuickBook ?
#       QuickBook is a WikiWiki style documentation tool geared towards C++
#       documentation using simple rules and markup for simple formatting tasks.
#       QuickBook extends the WikiWiki concept. Like the WikiWiki, QuickBook
#       documents are simple text files. A single QuickBook document can
#       generate a fully linked set of nice HTML and PostScript/PDF documents
#       complete with images and syntax-colorized source code.
#   Where can I get QuickBook ?
#       Quickbook can be found in Boost's repository, under the tools/quickbook
#       directory it was added there on Jan 2005, some time after the release of
#       Boost v1.32.0 and has been an integral part of the Boost distribution
#       since v1.33.
#       Here's a link to the SVN repository:
#           https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk/tools/quickbook
#       And to QuickBook's QuickBook-generated docs:
#           http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/tools/quickbook/index.html
#   How do I use QuickBook and this toolset in my projects ?
#       The minimal example is:
#           using boostbook ;
#           import quickbook ;
#           boostbook my_docs : my_docs_source.qbk ;
#       where my_docs is a target name and my_docs_source.qbk is a QuickBook
#       file. The documentation format to be generated is determined by the
#       boostbook toolset. By default html documentation should be generated,
#       but you should check BoostBook's docs to be sure.
#   What do I need ?
#       You should start by setting up the BoostBook toolset. Please refer to
#       boostbook.jam and the BoostBook documentation for information on how to
#       do this.
#       A QuickBook executable is also needed. The toolset will generate this
#       executable if it can find the QuickBook sources. The following
#       directories will be searched:
#           BOOST_ROOT/tools/quickbook/
#           BOOST_BUILD_PATH/../../quickbook/
#       (BOOST_ROOT and BOOST_BUILD_PATH are environment variables)
#       If QuickBook sources are not found the toolset will then try to use
#       the shell command 'quickbook'.
#   How do I provide a custom QuickBook executable ?
#       You may put the following in your user-config.jam or site-config.jam:
#           using quickbook : /path/to/quickbook ;
#       or, if 'quickbook' can be found in your PATH,
#           using quickbook : quickbook ;
#   For convenience three alternatives are tried to get a QuickBook executable:
#       1.  If the user points us to the a QuickBook executable, that is used.
#       2.  Otherwise, we search for the QuickBook sources and compile QuickBook
#           using the default toolset.
#       3.  As a last resort, we rely on the shell for finding 'quickbook'.

import boostbook ;
import "class" : new ;
import feature ;
import generators ;
import toolset ;
import type ;
import scanner ;
import project ;
import targets ;
import build-system ;
import path ;
import common ;
import errors ;

# The one and only QUICKBOOK type!
type.register QUICKBOOK : qbk ;

# <quickbook-binary> shell command to run QuickBook
# <quickbook-binary-dependencies> targets to build QuickBook from sources.
feature.feature <quickbook-binary> : : free ;
feature.feature <quickbook-binary-dependencies> : : free dependency ;
feature.feature <quickbook-define> : : free ;
feature.feature <quickbook-indent> : : free ;
feature.feature <quickbook-line-width> : : free ;

# quickbook-binary-generator handles generation of the QuickBook executable, by
# marking it as a dependency for QuickBook docs.
# If the user supplied the QuickBook command that will be used.
# Otherwise we search some sensible places for the QuickBook sources and compile
# from scratch using the default toolset.
# As a last resort we rely on the shell to find 'quickbook'.
class quickbook-binary-generator : generator
    import modules path targets quickbook ;

    rule run ( project name ? : property-set : sources * : multiple ? )
        quickbook.freeze-config ;
        # QuickBook invocation command and dependencies.
        local quickbook-binary = [ modules.peek quickbook : .quickbook-binary ] ;
        local quickbook-binary-dependencies ;

        if ! $(quickbook-binary)
            # If the QuickBook source directory was found, mark its main target
            # as a dependency for the current project. Otherwise, try to find
            # 'quickbook' in user's PATH
            local quickbook-dir = [ modules.peek quickbook : .quickbook-dir ] ;
            if $(quickbook-dir)
                # Get the main-target in QuickBook directory.
                local quickbook-main-target = [ targets.resolve-reference $(quickbook-dir) : $(project) ] ;

                # The first element are actual targets, the second are
                # properties found in target-id. We do not care about these
                # since we have passed the id ourselves.
                quickbook-main-target =
                    [ $(quickbook-main-target[1]).main-target quickbook ] ;

                quickbook-binary-dependencies =
                    [ $(quickbook-main-target).generate [ $(property-set).propagated ] ] ;

                # Ignore usage-requirements returned as first element.
                quickbook-binary-dependencies = $(quickbook-binary-dependencies[2-]) ;

                # Some toolsets generate extra targets (e.g. RSP). We must mark
                # all targets as dependencies for the project, but we will only
                # use the EXE target for quickbook-to-boostbook translation.
                for local target in $(quickbook-binary-dependencies)
                    if [ $(target).type ] = EXE
                        quickbook-binary = 
                            [ path.native 
                                [ path.join
                                    [ $(target).path ]
                                    [ $(target).name ]
                            ] ;

        # Add $(quickbook-binary-dependencies) as a dependency of the current
        # project and set it as the <quickbook-binary> feature for the
        # quickbook-to-boostbook rule, below.
        property-set = [ $(property-set).add-raw
        ] ;

        return [ generator.run $(project) $(name) : $(property-set) : $(sources) : $(multiple) ] ;

# Define a scanner for tracking QBK include dependencies.
class qbk-scanner : common-scanner
    rule pattern ( )
        return "\\[[ ]*include[ ]+([^]]+)\\]" 
        "\\[[ ]*include:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[ ]+([^]]+)\\]" 
        "\\[[ ]*import[ ]+([^]]+)\\]" ;

scanner.register qbk-scanner : include ;

type.set-scanner QUICKBOOK : qbk-scanner ;

# Initialization of toolset.
# Parameters:
#   command ?    -> path to QuickBook executable.
# When command is not supplied toolset will search for QuickBook directory and
# compile the executable from source. If that fails we still search the path for
# 'quickbook'.
rule init (
        command ?   # path to the QuickBook executable.
    if $(command)
        if $(.config-frozen)
            errors.user-error "quickbook: configuration cannot be changed after it has been used." ;
        .command = $(command) ;

rule freeze-config ( )
    if ! $(.config-frozen)
        .config-frozen = true ;

        # QuickBook invocation command and dependencies.

        .quickbook-binary = $(.command) ;

        if $(.quickbook-binary)
            # Use user-supplied command.
            .quickbook-binary = [ common.get-invocation-command quickbook : quickbook : $(.quickbook-binary) ] ;
            # Search for QuickBook sources in sensible places, like
            #   $(BOOST_ROOT)/tools/quickbook
            #   $(BOOST_BUILD_PATH)/../../quickbook

            # And build quickbook executable from sources.

            local boost-root = [ modules.peek : BOOST_ROOT ] ;
            local boost-build-path = [ build-system.location ] ;

            if $(boost-root)
                .quickbook-dir += [ path.join $(boost-root) tools ] ;

            if $(boost-build-path)
                .quickbook-dir += $(boost-build-path)/../.. ;

            .quickbook-dir = [ path.glob $(.quickbook-dir) : quickbook ] ;

            # If the QuickBook source directory was found, mark its main target
            # as a dependency for the current project. Otherwise, try to find
            # 'quickbook' in user's PATH
            if $(.quickbook-dir)
                .quickbook-dir = [ path.make $(.quickbook-dir[1]) ] ;
                ECHO "QuickBook warning: The path to the quickbook executable was" ;
                ECHO "  not provided. Additionally, couldn't find QuickBook" ;
                ECHO "  sources searching in" ;
                ECHO "    * BOOST_ROOT/tools/quickbook" ;
                ECHO "    * BOOST_BUILD_PATH/../../quickbook" ;
                ECHO "  Will now try to find a precompiled executable by searching" ;
                ECHO "  the PATH for 'quickbook'." ;
                ECHO "  To disable this warning in the future, or to completely" ;
                ECHO "  avoid compilation of quickbook, you can explicitly set the" ;
                ECHO "  path to a quickbook executable command in user-config.jam" ;
                ECHO "  or site-config.jam with the call" ;
                ECHO "    using quickbook : /path/to/quickbook ;" ;

                # As a last resort, search for 'quickbook' command in path. Note
                # that even if the 'quickbook' command is not found,
                # get-invocation-command will still return 'quickbook' and might
                # generate an error while generating the virtual-target.

                .quickbook-binary = [ common.get-invocation-command quickbook : quickbook ] ;

generators.register [ new quickbook-binary-generator quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook : QUICKBOOK : XML ] ;

# <quickbook-binary> shell command to run QuickBook
# <quickbook-binary-dependencies> targets to build QuickBook from sources.
toolset.flags quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook QB-COMMAND      <quickbook-binary> ;
toolset.flags quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook QB-DEPENDENCIES <quickbook-binary-dependencies> ;
toolset.flags quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook INCLUDES        <include> ;
toolset.flags quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook QB-DEFINES      <quickbook-define> ;
toolset.flags quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook QB-INDENT       <quickbook-indent> ;
toolset.flags quickbook.quickbook-to-boostbook QB-LINE-WIDTH   <quickbook-line-width> ;

rule quickbook-to-boostbook ( target : source : properties * )
    # Signal dependency of quickbook sources on <quickbook-binary-dependencies>
    # upon invocation of quickbook-to-boostbook.
    DEPENDS $(target) : [ on $(target) return $(QB-DEPENDENCIES) ] ;

actions quickbook-to-boostbook
    "$(QB-COMMAND)" -I"$(INCLUDES)" -D"$(QB-DEFINES)" --indent="$(QB-INDENT)" --linewidth="$(QB-LINE-WIDTH)" --output-file="$(1)" "$(2)"

# Declare a main target to convert a quickbook source into a boostbook XML file.
rule to-boostbook ( target-name : sources * : requirements * : default-build * )
  local project = [ project.current ] ;
    [ new typed-target $(target-name) : $(project) : XML
        : [ targets.main-target-sources $(sources) : $(target-name) ] 
        : [ targets.main-target-requirements $(requirements) : $(project) ]
        : [ targets.main-target-default-build $(default-build) : $(project) ] 
    ] ;